コード例 #1
def execMailInvalidRPT01(strJobPathRES, strEDINo, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listInvalidRPT01 = getInvalidRPT01List(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strEDINo)
    listInvalidRPT01ProdPos = getInvalidRPT01ProdPosList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01ProdInv = getInvalidRPT01ProdInvList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01StorePos = getInvalidRPT01StorePosList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01StoreInv = getInvalidRPT01StoreInvList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01StoreComPos = getInvalidRPT01StoreComPosList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01StoreComInv = getInvalidRPT01StoreComInvList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)
    listInvalidRPT01WHComInv = getInvalidRPT01WHComInvList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB)

    if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listInvalidRPT01, \
                         listInvalidRPT01ProdPos, listInvalidRPT01ProdInv, listInvalidRPT01StorePos, listInvalidRPT01StoreInv, \
                         listInvalidRPT01StoreComPos, listInvalidRPT01StoreComInv, listInvalidRPT01WHComInv) == True:
        strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
        strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"
        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
        strMessageSubject = "现渠自动化管理平台-异常销售及库存数据清单-" + listInvalidRPT01[0]["POS_DATE_MIN"] + "-" + listInvalidRPT01[0]["POS_DATE_MAX"]
        strAttachFileName = "现渠自动化管理平台-异常销售及库存数据清单-" + listInvalidRPT01[0]["POS_DATE_MIN"] + "-" + listInvalidRPT01[0]["POS_DATE_MAX"] + ".xlsx"

        Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom, arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, "", strJobPathRES, strAttachFileName)
        return True
        return False
コード例 #2
def execMailEMPSales(strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listEMPSales = getEMPSalesList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)

    if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listEMPSales) == True:
        strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
        strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"
        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
        strMessageSubject = "业务人员花名册-%s" % strDataDate
        strAttachFileName = "业务人员花名册-%s.xlsx" % strDataDate

        Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                             arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, "",
                             strJobPathRES, strAttachFileName)
        return True
        return False
コード例 #3
def main():
    strLoggerName = sys.argv[1]

    strEDIConnection = sys.argv[2]
    strEDIDB = sys.argv[3]
    strEDINo = sys.argv[4]
    strJobPathRES = sys.argv[5]
    strDependOnJobPathRES = sys.argv[6]

    # logger = logging.getLogger(strLoggerName)
    # logger.info(str(sys.argv))

    dictFlow = EDIEntity.getFlow(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strEDINo)
    strDataDate = dictFlow["DATA_DATE"]

    strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
    strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"
    arrayMessageSMTPTo = ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"]
    strMessageSubject = "[测试] 业务人员花名册-%s" % strDataDate
    strAttachFileName = "[测试] 业务人员花名册-%s.xls" % strDataDate

    arrayColumnTitle = [

    with open(strDependOnJobPathRES, "r",
              encoding="utf-8-sig") as fileOriginal:
        objData = fileOriginal.read()

    with open(strJobPathRES, "w", encoding="utf-8-sig") as fileTarget:
        fileTarget.write(",".join(arrayColumnTitle) + "\n" + objData)

    Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                         arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, "",
                         strJobPathRES, strAttachFileName)
コード例 #4
def execMailServerNotice():
    strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
    strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"
    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
        "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
    strMessageSubject = "!!!!! Connect to tw-mail02.want-want.com Success !!!!!"

    Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                         arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, "", None, None)
    return True
コード例 #5
def main():
    strEDIName = File.getCurrentFileName(__file__)
    strEDIPath = os.getcwd()

    jsonEDIService = Common.loadJsonFile(strEDIName + ".json")
    strEDIID = jsonEDIService["id"]

    strEDIConnection = Common.filterJsonListFirst(jsonEDIService["connectionList"], "connectionID", "maria-dw-DWuser-DWWANT")["connection"]
    strEDIDB = Common.filterJsonListFirst(jsonEDIService["connectionList"], "connectionID", "maria-dw-DWuser-DWWANT")["db"]

    intIntervalSeconds = jsonEDIService["intervalSeconds"]
    intFileBlockSize = jsonEDIService["fileBlockSize"]

