コード例 #1
 def getTokenFeatures(self, token, sentenceGraph):
     Returns a list of features based on the attributes of a token.
     These can be used to define more complex features.
     # These features are cached when this method is first called
     # for a token.
     if self.tokenFeatures.has_key(token):
         return self.tokenFeatures[token]
     features = {}
     if self.styles["speculation_words"]: 
         if tokTxt in self.specWords:
         tokStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokTxt)
         if tokStem in self.specWordStems:
     if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
         for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
             if entity.get("given") == "True":
     if self.gazetteer and tokTxt.lower() in self.gazetteer:
         for label,weight in self.gazetteer[tokTxt.lower()].items():
     self.tokenFeatures[token] = features
     return features
コード例 #2
 def getTokenFeatures(self, token, sentenceGraph):
     Returns a list of features based on the attributes of a token.
     These can be used to define more complex features.
     # These features are cached when this method is first called
     # for a token.
     if self.tokenFeatures.has_key(token):
         return self.tokenFeatures[token]
     tokTxt = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(token)
     features = {}
     features["_txt_" + tokTxt] = 1
     features["_POS_" + token.get("POS")] = 1
     if self.styles["speculation_words"]:
         if tokTxt in self.specWords:
             features["_spec"] = 1
             features["_spec_" + tokTxt] = 1
         tokStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokTxt)
         if tokStem in self.specWordStems:
             features["_spec_stem"] = 1
             features["_spec_stem_" + tokStem] = 1
     if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
         features["_given"] = 1
         for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
             if entity.get("given") == "True":
                 features["_annType_" + entity.get("type")] = 1
     if self.gazetteer and tokTxt.lower() in self.gazetteer:
         for label, weight in self.gazetteer[tokTxt.lower()].items():
     self.tokenFeatures[token] = features
     return features
コード例 #3
ファイル: DetectHeads.py プロジェクト: ninjin/TEES
def mapSplits(splits, string, stringOffset):
    Maps substrings to a string, and stems them
    begin = 0
    tuples = []
    for split in splits:
        offset = string.find(split, begin)
        assert offset != -1
        tuples.append( (split, PorterStemmer.stem(split), (offset,len(split))) )
        begin = offset + len(split)
    return tuples
コード例 #4
 def getTokenFeatures(self, token, sentenceGraph, text=True, POS=True, annotatedType=True, stem=False, ontology=True):
     Token features are features describing an isolated word token. These subfeatures are often merged into
     such features like n-grams. This method produces and caches a set of feature names for a token in
     the sentenceGraph sentence. The various flags can be used to choose which attributes will be included in the
     feature name list.
     @type token: cElementTree.Element
     @param token: a word token 
     @type sentenceGraph: SentenceGraph
     @param sentenceGraph: the sentence to which the token belongs
     @type text: boolean
     @type POS: boolean
     @type annotatedType: boolean
     @type stem: boolean
     @type ontology: boolean         
     callId = token.get("id") + str(text) + str(POS) + str(annotatedType) + str(stem) + str(ontology)
     if self.tokenFeatures.has_key(callId):
         return self.tokenFeatures[callId]
     featureList = []
     if text:
         if (not self.maskNamedEntities) and sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
     if POS:
         pos = token.get("POS")
         if pos.find("_") != None and self.maximum:
             for split in pos.split("_"):
         #if self.getPOSSuperType(pos) != "":
         #    featureList.append("POSX_"+self.getPOSSuperType(pos))
     if annotatedType and not self.noAnnType:
         annTypes = self.getTokenAnnotatedType(token, sentenceGraph)
         if "noAnnType" in annTypes and not self.maximum:
         for annType in annTypes:
         if ontology and (self.ontologyFeatureBuilder != None):
             for annType in annTypes:
     if stem:
         featureList.append("stem_" + PorterStemmer.stem(sentenceGraph.getTokenText(token)))
     if self.style != None and self.style["metamap"]:
         metamapFeatureDict = {}
         self.getMetaMapFeatures(token, sentenceGraph, metamapFeatureDict)
     self.tokenFeatures[callId] = featureList            
     return featureList
コード例 #5
def mapSplits(splits, string, stringOffset):
    Maps substrings to a string, and stems them
    begin = 0
    tuples = []
    for split in splits:
        offset = string.find(split, begin)
        assert offset != -1
        tuples.append((split, PorterStemmer.stem(split), (offset, len(split))))
        begin = offset + len(split)
    return tuples
コード例 #6
def readWords(words):
    if type(words) in types.StringTypes:
        wordSet = set()    
        f = open(filename)
        for line in f.readlines():
    else: # assume it's a list
        wordSet = set(words)
    stemSet = set()
    for word in wordSet:
    return wordSet, stemSet
コード例 #7
def readWords(words):
    if type(words) in types.StringTypes:
        wordSet = set()
        f = open(filename)
        for line in f.readlines():
    else:  # assume it's a list
        wordSet = set(words)
    stemSet = set()
    for word in wordSet:
    return wordSet, stemSet
コード例 #8
ファイル: DetectHeads.py プロジェクト: ninjin/TEES
def getTriggers(corpus):
    Returns a dictionary of "entity type"->"entity text"->"count"
    corpus = ETUtils.ETFromObj(corpus)
    trigDict = {}
    for entity in corpus.getroot().getiterator("entity"):
        if entity.get("isName") == "True":
        eType = entity.get("type")
        if not trigDict.has_key(eType):
            trigDict[eType] = {}
        eText = entity.get("text")
        eText = PorterStemmer.stem(eText)
        if not trigDict[eType].has_key(eText):
            trigDict[eType][eText] = 0
        trigDict[eType][eText] += 1
    return trigDict
コード例 #9
def getTriggers(corpus):
    Returns a dictionary of "entity type"->"entity text"->"count"
    corpus = ETUtils.ETFromObj(corpus)
    trigDict = {}
    for entity in corpus.getroot().getiterator("entity"):
        if entity.get("given") == "True":
        eType = entity.get("type")
        if not trigDict.has_key(eType):
            trigDict[eType] = {}
        eText = entity.get("text")
        eText = PorterStemmer.stem(eText)
        if not trigDict[eType].has_key(eText):
            trigDict[eType][eText] = 0
        trigDict[eType][eText] += 1
    return trigDict
コード例 #10
    def buildFeatures(self, token, linear=True, chains=True):
        sentenceGraph = self.sentenceGraph
        tokenIndex = None
        for i in range(len(self.sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            if token == self.sentenceGraph.tokens[i]:
                tokenIndex = i
        assert tokenIndex != None
        token = self.sentenceGraph.tokens[tokenIndex]

