def forward(self, feats, last_rnn_state, pred_poly): pred_poly = pred_poly.detach().cpu().numpy() #[bs, time] # we will use numpy functions to get pred_mask and pred_vertex_mask pred_mask = np.zeros( (pred_poly.shape[0], 1, self.grid_size, self.grid_size), dtype=np.uint8) pred_vertex_mask = np.zeros( (pred_poly.shape[0], 1, self.grid_size, self.grid_size), dtype=np.uint8) # Draw Vertex mask and full polygon mask for b in range(pred_poly.shape[0]): masked_poly = utils.get_masked_poly(pred_poly[b], self.grid_size) xy_poly = utils.class_to_xy(masked_poly, self.grid_size) utils.get_vertices_mask(xy_poly, pred_vertex_mask[b, 0]) utils.draw_poly(pred_mask[b, 0], xy_poly) pred_mask = torch.from_numpy(pred_mask).to(device).to(torch.float32) pred_vertex_mask = torch.from_numpy(pred_vertex_mask).to(device).to( torch.float32) inp =[ feats, last_rnn_state[0][0], last_rnn_state[1][0], pred_mask, pred_vertex_mask ], dim=1) conv1 = self.conv1(inp) conv2 = self.conv2(conv1) conv2 = conv2.view(conv2.size(0), -1) pred_iou = self.fc(conv2) return pred_iou.view(-1)
def iou_from_poly(pred, gt, width, height): """ Compute IoU from poly. The polygons should already be in the final output size pred: list of np arrays of predicted polygons gt: list of np arrays of gt polygons grid_size: grid_size that the polygons are in """ masks = np.zeros((2, height, width), dtype=np.uint8) if not isinstance(pred, list): pred = [pred] if not isinstance(gt, list): gt = [gt] for p in pred: masks[0] = utils.draw_poly(masks[0], p) for g in gt: masks[1] = utils.draw_poly(masks[1], g) return iou_from_mask(masks[0], masks[1]), masks
def iou_from_gt_mask_and_pred_poly(gt, pred, width, height): """ Compute IoU from poly. The polygons should already be in the final output size pred: list of np arrays of predicted polygons gt: list of np arrays of gt polygons grid_size: grid_size that the polygons are in """ masks = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) if not isinstance(pred, list): pred = [pred] for g in pred: masks = utils.draw_poly(masks, g) return iou_from_mask(masks, gt), masks
def process_outputs(self, data, output, save=True): """ Process outputs to get final outputs for the whole image Optionally saves the outputs to a folder for evaluation """ instances = data['instance'] pred_spline = output['pred_polys'] # (16, 40, 2) pred_gcn = output['gcn_layer'] # (16, 40, 2) ## overlay pred_spline to 224*224 image # origin_img = output['origin_img'] # img = torch.squeeze(origin_img) # img = data['img'] # img = torch.squeeze(img) # img = img.cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) # (224, 224, 3) # img = (img-img.min())/(img.max()-img.min()) # normalize to 0~1 # img_save = np.uint8(255 * img) # import os # # len_th = len(os.listdir("")) # imsave("" + str(instances[0]['img_path'][-17:-4]) + '.png', img_save, 'PNG') # len_th = len(os.listdir("")) # # instance_id = instances[0]['img_path'][-17:-4] # # for i in range(len(output['pred_polys_all'])): # pred_spline_numpy = torch.squeeze(output['pred_polys_all'][i]).cpu().numpy() # (cp_num,2) # to_axis = (pred_spline_numpy * 224).astype(np.int32) # CAM = np.zeros((224, 224)) # for index, item in enumerate(to_axis): # CAM[item[1] - 2, item[0] - 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 2, item[0] - 1] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 1, item[0] - 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 1, item[0] - 1] = 1 # top-left # CAM[item[1] - 2, item[0]] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 1, item[0]] = 1 # top # CAM[item[1] - 2, item[0] + 1] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 2, item[0] + 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 1, item[0] + 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] - 1, item[0] + 1] = 1 # top-right # CAM[item[1], item[0] - 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1], item[0] - 1] = 1 # left # CAM[item[1], item[0] + 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1], item[0] + 