filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.files_to_plot, args.selection) if not args.no_data: data_hist = cutflow_maker.getHist("data_2016", "stat", args.hist_file) else: data_hist = 0 hist_stack = getMonteCarloStack("stack", cutflow_maker, filelist, args.uncertainties, not args.no_scalefactors, args.hist_file) signal_stack = 0 if len(args.signal_files) > 0: signal_filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.signal_files, args.selection) signal_stack = getMonteCarloStack("signal_stack", cutflow_maker, signal_filelist, args.uncertainties, not args.no_scalefactors, args.hist_file) hist_stack.Draw() canvas = helper.makePlots([hist_stack], [data_hist], "yieldByChan", args, [signal_stack]) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.3) ratioPad = ROOT.gPad.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("ratioPad") hist = ratioPad.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject( 'yieldByChan_canvas_central_ratioHist') hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.2) makeLogFile(channels, hist_stack, data_hist, signal_stack) plot_name = 'yieldByChannel' if args.append_to_name != "": plot_name += "_" + args.append_to_name (plot_path, html_path) = helper.getPlotPaths(args.selection, args.folder_name) helper.savePlot(canvas, plot_path, html_path, plot_name, True, args)
def main(): args = getComLineArgs() logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else (logging.ERROR if args.quiet else logging.INFO))) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptDate(0) if args.hist_file == "": ROOT.TProof.Open('workers=12') filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.files_to_plot, args.selection) path = "/cms/kdlong" if "" in os.environ['HOSTNAME'] else \ "/afs/" config_factory = ConfigHistFactory( "%s/AnalysisDatasetManager" % path, #args.selection.split("_")[0], args.selection, args.object_restrict ) branches = config_factory.getListOfPlotObjects() if args.branches == "all" \ else [x.strip() for x in args.branches.split(",")] cut_string = args.make_cut (plot_path, html_path) = helper.getPlotPaths(args.selection, args.folder_name, True) meta_info = '-'*80 + '\n' + \ 'Script called at %s\n' % + \ 'The command was: %s\n' % ' '.join(sys.argv) + \ '-'*80 + '\n' for branch in branches: hist_stacks = [] signal_stacks = [] data_hists = [] for branch_name in branch.split("+"): with open("temp.txt", "w") as mc_file: mc_file.write(meta_info) mc_file.write("Selection: %s" % args.selection) mc_file.write("\nAdditional cut: %s" % ("None" if cut_string == "" else cut_string)) mc_file.write("\nLuminosity: %0.2f fb^{-1}" % (args.luminosity)) mc_file.write("\nPlotting branch: %s\n" % branch_name) try: hist_stack = getStacked("stack_"+branch_name, config_factory, args.selection, filelist, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, not args.no_overflow, args.latex, cut_string, args.luminosity, args.rebin, args.uncertainties, args.hist_file, args.scale) except ValueError as e: logging.warning('\033[91m'+ str(e)+'\033[0m') continue if != 'none': if args.hist_file == "": data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromTree(config_factory,, args.selection, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, 1, not args.no_overflow, args.rebin, cut_string) else: data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromFile(args.hist_file, config_factory,, args.selection, branch_name, args.channels,addOverflow=(not args.no_overflow), rebin=args.rebin) with open("temp.txt", "a") as events_log_file: events_log_file.write("\nNumber of events in data: %i\n" % data_hist.Integral()) else: data_hist = 0 signal_stack = 0 if len(args.signal_files) > 0: signal_filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.signal_files, args.selection) signal_stack = getStacked("signal_stack_"+branch_name, config_factory, args.selection, signal_filelist, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, not args.no_overflow, args.latex, cut_string, args.luminosity, args.rebin, args.uncertainties, args.hist_file) hist_stacks.append(hist_stack) signal_stacks.append(signal_stack) data_hists.append(data_hist) if not hist_stacks: continue name = branch.replace("+","_") plot_name = name if args.append_to_name == "" else "_".join([name, args.append_to_name]) #embed() canvas = helper.makePlots(hist_stacks, data_hists, name, args, signal_stacks) #ratioPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("ratioPad") #stackPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("stackPad") #ratiohist = ratioPad.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject('%s_canvas_central_ratioHist' % name) #for i in ratioPad.GetListOfPrimitives(): print i #xaxis = hist.GetXaxis() #xaxis.SetLabelOffset(1.2) helper.savePlot(canvas, plot_path, html_path, plot_name, True, args) makeSimpleHtml.writeHTML(html_path.replace("/plots",""), args.selection)
