def __init__(self): #Services self.info_service = Information_service() #UIs self.__information_menu = Print_information() #Utilizations self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables = ""
def main(): os.system("cls||clear") print_art_page = Arts() print_art_page.get_happy_wheels() print_art_page.get_car() get_format = Format_text() start_program = Main_controller() header, main_menu, choices, underline = get_format.main_menu_format() start_program.Main_page(header, main_menu, choices, underline)
def __init__(self): #Controllers self.__rent_controller = Rent_controller() self.__salesman_controller = Salesman_controller() self.__order_controller = Order_controller() self.__information_controller = Information_controller() #UI self.__main_menu = Print_main_menu() #Utilizations self.__get_format = Format_text()
def __init__(self): #Services self.__find_service = Find_order_service() #UI self.__menu = Print_find_order_menu() #Utilizations self.__Salesman_valid = Salesman_validation() self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables = "" self.underline = ""
def __init__(self): #Services self.__Rent_service = Rent_service() #UI self.__rent_menu = Print_rent_menu() self.error = Print_error() #Utilizations self.__Rent_valid = Rent_validation() self.get_format = Format_text() # Variables = "" = "" self.choices = "" self.underline = ""
class Main_controller: def __init__(self): #Controllers self.__rent_controller = Rent_controller() self.__salesman_controller = Salesman_controller() self.__order_controller = Order_controller() self.__information_controller = Information_controller() #UI self.__main_menu = Print_main_menu() #Utilizations self.__get_format = Format_text() def main_page(self): """Reads choice and directs on a path depending on input""" choice = "" while choice != "x": header, main_menu, choices, underline = self.__get_format.main_menu_format( ) choice = self.__main_menu.main_page(header, main_menu, choices, underline) if choice == "1": self.__rent_controller.Rent_page() elif choice == "2": try_again = "" while try_again != "n": try_again, valid = self.__salesman_controller.sign_in_page( ) if valid == True: self.__salesman_controller.salesman_menu() elif choice == "3": self.__order_controller.find_order_process(page=2) elif choice == "i": self.__information_controller.information_page()
class Information_controller(object): def __init__(self): self.__information_menu = Print_information() self.info_service = Information_service() self.__get_format = Format_text() = "" def information_page(self): choice = "" while choice != "p": = self.__get_format.info_format() choice = self.__information_menu.information_main_page( if choice == "a": self.__information_menu.car_rental_agreement() input("Press enter to continue.") elif choice == "b": self.__information_menu.terms_and_conditions() input("Press enter to continue.") elif choice == "c": self.__information_menu.quality_policy() input("Press enter to continue.") elif choice == "d": salesman_dict = self.info_service.get_salesman_dict() self.__information_menu.print_salesman_header() for ID, salesman in salesman_dict.items(): name = salesman.get_name() email = salesman.get_email() self.__information_menu.print_salesman(name, email, ID) input("Press enter to continue.")