1] = 1 # right # CAM[item[1] + 1, item[0] - 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 2, item[0] - 1] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 2, item[0] - 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 1, item[0] - 1] = 1 # bottom-left # CAM[item[1] + 2, item[0]] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 1, item[0]] = 1 # bottom # CAM[item[1] + 1, item[0] + 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 2, item[0] + 2] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 2, item[0] + 1] = 1 # CAM[item[1] + 1, item[0] + 1] = 1 # CAM[item[1], item[0]] = 1 # import cv2 # heatmap = cv2.applyColorMap(np.uint8(255 * CAM), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # heatmap = np.float32(heatmap) / 255 # # cam = heatmap + np.float32(torch.squeeze(img).permute(1,2,0).detach().numpy()) # # cam = heatmap + np.float32(torch.squeeze(img).permute(1,2,0).detach().numpy()) # cam = 0.7*heatmap + np.float32(img) * 0.4 #0.5 should be smaller # cam = cam / np.max(cam) # import os # # cv2.imwrite("" + str(instance_id) + "_" + str(i) + ".jpg", np.uint8(255 * cam)) # #cv2.imwrite("" + str(i) + "gray_pre" + str(len_th) + ".jpg", np.uint8(255 * CAM)) # preds = self.spline.sample_point(pred_spline) # (16, 1280, 2) preds = pred_spline preds_numpy = preds.cpu().numpy() torch.cuda.synchronize() preds = preds.cpu().numpy() pred_spline = pred_spline.cpu() pred_spline = pred_spline.numpy() ## overlay pre_polygons on croped img # img_save = np.uint8(img) # pil_img = Image.fromarray(img_save, mode='RGB') # img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img, 'RGBA') # # img_draw.polygon(polys_pred, outline='red') #pred polygons # # img_draw.polygon(polys_gt, outline='blue') #GT polygons # predicted_poly = [] # poly = preds[0] # poly = poly * 224#data['patch_w'][0] #to (224, 224) # # poly[:, 0] += data['starting_point'][0][0] # # poly[:, 1] += data['starting_point'][0][1] # predicted_poly.append(poly.tolist()) # polys_pre = predicted_poly[0] # polys_pre_final = [tuple(item) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0]-data['starting_point'][0][0])*224/data['patch_w'][0],(item[1]-data['starting_point'][0][1])*224/data['patch_w'][0])) for item in polys_gt] # # # draw circle # #img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_ob, 'RGBA') # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # # ## width be bigger # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0]-1, item[1]-1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0]-1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0]-1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0] + 1, item[1] + 1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] + 1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] + 1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ##top # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0], item[1]- 1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0], # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] - 1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ##bottom # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0], item[1]+ 1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0], # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] + 1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ## top-right # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0]+1, item[1] - 1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0]+1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] - 1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ## bottom-left # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0] - 1, item[1] + 1)) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] - 1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] + 1)) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ## left # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0] - 1, item[1])) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] - 