def predict_and_save(patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, lr, dropout, patient, num_patients_train, num_patients_val, data_dirs, dataset): print('________________________________________________________________________________') print('patch size', patch_size) print('batch size', batch_size) print('learning rate', lr) print('dropout', dropout) print('patient:', patient) # create the name of current run run_name = config.get_run_name(patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, lr, dropout, num_patients_train, num_patients_val) print(run_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # LOADING MODEL, RESULTS AND WHOLE BRAIN MATRICES # ----------------------------------------------------------- model_filepath = config.get_model_filepath(run_name) print(model_filepath) model = load_model(model_filepath, custom_objects={'dice_coef_loss': dice_coef_loss, 'dice_coef': dice_coef}) train_metadata_filepath = config.get_train_metadata_filepath(run_name) with open(train_metadata_filepath, 'rb') as handle: train_metadata = pickle.load(handle) print('train setting: ', train_metadata['params']) print('> Loading image...') img_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_img.nii') # values between 0 and 255 print('> Loading mask...') mask_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_mask.nii') # values 0 and 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------- # PREDICTION # ----------------------------------------------------------- # the segmentation is going to be saved in this probability matrix prob_mat = np.zeros(img_mat.shape, dtype=np.float32) x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = prob_mat.shape # get the x, y and z coordinates where there is brain x, y, z = np.where(mask_mat) print('x shape:', x.shape) print('y shape:', y.shape) print('z shape:', z.shape) # get the z slices with brain z_slices = np.unique(z) # start cutting out and predicting the patches starttime_total = time.time() # proceed slice by slice for i in z_slices: print('Slice:', i) starttime_slice = time.time() slice_vox_inds = np.where(z == i) # find all x and y coordinates with brain in given slice x_in_slice = x[slice_vox_inds] y_in_slice = y[slice_vox_inds] # find min and max x and y coordinates slice_x_min = min(x_in_slice) slice_x_max = max(x_in_slice) slice_y_min = min(y_in_slice) slice_y_max = max(y_in_slice) # calculate number of predicted patches in x and y direction in given slice num_of_x_patches = - slice_x_min) / patch_size)) num_of_y_patches = - slice_y_min) / patch_size)) print('num x patches', num_of_x_patches) print('num y patches', num_of_y_patches) # predict patch by patch in given slice for j in range(num_of_x_patches): for k in range(num_of_y_patches): # find the starting and ending x and y coordinates of given patch patch_start_x = slice_x_min + patch_size * j patch_end_x = slice_x_min + patch_size * (j + 1) patch_start_y = slice_y_min + patch_size * k patch_end_y = slice_y_min + patch_size * (k + 1) # if the dimensions of the probability matrix are exceeded shift back the last patch if patch_end_x > x_dim: patch_end_x = slice_x_max patch_start_x = slice_x_max - patch_size if patch_end_y > y_dim: patch_end_y = slice_y_max patch_start_y = slice_y_max - patch_size # get the patch with the found coordinates from the image matrix img_patch = img_mat[patch_start_x: patch_end_x, patch_start_y: patch_end_y, i] # normalize the patch with mean and standard deviation calculated over training set img_patch = img_patch.astype(np.float) img_patch -= train_metadata['params']['mean'] img_patch /= train_metadata['params']['std'] # predict the patch with the model and save to probability matrix prob_mat[patch_start_x: patch_end_x, patch_start_y: patch_end_y, i] = np.reshape( model.predict( np.reshape(img_patch, (1, patch_size, patch_size, 1)), batch_size=1, verbose=0), (patch_size, patch_size)) # how long does the prediction take for one slice duration_slice = time.time() - starttime_slice print('prediction in slice took:', (duration_slice // 3600) % 60, 'hours', (duration_slice // 60) % 60, 'minutes', duration_slice % 60, 'seconds') # how long does the prediction take for a patient duration_total = time.time() - starttime_total print('prediction in total took:', (duration_total // 3600) % 60, 'hours', (duration_total // 60) % 60, 'minutes', duration_total % 60, 'seconds') # ----------------------------------------------------------- # SAVE AS NIFTI # ----------------------------------------------------------- helper.create_and_save_nifti(prob_mat, config.get_probs_filepath(run_name, patient, dataset))
assert num_patients == len( patients['working'] ), "Check config.PATIENT_FILES. The lists with names do not have the same length." for i in range(num_patients): print('DATA SET: ', dataset) if len(patients['working_augmented']) != 0: print(patients['original'][i], patients['working'][i], patients['working_augmented'][i]) else: print(patients['original'][i], patients['working'][i]) # load image, mask and label stacks as matrices print('Loading image...') img_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file(original_data_dir + patients['original'][i] + '/' + img_filename) print('Loading mask...') mask_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file(original_data_dir + patients['original'][i] + '/' + mask_filename) print('Loading label...') label_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file(original_data_dir + patients['original'][i] + '/' + label_filename) if plot: # visualize some slices helper.plot_some_images([img_mat, mask_mat, label_mat], 1, 80, 100, patients['original'][i], nr_rotations_for_plotting, 60) # check the dimensions
