def get_user_post(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: request_url = (base_url + 'users/%s/media/recent/?access_token=%s') % ( user_id, app_access_token) print '\nGET request url : %s' % (request_url) user_media = requests.get(request_url).json() if user_media['meta']['code'] == 200: if len(user_media['data']): #return user_media['data'][0]['id'] image_name = user_media['data'][0]['id'] + '.jpeg' image_url = user_media['data'][0]['images'][ 'standard_resolution']['url'] urllib.urlretrieve(image_url, image_name) print colored( 'Your friend\'s recent post has been downloaded!', 'green') else: print "There is no recent post!" exit() else: print colored(user_media['meta']['error_message'], 'red') exit() else: # if user enter wrong user name which does not exist print colored("User not found", 'red') exit()
def get_list_of_comment(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: media_id = get_media_id(user_id) request_url = (base_url + 'media/' + media_id + '/comments?access_token=%s') % (app_access_token) comment_list = requests.get(request_url).json() if comment_list['meta']['code'] == 200: if len(comment_list['data']): print colored("\nSome recent comments are", 'green') count = 0 for ele in comment_list['data']: count += 1 print "%d.\n comment: " % (count) + colored( ele['text'], "green") print " user name: " + colored(ele['from']["username"], "yellow") else: print colored('no comment on this post till now', 'green') exit() else: # if access token is wrong an error message gets printed print colored(comment_list['meta']['error_message'], 'red') exit() else: print colored("User not found", 'red')
def like_a_post(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: media_id = get_media_id(user_id) request_url = (base_url + 'media/%s/likes') % (media_id) payload = {"access_token": app_access_token} print 'POST request url is : %s' % (request_url) post_a_like =, payload).json() if post_a_like['meta']['code'] == 200: print colored('Successful Done!', 'green') else: print colored('Some Error. Try again!', 'yellow') else: print colored("Incorrect Username", 'red')
def post_a_comment(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: media_id = get_media_id(user_id) comment_text = raw_input("Your comment: ") payload = {"access_token": app_access_token, "text": comment_text} request_url = (base_url + 'media/%s/comments') % (media_id) print 'POST request url : %s' % (request_url) make_comment =, payload).json() if make_comment['meta']['code'] == 200: print colored("Successfully added a new comment!", "green") else: print colored("Unable to add comment. Try again!", "red") else: print colored("Incorrect Username")
def delete_negative_comment(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: media_id = get_media_id(user_id) request_url = (base_url + 'media/%s/comments/?access_token=%s') % ( media_id, app_access_token) print 'GET request url : %s' % (request_url) comment_info = requests.get(request_url).json() if comment_info['meta']['code'] == 200: if len(comment_info['data']): print colored("\nSome recent comments with sentiment analysis", 'yellow') count = 0 for ele in comment_info['data']: count += 1 print "\n%d.\ncomment: " % (count) + colored( ele['text'], "green") blob = TextBlob(ele['text'], analyzer=NaiveBayesAnalyzer()) print blob.sentiment if (blob.sentiment.p_neg > blob.sentiment.p_pos): print colored("Negative comment", "red") delete_url = ( base_url + 'media/%s/comments/%s/?access_token=%s' ) % (media_id, ele['id'], app_access_token) print colored('DELETE request url :', 'red') print("%s\n" % (delete_url)) delete_info = requests.delete(delete_url).json() if delete_info['meta']['code'] == 200: print colored('Comment successfully deleted!', 'green') else: print colored('Unable to delete comment!', 'yellow') else: print colored("Positive comment", 'green') print "user name: " + colored(ele['from']["username"], "green") else: print colored('no comment on this post till now', 'green') exit() else: # if access token is wrong an error message gets printed print colored(comment_info['meta']['error_message'], 'red') exit() else: print colored("Incorrect Username", 'red')
def friend_info(): user_id = friend_id( ) #calling friend_id function to access the id of the user if user_id: request_url = (base_url + 'users/%s/?access_token=%s') % ( user_id, app_access_token) request_object = requests.get(request_url) info = request_object.json() print colored('Your friend\'s info is:', 'green'), info print colored( "Your friend\'s Follower:", 'green') + (" %s") % (info['data']['counts']['followed_by']) print colored('People your friend Follows:', 'green') + (" %s") % (info['data']['counts']['follows']) print colored('No. of posts:', "green") + (" %s") % (info['data']['counts']['media']) else: #if user enter wrong user name which does not exist print colored("User not found", 'red')
def interest(): user_id = friend_id() if user_id: request_url = (base_url + 'users/' + user_id + '/media/recent/?access_token=%s') % (app_access_token) hashtag = requests.get(request_url).json() if hashtag['meta']['code'] == 200: if len(hashtag['data']): print colored("\nSome recent post with hashtags: ", 'green') count = 0 tags_list = [] for ele in hashtag['data']: count += 1 if ele['tags'] == []: print '\n%d\n ' % (count) + colored( 'no hashtag', 'yellow') #tags_list.append('') else: print "\n%d" % (count) for tag in range(0, len(ele['tags'])): print "tags: " + colored(ele['tags'][tag], "green") tags_list.append(ele['tags'][tag]) print " post url: " + colored( ele['images']['standard_resolution']['url'], "yellow") if len(tags_list) > 0: # contains all values with there frequency in tags_list list and store it in counts(dictionary) # note: return typr of Counter is dictionary counts = Counter(tags_list) # use to plot graph on the basis of hashtag analysis of user wordcloud = WordCloud().generate_from_frequencies(counts) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") # print the frequecy of each hashtag print '\n' for ele in counts: print "%s : %d" % (ele, counts[ele]) else: print colored("no hashtag on user's post", 'red') """ caption_list_count = [] for value in caption_list: caption_list_count.append(caption_list.count(value)) print len(caption_list_count) print caption_list_count print caption_list x = np.arange(len(caption_list_count)), height = caption_list_count) plt.xticks(x+1,caption_list) plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) """ else: print colored('no post till now: ', 'yellow') exit() else: # if access token is wrong an error message gets printed print colored(hashtag['meta']['error_message'], 'red') exit() else: print colored("User not found", 'red')