1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0])) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons # #img_draw.polygon(polys_gt_final, outline=(0, 0, 255)) # ## right # polys_pre_final = [tuple((item[0] + 1, item[1])) for item in polys_pre] # polys_gt = instances[0]['components'][0]['poly'] # polys_gt_final = [tuple(((item[0] - data['starting_point'][0][0]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0] + 1, # (item[1] - data['starting_point'][0][1]) * 224 / data['patch_w'][0])) for item in # polys_gt] # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 0, 0)) # pred polygons ## bellow code for draw vertexPoly on croped img # img_draw.polygon(polys_pre_final, outline=(255, 193, 37)) # imsave_ob = np.array(pil_img).astype(np.uint8) # for index, item in enumerate(polys_pre_final): # if index % 32 == 0: #, (int(item[0]),int(item[1])),2,(0,255,255),-1) # rr,cc =[1],item[0],2) # draw.set_color(imsave_ob, [rr,cc], [0,255,255]) # pil_img = Image.fromarray(imsave_ob, mode='RGB') #''+str(instances[0]['img_path'][-17:-4])+'.png', 'PNG') #[:-56] + '' + imgpath[-17:-4] + '_overlay_pre_gt.png','PNG') #[:-56] + "es" + '/pre_overlay/' + imgpath[-29:-4] + '_overlay_pre_gt.png','PNG') polys = [] for i, instance in enumerate(instances): poly = preds[i] poly = poly * data['patch_w'][i] # to (224 224) poly[:, 0] += data['starting_point'][i][0] poly[:, 1] += data['starting_point'][i][1] pred_sp = pred_spline[i] pred_sp = pred_sp * data['patch_w'][i] pred_sp[:, 0] += data['starting_point'][i][0] pred_sp[:, 1] += data['starting_point'][i][1] instance['spline_pos'] = pred_sp.tolist() polys.append(poly) if save: img_h, img_w = instance['img_height'], instance['img_width'] predicted_poly = [] pred_mask = np.zeros((img_h, img_w), dtype=np.uint8) utils.draw_poly(pred_mask, poly.astype( predicted_poly.append(poly.tolist()) ## overlap pred_poly with original image img_path = str(instance['img_path']) # get gt_polys # polys_gt = data['instance'][0]['components'][0]['poly'] polys_gt = instance['components'][0]['poly'] # get polys_pre polys_pre = predicted_poly[0] polys_gt_final = [tuple(item) for item in polys_gt] polys_pre_final = [tuple(item) for item in polys_pre] if len(polys_pre_final) == 1: print('error!! ', img_path[10:]) print('before optimize is: ', output['pred_polys'][i]) ## <<overlay gt_pre>> else: pass ##for 30 test volumes #utils.overlap_pre_gt('/home/lxj/work_station/' + img_path[10:], polys_pre_final, polys_gt_final) ## for 5-cross-val experiments #utils.overlap_pre_gt('/home/lxj/work_station/' + img_path[25:], polys_pre_final, polys_gt_final) # utils.overlap_pre_gt('/home/lxj/' + img_path[10:], polys_pre_final, polys_gt_final) # only for citiscapse gt_mask = utils.get_full_mask_from_instance( self.opts['dataset']['train_val']['min_area'], instance) instance['my_predicted_poly'] = predicted_poly instance_id = instance['img_path'][-17:-4] # image_id = instance['image_id'] pred_mask_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_pred.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['pred_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath(pred_mask_fname, self.output_dir) gt_mask_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_gt.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['gt_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath(gt_mask_fname, self.output_dir) instance['n_corrections'] = 0 info_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_info.json'.format(instance_id)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sio.imsave(pred_mask_fname, pred_mask) sio.imsave(gt_mask_fname, gt_mask) # print '==> dumping json' with open(info_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(instance, f, indent=2) return polys