['working_augmented']) # number of patients in validation category ################################################ data_dirs = config.MODEL_DATA_DIRS run_name = config.get_run_name(patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, learning_rate, dropout, num_patients_train, num_patients_val) print(run_name) print('Patient:', patient) print() # ----------------------------------------------------------- # LOADING RESULTS # ----------------------------------------------------------- print('> Loading image ...') img_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file(data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_img.nii') print('> Loading label...') label_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file(data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_label.nii') print('> Loading probability map...') prob_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( config.get_probs_filepath(run_name, patient, dataset)) pred_class = (prob_mat > threshold).astype( np.uint8) # convert from boolean to int converted_pred_class = pred_class.copy().astype(int) converted_pred_class[converted_pred_class == 1] = -1 converted_pred_class[converted_pred_class == 0] = 1 error_map = label_mat - converted_pred_class print()
def measure_performance_and_save_to_csv(patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, lr, dropout, threshold, num_patients_train, num_patients_val, patients_segmentation, data_dirs, dataset, result_file): print( '________________________________________________________________________________' ) print('patch size', patch_size) print('batch size', batch_size) print('learning rate', lr) print('dropout', dropout) print('threshold', threshold) start_row = time.time() # create the name of current run run_name = config.get_run_name(patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, lr, dropout, num_patients_train, num_patients_val) print(run_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # TRAINING RESULTS # ----------------------------------------------------------- train_metadata_filepath = config.get_train_metadata_filepath(run_name) with open(train_metadata_filepath, 'rb') as handle: train_metadata = pickle.load(handle) print('Train params:') print(train_metadata['params']) print('Train performance:') tr_perf = train_metadata['performance'] print(tr_perf) row = [ patch_size, num_epochs, batch_size, lr, dropout, tr_perf['train_true_positives'], tr_perf['train_false_negatives'], tr_perf['train_false_positives'], tr_perf['train_true_negatives'], tr_perf['train_auc'], tr_perf['train_acc'], tr_perf['train_avg_acc'], tr_perf['train_dice'], tr_perf['val_true_positives'], tr_perf['val_false_negatives'], tr_perf['val_false_positives'], tr_perf['val_true_negatives'], tr_perf['val_auc'], tr_perf['val_acc'], tr_perf['val_avg_acc'], tr_perf['val_dice'] ] # ----------------------------------------------------------- # VALIDATION / TEST RESULTS # ----------------------------------------------------------- tp_list = [] fn_list = [] fp_list = [] tn_list = [] auc_list = [] acc_list = [] avg_acc_list = [] dice_list = [] for patient in patients_segmentation: print(patient) print('> Loading label...') label_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_label.nii') # values 0 or 1 print('> Loading probability map...') prob_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( config.get_probs_filepath(run_name, patient, dataset)) # values between 0 and 1 pred_class = (prob_mat > threshold).astype( np.uint8) # convert from boolean to int, values 0 or 1 print() print('Computing performance measures...') label_mat_f = np.asarray(label_mat).flatten() prob_mat_f = np.asarray(prob_mat).flatten() pred_classes_f = np.asarray(pred_class).flatten() val_auc = roc_auc_score(label_mat_f, prob_mat_f) val_acc = accuracy_score(label_mat_f, pred_classes_f) val_avg_acc, val_tn, val_fp, val_fn, val_tp = avg_class_acc( label_mat_f, pred_classes_f) val_dice = f1_score(label_mat_f, pred_classes_f) tp_list.append(val_tp) fn_list.append(val_fn) fp_list.append(val_fp) tn_list.append(val_tn) auc_list.append(val_auc) acc_list.append(val_acc) avg_acc_list.append(val_avg_acc) dice_list.append(val_dice) row = row + [ np.mean(tp_list), np.mean(fn_list), np.mean(fp_list), np.mean(tn_list), np.mean(auc_list), np.mean(acc_list), np.mean(avg_acc_list), np.mean(dice_list) ] print('Complete row:', row) print('Writing to csv...') with open(result_file, 'a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) duration_row = int(time.time() - start_row) print('performance assessment took:', (duration_row // 3600) % 60, 'hours', (duration_row // 60) % 60, 'minutes', duration_row % 60, 'seconds')
else: assert len(patients['original']) == len( patients['working'] ), "Check config.PATIENT_FILES. The lists with names do not have the same length." all_patients = patients['working'] + patients['working_augmented'] print('All patients:', all_patients) for patient in all_patients: print('DATA SET: ', dataset) print('PATIENT: ', patient) # load image and label stacks as matrices print('> Loading image...') img_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_img.nii') # values between 0 and 255 print('> Loading mask...') mask_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_mask.nii') # values 0 or 1 print('> Loading label...') label_mat = helper.load_nifti_mat_from_file( data_dirs[dataset] + patient + '_label.nii') # values 0 or 1 current_nr_extracted_patches = 0 # counts already extracted patches img_patches = {} # dictionary to save image patches label_patches = {} # dictionary to save label patches # make lists in dictionaries for each extracted patch size for size in patch_sizes: img_patches[str(size)] = [] label_patches[str(size)] = []