        #if not "names" in self.styles:
        self.setFeature(self.namedEntityCountFeature, 1)

        #self.features.update(self.bowFeatures) # Note! these do not get tagged

        #            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
        #                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
        #                if j < i:
        #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
        #                elif j > i:
        #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1

        # Main features
        text = token.get("text")
        self.setFeature("txt_" + text, 1)
        self.setFeature("POS_" + token.get("POS"), 1)
        stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
        self.setFeature("stem_" + stem, 1)
        self.setFeature("nonstem_" + text[len(stem):], 1)

        # Linear order features
        if linear:
            for index in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]:
                if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                    self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index,

        # Content
        if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
            self.setFeature("upper_case_start", 1)
        for j in range(len(text)):
            if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                self.setFeature("upper_case_middle", 1)
            # numbers and special characters
            if text[j].isdigit():
                self.setFeature("has_digits", 1)
                if j > 0 and text[j - 1] == "-":
                    self.setFeature("has_hyphenated_digit", 1)
            elif text[j] == "-":
                self.setFeature("has_hyphen", 1)
            elif text[j] == "/":
                self.setFeature("has_fslash", 1)
            elif text[j] == "\\":
                self.setFeature("has_bslash", 1)
            # duplets
            if j > 0:
                self.setFeature("dt_" + text[j - 1:j + 1].lower(), 1)
            # triplets
            if j > 1:
                self.setFeature("tt_" + text[j - 2:j + 1].lower(), 1)

        # chains
        if chains:
            self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph)
コード例 #11
    def buildExamplesFromGraph(self, sentenceGraph, outfile, goldGraph=None, structureAnalyzer=None):
        Build one example for each token of the sentence
        if sentenceGraph.sentenceElement.get("origId") in self.skiplist:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping sentence", sentenceGraph.sentenceElement.get("origId") 
            return 0 #[]
        #examples = []
        exampleIndex = 0
        self.tokenFeatures = {}
        self.tokenFeatureWeights = {}
        # determine (manually or automatically) the setting for whether sentences with no given entities should be skipped
        buildForNameless = False
        if structureAnalyzer and not structureAnalyzer.hasGroupClass("GIVEN", "ENTITY"): # no given entities points to no separate NER program being used
            buildForNameless = True
        if self.styles["build_for_nameless"]: # manually force the setting
            buildForNameless = True
        if self.styles["skip_for_nameless"]: # manually force the setting
            buildForNameless = False
        # determine whether sentences with no given entities should be skipped
        namedEntityHeadTokens = []
        if not self.styles["names"]:
            namedEntityCount = 0
            for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
                if entity.get("given") == "True": # known data which can be used for features
                    namedEntityCount += 1
            namedEntityCountFeature = "nameCount_" + str(namedEntityCount)
            # NOTE!!! This will change the number of examples and omit
            # all triggers (positive and negative) from sentences which
            # have no NE:s, possibly giving a too-optimistic performance
            # value. Such sentences can still have triggers from intersentence
            # interactions, but as such events cannot be recovered anyway,
            # looking for these triggers would be pointless.
            if namedEntityCount == 0 and not buildForNameless: # no names, no need for triggers
                return 0 #[]
            if self.styles["pos_pairs"]:
                namedEntityHeadTokens = self.getNamedEntityHeadTokens(sentenceGraph)
            for key in sentenceGraph.tokenIsName.keys():
                sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[key] = False
        bagOfWords = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            text = "bow_" + token.get("text")
            if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                bagOfWords[text] = 0
            bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
                text = "ne_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1
        bowFeatures = {}
        for k in sorted(bagOfWords.keys()):
            bowFeatures[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = bagOfWords[k]
        self.inEdgesByToken = {}
        self.outEdgesByToken = {}
        self.edgeSetByToken = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            #inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.in_edges(token, data=True)
            #fixedInEdges = []
            #for edge in inEdges:
            #    fixedInEdges.append( (edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]["element"]) )
            #inEdges = fixedInEdges
            inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getInEdges(token)
            self.inEdgesByToken[token] = inEdges
            #outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.out_edges(token, data=True)
            #fixedOutEdges = []
            #for edge in outEdges:
            #    fixedOutEdges.append( (edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]["element"]) )
            #outEdges = fixedOutEdges
            outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getOutEdges(token)
            self.outEdgesByToken[token] = outEdges
            self.edgeSetByToken[token] = set(inEdges + outEdges)
        for i in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            token = sentenceGraph.tokens[i]

