コード例 #1
ファイル: parsePhotonDump.py プロジェクト: bmazin/SDR
nBitsHdrNum = 12
nBitsHdrRoach = 8
realIdx = np.where(np.logical_and(firstBytes != headerFirstByte, words != fakePhotonWord))[0]
realPhotons = words[realIdx]
#photon format: 20 bits id, 9 bits ts, fix18_15 phase, fix17_14 base
nBitsPhtId = 20
nBitsPhtTstamp = 9
nBitsPhtPhase = 18
binPtPhtPhase = 15
nBitsPhtBase = 17
binPtPhtBase = 14
for i in range(10):
    print '{:016X}'.format(realPhotons[i])

#find each photon's corresponding header
photonIdMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsPhtId)
photonIds = (realPhotons >> (nBitsPhtTstamp+nBitsPhtPhase+nBitsPhtBase)) & photonIdMask
#selectId = 34
#selectMask = photonIds==selectId
#realIdx = realIdx[selectMask]
#realPhotons = realPhotons[selectMask]

photonsHeaderIdx = np.searchsorted(headerIdx,realIdx)-1

photonsHeader = headers[photonsHeaderIdx]
#now get the timestamp from this
headerTimestampBitmask = int('1'*nBitsHdrTstamp,2)
headerTimestamps = ((headerTimestampBitmask & photonsHeader)/2.)

headerFrameNumBitmask = int('1'*nBitsHdrNum,2)
headerFrameNums = headerFrameNumBitmask & (photonsHeader>>nBitsHdrTstamp)
コード例 #2
def parsePacketData(words,verbose=False):

    nWords = len(words)

    fakePhotonWord = 2**63-1
    headerFirstByte = 0xff

    firstBytes = words >> (64-8)
    if verbose:
        print nWords,' words parsed'
    headerIdx = np.where(firstBytes == headerFirstByte)[0]
    headers = words[firstBytes == headerFirstByte]
    if verbose:
        print len(headerIdx),'headers'

    if verbose:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        ax.set_title('frame size')
        print np.max(np.diff(headerIdx)),'max frame size'

    fakeIdx = np.where(words == fakePhotonWord)[0]
    if verbose:
        print len(fakeIdx),'fake photons'

    #header format: 8 bits all ones, 8 bits roach num, 12 bits frame num, ufix36_1 bit timestamp
    nBitsHdrTstamp = 36
    binPtHdrTstamp = 1
    nBitsHdrNum = 12
    nBitsHdrRoach = 8

    roachNumMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsHdrRoach)
    roachNums = (headers >> (nBitsHdrNum+nBitsHdrTstamp)) & roachNumMask
    roachList = np.unique(roachNums)
    if verbose:
        print np.unique(roachNums)

    frameNumMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsHdrNum)
    frameNums = (headers >> nBitsHdrTstamp) & frameNumMask
    frameNumDiff = np.diff(frameNums)

    #for roach in roachList:
    #    frameNumsByRoach.append(frameNums[roachNums==roach])

    nMissedFrames = np.sum(np.logical_and(frameNumDiff != 1,frameNumDiff != -((2**nBitsHdrNum) - 1)))
    if verbose:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        ax.set_title('frame nums')
        print nMissedFrames,'missed frames'

    realIdx = np.where(np.logical_and(firstBytes != headerFirstByte, words != fakePhotonWord))[0]
    realPhotons = words[realIdx]
    nRealPhotons = len(realPhotons)
    if verbose:
        print nRealPhotons,'real photons parsed'
    #photon format: 20 bits id, 9 bits ts, fix18_15 phase, fix17_14 base
    nBitsPhtId = 20
    nBitsXCoord = 10
    nBitsYCoord = 10
    nBitsPhtTstamp = 9
    nBitsPhtPhase = 18
    binPtPhtPhase = 15
    nBitsPhtBase = 17
    binPtPhtBase = 14

    #find each photon's corresponding header
    photonIdMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsPhtId)
    pixelIds = (realPhotons >> (nBitsPhtTstamp+nBitsPhtPhase+nBitsPhtBase)) & photonIdMask
    xMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsXCoord)
    yMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsYCoord)

    xCoords = (pixelIds >> nBitsYCoord) & xMask
    yCoords = pixelIds & yMask
    #selectId = 34
    #selectMask = pixelIds==selectId
    #realIdx = realIdx[selectMask]
    #realPhotons = realPhotons[selectMask]

    photonsHeaderIdx = np.searchsorted(headerIdx,realIdx)-1

    photonsHeader = headers[photonsHeaderIdx]
    #now get the timestamp from this
    headerTimestampBitmask = int('1'*nBitsHdrTstamp,2)
    headerTimestamps = ((headerTimestampBitmask & photonsHeader)/2.)

    headerFrameNumBitmask = int('1'*nBitsHdrNum,2)
    headerFrameNums = headerFrameNumBitmask & (photonsHeader>>nBitsHdrTstamp)

    photonTimestampMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsPhtTstamp)
    photonTimestamps = (realPhotons >> (nBitsPhtPhase+nBitsPhtBase)) & photonTimestampMask

    photonTimestamps = photonTimestamps*1.e-3 + headerTimestamps #convert us to ms
    dt = np.diff(photonTimestamps)
    if verbose:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

    phtPhaseMask = int('1'*nBitsPhtPhase,2)
    phases = (realPhotons >> nBitsPhtBase) & phtPhaseMask
    phasesDeg = 180./np.pi * binTools.reinterpretBin(phases,nBits=nBitsPhtPhase,binaryPoint=binPtPhtPhase)

    phtBaseMask = int('1'*nBitsPhtBase,2)
    bases = (realPhotons) & phtPhaseMask
    basesDeg = 180./np.pi * binTools.reinterpretBin(bases,nBits=nBitsPhtBase,binaryPoint=binPtPhtBase)

    image = np.zeros((nRows,nCols))
    for x,y in zip(xCoords,yCoords):
        image[y,x] += 1

    return {'basesDeg':basesDeg,'phasesDeg':phasesDeg,'photonTimestamps':photonTimestamps,'pixelIds':pixelIds,'photons':realPhotons,'headers':headers,'roachNums':roachNums,'image':image,'xCoords':xCoords,'yCoords':yCoords}
コード例 #3
ファイル: parsePacketDump.py プロジェクト: bmazin/SDR
    print '{:016X}'.format(headers[i])
print headerIdx[0:5]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
print np.max(np.diff(headerIdx)),'max frame size'

fakeIdx = np.where(words == fakePhotonWord)[0]
print len(fakeIdx),'fake photons'

#header format: 8 bits all ones, 8 bits roach num, 12 bits frame num, ufix36_1 bit timestamp
nBitsHdrTstamp = 36
binPtHdrTstamp = 1
nBitsHdrNum = 12
nBitsHdrRoach = 8

frameNumMask = binTools.bitmask(nBitsHdrNum)
frameNums = (headers >> nBitsHdrTstamp) & frameNumMask
print frameNums[0:4]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

realIdx = np.where(np.logical_and(firstBytes != headerFirstByte, words != fakePhotonWord))[0]
realPhotons = words[realIdx]
nRealPhotons = len(realPhotons)
print nRealPhotons,'real photons parsed'
#photon format: 20 bits id, 9 bits ts, fix18_15 phase, fix17_14 base
nBitsPhtId = 20
nBitsPhtTstamp = 9
nBitsPhtPhase = 18
binPtPhtPhase = 15
nBitsPhtBase = 17