    strMessageSMTPServer = jsonEDIService["messageSMTPServer"]
    strMessageSMTPFrom = jsonEDIService["messageSMTPFrom"]
    arrayMessageSMTPSuccessTo = jsonEDIService["messageSMTPSuccessToList"]
    arrayMessageSMTPFailureTo = jsonEDIService["messageSMTPFailureToList"]

    strLogDate = Common.setLogging(strEDIID)
    logger = logging.getLogger(strEDIID)

    logger.info("Load EDIFlows.json file.")
    jsonEDIFlows = Common.loadJsonFile(strEDIName + "Flows.json")


        logger.warning("Start EDI Service.")
        while True:
            strNowDate = Common.getDateSimple(datetime.datetime.now())
            if strNowDate != strLogDate:
                strLogDate = Common.setLogging(strEDIID)
                logger = logging.getLogger(strEDIID)

            EDIBase.validateSchedule(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, jsonEDIFlows, intIntervalSeconds)
            EDIBase.executeWaitingFlows(strEDIPath, strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, jsonEDIFlows, 
                intFileBlockSize, strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom, arrayMessageSMTPSuccessTo, arrayMessageSMTPFailureTo)


    except Exception:
        strExceptionMessage = traceback.format_exc()

        strMessageSMTPSubject = "!!!!! {ediID} Exception !!!!!".format(ediID=strEDIID)
        Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom, arrayMessageSMTPFailureTo, strMessageSMTPSubject, strExceptionMessage, None, None)
        logger.error("Stop EDI Service by Exception.")
        logger.warning("Stop EDI Service.")
コード例 #6
def execMailCustStmt(strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listCustStmt = getCustStmtList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)

    if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listCustStmt) == True:
        strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
        strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"
        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
        strMessageSubject = "[测试]批发客户账余报表-%s" % strDataDate
        strAttachFileName = "[测试]批发客户账余报表-%s.xlsx" % strDataDate

        Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                             arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, "",
                             strJobPathRES, strAttachFileName)
        return True
        return False
コード例 #7
def execMailPOSRPT01(strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listPOSRPT01 = getPOSRPT01List(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)

    if listPOSRPT01[0]["POS_DATE"] == listPOSRPT01[0]["WEEK_LAST_DATE"]:

        listWeekNum = getWeekNumList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        listPOSRPT01System = getPOSRPT01SystemList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        listPOSRPT01SystemPCS = getPOSRPT01SystemPCSList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        listPOSRPT01SystemSKU = getPOSRPT01SystemSKUList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        listPOSRPT01ProdH1PCS = getPOSRPT01ProdH1PCSList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        listPOSRPT01ProdH1SKU = getPOSRPT01ProdH1SKUList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
        if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listWeekNum, listPOSRPT01, listPOSRPT01System, listPOSRPT01SystemPCS, listPOSRPT01SystemSKU, listPOSRPT01ProdH1PCS, listPOSRPT01ProdH1SKU) == True:
            strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
            strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"

            for dictPOSRPT01System in listPOSRPT01System:
                strMessageSubject = dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现代渠道发展营业部业绩-通路系统品类周别POS推移-" + listPOSRPT01[0]["POS_DATE"]
                strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n敬请查阅:截止" + listPOSRPT01[0]["POS_DATE"][4:6] + "月" + listPOSRPT01[0]["POS_DATE"][-2:] + "日【" + dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现代渠道发展营业部业绩-通路系统品类周别POS推移报表】\n\n"
                strAttachFilePath = strJobPathRES.replace(".dat", "-" + dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] + ".dat")
                strAttachFileName = dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现代渠道发展营业部业绩-通路系统品类周别POS推移-" + listPOSRPT01[0]["POS_DATE"] + ".xlsx"

