def find_new_chains(): func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code"Starting to find new chains") # Get the blockchains of every other node peers = variables.PEER_NODES logging.debug("peers: {}".format(len(peers))) other_chains = [] for node_url in peers: blockchain_json = None found_blockchain = [] url = "http://" + node_url + ":" + str(variables.PORT) + "/blocks" try: logging.debug("Attempting to access {}".format(node_url)) blockchain_json = except: logging.warning("Failed to access {}, removing from peers".format(node_url)) variables.PEER_NODES.remove(node_url) continue # Convert the JSON object to a Python dictionary if blockchain_json is not None: blockchain_json = json.loads(blockchain_json.content) for block_json in blockchain_json: temp = Block() temp.importjson(block_json) if Utility.validate(temp): logging.debug("Block validated, adding") found_blockchain.append(temp) else: logging.warning("Block NOT valid, next peer") continue # Verify other node block is correct logging.debug("Attempting to validate this: {}".format(found_blockchain)) validated = Utility.validate_blockchain(found_blockchain) if validated: logging.debug("Blockchain did validate") other_chains.append(found_blockchain) else: logging.warning("Blockchain did not validate") continue"Ending find new chains") return other_chains
def consensus(): func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code"Starting Consensus") peers = variables.PEER_NODES logging.debug("Peers: {}".format(peers)) if len(peers) == 0:"Ending consensus, we have no peers") return False # Get the blocks from other nodes other_chains = find_new_chains() if len(other_chains) == 0: logging.debug("no chains found")"Ending consensus, no other chains found") return False if type(other_chains[0]) != type([]): if len(other_chains) < len(variables.BLOCKCHAIN): logging.debug("Our blockchain is bigger")"Ending consensus, rejecting others") return False else:"Ending consensus, we have one peer with a longer blockchain") return other_chains # If our chain isn't longest, then we store the longest chain longest = 0 max_length = 0 for i in range(len(other_chains)): if Utility.validate_blockchain(other_chains[i]): chain_length = len(other_chains[i]) if chain_length > max_length: max_length = chain_length longest = i if len(other_chains[longest]) == len(variables.BLOCKCHAIN): logging.debug("Our blockchain is the same size1")"Ending consensus, rejecting others") return False"Ending Consensus with a chain") logging.debug("Consensus returned: {}".format(other_chains[longest])) return other_chains[longest]
import logging FORMAT = "[{%(levelname)s} %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s() ] %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(filename='scratch.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT) from Mining.Block import Block import time import User.User as User import Utilities.Utility as Utility WORK = 3 BLOCKCHAIN = [] BLOCKCHAIN.append(Utility.create_genesis_block()) while True: if len(BLOCKCHAIN) == 2500: break last_block = BLOCKCHAIN[len(BLOCKCHAIN) - 1] now = time.time() data = [{"from": "network", "to": User.public_key, "amount": 1.0}] done = False block = None while not done: effort, pow_hash_object = Utility.genhash(last_block.index + 1, now, data, last_block.hash) leading_zeroes = Utility.leadingzeroes(pow_hash_object.digest()) if leading_zeroes >= WORK: done = True block = Block(last_block.index + 1, now, pow_hash_object.hexdigest(), effort, data, last_block.hash) BLOCKCHAIN.append(block) Utility.validate_blockchain(BLOCKCHAIN)