def setParams( self, key, params ): if params: p = CopyParams(params) if not hasattr(p, 'index') or p.index == -1: #save index form list p.index = self._key2ListBoxItemIdx[key] self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[p.index] = key else: # Note: The following does not work properly if the key is already present in the list and the index changed. # However, this shouldn't be a problem since the index doesn't change outside the ListManager at the moment. #set the index in the list ... insert at this point # if key is allready in list, change the order if p.index in self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key and key!= self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[p.index]: # remeber the old key of this index tmpKey = self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[p.index] # set the new key self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[p.index] = key self._key2ListBoxItemIdx[key] = p.index # go through the following and delete the old index of this key for i in range(p.index+1, self.widget().listBox2.count()+1): if i in self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key: tmp2Key = self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[i] if tmp2Key == key: del self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[i] break # key is not in list else: self._key2ListBoxItemIdx[key] = p.index self._ListBoxItemIdx2Key[p.index] = key self._key2Params[key] = p self._updateList() ObjectMgr().setParams( key, p )
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso surface module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'vector': newparams.vector = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'isovalue': newparams.isomin = float(mvalue[0]) newparams.isomax = float(mvalue[1]) newparams.isovalue = float(mvalue[2]) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) if mparam == 'isovalue': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float(mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float(mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append( (cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params) ) return pChangeList
def duplicateVisualizer(self, objKey): # get the typ of the object typeNr = self.__objects[objKey].type # copy only 2d and 3d parts if not typeNr in [ VIS_STREAMLINE, VIS_MOVING_POINTS, VIS_PATHLINES, VIS_ISOPLANE, VIS_VECTORFIELD, VIS_PLANE, VIS_VECTOR ]: return # get the parent of the object parent = self.getParentOfObject(objKey) # get the name of the object name = self.getParamsOfObject(objKey).name # copy the params newParams = CopyParams(self.getParamsOfObject(objKey)) # create new name with copy at the end newName = name + '(Copy)' i = 2 while newName in self.__copyNames: newName = name + '(Copy ' + str(i) + ')' i = i + 1 # set the new params = newName # send duplicate message request = theGuiMsgHandler().requestDuplicateObject( objKey, newName, typeNr, None, parent, newParams) theGuiMsgHandler().waitforAnswer(request)
def makeOthersInvisible( self, visobj, negMsgHandler=None): for obj in self.objects: if obj!=visobj: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible=False if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p ) else: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible=True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p )
def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): ''' delete this CoviseVis: remove the module ''' _infoer.function = str(self.delete) _infoer.write(" ") if isInitialized: # Manually remove the object from any parent object it is mounted to. # This is not very elegant because when an object (child) is deleted, the unmounting # done in OpenCOVER will send a removeChildMessage to the parent. However, because # it's a separate process, the child will already be fully deleted in vr-prepare # when receiving this message and the coverKey of the child is not known anymore. sceneObjects = [ obj for obj in globalKeyHandler().getAllElements().itervalues() if hasattr(obj, "typeNr") and (obj.typeNr == VIS_SCENE_OBJECT) ] for obj in sceneObjects: if self.key in obj.params.children: params = CopyParams(obj.params) params.children.remove(self.key) negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, params) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, params) self.sendDelete() theNet().remove(self.performerScene) VisItem.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler)
def change(self): # for change viewpoint send msg to COVER with ViewpointID # get COVER id of viewpoint for message id = -1 for key, param in self.params.status.items(): # viewpoints have parameter 'view', the viewpoint connected to this step is visible if hasattr(param, 'view') and hasattr( param, 'isVisible') and param.isVisible == True: id = # send ChangeViewpointMsg if id != -1: msg = coGRChangeViewpointMsg(id) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) # find the number of all keys numkeys = len(globalKeyHandler().getAllElements()) if numkeys < 1: # if that goes wrong, use only the keys in this step numkeys = self.key # walk through all keys, even if they are not allready in the step for key in range(numkeys): obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) if obj: if not hasattr(obj.params, 'view') and objIsRelevant(obj): self.params.status[key] = CopyParams(obj.params)