                if dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H002":
                    #  H002 大润发 : 成骏 / 郭丹丹
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H005":
                    #  H005 麦德龙 : 左晓云 / 成骏 / 崔建辉
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H007":
                    #  H007 人人乐 : 郭鹏 / 宋涛
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H009":
                    #  H009 世纪联华 : 郭鹏 / 成骏 / 宋涛
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H010":
                    #  H010 沃尔玛 : 郭鹏 / 王勇 / 成骏
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H011":
                    #  H011 物美 : 陈寿明 / 胡雪斌 / 黄华 / 王珑 / 鲍冠杰
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H013":
                    #  H013 易初莲花 : 左晓云 / 成骏 / 崔建辉
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H016":
                    #  H016 丹尼斯 : 黄艳丽
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H017":
                    #  H017 天虹 : 章丽萍 / 张健 / 何丽琴
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H018":
                    #  H018 华润万家 : 郭鹏 / 高贺 / 成骏
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H021":
                    #  H021 美特好 : 杨文卿
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H042":
                    #  H042 百佳华 : 王从阳 / 雷艳红 / 何丽琴
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H060":
                    #  H060 北国系统 : 艾贵银
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S001":
                    #  S001 农工商 : 郭鹏 / 成骏
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S004":
                    #  S004 上海联华 : 郭鹏 / 成骏 / 宋涛
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S006":
                    #  S006 苏果 : 杨斯竣 / 成骏
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S009":
                    #  S009 中百便民 : 王宁
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S010":
                    #  S010 中百仓储 : 王宁
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S011":
                    #  S011 中商 : 王宁
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S014":
                    #  S014 永辉 : 徐俊 / 张利霞 / 成骏
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S018":
                    #  S018 武商 : 王宁
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S020":
                    #  S020 威海糖酒 : 陈寿明 / 徐瑞虎
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S026":
                    #  S026 新世纪 : 刘爱民
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S030":
                    #  S030 红旗连锁 : 向君
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S031":
                    #  S031 银座 : 陈寿明 / 黄艳丽 / 徐瑞虎 / 王冰冰
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S044":
                    #  S044 北京华冠 : 陈寿明
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S052":
                    #  S052 步步高 : 张健
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S063":
                    #  S063 新华都 : 朱巧燕
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S110":
                    #  S110 联华华商 : 胡雪斌 / 鲍冠杰
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S151":
                    #  S151 华联系统 : 王冰冰
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S219":
                    #  S219 介休吉隆斯 : 杨文卿
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                elif dictPOSRPT01System["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S284":
                    #  S284 重客隆 : 刘爱民
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]
                    arrayMessageSMTPTo = [ "*****@*****.**" ]

                Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom, arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject, strContent, strAttachFilePath, strAttachFileName)

            return True
            return False
        return False
コード例 #8
def execMailStoreMatlD(strLoggerName, strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listStoreMatlD = getStoreMatlDList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
    listStoreMatlDSystem = getStoreMatlDSystemList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB,

    if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listStoreMatlD) == True:
        strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
        strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"

        for dictStoreMatlDSystem in listStoreMatlDSystem:
            strMessageSubject = dictStoreMatlDSystem[
                "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售库存数据-日结算报表-" + dictStoreMatlDSystem[
            strAttachFilePath = strJobPathRES.replace(
                ".dat", "-" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] + ".dat")
            strAttachFileName = dictStoreMatlDSystem[
                "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售库存数据-日结算报表-" + dictStoreMatlDSystem[
                    "POS_INV_DATE"] + ".xlsx"