def main(): args = getComLineArgs() ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) (plot_path, html_path) = helper.getPlotPaths(args.selection, args.folder_name, True) meta_info = '-'*80 + '\n' + \ 'Script called at %s\n' % + \ 'The command was: %s\n' % ' '.join(sys.argv) + \ '-'*80 + '\n' rtfile = ROOT.TFile(args.hist_file) channels = args.channels.split(",") hist_info = {} hist_info["predyield"] = OrderedDict( {chan: [0, 0] for chan in channels + ["total"]}) for branch in args.branches.split(","): with open("temp.txt", "w") as mc_file: mc_file.write(meta_info) mc_file.write("Selection: %s" % args.selection) mc_file.write("\nPlotting branch: %s\n" % branch) plot_name = branch if args.append_to_name: plot_name += "_" + args.append_to_name hist_stack = ROOT.THStack("stack_postfit", "stack_postfit") signal_stack = ROOT.THStack("signalstack_prefit", "sig_prefit") data_hist = 0 plot_groups = args.files_to_plot.split(",") if not args.no_data: plot_groups.append("data") if args.signal_files: plot_groups.extend(args.signal_files.split(",")) isHiggs = "higgs" in args.signal_files.lower() for i, plot_group in enumerate(plot_groups): hist_info[plot_group] = OrderedDict( {chan: [0, 0] for chan in channels + ["total"]}) isSignal = False central_hist = 0 for chan in channels: folder = "shapes_fit_b" if args.backgroundOnly else "shapes_fit_s" if i >= len( args.files_to_plot.split(",")) + (not args.no_data): isSignal = True if plot_group != "EW-WZjj": folder = "shapes_prefit" hist_name = "/".join([ folder, chan, plot_group if plot_group != "wzjj-ewk_filled" else "EW-WZjj" ]) hist = rtfile.Get(hist_name) if not hist: raise RuntimeError("Error: Failed to find hist %s" % hist_name) if hist.InheritsFrom("TGraph"): hist = histFromGraph(hist, "_".join([plot_group, chan])) if args.noCR: hist = removeControlRegion(hist) if "MTWZ" in plot_name: hist = rebinMTWZ(hist, hist_name, isHiggs) elif args.rebin: hist = setBinning(hist, hist_name, args.rebin) if "yieldByChannel" in plot_name: hist = getYieldByChannelHist(hist, chan) if not central_hist: central_hist = hist central_hist.SetName(plot_group) else: central_hist.Add(hist) error = array.array('d', [0]) integral = hist.IntegralAndError(0, hist.GetNbinsX(), error) hist_info[plot_group][chan] = (integral, error[0]) with open("temp.txt", "a") as mc_file: mc_file.write( "\nYield for %s in channel %s is %0.3f $pm$ %0.3f" % (plot_group, chan, integral, error[0])) path = "/cms/USER" if "" in os.environ['HOSTNAME'] else \ "/afs/" path = path.replace("USER", os.environ["USER"]) config_factory = ConfigHistFactory( "%s/AnalysisDatasetManager" % path, args.selection.split("_")[0], ) scale_fac = 1 scale = False error = array.array('d', [0]) integral = central_hist.IntegralAndError(0, central_hist.GetNbinsX(), error) hist_info[plot_group]["total"] = (integral, error[0]) with open("temp.txt", "a") as mc_file: mc_file.write("\nCombined yield for %s is %0.3f $pm$ %0.3f" % (plot_group, integral, error[0])) config_factory.setHistAttributes(central_hist, branch, plot_group) if plot_group != "data" and not isSignal: hist_stack.Add(central_hist) elif isSignal: signal_stack.Add(central_hist) else: data_hist = central_hist data_hist.Sumw2(False) data_hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) if not signal_stack.GetHists(): signal_stack = 0 error_hist = 0 bkerror_hist = 0 folder = "shapes_fit_b" if args.backgroundOnly else "shapes_fit_s" for chan in channels: bkerror_chan = rtfile.Get("/".join( [folder, chan, "total_background"])) error_chan = rtfile.Get("/".join([folder, chan, "total"])) if args.noCR: error_chan = removeControlRegion(error_chan) bkerror_chan = removeControlRegion(bkerror_chan) if "MTWZ" in plot_name: error_chan = rebinMTWZ(error_chan, "tmp", isHiggs) bkerror_chan = rebinMTWZ(bkerror_chan, "bktmp", isHiggs) if "yieldByChannel" in plot_name: error_chan = getYieldByChannelHist(error_chan, chan) bkerror_chan = getYieldByChannelHist(bkerror_chan, chan) if not error_hist: error_hist = error_chan.Clone("errors") bkerror_hist = bkerror_chan.Clone("bkerrors") else: error_hist.Add(error_chan) bkerror_hist.Add(bkerror_chan) error = array.array('d', [0]) integral = bkerror_chan.IntegralAndError(0, bkerror_chan.GetNbinsX(), error) hist_info["predyield"][chan] = (integral, error[0]) error = array.array('d', [0]) integral = bkerror_hist.IntegralAndError(1, bkerror_hist.GetNbinsX(), error) hist_info["predyield"]["total"] = (integral, error[0]) plotter.setErrorsStyle(error_hist) canvas = helper.makePlots([hist_stack], [data_hist], plot_name, args, signal_stacks=[signal_stack], errors=[error_hist] if error_hist else []) if "CR" not in plot_name and "unrolled" in plot_name: ratioPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("ratioPad") stackPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("stackPad") ratiohist = ratioPad.