class Order_controller: def __init__(self): # UI's self.__menu = Print_find_order_menu() # Services self.__find_service = Find_order_service() # Validations self.__Salesman_valid = Salesman_validation() #Utilizations self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables = "" self.underline = "" def find_order_process(self, page): """ Finds order from user's input and deletes it from the database """, self.underline = self.__get_format.find_order_format() order_num = self.__menu.find_by_num( Page = self.__Salesman_valid.Check_navigation(order_num, page) if Page == 2: order = self.__find_service.get_order(order_num) if order != None: choice = self.__menu.print_order(self.underline, order) if choice == "d": self.__find_service.delete_order(order_num) self.__menu.confirmation() else: self.__menu.No_match(order_num) return Page else: return Page
def __init__(self): #Controllers self.__rent_controller = Rent_controller() self.__order_controller = Order_controller() #Services self.__salesman_service = Salesman_service() #UI self.__salesman_menu = Print_salesman_menu() self.error = Print_error() #Utilizations self.__Salesman_valid = Salesman_validation() self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables self.confirmation_str = "" = "" self.underline = ""
class Information_controller: def __init__(self): #Services self.info_service = Information_service() #UIs self.__information_menu = Print_information() #Utilizations self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables = "" def information_page(self): """Reads choice and directs to right path depending on input""" choice = "" while choice not in ["p", "m"]: = self.__get_format.info_format() choice = self.__information_menu.information_main_page( #Rental Agreement if choice == "1": self.__information_menu.car_rental_agreement() input("\nPress enter to continue.") #Terms and conditions elif choice == "2": self.__information_menu.terms_and_conditions() input("\nPress enter to continue.") #Quality Policy elif choice == "3": self.__information_menu.quality_policy() input("\nPress enter to continue.") #Uses salesman dict to return a dict of salesmen elif choice == "4": salesman_dict = self.info_service.get_salesman_dict() self.__information_menu.print_salesman_header() for ID, salesman in salesman_dict.items(): name = salesman.get_name() email = salesman.get_email() self.__information_menu.print_salesman(name, email, ID) input("\nPress enter to continue.") elif choice == "x": exit()
def __init__(self): self.__information_menu = Print_information() self.info_service = Information_service() self.__get_format = Format_text() = ""
class Rent_controller(object): def __init__(self): # UI's self.__rent_menu = Print_rent_menu() self.error = Print_error() # Services self.__Rent_service = Rent_service() # Validations self.__Rent_valid = Rent_validation() # Utilizations self.get_format = Format_text() # Variables = "" = "" self.choices = "" self.underline = "" def Rent_page(self): """ User's process when renting a car, put together in a while loop, set up page by page for easy navigation """ Page = 1 # If user inputs correctly he will go on next page self.section_valid = 0 # Used for Page 8 to navigate between personal information 1 and 2 # While loop used so the user can navigate back and forth in the system while 0 < Page < 13: # Stops running when user has completed the rental process # Variables if Page == 1: # Open location menu - Returns location - Checks if correct input,, self.choices, self.underline = self.get_format.loc_format() self.location = self.__rent_menu.Page_1(,, self.choices, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_location(self.location, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 0: pass elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_location() # Prints error message elif Page == 2: # Open date option menu - Returns pick up- and drop off dates - Checks if correct input, = self.get_format.date_time_format() self.__date_str_list = self.__rent_menu.Page_2(, Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_date(self.__date_str_list, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 1: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_date() # Prints error message elif Page == 3: # Change the input from the user to date format, input was a string. self.date_list = self.__Rent_service.change_str_to_date(self.__date_str_list) # If user goes back to this page then available_car_string gets resetted available_car_string = "" # Open size option menu - Returns size of car - Checks if correct input,, self.choices = self.get_format.car_format() self.vehicle_size = self.__rent_menu.Page_3(,, self.choices, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_vehicle_size(self.vehicle_size, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 2: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_vehicle_size() # Prints error message elif Page == 4: # Finds available cars using information from the user available_car_list = self.__Rent_service.find_available_cars(self.date_list, \ self.vehicle_size, self.location) # Returns available cars as a string. available_car_string = self.__Rent_service.make_carlist_string(available_car_list) # Gets right name of size category, i.e. 1 = small cars, 2 = medium cars, 3 = SUV self.size_string = self.