            # CLASS
            if len(sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]) > 0:
                categoryName, entityIds = self.getMergedEntityType(sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token])
                categoryName, entityIds = "neg", None
            # Recognize only non-named entities (i.e. interaction words)
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token] and not self.styles["names"] and not self.styles["all_tokens"]:
#            if "selftrain_limits" in self.styles:
#                # any predicted entity not part of the self-training set causes example to be rejected
#                filtered = False
#                for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
#                    if entity.get("selftrain") == "False":
#                        self.exampleStats.filter("selftrain_limits")
#                        self.exampleStats.endExample()
#                        filtered = True
#                        break
#                if filtered:
#                    continue
#            if "selftrain_group" in self.styles:
#                # any predicted entity not part of the self-training set causes example to be rejected
#                filtered = False
#                for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
#                    if entity.get("selftraingroup") not in self.selfTrainGroups:
#                        self.exampleStats.filter("selftrain_group")
#                        self.exampleStats.endExample()
#                        filtered = True
#                        break
#                if filtered:
#                    continue
            if self.styles["pos_only"] and categoryName == "neg":

            category = self.classSet.getId(categoryName)
            if category == None:
            tokenText = token.get("text").lower()
#            if "stem_gazetteer" in self.styles:
#                tokenText = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
#            if ("exclude_gazetteer" in self.styles) and self.gazetteer and tokenText not in self.gazetteer:
#                features = {}
#                features[self.featureSet.getId("exclude_gazetteer")] = 1
#                extra = {"xtype":"token","t":token.get("id"),"excluded":"True"}
#                if entityIds != None:
#                    extra["goldIds"] = entityIds
#                #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )
#                ExampleUtils.appendExamples([(sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra)], outfile)
#                exampleIndex += 1
#                continue
            # FEATURES
            features = {}
            if not self.styles["names"]:
                features[self.featureSet.getId(namedEntityCountFeature)] = 1
            #for k,v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v
            # pre-calculate bow _features_
#            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
#                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
#                if j < i:
#                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
#                elif j > i:
#                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1
            # Main features
            text = token.get("text")
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_"+text)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("POS_"+token.get("POS"))] = 1
            stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_"+stem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_"+text[len(stem):])] = 1

            # Normalized versions of the string (if same as non-normalized, overlap without effect)
            normalizedText = text.replace("-","").replace("/","").replace(",","").replace("\\","").replace(" ","").lower()
            if normalizedText == "bound": # should be for all irregular verbs
                normalizedText = "bind"
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_"+normalizedText)] = 1
            norStem = PorterStemmer.stem(normalizedText)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_"+norStem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_"+normalizedText[len(norStem):])] = 1
            ## Subspan features
            #textLower = text.lower()
            #for i in range(1, len(textLower)):
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId("subspanbegin"+str(i)+"_"+textLower[0:i])] = 1
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId("subspanend"+str(i)+"_"+textLower[-i:])] = 1
            # Substring features
            for string in text.split("-"):
                stringLower = string.lower()
                features[self.featureSet.getId("substring_"+stringLower)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("substringstem_"+PorterStemmer.stem(stringLower))] = 1
            # Linear order features
            for index in [-3,-2,-1,1,2,3]:
                if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                    self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index, str(index), features)

            # Linear n-grams
            if self.styles["linear_ngrams"]:
                self.buildLinearNGram(max(0, i-1), i, sentenceGraph, features)
                self.buildLinearNGram(max(0, i-2), i, sentenceGraph, features)
            if self.styles["phospho"]:
                if text.find("hospho") != -1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("phospho_found")] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("begin_"+text[0:2].lower())] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("begin_"+text[0:3].lower())] = 1
            if self.styles["bb_features"]:
                if text.lower() in self.bacteriaTokens:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("lpsnBacToken")] = 1

            # Content
            if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
                features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_start")] = 1
            for j in range(len(text)):
                if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_middle")] = 1
                # numbers and special characters
                if text[j].isdigit():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_digits")] = 1
                    if j > 0 and text[j-1] == "-":
                        features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphenated_digit")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "-":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphen")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "/":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_fslash")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "\\":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_bslash")] = 1
                # duplets
                if j > 0:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("dt_"+text[j-1:j+1].lower())] = 1
                # triplets
                if j > 1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("tt_"+text[j-2:j+1].lower())] = 1
                # quadruplets (don't work, slight decrease (0.5 pp) on f-score
                #if j > 2:
                #    features[self.featureSet.getId("qt_"+text[j-3:j+1].lower())] = 1
            # Attached edges (Hanging in and out edges)
            t1InEdges = self.inEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1InEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType+"_"+edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[0])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenText)] = 1
                tokenStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+tokenStem)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenStem)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+norStem+"_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenStem)] = 1
            t1OutEdges = self.outEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1OutEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType+"_"+edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[1])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenText)] = 1
                tokenStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+tokenStem)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenStem)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+norStem+"_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenStem)] = 1
            # REL features
            if self.styles["rel_features"]:
                self.relFeatureBuilder.buildAllFeatures(sentenceGraph.tokens, i)
            # DDI13 features
            if self.styles["ddi13_features"]:
                for index in range(len(normalizedText)):
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ddi13_fromstart" + str(index) + "_" + normalizedText[:index+1])] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ddi13_fromend" + str(index) + "_" + normalizedText[index:])] = 1
            if self.styles["drugbank_features"]:
                self.drugFeatureBuilder.tag = "ddi_"
            #self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures("show", "VBP")
            #tokTxt = token.get("text")
            #tokPOS = token.get("POS")
            #wordNetFeatures = []
            #wordNetFeatures = self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(tokTxt, tokPOS)
            #self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(tokTxt, tokPOS)
            if self.styles["wordnet"]:
                tokTxt = token.get("text")
                tokPOS = token.get("POS")
                wordNetFeatures = self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(tokTxt, tokPOS)
                for wordNetFeature in wordNetFeatures:
                    #print wordNetFeature,
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("WN_"+wordNetFeature)] = 1
            if self.styles["giuliano"]:
                self.giulianoFeatureBuilder.buildTriggerFeatures(token, sentenceGraph)
            extra = {"xtype":"token","t":token.get("id")}
            if self.styles["bb_features"]:
                extra["trigex"] = "bb" # Request trigger extension in ExampleWriter
            if self.styles["epi_merge_negated"]:
                extra["unmergeneg"] = "epi" # Request trigger type unmerging
            if entityIds != None:
                extra["goldIds"] = entityIds # The entities to which this example corresponds
            #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )
            # chains
            self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph, features)
            if self.styles["pos_pairs"]:
                self.buildPOSPairs(token, namedEntityHeadTokens, features)
            example = (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex), category, features, extra)
            ExampleUtils.appendExamples([example], outfile)
            exampleIndex += 1
        #return examples
        return exampleIndex
コード例 #12
    def buildExamplesFromGraph(self,
        Build one example for each token of the sentence
        if sentenceGraph.sentenceElement.get("origId") in self.skiplist:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping sentence", sentenceGraph.sentenceElement.get(
            return 0  #[]