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject( '%s_canvas_central_ratioHist' % plot_name) xaxis = hist.GetXaxis() maximum = hist_stack.GetHistogram().GetMaximum() for i in [4, 8]: line = ROOT.TLine(xaxis.GetBinUpEdge(i), hist_stack.GetMinimum(), xaxis.GetBinUpEdge(i), maximum) line.SetLineStyle(7) line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray + 2) line.SetLineWidth(2) line.Draw() ROOT.SetOwnership(line, False) for i, label in enumerate( ["#in [2.5, 4.0]", "#in [4.0, 5.0]", "#geq 5.0 "]): xmin = 0.215 + 0.24 * i + 0.052 * (i == 2) ymin = 0.12 if i == 2 else 0.5 ymax = ymin + (0.2 if i == 0 else 0.18) xmax = xmin + (0.19 if i == 0 else 0.175) text_box = ROOT.TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, "NDCnb") text_box.SetFillColor(0) text_box.SetTextFont(42) text_box.AddText("|#scale[0.5]{ }#Delta#eta_{jj}| %s" % label) text_box.Draw() ROOT.SetOwnership(text_box, False) makeLogFile(channels, hist_info, args) stackPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("stackPad") stackPad.RedrawAxis() # Force it to offset in desperate situations #ratioPad = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject("ratioPad") #ratiohist = ratioPad.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject('%s_canvas_central_ratioHist' % plot_name) #ratiohist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() helper.savePlot(canvas, plot_path, html_path, plot_name, True, args) makeSimpleHtml.writeHTML(html_path.replace("/plots", ""), args.selection)
def main(): #pdb.set_trace() args = getComLineArgs() with open('varsFile.json') as var_json_file: myvar_dict = json.load(var_json_file) for key in myvar_dict.keys(): if args.branches==str(key): args.rebin = myvar_dict[key]['_binning'] ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptDate(0) if args.hist_file == "": ROOT.TProof.Open('workers=12') filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.files_to_plot, args.selection) print filelist path = "/cms/uhussain" if "" in os.environ['HOSTNAME'] else \ "/afs/" config_factory = ConfigHistFactory( "%s/ZZ4lRun2DatasetManager" % path, args.selection.split("_")[0], args.object_restrict ) #print args.selection, args.selection.split("_")[0] #print args.rebin branches = config_factory.getListOfPlotObjects() if args.branches == "all" \ else [x.strip() for x in args.branches.split(",")] print branches cut_string = args.make_cut (plot_path, html_path) = helper.getPlotPaths(args.selection, args.folder_name, True) meta_info = '-'*80 + '\n' + \ 'Script called at %s\n' % + \ 'The command was: %s\n' % ' '.join(sys.argv) + \ '-'*80 + '\n' for branch in branches: hist_stacks = [] signal_stacks = [] data_hists = [] for branch_name in branch.split("+"): with open("temp.txt", "w") as mc_file: mc_file.write(meta_info) mc_file.write("Selection: %s" % args.selection) mc_file.write("\nAdditional cut: %s" % ("None" if cut_string == "" else cut_string)) mc_file.write("\nLuminosity: %0.2f fb^{-1}" % (args.luminosity)) mc_file.write("\nPlotting branch: %s\n" % branch_name) try: #pdb.set_trace() hist_stack = getStacked("stack_"+branch_name, config_factory, args.selection, filelist, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, not args.no_overflow, args.latex, cut_string, args.luminosity, args.rebin, args.uncertainties, args.hist_file) except ValueError as e: logging.warning('\033[91m'+ str(e)+'\033[0m') continue if not args.no_data: #pdb.set_trace() if args.hist_file == "": #data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromTree(config_factory, "data_all", args.selection, data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromTree(config_factory, "data_all", args.selection, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, 1, not args.no_overflow, args.rebin, cut_string) else: #data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromFile(args.hist_file, config_factory, "data_all", data_hist = helper.getConfigHistFromFile(args.hist_file, config_factory, "data_all", args.selection, branch_name, args.channels,addOverflow=(not args.no_overflow), rebin=args.rebin) with open("temp.txt", "a") as events_log_file: events_log_file.write("\nNumber of events in data: %i\n" % data_hist.Integral()) else: data_hist = 0 signal_stack = 0 if len(args.signal_files) > 0: signal_filelist = UserInput.getListOfFiles(args.signal_files, args.selection) signal_stack = getStacked("signal_stack_"+branch_name, config_factory, args.selection, signal_filelist, branch_name, args.channels, args.blinding, not args.no_overflow, args.latex, cut_string, args.luminosity, args.rebin, args.uncertainties, args.hist_file) hist_stacks.append(hist_stack) signal_stacks.append(signal_stack) data_hists.append(data_hist) if not hist_stacks: continue name = branch.replace("+","_") plot_name = name if args.append_to_name == "" else "_".join([name, args.append_to_name]) #embed() canvas = helper.makePlots(hist_stacks, data_hists, name, args, signal_stacks) helper.savePlot(canvas, plot_path, html_path, plot_name, True, args) makeSimpleHtml.writeHTML(html_path.replace("/plots",""), args.selection)