__Rent_service.get_car_size_string(self.vehicle_size) # Opens available cars menu - Returns chosen car - Checks if correct input self.car_choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_4(,, self.underline, available_car_string, self.size_string) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_car_choice(self.car_choice, available_car_list, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 3: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_car_choice() # Prints error message elif Page == 5: # Feature_list resetted from page 6 - happens if user goes back one page self.feature_list, self.feature_string = self.__Rent_service.reset_features() # Use the self.car_choice to find the desired car in the car list and returns a car_obj car_obj = self.__Rent_service.get_desired_car(self.car_choice) # Returns car from the user's inputs self.car_info = self.__Rent_service.desired_car_info() # Opens up confirmation menu - Returns confirmation - Checks if correct input choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_5(,, self.underline, self.car_info) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_confirmation(choice, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 4: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_key_pressed() # Prints error message elif Page == 6: # Date info string, takes the self.date_list and turns it into a string. self.date_info = self.__Rent_service.make_date_str(self.date_list) # Opens up additional features page - Returns chosen car - Checks if correct input while 5 < Page < 7:, = self.get_format.feature_format() choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_6(,, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_feature(choice, Page) if Valid and choice != "n": self.feature_list = self.__Rent_service.add_features(choice) # Makes string of the features added self.feature_string = self.__Rent_service.make_feature_string(choice) elif Valid and choice == "n": Page += 1 # Moves to next page break elif not Valid and choice not in ("x", "p", "m") and Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_feature_choice() # Prints error message elif Page == 7: # Returns final price additional_price, base_price = self.__Rent_service.get_price(self.feature_list, car_obj) price_calculation = Formulas() price = price_calculation.calculate_price(base_price, self.date_list, additional_price), = self.get_format.order_format() choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_7(,, self.underline, self.car_info, price, self.date_info, self.feature_string) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_confirmation(choice, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 6: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_key_pressed() # Prints error message elif Page == 8: # Opens up personal information menus, split to 2 sections - Returns personal info - Checks if correct input if self.section_valid == 0:, = self.get_format.personal_info_format(self.section_valid) personal_info_list_1 = first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, email, choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_8_1(,, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_personal_info_1(personal_info_list_1, Page) elif self.section_valid == 1:, = self.get_format.personal_info_format(self.section_valid) personal_info_list_2 = country, address, zip_code, phone, choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_8_2(,, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_personal_info_2(personal_info_list_2, Page) if Valid: if self.section_valid == 1: Page += 1 # Moves to next page self.section_valid = 1 elif Page == 7: if self.section_valid == 1: # If not true, moves to previous page Page += 1 self.section_valid = 0 elif Page != 13: if self.section_valid == 0: self.error.Wrong_personal_info_1() elif self.section_valid == 1: self.error.Wrong_personal_info_2() elif Page == 9: # Opens up payment method menu - Returns payment method - Checks if correct input, = self.get_format.payment_method_format() self.payment_choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_9(,, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_payment(self.payment_choice, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 8: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_payment_method() # Prints error message elif Page == 10: # Opens up card information menu - Returns card info method - Checks if correct input if self.payment_choice in ("1", "2"): # Opens credit/debit card payment menu, = self.get_format.card_info() card, security_code, exp_date, choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_10_1(,, self.underline) elif self.payment_choice == "3": # Opens up credit card insurance menu, = self.get_format.insurance_info() card, security_code, exp_date, choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_10_2(,, self.underline) card_info_list = [card, security_code, exp_date, choice] # List of card info Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_card_info(card_info_list, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 9: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_card_info() # Prints error message elif Page == 11: # Makes instance of Customer new_customer = Customer(first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, email, country, address, zip_code, phone, card, security_code, exp_date) # Opens up order confirmation menu - Returns choice - Checks if correct input, = self.get_format.checkout_format() choice = self.