def updateForObject(self, keys): """ called from MainWindow to update the content to the choosen object key Default params will be shown if there is more than 1 key""" _infoer.function = str(self.updateForObject) _infoer.write("") if isinstance(keys, int): self.__keys = [keys] elif isinstance(keys, list) and len(keys) > 0: self.__keys = keys else: return if len(self.__keys) == 1: params = ObjectMgr().getParamsOfObject(self.__keys[0]) if isinstance(params, int) or isinstance(params, coDNAItemParams): self.__setParams(params) elif len(self.__keys) > 1: # multi selection: show default params self.oldPanelParams = coDNAItemParams() params = CopyParams(self.oldPanelParams) = "Multiselection" self.__setParams(params)
def emitCutChanged(self): _infoer.function = str(self.emitCutChanged) _infoer.write("") if len(self.__keys)>0 and ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) == TYPE_2D_CUTGEOMETRY_PART: params = ObjectMgr().getRealParamsOfObject(self.__keys[0]) params.alignedRectangle = self.__rectangleManager.getParams() if len(self.__keys)==1 : Application.vrpApp.key2params[self.__keys[0]] = params ObjectMgr().setParams(self.__keys[0], params ) theGuiMsgHandler().runObject(self.__keys[0]) # set params for multi selection if len(self.__keys)>1 : #find changed params originalParams = self.oldPanelRealParams realChange = ParamsDiff( originalParams, params ) # set params for remaining selected objects for i in range(0, len(self.__keys)): childKeyParams = ObjectMgr().getRealParamsOfObject(self.__keys[i]) # find the changed param in childKey and replace it with the # intended attribut for x in realChange : childKeyParams.__dict__[x] = params.__dict__[x] # set the params Application.vrpApp.key2params[self.__keys[i]] = childKeyParams ObjectMgr().setParams( self.__keys[i], childKeyParams ) theGuiMsgHandler().runObject( self.__keys[i] ) #save params for multi selection self.oldPanelRealParams = CopyParams(params)
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the tracer module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write(" ") pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'startpoint1': self.__startpoint1 = float(mvalue[0]),float(mvalue[1]),float(mvalue[2]) return [] if mparam == 'startpoint2': newparams.startpoint = (self.__startpoint1[0]+float(mvalue[0]))/2.0, (self.__startpoint1[1]+float(mvalue[1]))/2.0, (self.__startpoint1[2]+float(mvalue[2]))/2.0 pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'iso_value': newparams.isomin = float(mvalue[0]) newparams.isomax = float(mvalue[1]) newparams.isovalue = float(mvalue[2]) #print " mvalue[0] = ", float(mvalue[0]), " mvalue[1] = ", float(mvalue[1]), " mvalue[2] = ", float(mvalue[2]) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'iso_value': newparams.isomin = float(mvalue[0]) newparams.isomax = float(mvalue[1]) newparams.isovalue = float(mvalue[2]) #print " mvalue[0] = ", float(mvalue[0]), " mvalue[1] = ", float(mvalue[1]), " mvalue[2] = ", float(mvalue[2]) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList
def setParams(self, objectKey, params, callback=None): """Set params for object with key objectKey.""" requestNr = transactionKeyHandler.registerObject(callback) _infoer.write("setParams: reqNr: " + str(requestNr) + " objectKey: " + str(objectKey)) msg = setParamsMsg(requestNr, objectKey, CopyParams(params)) self.sigGuiParam.emit(requestNr, msg) return requestNr
def __init__(self): coKeydObject.__init__(self, TYPE_PRESENTATION_STEP, 'Presentation') self.params = coPresentationStepParams() # walk throgh all keys (assuming own key is last in list) for key in range(self.key): obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) if obj: if objIsRelevant(obj): self.params.status[key] = CopyParams(obj.params)
def __getParams(self): _infoer.function = str(self.__getParams) _infoer.write("") data = CopyParams(self.__params) # use parameter values of this object that arent in this panel data.filename = str(self.lineEditFilename.text()) # = str(self.lineEditFilename.text()) data.sensorIDs = [] data.autoActiveSensorIDs = [] for sensorID, checkBox in iter(self.__sensorCheckBox.items()): data.sensorIDs.append(sensorID) if checkBox.isChecked(): data.autoActiveSensorIDs.append(sensorID) self.__params = CopyParams(data) return data
def delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler=None): if isInitialized: for key in list(globalKeyHandler().getAllElements().keys()): obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) if obj: # remove composed parts containing this part as well if (obj.typeNr == TYPE_2D_COMPOSED_PART) and (self.key in obj.params.subKeys): obj.delete(isInitialized, negMsgHandler) # remove startFrom2DPart association if obj.typeNr in [VIS_STREAMLINE, VIS_MOVING_POINTS, VIS_PATHLINES] and (obj.params.use2DPartKey == self.key): newParams = CopyParams(obj.params) newParams.use2DPartKey = None obj.setParams(newParams) if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, newParams), negMsgHandler) if hasattr(self, "importModule") and self.importModule: self.importModule.delete() coKeydObject.delete(self, isInitialized, negMsgHandler)