        #examples = []
        exampleIndex = 0

        self.tokenFeatures = {}
        self.tokenFeatureWeights = {}

        # determine (manually or automatically) the setting for whether sentences with no given entities should be skipped
        buildForNameless = False
        if structureAnalyzer and not structureAnalyzer.hasGroupClass(
                "GIVEN", "ENTITY"
        ):  # no given entities points to no separate NER program being used
            buildForNameless = True
        if self.styles["build_for_nameless"]:  # manually force the setting
            buildForNameless = True
        if self.styles["skip_for_nameless"]:  # manually force the setting
            buildForNameless = False

        # determine whether sentences with no given entities should be skipped
        namedEntityHeadTokens = []
        if not self.styles["names"]:
            namedEntityCount = 0
            for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
                if entity.get(
                ) == "True":  # known data which can be used for features
                    namedEntityCount += 1
            namedEntityCountFeature = "nameCount_" + str(namedEntityCount)
            # NOTE!!! This will change the number of examples and omit
            # all triggers (positive and negative) from sentences which
            # have no NE:s, possibly giving a too-optimistic performance
            # value. Such sentences can still have triggers from intersentence
            # interactions, but as such events cannot be recovered anyway,
            # looking for these triggers would be pointless.
            if namedEntityCount == 0 and not buildForNameless:  # no names, no need for triggers
                return 0  #[]

            if self.styles["pos_pairs"]:
                namedEntityHeadTokens = self.getNamedEntityHeadTokens(
            for key in sentenceGraph.tokenIsName.keys():
                sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[key] = False

        bagOfWords = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            text = "bow_" + token.get("text")
            if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                bagOfWords[text] = 0
            bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
                text = "ne_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1
        bowFeatures = {}
        for k in sorted(bagOfWords.keys()):
            bowFeatures[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = bagOfWords[k]

        self.inEdgesByToken = {}
        self.outEdgesByToken = {}
        self.edgeSetByToken = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            #inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.in_edges(token, data=True)
            #fixedInEdges = []
            #for edge in inEdges:
            #    fixedInEdges.append( (edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]["element"]) )
            #inEdges = fixedInEdges
            inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getInEdges(token)
            self.inEdgesByToken[token] = inEdges
            #outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.out_edges(token, data=True)
            #fixedOutEdges = []
            #for edge in outEdges:
            #    fixedOutEdges.append( (edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]["element"]) )
            #outEdges = fixedOutEdges
            outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getOutEdges(token)
            self.outEdgesByToken[token] = outEdges
            self.edgeSetByToken[token] = set(inEdges + outEdges)

        for i in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            token = sentenceGraph.tokens[i]

            # CLASS
            if len(sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]) > 0:
                categoryName, entityIds = self.getMergedEntityType(
                categoryName, entityIds = "neg", None

            # Recognize only non-named entities (i.e. interaction words)
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token] and not self.styles[
                    "names"] and not self.styles["all_tokens"]:
#            if "selftrain_limits" in self.styles:
#                # any predicted entity not part of the self-training set causes example to be rejected
#                filtered = False
#                for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
#                    if entity.get("selftrain") == "False":
#                        self.exampleStats.filter("selftrain_limits")
#                        self.exampleStats.endExample()
#                        filtered = True
#                        break
#                if filtered:
#                    continue
#            if "selftrain_group" in self.styles:
#                # any predicted entity not part of the self-training set causes example to be rejected
#                filtered = False
#                for entity in sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead[token]:
#                    if entity.get("selftraingroup") not in self.selfTrainGroups:
#                        self.exampleStats.filter("selftrain_group")
#                        self.exampleStats.endExample()
#                        filtered = True
#                        break
#                if filtered:
#                    continue
            if self.styles["pos_only"] and categoryName == "neg":

            category = self.classSet.getId(categoryName)
            if category == None:

            tokenText = token.get("text").lower()
            #            if "stem_gazetteer" in self.styles:
            #                tokenText = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
            #            if ("exclude_gazetteer" in self.styles) and self.gazetteer and tokenText not in self.gazetteer:
            #                features = {}
            #                features[self.featureSet.getId("exclude_gazetteer")] = 1
            #                extra = {"xtype":"token","t":token.get("id"),"excluded":"True"}
            #                if entityIds != None:
            #                    extra["goldIds"] = entityIds
            #                #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )
            #                ExampleUtils.appendExamples([(sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra)], outfile)
            #                exampleIndex += 1
            #                continue