            if dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H002":
                #  量贩 H002 大润发 : 成骏 / 郭丹丹 / 朱晓菁
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H005":
                #  量贩 H005 麦德龙 : 左晓云 / 成骏 / 崔建辉 / 朱晓菁
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H007":
                #  标超 H007 人人乐 : 郭鹏 / 宋涛 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H009":
                #  标超 H009 世纪联华 : 郭鹏 / 成骏 / 宋涛 / 朱晓菁
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H010":
                #  量贩 H010 沃尔玛 : 郭鹏 / 王勇 / 成骏 / 张懿晴
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H011":
                #  标超 H011 物美 : 陈寿明 / 胡雪斌 / 黄华 / 王珑 / 鲍冠杰 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H013":
                #  量贩 H013 易初莲花 : 左晓云 / 成骏 / 崔建辉 / 许曣
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H016":
                #  标超 H016 丹尼斯 : 黄艳丽 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H017":
                #  标超 H017 天虹 : 王从阳 / 章丽萍 / 张健 / 何丽琴 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H018":
                #  标超 H018 华润万家 : 郭鹏 / 高贺 / 成骏 / 张懿晴
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H021":
                #  标超 H021 美特好 : 杨文卿 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H042":
                #  标超 H042 百佳华 : 王从阳 / 雷艳红 / 何丽琴 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H060":
                #  标超 H060 北国系统 : 艾贵银 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S001":
                #  标超 S001 农工商 : 郭鹏 / 成骏 / 张懿晴
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S004":
                #  标超 S004 上海联华 : 郭鹏 / 成骏 / 宋涛 / 朱晓菁
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S006":
                #  标超 S006 苏果 : 杨斯竣 / 成骏 / 朱晓菁
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S009":
                #  便利 S009 中百便民 : 王宁 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S010":
                #  标超 S010 中百仓储 : 王宁 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S011":
                #  标超 S011 中商 : 王宁 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S014":
                #  标超 S014 永辉 : 徐俊 / 张利霞 / 成骏 / 许曣
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S018":
                #  标超 S018 武商 : 王宁 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S020":
                #  标超 S020 威海糖酒 : 陈寿明 / 徐瑞虎 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S026":
                #  标超 S026 新世纪 : 刘爱民 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S030":
                #  便利 S030 红旗连锁 : 向君 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S031":
                #  标超 S031 银座 : 陈寿明 / 黄艳丽 / 徐瑞虎 / 王冰冰 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S044":
                #  标超 S044 北京华冠 : 陈寿明 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S052":
                #  标超 S052 步步高 : 张健 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S063":
                #  标超 S063 新华都 : 朱巧燕 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S110":
                #  标超 S110 联华华商 : 胡雪斌 / 鲍冠杰 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S151":
                #  标超 S151 华联系统 : 王冰冰 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S219":
                #  标超 S219 介休吉隆斯 : 杨文卿 / 杨露露
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            elif dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S284":
                #  标超 S284 重客隆 : 刘爱民
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                arrayMessageSMTPTo = ["*****@*****.**"]

            if (os.stat(strAttachFilePath).st_size / 1024 / 1024) > 7:
                strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                    "敬请查阅:截止" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["POS_INV_DATE"][4:6] + "月" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["POS_INV_DATE"][-2:] + "日【" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-门店品项销售库存数据-日结算报表】\n\n" + \

                strAttachDirPath = os.path.dirname(strAttachFilePath)
                strExcelFilePath = os.path.join(strAttachDirPath,
                strZipFileName = dictStoreMatlDSystem[
                    "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售库存数据-日结算报表-" + dictStoreMatlDSystem[
                strZipFilePath = os.path.join(strAttachDirPath, strZipFileName)

                os.rename(strAttachFilePath, strExcelFilePath)

                strCommand = "zip -s 5m -j " + strZipFilePath + " " + strExcelFilePath
                tupleOutput = subprocess.Popen(
                    strCommand, shell=True,
                strErrorOutput = tupleOutput[1].decode('utf-8')
                if strErrorOutput != "":
                    logger = logging.getLogger(strLoggerName)
                    for strFileName in os.listdir(strAttachDirPath):
                        if strFileName.startswith(
                        ) == True and strFileName.endswith(".xlsx") == False:
                                strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                                arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject,
                                             strFileName), strFileName)

                os.rename(strExcelFilePath, strAttachFilePath)
                strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                    "敬请查阅:截止" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["POS_INV_DATE"][4:6] + "月" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["POS_INV_DATE"][-2:] + "日【" + dictStoreMatlDSystem["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-门店品项销售库存数据-日结算报表】\n\n"
                Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                                     arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject,
                                     strContent, strAttachFilePath,

        return True
        return False
コード例 #9
def execMailOrdrD(strLoggerName, strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    listSystemOrdrYM = getSystemOrdrYMList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB,

