コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, a, b):
     neg_x, pos_x = min(a.x, b.x), max(a.x, b.x)
     neg_y, pos_y = min(a.y, b.y), max(a.y, b.y)
     self.upper_left = Position(neg_x, pos_y)
     self.upper_right = Position(pos_x, pos_y)
     self.lower_right = Position(pos_x, neg_y)
     self.lower_left = Position(neg_x, neg_y)
コード例 #2
def intersection_between_lines(a1: Position, a2: Position, b1: Position,
                               b2: Position) -> Position:
    s = np.vstack([a1.array, a2.array, b1.array, b2.array])
    h = np.hstack((s, np.ones((4, 1))))
    l1 = np.cross(h[0], h[1])  # first line
    l2 = np.cross(h[2], h[3])  # second line
    x, y, z = np.cross(l1, l2)  # point of intersection
    if z == 0:
        raise ValueError("Parallel lines")
    return Position(x / z, y / z)
コード例 #3
def intersection_line_and_circle(cp: Position, cr: float, lp1: Position,
                                 lp2: Position) -> List[Position]:
    # Based on http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html
    lp1 = lp1.copy() - cp
    lp2 = lp2.copy() - cp
    d = lp2 - lp1
    det = lp1.x * lp2.y - lp2.x * lp1.y

    delta = cr**2 * d.norm**2 - det**2
    if delta < 0:
        return []  # No intersection

    x1 = (det * d.y + np.sign(d.y) * d.x * np.sqrt(delta)) / (d.norm**2)
    y1 = (-det * d.x + abs(d.y) * np.sqrt(delta)) / (d.norm**2)
    if delta == 0:
        return [Position(x1, y1) + cp]  # Tangential

    x2 = (det * d.y - np.sign(d.y) * d.x * np.sqrt(delta)) / (d.norm**2)
    y2 = (-det * d.x - abs(d.y) * np.sqrt(delta)) / (d.norm**2)
    return [Position(x1, y1) + cp, Position(x2, y2) + cp]
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, p_game_state):

        for role, player in self.assigned_roles.items():
                                   center_of_zone=Position(-0, 0),
コード例 #5
def best_position_in_region(player, A, B):
    # Retourne la position (dans un rectangle aux points A et B) la mieux placée pour une passe
    ncounts = 5
    bottom_left = Position(min(A.x, B.x), min(A.y, B.y))
    top_right = Position(max(A.x, B.x), max(A.y, B.y))
    ball_position = GameState().ball_position

    positions = []
    for i in range(ncounts):
        x_point = bottom_left.x + i * (top_right.x - bottom_left.x) / (ncounts - 1)
        for j in range(ncounts):
            y_point = bottom_left.y + j * (top_right.y - bottom_left.y) / (ncounts - 1)
            positions += [Position(x_point, y_point).array]
    positions = np.stack(positions)
    # la maniere full cool de calculer la norme d'un matrice verticale de vecteur horizontaux:
    dists_from_ball_raw = np.sqrt(((positions - ball_position.array) *
                               (positions - ball_position.array)).sum(axis=1))
    positions = positions[dists_from_ball_raw > 1000, :]
    dists_from_ball = dists_from_ball_raw[dists_from_ball_raw > 1000]
    scores = line_of_sight_clearance_ball(player, positions, dists_from_ball)
    our_side = GameState().field.our_goal_x
    if abs(A.x - our_side) < abs(B.x - our_side):
        x_closest_to_our_side = A.x
        x_closest_to_our_side = B.x

    width = abs(A.x - B.x)

    saturation_modifier = np.clip((positions[:, 0] - x_closest_to_our_side) / width, 0.05, 1)
    scores /= saturation_modifier
        best_score_index = np.argmin(scores)
        best_position = positions[best_score_index, :]
    except IndexError:
        best_position = Position()

    return best_position
コード例 #6
    def _update(self, referee_info: Dict) -> None:
        self.stage = Stage(referee_info["stage"])