            # FEATURES
            features = {}

            if not self.styles["names"]:
                features[self.featureSet.getId(namedEntityCountFeature)] = 1
            #for k,v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v
            # pre-calculate bow _features_

            #            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            #                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
            #                if j < i:
            #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
            #                elif j > i:
            #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1

            # Main features
            text = token.get("text")
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_" + text)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("POS_" + token.get("POS"))] = 1
            stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_" + stem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_" + text[len(stem):])] = 1

            # Normalized versions of the string (if same as non-normalized, overlap without effect)
            normalizedText = text.replace("-", "").replace("/", "").replace(
                ",", "").replace("\\", "").replace(" ", "").lower()
            if normalizedText == "bound":  # should be for all irregular verbs
                normalizedText = "bind"
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_" + normalizedText)] = 1
            norStem = PorterStemmer.stem(normalizedText)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_" + norStem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_" +
                                           normalizedText[len(norStem):])] = 1

            ## Subspan features
            #textLower = text.lower()
            #for i in range(1, len(textLower)):
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId("subspanbegin"+str(i)+"_"+textLower[0:i])] = 1
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId("subspanend"+str(i)+"_"+textLower[-i:])] = 1

            # Substring features
            for string in text.split("-"):
                stringLower = string.lower()
                features[self.featureSet.getId("substring_" + stringLower)] = 1
                    "substringstem_" + PorterStemmer.stem(stringLower))] = 1

            if not self.styles["no_context"]:
                # Linear order features
                for index in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]:
                    if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                        self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index,
                                                      str(index), features)

                # Linear n-grams
                if self.styles["linear_ngrams"]:
                    self.buildLinearNGram(max(0, i - 1), i, sentenceGraph,
                    self.buildLinearNGram(max(0, i - 2), i, sentenceGraph,

            if self.styles["phospho"]:
                if text.find("hospho") != -1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("phospho_found")] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("begin_" +
                                               text[0:2].lower())] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("begin_" +
                                               text[0:3].lower())] = 1

            if self.styles["bb_features"]:
                if text.lower() in self.bacteriaTokens:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("lpsnBacToken")] = 1

            # Content
            if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
                features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_start")] = 1
            for j in range(len(text)):
                if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_middle")] = 1
                # numbers and special characters
                if text[j].isdigit():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_digits")] = 1
                    if j > 0 and text[j - 1] == "-":
                            "has_hyphenated_digit")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "-":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphen")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "/":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_fslash")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "\\":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_bslash")] = 1
                # duplets
                if j > 0:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("dt_" +
                                                   text[j - 1:j +
                                                        1].lower())] = 1
                # triplets
                if j > 1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("tt_" +
                                                   text[j - 2:j +
                                                        1].lower())] = 1
                # quadruplets (don't work, slight decrease (0.5 pp) on f-score
                #if j > 2:
                #    features[self.featureSet.getId("qt_"+text[j-3:j+1].lower())] = 1

            # Attached edges (Hanging in and out edges)
            if not self.styles["no_context"]:
                t1InEdges = self.inEdgesByToken[token]
                for edge in t1InEdges:
                    edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" +
                                                   edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                    tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[0])
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + tokenText)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenText)] = 1
                    tokenStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + tokenStem)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenStem)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + norStem + "_" +
                                                   edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenStem)] = 1
                t1OutEdges = self.outEdgesByToken[token]
                for edge in t1OutEdges:
                    edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" +
                                                   edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                    tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[1])
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + tokenText)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenText)] = 1
                    tokenStem = PorterStemmer.stem(tokenText)
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + tokenStem)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenStem)] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + norStem + "_" +
                                                   edgeType + "_" +
                                                   tokenStem)] = 1

            # REL features
            if self.styles["rel_features"]:
                    sentenceGraph.tokens, i)

            # DDI13 features
            if self.styles["ddi13_features"]:
                for index in range(len(normalizedText)):
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ddi13_fromstart" +
                                                   str(index) + "_" +
                                                   normalizedText[:index +
                                                                  1])] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ddi13_fromend" +
                                                   str(index) + "_" +
                                                   normalizedText[index:])] = 1
            if self.styles["drugbank_features"]:
                self.drugFeatureBuilder.tag = "ddi_"

            #self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures("show", "VBP")
            #tokTxt = token.get("text")
            #tokPOS = token.get("POS")
            #wordNetFeatures = []
            #wordNetFeatures = self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(tokTxt, tokPOS)
            #self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(tokTxt, tokPOS)
            if self.styles["wordnet"]:
                tokTxt = token.get("text")
                tokPOS = token.get("POS")
                wordNetFeatures = self.wordNetFeatureBuilder.getTokenFeatures(
                    tokTxt, tokPOS)
                for wordNetFeature in wordNetFeatures:
                    #print wordNetFeature,
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("WN_" + wordNetFeature)] = 1

            if self.styles["giuliano"]:
                    token, sentenceGraph)

            if self.styles["ontobiotope_features"]:

            extra = {"xtype": "token", "t": token.get("id")}
            if self.styles["bb_features"]:
                    "trigex"] = "bb"  # Request trigger extension in ExampleWriter
            if self.styles["epi_merge_negated"]:
                extra["unmergeneg"] = "epi"  # Request trigger type unmerging
            if entityIds != None:
                    "goldIds"] = entityIds  # The entities to which this example corresponds
            #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )

            if self.styles["bb_spans"]:
                for span in sentenceGraph.sentenceElement.iter("span"):
                    if span.get("headOffset") != token.get("charOffset"):
                    #if span.get("source") != "spec":
                    #    continue
                    #print span.get("headOffset"), token.get("charOffset"), span.get("source"), token.get("id")
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("span_found")] = 1
                        "span_count")] = 1 + features.get(
                            self.featureSet.getId("span_count"), 0)
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("span_identifier" +
                                                   span.get("identifier"))] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("span_type" +
                                                   span.get("type"))] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("span_category" +
                                                   span.get("category"))] = 1
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("span_source" +
                                                   span.get("source"))] = 1

                    if "define_offset" in extra:
                        prevOffset = [
                            int(x) for x in extra["define_offset"].split("-")
                        assert len(prevOffset) == 2
                        newOffset = [
                            int(x) for x in span.get("charOffset").split("-")
                        assert len(newOffset) == 2
                        prevOffsetRange = abs(prevOffset[0] - prevOffset[1])
                        newOffsetRange = abs(newOffset[0] - newOffset[1])
                        if newOffsetRange > prevOffsetRange:
                            extra["define_offset"] = span.get("charOffset")
                        extra["define_offset"] = span.get("charOffset")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("span_count_" + str(
                    features.get(self.featureSet.getId("span_count"), 0)))] = 1

            # chains
            if not self.styles["no_context"]:
                self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph, features)

            if self.styles["pos_pairs"]:
                self.buildPOSPairs(token, namedEntityHeadTokens, features)

            if self.styles["wordvector"]:

            example = (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId() + ".x" +
                       str(exampleIndex), category, features, extra)
            ExampleUtils.appendExamples([example], outfile)
            exampleIndex += 1
        #return examples
        return exampleIndex
コード例 #13
 def stemTokens(self):
     for token in self.tokensById.values():
         token.stem = stemmer.stem(token.text)
コード例 #14
    def buildExamplesFromGraph(self,
        Build one example for each token of the sentence
        examples = []
        exampleIndex = 0

        self.tokenFeatures = {}

        if goldGraph != None:
            entityToGold = EvaluateInteractionXML.mapEntities(
                sentenceGraph.entities, goldGraph.entities)

        namedEntityCount = 0
        entityCount = 0
        for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
            if entity.get(
            ) == "True":  # known data which can be used for features
                namedEntityCount += 1
            else:  # known data which can be used for features
                entityCount += 1
        namedEntityCountFeature = "nameCount_" + str(namedEntityCount)
        entityCountFeature = "entityCount_" + str(entityCount)

        bagOfWords = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            text = "bow_" + token.get("text")
            if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                bagOfWords[text] = 0
            bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
                text = "ne_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if len(sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead) > 0:
                text = "ge_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1

            text = token.get("text")
            if self.styles["speculation_words"] and text in self.specWords:
                if not bagOfWords.has_key("spec_bow_" + text):
                    bagOfWords["spec_bow_" + text] = 0
                bagOfWords["spec_bow_" + text] += 1
                bagOfWords["spec_sentence"] = 1

        bowFeatures = {}
        for k, v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            bowFeatures[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v

        self.inEdgesByToken = {}
        self.outEdgesByToken = {}
        self.edgeSetByToken = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getInEdges(token)
            self.inEdgesByToken[token] = inEdges
            outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getOutEdges(token)
            self.outEdgesByToken[token] = outEdges
            self.edgeSetByToken[token] = set(inEdges + outEdges)

        for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
            #token = sentenceGraph.tokens[i]
            token = sentenceGraph.entityHeadTokenByEntity[entity]
            # Recognize only non-named entities (i.e. interaction words)
            if entity.get("given") == "True":

            # CLASS
            if self.styles["classification"] == "multiclass":
                task3Type = "multiclass"
                categoryName = ""
                if entity.get("negation") == "True":
                    categoryName += "negation"
                if entity.get("speculation") == "True":
                    if categoryName != "":
                        categoryName += "---"
                    categoryName += "speculation"
                if categoryName == "":
                    categoryName = "neg"
                category = self.classSet.getId(categoryName)
            elif self.styles["classification"] == "speculation":
                task3Type = "speculation"
                if entity.get("speculation") == "True":
                    category = self.classSet.getId("speculation")
                    category = 1
                if goldGraph != None:
                    if len(entityToGold[entity]) > 0 and entityToGold[entity][
                            0].get("speculation") == "True":
                        category = self.classSet.getId("speculation")
                        category = 1
                categoryName = self.classSet.getName(category)
            elif self.styles["classification"] == "negation":
                task3Type = "negation"
                if entity.get("negation") == "True":
                    category = self.classSet.getId("negation")
                    category = 1
                if goldGraph != None:
                    if len(entityToGold[entity]) > 0 and entityToGold[entity][
                            0].get("negation") == "True":
                        category = self.classSet.getId("negation")
                        category = 1
                categoryName = self.classSet.getName(category)

            # FEATURES
            features = {}

            # ENTITY TYPE
            #entityType = self.classSet.getId(self.getMergedEntityType(entity))
            #del self.classSet.Ids[self.getMergedEntityType(entity)]
            #IF LOCAL
            # There's a mistake here. The entityType should be the string, not
            # the id of the type. But there's also another issue. getMergedEntityType
            # expects a list, not an item. Therefore the type is always empty ->
            # types don't get used in classification. But this is the code used in
            # the publication, so it will now be published as is, and fixed in a later
            # release.
            # Besides, using the classSet here generates an unneeded
            # additional class, that shows up in evaluations etc. However, to be
            # able to publish the exact models used for the publication experiments,
            # this can't be fixed so it breaks feature id consistency. Therefore I'll
            # now just remove the redundant class id from the classSet.
            #features[self.featureSet.getId(entityType)] = 1

            features[self.featureSet.getId(namedEntityCountFeature)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId(entityCountFeature)] = 1
            #for k,v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v
            # pre-calculate bow _features_