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso surface module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'vector': newparams.vector = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'isovalue': newparams.isomin = float(mvalue[0]) newparams.isomax = float(mvalue[1]) newparams.isovalue = float(mvalue[2]) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) if mparam == 'isovalue': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject( self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float( mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float( mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append((cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params)) return pChangeList
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the cutting surface module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write(" ") pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'point': self.__point = mvalue return pChangeList if mparam == 'vertex': aaa = RectangleIn3d1Mid1Norm()#convertAlignedRectangleToGeneral(self.params.alignedRectangle) if self.__point: aaa.point=(float(self.__point[0]), float(self.__point[1]), float(self.__point[2]) ) aaa.normal=(float(mvalue[0]), float(mvalue[1]), float(mvalue[2]) ) xxx=convertCutRectangleToAlignedRectangle(aaa, self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis) newparams.alignedRectangle=xxx self.__point=None if mparam == 'option': newparams.option= int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'scale': newparams.scale= float(mvalue[2]) if mparam == 'length': newparams.length= int(mvalue[0]) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) if mparam == 'Min/Max': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float(mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float(mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append( (cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params) ) return pChangeList
def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=False): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) _infoer.write( "old index: %d, new_index: %d, max_index:%d " % (self.params.currentIdx, params.currentIdx, self.params.maxIdx)) # change of maxIdx means shorten the history changedParams = ParamsDiff(self.params, params) if 'maxIdx' in changedParams: self.params.maxIdx = params.maxIdx for idx in range(self.__numSteps() - self.params.maxIdx - 1): del self.objects[0] self.params.currentIdx = self.params.maxIdx if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.sendParams(self.key, self.params) return if self.params.currentIdx == params.currentIdx: _infoer.write("currentIdx did not change") return old_index = self.params.currentIdx if params.currentIdx < -1 or params.currentIdx > self.params.maxIdx: _infoer.write("currentIdx out of range") return coKeydObject.setParams(self, params) #restore settings objsToRefresh = {} if self.params.currentIdx > old_index: inc = 1 else: inc = -1 for currentStepDiff in range(inc, self.params.currentIdx - old_index + inc, inc): pStepParams = self.objects[old_index + currentStepDiff].params obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(pStepParams.key) #print "Setting params of object ",, pStepParams.key, pStepParams.param.__dict__ if pStepParams.action == STEP_PARAM: obj.setParams(CopyParams(pStepParams.param), negMsgHandler) objsToRefresh[obj] = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, obj.params) else: _infoer.write("param change not send to gui") #auto apply for obj in objsToRefresh:, negMsgHandler)
def duplicateVisualizer(self, objKey): # get the typ of the object typeNr = self.__objects[objKey].type # copy only 2d and 3d parts if not typeNr in [VIS_STREAMLINE, VIS_MOVING_POINTS, VIS_PATHLINES, VIS_ISOPLANE, VIS_VECTORFIELD, VIS_PLANE, VIS_VECTOR]: return # get the parent of the object parent = self.getParentOfObject(objKey) # get the name of the object name = self.getParamsOfObject(objKey).name # copy the params newParams = CopyParams(self.getParamsOfObject(objKey)) # create new name with copy at the end newName = name + '(Copy)' i = 2 while newName in self.__copyNames: newName = name+'(Copy '+str(i)+')' i = i+1 # set the new params = newName # send duplicate message request = theGuiMsgHandler().requestDuplicateObject( objKey, newName, typeNr, None, parent, newParams) theGuiMsgHandler().waitforAnswer(request)
def __getParams(self): params = CopyParams(ObjectMgr().getParamsOfObject(self.__key)) for paramName, paramType in iter(params.gpTypes.items()): if (paramType == PARAM_TYPE_BOOL): params.gpValues[paramName] = self.__name2input[paramName].isChecked() elif (paramType == PARAM_TYPE_INT): params.gpValues[paramName] = getIntInLineEdit(self.__name2input[paramName]) elif (paramType == PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT): params.gpValues[paramName] = getDoubleInLineEdit(self.__name2input[paramName]) elif (paramType == PARAM_TYPE_VEC3): params.gpValues[paramName] = [float(x) for x in self.__name2input[paramName].text().split("/")] elif (paramType == PARAM_TYPE_MATRIX): params.gpValues[paramName] = [float(x) for x in self.__name2input[paramName].text().split("/")] else: params.gpValues[paramName] = str(self.__name2input[paramName].text()) return params