    for dictSystemOrdrYM in listSystemOrdrYM:
        listOrdrSysD = getOrdrSysDList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate,
        listOrdrTrasD = getOrdrTrasDList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB,

        if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, dictSystemOrdrYM["SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"],
                             listOrdrSysD, listOrdrTrasD) == True:
            strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
            strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"

            strMessageSubject = "现渠自动化管理平台-订单清单及开单明细报表-" + dictSystemOrdrYM[
                "SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + "-" + strDataDate
            strAttachFilePath = strJobPathRES.replace(
                ".dat", "-" + dictSystemOrdrYM["SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + ".dat")
            strAttachFileName = "现渠自动化管理平台-订单清单及开单明细报表-" + dictSystemOrdrYM[
                "SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + "-" + strDataDate + ".xlsx"

            arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",

            if (os.stat(strAttachFilePath).st_size / 1024 / 1024) > 7:
                strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                    "敬请查阅:截止" + strDataDate[4:6] + "月" + strDataDate[-2:] + "日【" + "现渠自动化管理平台-订单清单及开单明细报表-" + dictSystemOrdrYM["SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + "】\n\n" + \

                strAttachDirPath = os.path.dirname(strAttachFilePath)
                strExcelFilePath = os.path.join(strAttachDirPath,
                strZipFileName = "现渠自动化管理平台-订单清单及开单明细报表-" + dictSystemOrdrYM[
                    "SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + "-" + strDataDate
                strZipFilePath = os.path.join(strAttachDirPath, strZipFileName)

                os.rename(strAttachFilePath, strExcelFilePath)

                strCommand = "zip -s 5m -j " + strZipFilePath + " " + strExcelFilePath
                tupleOutput = subprocess.Popen(
                    strCommand, shell=True,
                strErrorOutput = tupleOutput[1].decode('utf-8')
                if strErrorOutput != "":
                    logger = logging.getLogger(strLoggerName)
                    for strFileName in os.listdir(strAttachDirPath):
                        if strFileName.startswith(
                        ) == True and strFileName.endswith(".xlsx") == False:
                                strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                                arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject,
                                             strFileName), strFileName)

                os.rename(strExcelFilePath, strAttachFilePath)
                strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                    "敬请查阅:截止" + strDataDate[4:6] + "月" + strDataDate[-2:] + "日【" + "现渠自动化管理平台-订单清单及开单明细报表-" + dictSystemOrdrYM["SYSTEM_ORDR_YM"] + "】\n\n"
                Message.sendSMTPMail(strMessageSMTPServer, strMessageSMTPFrom,
                                     arrayMessageSMTPTo, strMessageSubject,
                                     strContent, strAttachFilePath,
            return False

    return True
コード例 #10
def execMailStoreMatlM(strLoggerName, strJobPathRES, strDataDate):
    strEDIConnection = "3DW-DWuser@tpe-centos7-maria10-dw"
    strEDIDB = "DMMDL"

    today = datetime.date.today()
    strTODAY = str(today.year) + ("0" + str(today.month))[-2:] + (
        "0" + str(today.day))[-2:]

    listWorkDayT = getWorkDayT(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate,

    if len(listWorkDayT) == 1:
        if listWorkDayT[0]["WORKDAY_YN"] == "Y" and today.day < 12:
            listStoreMatlMSystem = getStoreMatlMSystemList(
                strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)
            listStoreMatlM = getStoreMatlMList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB,
            listStoreM = getStoreMList(strEDIConnection, strEDIDB, strDataDate)

            if execWriteWorkbook(strJobPathRES, listStoreMatlMSystem,
                                 listStoreMatlM, listStoreM) == True:
                strMessageSMTPServer = "tw-mail02.want-want.com"
                strMessageSMTPFrom = "*****@*****.**"

                for dictStoreMatlMSystem in listStoreMatlMSystem:
                    strMessageSubject = dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                        "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售数据-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                            "POS_YM"] + "月结算报表-" + strDataDate
                    strAttachFilePath = strJobPathRES.replace(
                        "-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] + ".dat")
                    strAttachFileName = dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                        "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售数据-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                            "POS_YM"] + "月结算报表-" + strDataDate + ".xlsx"