__rent_menu.Page_11(,, self.underline, new_customer, self.car_info, self.date_info, self.feature_string) Valid, Page = self.__Rent_valid.Check_confirmation(choice, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 10: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 13: self.error.Wrong_key_pressed() # Prints error message elif Page == 12: # Booking number and thank you page # Sends information to repos (LOG, customer, order) booking_num = self.__Rent_service.make_booking_num() self.__Rent_service.add_order_to_dict(booking_num, email, car_obj.get_plate_number(), self.date_list) self.__Rent_service.update_customer_repo(new_customer) self.__Rent_service.update_log(first_name, last_name, car_obj, self.date_list) = self.get_format.receipt_format() self.__rent_menu.Page_12(, self.underline, booking_num) Page += 1
class Salesman_controller: def __init__(self): #Controllers self.__rent_controller = Rent_controller() self.__order_controller = Order_controller() #Services self.__salesman_service = Salesman_service() #UI self.__salesman_menu = Print_salesman_menu() self.error = Print_error() #Utilizations self.__Salesman_valid = Salesman_validation() self.__get_format = Format_text() #Variables self.confirmation_str = "" = "" self.underline = "" def sign_in_page(self): """Gets employee's ID and password and checks if it's valid""" # Get ID = self.__get_format.log_in_format() self.__ID = self.__salesman_menu.ID_menu( # Get password self.__password = self.__salesman_menu.password_menu(, self.__ID) # Check whether it's valid or not valid = self.__salesman_service.salesman_ID_pw(self.__ID,self.__password) if valid == False: try_again = input("\n\t\tID or password is invalid. Try again? (y/n): ").lower() return try_again, valid else: return "n", valid def salesman_menu(self): Page = 1 while 0 < Page < 4: if Page == 1: # Prints Salesman menu, self.underline = self.__get_format.salesman_format() choice = self.__salesman_menu.salesman_main_page(, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Salesman_valid.Check_menu_choice(choice, Page) if Valid: Page += 1 # Moves to next page elif Page == 0: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 4: self.error.Wrong_salesmanmenu_choice() # Prints error message elif Page == 2: # Search for order if choice == "1": Page = self.__order_controller.find_order_process(Page) # Get customer information elif choice == "2": = self.__get_format.customer_info_format() = self.__salesman_menu.customer_info_menu( Page = self.__Salesman_valid.Check_email_choice(, Page) if Page == 2: customer = self.__salesman_service.get_customer( if customer == None: self.error.Wrong_email() else: orders = self.__salesman_service.order_string() delete = self.__salesman_menu.customer_list(self.underline ,customer, orders) if delete == "d": self.__salesman_service.delete_customer(customer) self.confirmation_str = "Customer" action = "removed" self.__salesman_service.delete_customer_to_log(self.__ID) self.__salesman_menu.confirmation(self.confirmation_str, action) # Get cars information elif choice == "3": = self.__get_format.car_info_format() self.__choice = self.__salesman_menu.cars_info_menu(, self.underline) Valid, Page = self.__Salesman_valid.Check_cars_information_choice(self.__choice, Page) if Valid: pass # Moves forward elif Page == 1: pass # Moves to previous page elif Page != 8: self.error.Wrong_car_info_choice() # Prints error message if Page == 2: if self.__choice == "1": = self.__salesman_service.get_all_cars() elif self.__choice == "2": = self.__salesman_service.get_available_cars() elif self.__choice == "3": = self.__salesman_service.get_unavailable_cars() elif self.__choice == "4": = self.__get_format.add_car_format() plate_num, brand, size, location = self.__salesman_menu.add_car( if plate_num != "p": self.__salesman_service.add_car_repo(plate_num, brand, size, location) self.confirmation_str = "Car" action = "added" self.__salesman_menu.confirmation(self.confirmation_str, action) # Add to log self.__salesman_service.add_to_log(self.__ID, brand, plate_num) # Returns results from user's choice (all cars, available cars or unavailable cars) if self.__choice in ["1","2","3"]: os.system("cls||clear") = self.__get_format.car_list_format(self.__choice) self.__salesman_menu.car_list_header( if != []: for car in plate_number = car.get_plate_number() brand = car.get_brand() location = car.get_location_string() self.__salesman_menu.car_lists(plate_number, brand, location) Page = 1 input("\n\t\t\tPress enter to continue ") else: self.__salesman_menu.no_cars() input("\n\t\t\tPress enter to continue ") elif choice == "4": = self.__get_format.log_format() log = self.__salesman_service.get_log() self.__salesman_menu.print_log(, self.underline, log) Page = 1 elif choice == "5": = self.__get_format.password_format() new_pw = self.__salesman_menu.get_new_pw( self.__salesman_service.change_pw(new_pw) Page = 1 input("\n\t\t\tPress enter to continue ")