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'len': try: newparams.length= int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.length= int(float(mvalue[0])) if mparam == 'skip': try: newparams.skip= int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.skip= int(float(mvalue[0])) pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList
def __setParams(self, params): _infoer.function = str(self.__setParams) _infoer.write("") self.__params = CopyParams(params) # VrmlPanelBlockSignals(self, True) self.blockSignals(self.tabSensors, True) if isinstance(params, int): self.__keys[0] = params return self.lineEditFilename.setText(params.filename) # create the sensor widgets # first time: add all sensors to panel if self.__firstTime: if params.sensorIDs != []: self.tabWidget.setTabEnabled(1, True) # show sensor tab for sensorID in params.sensorIDs: self.addSensorWidget(self.tabSensors, sensorID, sensorID in params.autoActiveSensorIDs) self.__dummySensorsLayout.addItem( self.__verticalSpacer) # vertical spacer self.__firstTime = False self.scrollView.setWidget(self.__dummyBox) # other times: if sensor not in list, create (with spacer) # if sensor in list: check checkbox else: for sensorID in params.sensorIDs: if not sensorID in self.__sensorCheckBox: self.__dummySensorsLayout.removeItem(self.__verticalSpacer) self.addSensorWidget( self.tabSensors, sensorID, sensorID in params.autoActiveSensorIDs) self.__dummySensorsLayout.addItem( self.__verticalSpacer) # vertical spacer else: self.__sensorCheckBox[sensorID].setChecked( sensorID in params.autoActiveSensorIDs) # VrmlPanelBlockSignals(self, False) self.blockSignals(self.tabSensors, False) # for multi selection if len(self.__keys) > 1: self.oldPanelParams = params
def setParams(self, key, params): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) _infoer.write("%s %s " % (str(key), str(params))) if params: if params.isVisible: self._currentKey = key self._key2Params[key] = CopyParams(params) if not params.view == 'default': self._updateList() else: self.__buttonIds[] = key #add an icon to iconbar if not in self.__buttons: # create the new button self.__buttons[] = QtWidgets.QToolButton( self.iconGroup) # position the new button num = len(self.__buttons) - 1 # self.iconGroup.insert(self.__buttons[], num) self.__buttons[].setGeometry( QtCore.QRect(5 + num * 30, 5, 25, 25)) self.__buttons[].setMaximumSize( QtCore.QSize(25, 25)) palette = QtGui.QPalette() palette.setColor( self.__buttons[].backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(238, 234, 238)) self.__buttons[].setPalette(palette) # self.__buttons[].setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape(0))) # set the icon-pixmap or the name if in self.__iconOfViewpoints: self.__buttons[].setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( QtGui.QPixmap( self.__iconOfViewpoints[]))) else: self.__buttons[].setText(str( # set the tooltip self.__buttons[].setToolTip( self.__tr("Viewpoint ") + str( self.__buttons[].setAutoRaise(1) self.__buttons[].setCheckable(True) self.__buttons[].show() # connect the buttonsGroup of default viewpoints self.__buttons[].clicked.connect( self.__functions[])
def makeOthersInvisible(self, visobj, negMsgHandler=None): for obj in self.objects: if obj != visobj: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible = False if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p) else: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p)
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the cutting surface module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write(" ") pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'point': self.__point = mvalue return pChangeList if mparam == 'vertex': aaa = RectangleIn3d1Mid1Norm( ) #convertAlignedRectangleToGeneral(self.params.alignedRectangle) if self.__point: aaa.point = (float(self.__point[0]), float(self.__point[1]), float(self.__point[2])) aaa.normal = (float(mvalue[0]), float(mvalue[1]), float(mvalue[2])) xxx = convertCutRectangleToAlignedRectangle( aaa, self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis) newparams.alignedRectangle = xxx self.__point = None if mparam == 'option': newparams.option = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'scale': newparams.scale = float(mvalue[2]) if mparam == 'length': newparams.length = int(mvalue[0]) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) if mparam == 'Min/Max': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject( self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float( mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float( mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append((cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params)) return pChangeList
def __getParams(self): _infoer.function = str(self.__getParams) _infoer.write("") data = CopyParams( self.__params ) # use parameter values of this object that arent in this panel data.filename = str(self.lineEditFilename.text()) # = str(self.lineEditFilename.text()) data.sensorIDs = [] data.autoActiveSensorIDs = [] for sensorID, checkBox in iter(self.__sensorCheckBox.items()): data.sensorIDs.append(sensorID) if checkBox.isChecked(): data.autoActiveSensorIDs.append(sensorID) self.__params = CopyParams(data) return data