def process_outputs(self, data, output, save=True): """ Process outputs to get final outputs for the whole image Optionally saves the outputs to a folder for evaluation """ #pred_spline = output['pred_polys'] pred_spline = output['pred_polys'] preds = self.spline.sample_point(pred_spline) torch.cuda.synchronize() preds = preds.cpu().numpy() pred_spline = pred_spline.cpu() pred_spline = pred_spline.numpy() instances = data['instance'] polys = [] for i, instance in enumerate(instances): poly = preds[i] poly = poly * data['patch_w'][i] poly[:, 0] += data['starting_point'][i][0] poly[:, 1] += data['starting_point'][i][1] pred_sp = pred_spline[i] pred_sp = pred_sp * data['patch_w'][i] pred_sp[:, 0] += data['starting_point'][i][0] pred_sp[:, 1] += data['starting_point'][i][1] instance['spline_pos'] = pred_sp.tolist() polys.append(poly) if save: img_h, img_w = instance['img_height'], instance['img_width'] predicted_poly = [] pred_mask = np.zeros((img_h, img_w), dtype=np.uint8) utils.draw_poly(pred_mask, poly.astype( #utils.get_edge_mask(poly.astype(,pred_mask) #utils.get_vertices_mask(poly.astype(,pred_mask) predicted_poly.append(poly.tolist()) gt_mask = utils.get_full_mask_from_instance( self.opts['dataset']['train_val']['min_area'], instance) instance['my_predicted_poly'] = predicted_poly instance_id = instance['instance_id'] image_id = instance['image_id'] pred_mask_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_pred.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['pred_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath(pred_mask_fname, self.output_dir) gt_mask_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_gt.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['gt_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath(gt_mask_fname, self.output_dir) instance['n_corrections'] = 0 info_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_info.json'.format(instance_id)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sio.imsave(pred_mask_fname, pred_mask) sio.imsave(gt_mask_fname, gt_mask) # print '==> dumping json' with open(info_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(instance, f, indent=2) return polys
def train(self, epoch): print 'Starting training' self.model.train() accum = defaultdict(float) #loss_loc = WHD_losses.WeightedHausdorffDistance(resized_height=self.opts['p_num'],resized_width=self.opts['p_num'], # return_2_terms=True, # device=device) #loss_loc = WHD_losses.AveragedHausdorffLoss() loss_loc = losses.WeightedHausdorffDistance(resized_height=224, resized_width=224, return_2_terms=True, device=device) # focalloss = focal.FocalLoss(None,None,None,'mean') focalloss = focal.FocalLoss() # To accumulate stats for printing for step, data in enumerate(self.train_loader): if len(data['img']) == 1: continue if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: img = data['img'].to(device) annotation = data['annotation_prior'].to(device).unsqueeze(1) img =[img, annotation], 1) else: img = data['img'].to(device) self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.global_step % self.opts['val_freq'] == 0 and not self.opts[ 'debug']: self.validate() self.save_checkpoint(epoch) output = self.model.forward(img, data['fwd_poly']) loss_sum = 0 pred_cps = output['pred_polys'][-1] pred_polys = self.spline.sample_point(pred_cps) # print(pred_polys.shape) # print(output['vertex_logits'].shape) gt_right_order, poly_mathcing_loss_sum = losses.poly_mathcing_loss( self.opts['p_num'], pred_polys, data['gt_poly'].to(device), loss_type=self.opts['loss_type']) # add by dzh contour refine ## Initializing Contour Box level_set_config_dict = { 'step_ckpts': [50], 'lambda_': 0.0, 'alpha': 1, 'smoothing': 1, 'render_radius': -1, 'is_gt_semantic': True, 'method': 'MLS', 'balloon': 1, 'threshold': 0.99, 'merge_weight': 0.5 } cbox = ContourBox.LevelSetAlignment(n_workers=1, fn_post_process_callback=None, config=level_set_config_dict) # print('-------------shape--------------------') output_contour, _ = cbox( { 'seg': np.expand_dims(data['edge_mask'], 0), 'bdry': None }, np.expand_dims( output['edge_logits'].view( data['edge_mask'].shape).cpu().detach().numpy(), 0)) masks_step = output_contour[0, :, 0, :, :] #--------add by dzh 7.18 edge_annotation_loss = 0 curr_fp_edge_loss = losses.fp_edge_loss( torch.from_numpy(masks_step).to( device ), #self.opts['fp_weight'] * losses.fp_edge_loss(torch.from_numpy(masks_step).to(device), output['edge_logits'] ) #data['edge_mask'] torch.from_numpy(masks_step) edge_annotation_loss += curr_fp_edge_loss tt = [] #pred_poly_mask = np.zeros((36, 36), np.float32) for i in range(pred_polys.shape[0]): pred_poly_mask = np.zeros((224, 224), dtype=np.float32) ff = np.floor(pred_polys[i].detach().cpu().numpy() * 36).astype(np.int32) if not isinstance(ff, list): ff = [ff] for p in ff: pred_poly_mask = utils.draw_poly(pred_poly_mask, p) #ff=utils.poly01_to_poly0g(pred_polys[i].detach().cpu().numpy(), 35) # pred_poly_mask = utils.get_vertices_mask_36(ff, pred_poly_mask) tt.append(pred_poly_mask) tt1 = np.array(tt, dtype=np.float32) pred_poly_mask11 = torch.from_numpy(tt1).cuda() ll1 = pred_poly_mask11 #ll1 = output['vertex_logits'].view(output['vertex_logits'].shape[0],28,28) jjj = [] for tt in range(ll1.shape[0]): jjj.append([224, 224]) #jjj = [[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28],[28,28]] # print(data['poly_mask'].shape) kk = [] poly_mask_ori = data['poly_mask'] for hh in range(ll1.shape[0]): zzz = torch.FloatTensor(poly_mask_ori[hh].astype( np.float32)).cuda() #zzz = torch.FloatTensor(data['gt_orig_poly'][hh]).cuda() kk.append(zzz) #zzz = torch.from_numpy(data['gt_orig_poly'][0]) # print(ll1.shape) # print(kk.shape) #ll1,kk term1, term2 = loss_loc.forward( ll1, kk, torch.FloatTensor(np.array(jjj, dtype=np.float32)).cuda()) #fp_vertex_loss = self.opts['fp_weight'] * (term1+term2) fp_vertex_loss = 0.1 * (term1 + term2) + poly_mathcing_loss_sum #fp_vertex_loss = poly_mathcing_loss_sum + self.opts['fp_weight']* 0.1 * (term1+term2) loss_sum += fp_vertex_loss loss_sum += edge_annotation_loss # + self.opts['fp_weight'] * (term1+term2) ################iou loss function################# #preds= pred_polys.detach().data.cpu().numpy() #iou_loss = 0 #orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] #for i in range(preds.shape[0]): # curr_pred_poly = np.floor(preds[i] * 224).astype(np.int32) # curr_gt_poly = np.floor(orig_poly[i] * 224).astype(np.int32) # cur_iou, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly(np.array(curr_pred_poly, dtype=np.int32), # np.array(curr_gt_poly, dtype=np.int32), # 224, 224) # iou_loss += cur_iou #iou_loss = -iou_loss / preds.shape[0] #loss_sum += 0.1 * iou_loss ################iou loss function################# with torch.no_grad(): iou = 0 gt_mask_0 = [] pred_mask_0 = [] orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] preds = pred_polys.detach().data.cpu().numpy() # iou_filter = [] for i in range(preds.shape[0]): curr_pred_poly = np.floor(preds[i] * 224).astype(np.int32) curr_gt_poly = np.floor(orig_poly[i] * 224).astype( np.int32) cur_iou, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly( np.array(curr_pred_poly, dtype=np.int32), np.array(curr_gt_poly, dtype=np.int32), 224, 224) gt_mask_0.append(masks[1]) pred_mask_0.append(masks[0]) gt_mask_1 = torch.from_numpy( np.array(gt_mask_0)).to(device).float() pred_mask_1 = torch.from_numpy( np.array(pred_mask_0)).to(device).float() # mask_loss = focalloss(pred_mask_1, gt_mask_1) # mask_loss = losses.class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(pred_mask_1, gt_mask_1) # pred111=pred_mask_1.view(pred_mask_1.shape[0],1,224,224) #mask_loss = 100 * focalloss((pred_mask_1/255), (gt_mask_1/255)) mask_loss = torch.sum( torch.abs(gt_mask_1 / 250 - pred_mask_1 / 250)) loss_sum += torch.mean(mask_loss) # # iou_filter.append(1 if cur_iou>self.opts['iou_filter'] else 0) # iou += cur_iou # iou = iou / preds.shape[0] # # iou_filter = np.array(iou_filter) # # iou_filter = torch.from_numpy(iou_filter).to(device).float() # loss_sum += (-iou) # if self.opts['iou_filter']>0: # loss_sum = (loss_sum + (1-iou)) * iou_filter # loss_sum = torch.mean(loss_sum) loss_sum.backward() if 'grad_clip' in