        # TODO: Currently the only optional field that we might rely on is the time left
        # since most packet don't specify it we need a additional state to track it
        if "stage_time_left" in referee_info:
            self.stage_time_left = referee_info["stage_time_left"]

        if "blueTeamOnPositiveHalf" in referee_info:
            self.blue_team_is_positive = referee_info["blueTeamOnPositiveHalf"]

        if "designated_position" in referee_info:
            self.ball_placement_position = self._convert_vision_position_to_ai_position(

        raw_command = RawRefereeCommand(referee_info["command"])

        if "blueTeamOnPositiveHalf" in referee_info and Config(

        self.command = self._parse_command(raw_command)
コード例 #7
 def center(self):
     return self.lower_left + Position(self.width / 2, self.height / 2)
コード例 #8
def random_direction():
    return normalize(Position.from_array(np.random.randn(2)))
コード例 #9
def perpendicular(vec: Position) -> Position:
    return normalize(Position(-vec.y, vec.x))
コード例 #10
def normalize(vec: Position) -> Position:
    if vec.norm == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError
    return vec.copy() / vec.norm
コード例 #11
def rotate(vec: Position, angle: float) -> Position:
    rotation = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],
                         [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]])
    return Position.from_array(rotation @ vec.array)
コード例 #12
 def from_limits(cls, top, bottom, right, left):
     return cls(Position(left, top), Position(right, bottom))
コード例 #13
ファイル: GoBehind.py プロジェクト: stephenYan/StrategyAI
def GoBehind(player: Player, position1: Position, position2: Optional[Position]=None,
             distance_behind: float=250,
             orientation: str= 'front'):
    Action GoBehind: Déplace le robot au point le plus proche sur la droite, derrière un objet dont la position
    est passée en paramètre, de sorte que cet objet se retrouve entre le robot et la seconde position passée
    en paramètre
    Méthodes :
        exec(self): Retourne la pose où se rendre
    Attributs (en plus de ceux de Action):
        player_id : L'identifiant du joueur
        position1 : La position de l'objet derrière lequel le robot doit se placer (exemple: le ballon)
        position2 : La position par rapport à laquelle le robot doit être "derrière" l'objet de la position 1
                    (exemple: le but)
    delta_x = position2.x - position1.x
    delta_y = position2.y - position1.y
    theta = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)

    x = position1.x - distance_behind * math.cos(theta)
    y = position1.y - distance_behind * math.sin(theta)

    player_x = player.pose.position.x
    player_y = player.pose.position.y

    norm_player_2_position2 = math.sqrt((player_x - position2.x) ** 2+(player_y - position2.y) ** 2)
    norm_position1_2_position2 = math.sqrt((position1.x - position2.x) ** 2 +
                                           (position1.y - position2.y) ** 2)

    if norm_player_2_position2 < norm_position1_2_position2:
        # on doit contourner l'objectif

        vecteur_position1_2_position2 = np.array([position1.x - position2.x,
                                                  position1.y - position2.y, 0])
        vecteur_vertical = np.array([0, 0, 1])

        vecteur_player_2_position1 = np.array([position1.x - player_x,
                                               position1.y - player_y, 0])

        vecteur_perp = np.cross(vecteur_position1_2_position2, vecteur_vertical)
        vecteur_perp /= np.linalg.norm(vecteur_perp)

        if np.dot(vecteur_perp, vecteur_player_2_position1) > 0:
            vecteur_perp = -vecteur_perp

        position_intermediaire_x = x + vecteur_perp[0] * RAYON_AVOID
        position_intermediaire_y = y + vecteur_perp[1] * RAYON_AVOID
        if math.sqrt((player_x-position_intermediaire_x)**2+(player_y-position_intermediaire_y)**2) < 50:
            position_intermediaire_x += vecteur_perp[0] * RAYON_AVOID * 2
            position_intermediaire_y += vecteur_perp[1] * RAYON_AVOID * 2

        destination_position = Position(position_intermediaire_x, position_intermediaire_y)
        if math.sqrt((player_x-x)**2+(player_y-y)**2) < 50:
            x -= math.cos(theta) * 2
            y -= math.sin(theta) * 2
        destination_position = Position(x, y)

    # Calcul de l'orientation de la pose de destination
    destination_orientation = 0
    if orientation == 'front':
        destination_orientation = wrap_to_pi((position1 - destination_position).angle)
    elif orientation == 'back':
        destination_orientation = wrap_to_pi((position1 - destination_position).angle + np.pi)

    destination_pose = Pose(destination_position, destination_orientation)
    return MoveTo(destination_pose)