コード例 #1
ファイル: Attendee.py プロジェクト: eaudeweb/EionetProducts
    def changePreferences(self, sn, givenname, organisation, tel, postaladdress, attending, role='Attendee',REQUEST=None):
        """ change preferences for an attendee"""
        if not sn:
            return self.AttendeeChangePreferences(setFormError(REQUEST, 'sn', 'Please enter your surname!'))
        if not givenname:
            return self.AttendeeChangePreferences(setFormError(REQUEST, 'givenname', 'Please enter your givenname!'))
        #if not mail:
        #    return self.AttendeeChangePreferences(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'Please enter your email address!'))
        #if mail and not isEmailValid(mail):
        #    return self.AttendeeChangePreferences(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'Your email address is invalid!'))

            do = self.superValues('Default Attendee Properties')[0]
            self._properties = do.propertyMap()
            self._properties = ()
        self.title = givenname + ' ' + sn
        self.sn = sn
        self.givenname = givenname
        self.organisation = organisation
        #self.mail = mail
        self.tel = tel
        self.postaladdress = postaladdress
        if attending!=self.attending:
        self.attending = attending
        self.role = role
        self._p_changed = 1
        self.manage_editProperties(REQUEST) # Update properties
        if REQUEST is not None:
            return MessageDialog(title = 'Changed',
                message = "Your preferences have been changed",  action = 'index_html',)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Meeting.py プロジェクト: eaudeweb/EionetProducts
    def manage_addAnonAttendeeAction(self, sn, givenname, organisation, mail,
            tel, postaladdress, attending, REQUEST=None):
        "Create an attendee, by calling the constructor"
        if not sn:
            return self.signup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'sn', 'Please enter your surname!'))
        if not givenname:
            return self.signup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'givenname', 'Please enter your givenname!'))
        if not mail:
            return self.signup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'Please enter your email address!'))
        if mail and not isEmailValid(mail):
            return self.signup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'Your email address is invalid!'))

        mail = str(mail)
        pat = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z][\w-]*@[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)')
        if pat.search(mail) is None:
            return MessageDialog(
                title = 'Bad email address',
                message = "Your registration couldn't succeed due to invalid email address",
                action = 'signup',
        id = self.parseEmail(mail)
        passwd = genRandomId()

        if self.checkID(id):
           return self.signup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'This email account was already used to make a reservation!'))

                id , sn, givenname, organisation, mail,
                tel, postaladdress, attending, passwd, '', 'Attendee', 0, 1, '', REQUEST)

        if REQUEST is not None:
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('registration')
コード例 #3
ファイル: Meeting.py プロジェクト: eaudeweb/EionetProducts
    def send_email(self, subject, comments='', email='', notify=0, date='', attached=[], REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
        """ Sends an email """

        if not subject:
            return self.SendEmail_form(setFormError(REQUEST, 'subject', 'Please enter a subject!'))
        if not comments:
            return self.SendEmail_form(setFormError(REQUEST, 'comments', 'Empty email is not allowed!'))
        if not email:
            return self.SendEmail_form(setFormError(REQUEST, 'email', 'Please enter your email address!'))
        if email and not isEmailValid(email):
            return self.SendEmail_form(setFormError(REQUEST, 'email', 'Your email address is invalid!'))

        userid = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER.getUserName()

        if MBinstalled and REQUEST.has_key('saveMessage'):
            self.saveIntoMaillingList(subject, comments, userid, email, notify, date)

        reciplist = []
        for t in self.objectValues('Meeting Attendee'):
            if t.mail != '':
                reciplist.append('<' + t.mail + '>')
        recipients = string.join(reciplist,',\n  ') #Unused

        sendermail = 'MeetingManager@' + REQUEST['SERVER_NAME']
        if hasattr(self, 'organiser_email'):
            if getattr(self, 'organiser_email') != '':
                organiser_email = self.organiser_email
        fromaddr = userid + ' <' + email + '>'

        self._send_email(comments, subject, attached, fromaddr, reciplist, sendermail)

        if REQUEST.has_key('destinationURL'):
            return RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST['destinationURL'])

        if REQUEST is not None:
            return MessageDialog(
                title = 'Mailed',
                message = "The mail %s has been sent!" % self.id,
                action = './manage_main',
コード例 #4
ファイル: Meeting.py プロジェクト: eaudeweb/EionetProducts
    def manage_addAttendeeAction(self, sn, givenname, organisation, mail,
            tel, postaladdress, attending, passwd, role, ldap_id, REQUEST=None):
        "Create an attendee, by calling the constructor"

        id = self.parseEmail(mail)
        passwd = genRandomId()

        if self.checkID(id):
            return self.authenticatedsignup(setFormError(REQUEST, 'mail', 'This email account was already used to make a reservation!'))

                id , sn, givenname, organisation, mail,
                tel, postaladdress, attending, passwd, '', role, 1, 1, ldap_id, REQUEST)
        if REQUEST is not None:
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('registration')
コード例 #5
ファイル: Meeting.py プロジェクト: eaudeweb/EionetProducts
def manage_addMeeting(self, id, title, event_type, location,
        txtlocation, description, startdate, enddate,
        organiser, organiser_email, max_attendees,
        allow_registrations=0, allow_anonymous=0, status='', REQUEST=None):
    """Add a new Meeting object"""

    if DateTime(str(startdate)) > DateTime(str(enddate)):
        return self.manage_addMeetingForm(setFormError(REQUEST, 'invalid_date', 'End date is earlier than start date'))
    ob.title = title
    ob.event_type = event_type
    ob.location = location
    if location:
        ob.txtlocation = ''
    ob.description = description
    ob.startdate = startdate
    ob.enddate = enddate
    ob.agenda_url = agenda_url
    ob.minutes_url = minutes_url
    ob.organiser = organiser
    ob.organiser_email = organiser_email
    ob.max_attendees = max_attendees
    if allow_registrations:
        ob.allow_registrations = 1
        ob.allow_registrations = 0
    ob.allow_anonymous = allow_anonymous
    ob.status = status
    ob.generation = 0
    self._setObject(id, ob)

    dtmlfile = open(join(package_home(globals()), 'www', 'MeetingIndex.dtml'))
    content = dtmlfile.read()
    ob.manage_addDTMLMethod('index_html', title='Default View', file=content)

#   dtmlfile = open(join(package_home(globals()), 'www','chooseBar.dtml'))
#   content = dtmlfile.read()
#   dtmlfile.close()
#   ob.manage_addDTMLMethod('choose_bar', title='', file=content)

    dtmlfile = open(join(package_home(globals()), 'www', 'AttendeesList.dtml'))
    content = dtmlfile.read()
        title='Example of attendee list', file=content)

    if MBinstalled:
        mailhost = MessageBoard.getMailHostList(self)
        ob.manage_addProduct['MessageBoard'].manage_addMessageBoard(id='MaillingList', \
            title='Mailing list',
            description='Note: Everything that was emailed to all attendees is automatically posted here also', mailhost=mailhost[0])

    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)