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the iso cutter module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("param: %s, value: %s" % (mparam, str(mvalue))) pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'len': try: newparams.length = int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.length = int(float(mvalue[0])) if mparam == 'skip': try: newparams.skip = int(mvalue[0]) except ValueError: newparams.skip = int(float(mvalue[0])) pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList
def setParamsByModule( self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the tracer module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("setParamsByModule ") pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'startpoint1': self.__startpoint1 = mvalue if self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis=='line': newparams.alignedRectangle.setStartEndPoint( float(self.__startpoint1[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[2]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[2]) ) else : return pChangeList #return pChangeList if mparam == 'startpoint2': self.__startpoint2 = mvalue if self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis=='line': newparams.alignedRectangle.setStartEndPoint( float(self.__startpoint1[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[2]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[2]) ) else : return pChangeList if mparam == 'direction': if not self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis=='line': aaa = RectangleIn3d2Ps1Dir()#convertAlignedRectangleToGeneral(self.params.alignedRectangle) if self.__startpoint1: aaa.pointA=(float(self.__startpoint1[0]), float(self.__startpoint1[1]), float(self.__startpoint1[2]) ) if self.__startpoint2: aaa.pointC=(float(self.__startpoint2[0]), float(self.__startpoint2[1]), float(self.__startpoint2[2]) ) aaa.direction = (float(mvalue[0]), float(mvalue[1]), float(mvalue[2]) ) xxx=convertGeneralToAlignedRectangle(aaa, self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis) newparams.alignedRectangle=xxx self.__startpoint1=None self.__startpoint2=None if mparam == 'trace_len': newparams.len=float(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'no_startp': try: newparams.no_startp= int(mvalue[2]) except ValueError: newparams.no_startp= int(float(mvalue[2])) if mparam == 'taskType': newparams.taskType= int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'Min/Max': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float(mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float(mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if not hasattr(cTableObject.params, 'dependantKeys'): cTableObject.params.dependantKeys = [] if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append( (cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params) ) if mparam == 'startStyle': newparams.start_style = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'FreeStartPoints': newparams.freeStartPoints = mvalue self.oldFreeStartPoints = mvalue pChangeList.append( (self.key, newparams) ) return pChangeList
def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=False): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) _infoer.write(" ") # change of maxIdx means shorten the history oldParams = self.params changedParams = ParamsDiff(self.params, params) if hasattr(params, 'currentStep'): diffStep = params.currentStep - oldParams.currentStep else: diffStep = params.currentKey - oldParams.currentKey coKeydObject.setParams(self, params) if 'currentKey' in changedParams or 'reloadStep' in changedParams: if os.getenv('VR_PREPARE_DEBUG_VISITEMS_DIR'): for key in globalKeyHandler().getAllElements(): if globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) and isinstance( globalKeyHandler().getObject(key), VisItem): globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).updateDebugFilename( self.params.currentKey) # send message presentationstep changed if diffStep == 1: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presForward", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) elif diffStep == -1: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presBackward", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) elif 'reloadStep' in changedParams: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presReload", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) else: msg_str = "goToStep " + str(params.currentStep) msg = coGRKeyWordMsg(msg_str, True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) if negMsgHandler: #if hasattr(globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.currentKey).params, 'status'): key2stateParam = globalKeyHandler().getObject( self.params.currentKey).params.status project = globalKeyHandler().getObject(0) keysInProject = [] keysInProject.append(globalProjectKey) self.