self.opts.keys(): nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.opts['grad_clip']) self.optimizer.step() preds = pred_polys.detach().data.cpu().numpy() with torch.no_grad(): # Get IoU iou = 0 orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] for i in range(preds.shape[0]): curr_pred_poly = np.floor(preds[i] * 224).astype(np.int32) curr_gt_poly = np.floor(orig_poly[i] * 224).astype( np.int32) cur_iou, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly( np.array(curr_pred_poly, dtype=np.int32), np.array(curr_gt_poly, dtype=np.int32), 224, 224) iou += cur_iou iou = iou / preds.shape[0] accum['loss'] += float(loss_sum.item()) accum['iou'] += iou accum['length'] += 1 if self.opts['edge_loss']: accum['edge_annotation_loss'] += float( edge_annotation_loss.item()) print( "[%s] Epoch: %d, Step: %d, Polygon Loss: %f, IOU: %f" \ % (str(, epoch, self.global_step, accum['loss'] / accum['length'], accum['iou'] / accum['length'])) if step % self.opts['print_freq'] == 0: # Mean of accumulated values for k in accum.keys(): if k == 'length': continue accum[k] /= accum['length'] # Add summaries masks = np.expand_dims(masks, -1).astype( np.uint8) # Add a channel dimension #print(masks.shape) masks = np.tile(masks, [1, 1, 1, 3]) # Make [2, H, W, 3] img = (data['img'].cpu().numpy()[-1, ...] * 255).astype( np.uint8) img = np.transpose(img, [1, 2, 0]) # Make [H, W, 3] self.writer.add_image('pred_mask', masks[0], self.global_step) self.writer.add_image('gt_mask', masks[1], self.global_step) self.writer.add_image('image', img, self.global_step) self.writer.add_image( 'edge_acm_gt', np.tile( np.expand_dims(masks_step[preds.shape[0] - 1], axis=-1).astype(np.uint8), [1, 1, 3]), self.global_step) #self.writer.add_image('ori_GT', pred_edge_mask = np.tile( np.expand_dims( output['edge_logits'].cpu().numpy()[preds.shape[0] - 1] * 255, axis=-1).astype(np.uint8), [1, 1, 3]).reshape(28, 28, 3) #print(pred_edge_mask.shape) self.writer.add_image('pred_edge', pred_edge_mask, self.global_step) for k in accum.keys(): if k == 'length': continue self.writer.add_scalar(k, accum[k], self.global_step) print( "[%s] Epoch: %d, Step: %d, Polygon Loss: %f, IOU: %f" \ % (str(, epoch, self.global_step, accum['loss'], accum['iou'])) accum = defaultdict(float) del (output, masks, pred_polys, preds, loss_sum) self.global_step += 1
def process_outputs(self, data, output, save=True): """ Process outputs to get final outputs for the whole image Optionally saves the outputs to a folder for evaluation """ instances = data['instance'] polys = [] for i, instance in enumerate(instances): # Postprocess polygon poly = output['pred_polys'][i] _, poly = utils.get_full_mask_from_xy(poly, self.grid_size, data['patch_w'][i], data['starting_point'][i], instance['img_height'], instance['img_width']) polys.append(poly) if save: img_h, img_w = instance['img_height'], instance['img_width'] predicted_poly = [] # Paint pred mask pred_mask = np.zeros((img_h, img_w), dtype=np.uint8) poly = poly.astype( utils.draw_poly(pred_mask, poly) predicted_poly.append(poly.tolist()) # Paint GT mask gt_mask = utils.get_full_mask_from_instance( self.opts['dataset']['train_val']['min_area'], instance) instance['my_predicted_poly'] = predicted_poly instance_id = instance['instance_id'] image_id = instance['image_id'] pred_mask_fname = os.path.join( self.output_dir, '{}_pred.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['pred_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath( pred_mask_fname, self.output_dir) gt_mask_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_gt.png'.format(instance_id)) instance['gt_mask_fname'] = os.path.relpath( gt_mask_fname, self.output_dir) instance['n_corrections'] = 0 info_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_info.json'.format(instance_id)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sio.imsave(pred_mask_fname, pred_mask) sio.imsave(gt_mask_fname, gt_mask) with open(info_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(instance, f, indent=2) return polys