            #            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            #                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
            #                if j < i:
            #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
            #                elif j > i:
            #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1

            # Main features
            text = token.get("text")
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_" + text)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("POS_" + token.get("POS"))] = 1
            stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_" + stem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_" + text[len(stem):])] = 1

            if self.styles["speculation_words"]:
                if text in self.specWords:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ent_spec")] = 1
                if stem in self.specWordStems:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ent_spec_stem")] = 1

            # Linear order features
            for i in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
                if token == sentenceGraph.tokens[i]:
            for index in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]:
                if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                    self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index,
                                                  str(index), features)

            # Content
            if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
                features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_start")] = 1
            for j in range(len(text)):
                if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_middle")] = 1
                # numbers and special characters
                if text[j].isdigit():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_digits")] = 1
                    if j > 0 and text[j - 1] == "-":
                            "has_hyphenated_digit")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "-":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphen")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "/":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_fslash")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "\\":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_bslash")] = 1
                # duplets
                if j > 0:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("dt_" +
                                                   text[j - 1:j +
                                                        1].lower())] = 1
                # triplets
                if j > 1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("tt_" +
                                                   text[j - 2:j +
                                                        1].lower())] = 1

            # Attached edges (Hanging in and out edges)
            t1InEdges = self.inEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1InEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" +
                                               edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                               edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[0])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                               tokenText)] = 1
            t1OutEdges = self.outEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1OutEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" +
                                               edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                               edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[1])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_" + edgeType + "_" +
                                               tokenText)] = 1

            self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph, features)

            extra = {
                "xtype": "task3",
                "t3type": task3Type,
                "t": token.get("id"),
                "entity": entity.get("id")
            #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )
            example = (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId() + ".x" +
                       str(exampleIndex), category, features, extra)
            ExampleUtils.appendExamples([example], outfile)
            exampleIndex += 1
        #return examples
        return exampleIndex
コード例 #15
    def buildExamplesFromGraph(self, sentenceGraph, outfile, goldGraph=None, structureAnalyzer=None):
        Build one example for each token of the sentence
        examples = []
        exampleIndex = 0
        self.tokenFeatures = {}

        if goldGraph != None:
            entityToGold = EvaluateInteractionXML.mapEntities(sentenceGraph.entities, goldGraph.entities)
        namedEntityCount = 0
        entityCount = 0
        for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
            if entity.get("given") == "True": # known data which can be used for features
                namedEntityCount += 1
            else: # known data which can be used for features
                entityCount += 1
        namedEntityCountFeature = "nameCount_" + str(namedEntityCount)
        entityCountFeature = "entityCount_" + str(entityCount)
        bagOfWords = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            text = "bow_" + token.get("text")
            if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                bagOfWords[text] = 0
            bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if sentenceGraph.tokenIsName[token]:
                text = "ne_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1
            if len(sentenceGraph.tokenIsEntityHead) > 0:
                text = "ge_" + text
                if not bagOfWords.has_key(text):
                    bagOfWords[text] = 0
                bagOfWords[text] += 1
            text = token.get("text")
            if self.styles["speculation_words"] and text in self.specWords:
                if not bagOfWords.has_key("spec_bow_"+text):
                    bagOfWords["spec_bow_"+text] = 0
                bagOfWords["spec_bow_"+text] += 1
                bagOfWords["spec_sentence"] = 1
        bowFeatures = {}
        for k,v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            bowFeatures[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v
        self.inEdgesByToken = {}
        self.outEdgesByToken = {}
        self.edgeSetByToken = {}
        for token in sentenceGraph.tokens:
            inEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getInEdges(token)
            self.inEdgesByToken[token] = inEdges
            outEdges = sentenceGraph.dependencyGraph.getOutEdges(token)
            self.outEdgesByToken[token] = outEdges
            self.edgeSetByToken[token] = set(inEdges + outEdges)
        for entity in sentenceGraph.entities:
            #token = sentenceGraph.tokens[i]
            token = sentenceGraph.entityHeadTokenByEntity[entity]
            # Recognize only non-named entities (i.e. interaction words)
            if entity.get("given") == "True":
            # CLASS
            if self.styles["classification"] == "multiclass":
                task3Type = "multiclass"
                categoryName = ""
                if entity.get("negation") == "True":
                    categoryName += "negation"
                if entity.get("speculation") == "True":
                    if categoryName != "":
                        categoryName += "---"
                    categoryName += "speculation"
                if categoryName == "":
                    categoryName = "neg"
                category = self.classSet.getId(categoryName)  
            elif self.styles["classification"] == "speculation":
                task3Type = "speculation"
                if entity.get("speculation") == "True":
                    category = self.classSet.getId("speculation")
                    category = 1
                if goldGraph != None:
                    if len(entityToGold[entity]) > 0 and entityToGold[entity][0].get("speculation") == "True":
                        category = self.classSet.getId("speculation")
                        category = 1
                categoryName = self.classSet.getName(category)
            elif self.styles["classification"] == "negation":
                task3Type = "negation"
                if entity.get("negation") == "True":
                    category = self.classSet.getId("negation")
                    category = 1
                if goldGraph != None:
                    if len(entityToGold[entity]) > 0 and entityToGold[entity][0].get("negation") == "True":
                        category = self.classSet.getId("negation")
                        category = 1
                categoryName = self.classSet.getName(category)