                    if dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H002":
                        #  量贩 H002 大润发 : 朱晓菁
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H005":
                        #  量贩 H005 麦德龙 : 朱晓菁
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H007":
                        #  标超 H007 人人乐 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H009":
                        #  标超 H009 世纪联华 : 朱晓菁
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H010":
                        #  量贩 H010 沃尔玛 : 张懿晴
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H011":
                        #  标超 H011 物美 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H013":
                        #  量贩 H013 易初莲花 : 许曣
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H016":
                        #  标超 H016 丹尼斯 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H017":
                        #  标超 H017 天虹 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H018":
                        #  标超 H018 华润万家 : 张懿晴
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H021":
                        #  标超 H021 美特好 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H042":
                        #  标超 H042 百佳华 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "H060":
                        #  标超 H060 北国系统 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S001":
                        #  标超 S001 农工商 : 张懿晴
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S004":
                        #  标超 S004 上海联华 : 朱晓菁
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S006":
                        #  标超 S006 苏果 : 朱晓菁
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S009":
                        #  便利 S009 中百便民 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S010":
                        #  标超 S010 中百仓储 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S011":
                        #  标超 S011 中商 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S014":
                        #  标超 S014 永辉 : 许曣
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S018":
                        #  标超 S018 武商 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S020":
                        #  标超 S020 威海糖酒 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S026":
                        #  标超 S026 新世纪 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S030":
                        #  便利 S030 红旗连锁 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S031":
                        #  标超 S031 银座 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S044":
                        #  标超 S044 北京华冠 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S052":
                        #  标超 S052 步步高 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S063":
                        #  标超 S063 新华都 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S110":
                        #  标超 S110 联华华商 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S151":
                        #  标超 S151 华联系统 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S219":
                        #  标超 S219 介休吉隆斯 : 杨露露
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = [
                            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                    elif dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_CODE"] == "S284":
                        #  标超 S284 重客隆 :
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = ["*****@*****.**"]
                        arrayMessageSMTPTo = ["*****@*****.**"]

                    if (os.stat(strAttachFilePath).st_size / 1024 / 1024) > 7:
                        strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                            "敬请查阅:截止" + strDataDate + "为止," + "【" + dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-门店品项销售数据-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem["POS_YM"] + "月结算报表】\n\n" + \

                        strAttachDirPath = os.path.dirname(strAttachFilePath)
                        strExcelFilePath = os.path.join(
                            strAttachDirPath, strAttachFileName)
                        strZipFileName = dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                            "KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-现渠自动化管理平台-门店品项销售数据-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem[
                                "POS_YM"] + "月结算报表-" + strDataDate
                        strZipFilePath = os.path.join(strAttachDirPath,

                        os.rename(strAttachFilePath, strExcelFilePath)

                        strCommand = "zip -s 5m -j " + strZipFilePath + " " + strExcelFilePath
                        tupleOutput = subprocess.Popen(
                            strCommand, shell=True,
                        strErrorOutput = tupleOutput[1].decode('utf-8')
                        if strErrorOutput != "":
                            logger = logging.getLogger(strLoggerName)
                            for strFileName in os.listdir(strAttachDirPath):
                                if strFileName.startswith(
                                ) == True and strFileName.endswith(
                                        ".xlsx") == False:
                                        strMessageSMTPFrom, arrayMessageSMTPTo,
                                        strMessageSubject, strContent,
                                                     strFileName), strFileName)

                        os.rename(strExcelFilePath, strAttachFilePath)
                        strContent = "尊敬的长官:早上好!\n" + \
                            "敬请查阅:截止" + strDataDate + "为止," + "【" + dictStoreMatlMSystem["KA_SYSTEM_NM"] + "-门店品项销售数据-" + dictStoreMatlMSystem["POS_YM"] + "月结算报表】\n\n"

                                             strMessageSubject, strContent,

                return True
                return False