            # FEATURES
            features = {}

            # ENTITY TYPE
            #entityType = self.classSet.getId(self.getMergedEntityType(entity))
            #del self.classSet.Ids[self.getMergedEntityType(entity)]
            # There's a mistake here. The entityType should be the string, not
            # the id of the type. But there's also another issue. getMergedEntityType
            # expects a list, not an item. Therefore the type is always empty ->
            # types don't get used in classification. But this is the code used in
            # the publication, so it will now be published as is, and fixed in a later
            # release.
            # Besides, using the classSet here generates an unneeded
            # additional class, that shows up in evaluations etc. However, to be 
            # able to publish the exact models used for the publication experiments,
            # this can't be fixed so it breaks feature id consistency. Therefore I'll
            # now just remove the redundant class id from the classSet.
            #features[self.featureSet.getId(entityType)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId(namedEntityCountFeature)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId(entityCountFeature)] = 1
            #for k,v in bagOfWords.iteritems():
            #    features[self.featureSet.getId(k)] = v
            # pre-calculate bow _features_
#            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
#                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
#                if j < i:
#                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
#                elif j > i:
#                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1
            # Main features
            text = token.get("text")
            features[self.featureSet.getId("txt_"+text)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("POS_"+token.get("POS"))] = 1
            stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
            features[self.featureSet.getId("stem_"+stem)] = 1
            features[self.featureSet.getId("nonstem_"+text[len(stem):])] = 1
            if self.styles["speculation_words"]:
                if text in self.specWords:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ent_spec")] = 1
                if stem in self.specWordStems:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("ent_spec_stem")] = 1
            # Linear order features
            for i in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
                if token == sentenceGraph.tokens[i]:
            for index in [-3,-2,-1,1,2,3]:
                if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                    self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index, str(index), features)
            # Content
            if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
                features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_start")] = 1
            for j in range(len(text)):
                if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("upper_case_middle")] = 1
                # numbers and special characters
                if text[j].isdigit():
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_digits")] = 1
                    if j > 0 and text[j-1] == "-":
                        features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphenated_digit")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "-":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_hyphen")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "/":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_fslash")] = 1
                elif text[j] == "\\":
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("has_bslash")] = 1
                # duplets
                if j > 0:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("dt_"+text[j-1:j+1].lower())] = 1
                # triplets
                if j > 1:
                    features[self.featureSet.getId("tt_"+text[j-2:j+1].lower())] = 1
            # Attached edges (Hanging in and out edges)
            t1InEdges = self.inEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1InEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType+"_"+edge[0].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[0])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HIn_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenText)] = 1
            t1OutEdges = self.outEdgesByToken[token]
            for edge in t1OutEdges:
                edgeType = edge[2].get("type")
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType+"_"+edge[1].get("POS"))] = 1
                tokenText = sentenceGraph.getTokenText(edge[1])
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+tokenText)] = 1
                features[self.featureSet.getId("t1HOut_"+edgeType+"_"+tokenText)] = 1

            self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph, features)
            extra = {"xtype":"task3","t3type":task3Type,"t":token.get("id"),"entity":entity.get("id")}
            #examples.append( (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra) )
            example = (sentenceGraph.getSentenceId()+".x"+str(exampleIndex),category,features,extra)
            ExampleUtils.appendExamples([example], outfile)
            exampleIndex += 1            
        #return examples
        return exampleIndex
コード例 #16
    def buildFeatures(self, token, linear=True, chains=True):
        sentenceGraph = self.sentenceGraph
        tokenIndex = None
        for i in range(len(self.sentenceGraph.tokens)):
            if token == self.sentenceGraph.tokens[i]:
                tokenIndex = i
        assert tokenIndex != None
        token = self.sentenceGraph.tokens[tokenIndex]

        # if not "names" in self.styles:
        self.setFeature(self.namedEntityCountFeature, 1)

        # self.features.update(self.bowFeatures) # Note! these do not get tagged

        #            for j in range(len(sentenceGraph.tokens)):
        #                text = "bow_" + sentenceGraph.tokens[j].get("text")
        #                if j < i:
        #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("bf_" + text)] = 1
        #                elif j > i:
        #                    features[self.featureSet.getId("af_" + text)] = 1

        # Main features
        text = token.get("text")
        self.setFeature("txt_" + text, 1)
        self.setFeature("POS_" + token.get("POS"), 1)
        stem = PorterStemmer.stem(text)
        self.setFeature("stem_" + stem, 1)
        self.setFeature("nonstem_" + text[len(stem) :], 1)

        # Linear order features
        if linear:
            for index in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]:
                if i + index > 0 and i + index < len(sentenceGraph.tokens):
                    self.buildLinearOrderFeatures(sentenceGraph, i + index, str(index))

        # Content
        if i > 0 and text[0].isalpha() and text[0].isupper():
            self.setFeature("upper_case_start", 1)
        for j in range(len(text)):
            if j > 0 and text[j].isalpha() and text[j].isupper():
                self.setFeature("upper_case_middle", 1)
            # numbers and special characters
            if text[j].isdigit():
                self.setFeature("has_digits", 1)
                if j > 0 and text[j - 1] == "-":
                    self.setFeature("has_hyphenated_digit", 1)
            elif text[j] == "-":
                self.setFeature("has_hyphen", 1)
            elif text[j] == "/":
                self.setFeature("has_fslash", 1)
            elif text[j] == "\\":
                self.setFeature("has_bslash", 1)
            # duplets
            if j > 0:
                self.setFeature("dt_" + text[j - 1 : j + 1].lower(), 1)
            # triplets
            if j > 1:
                self.setFeature("tt_" + text[j - 2 : j + 1].lower(), 1)

        # chains
        if chains:
            self.buildChains(token, sentenceGraph)
コード例 #17
ファイル: ParseGraph.py プロジェクト: DUT-LiuYang/TEES
 def stemTokens(self):
     for token in self.tokensById.values():
         token.stem = stemmer.stem(token.text)