__addToList(project, keysInProject) orderedKeysInProject1 = [] orderedKeysInProject2 = [] for key in keysInProject: # put some objects at the beginning of the list obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) #check if visItem is readyToChange otherwise send message if diffStep > 0 and hasattr( obj.params, 'nextPresStep' ) and not obj.params.nextPresStep and covise.coConfigIsOn( "vr-prepare.SolvePresentationStep"): #roll back changes negMsgHandler.sendParams(globalPresentationMgrKey, oldParams) msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("showNotReady", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) return if (obj.typeNr in [VIS_DOCUMENT, TYPE_TRACKING_MGR]): orderedKeysInProject1.append(key) else: orderedKeysInProject2.append(key) orderedKeysInProject1.extend(orderedKeysInProject2) for key in orderedKeysInProject1: if key in key2stateParam: params = key2stateParam[key] if not hasattr( params, 'flyingMode' ): # do not save settings of viewpointMgr obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) newparams = CopyParams( obj.getParams() ) # take the objects params as base (so we have all the merged defaultParams) paramChanged = False for pkey in params.__dict__: if pkey in newparams.__dict__: if covise.coConfigIsOn("vr-prepare.DoNotUpdateCuttingSurfaces", False) \ and isinstance(obj, PartCuttingSurfaceVis. PartCuttingSurfaceVis) and pkey=='isVisible': pass elif hasattr( newparams, "isStaticParam" ) and newparams.isStaticParam(pkey): # skip static params pass elif pkey == 'actTimeStep' and ( not hasattr(params, 'version') or params.__dict__['version'] < 7): # change actual timestep for old 6.0 projects newparams.__dict__[ pkey] = params.__dict__[pkey] - 1 if newparams.__dict__[pkey] < 0: newparams.__dict__[ pkey] = newparams.__dict__[ 'numTimeSteps'] - 1 paramChanged = True elif (pkey == 'autoActiveSensorIDs') and (len( params.autoActiveSensorIDs) > 0): # always set params if the new step has autoActiveSensorIDs newparams.__dict__[ pkey] = copy.deepcopy( params.__dict__[pkey]) paramChanged = True else: if (newparams.__dict__[pkey] != params.__dict__[pkey]): newparams.__dict__[ pkey] = copy.deepcopy( params.__dict__[pkey] ) # need a deepcopy in case we have a list/dict paramChanged = True if (paramChanged): if key != globalProjectKey and 'currentKey' in changedParams: negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, newparams) negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) elif key != globalProjectKey: negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, newparams, True ) #TODO, ueberpruefen, ob das nach kompletter portierung noetig ist negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) else: negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) project.setParams(newparams) project.sendMessages() # hide all visItem which are not in list else: params = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).params if params: #do not save settings of viewpointMgr if not hasattr(params, 'flyingMode'): if hasattr(params, 'isVisible') and params.isVisible: cparams = CopyParams(params) cparams.isVisible = False negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, cparams) negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, cparams)
def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) realChange = ParamsDiff(self.params, params) if 'newViewpoint' in realChange: _infoer.write("new viewpoint") newVp = negMsgHandler.internalRequestObject( TYPE_VIEWPOINT, self.key) newVp.params = coViewpointParams() = params.newViewpoint[0] = params.newViewpoint[1] newVp.params.view = params.newViewpoint[2] newVp.params.clipplane = params.newViewpoint[3] newVp.params.confirmed = True newVp.params.isVisible = True self.makeOthersInvisible(newVp, negMsgHandler) negMsgHandler.sendParams(newVp.key, newVp.params) elif 'newDefaultViewpoint' in realChange or ( not hasattr(self.params, 'newDefaultViewpoint') and (hasattr(params, 'newDefaultViewpoint') and not params.newDefaultViewpoint == None)): _infoer.write("new default viewpoint") newVp = negMsgHandler.internalRequestObject( TYPE_VIEWPOINT, self.key) newVp.params = coViewpointParams() = params.newDefaultViewpoint[0] = params.newDefaultViewpoint[1] newVp.params.view = "default" newVp.params.clipplane = "0" newVp.params.confirmed = True negMsgHandler.sendParams(newVp.key, newVp.params) elif 'changedViewpoint' in realChange: _infoer.write("change viewpoint") vpId = params.changedViewpoint[0] vpName = params.changedViewpoint[1] for obj in self.objects: if == vpId and == vpName: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.view = params.changedViewpoint[2] p.changed = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p) break elif ('changeID' in realChange) or (hasattr(params, 'changeID') and params.changeID): _infoer.write("change id") for obj in self.objects: if == params.oldID and obj.params.confirmed == False: p = CopyParams(obj.params) = params.newID p.confirmed = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p) self.params.changedID = False elif 'flyingMode' in realChange: _infoer.write("change flying Mode") self.params.flyingMode = params.flyingMode self.sendFlyingMode() #elif 'clipplaneMode' in realChange: # _infoer.write("change clipplane Mode") # self.params.clipplaneMode = params.clipplaneMode # self.sendClipplaneMode() self.params.clipplaneMode = True self.sendClipplaneMode() if 'selectedKey' in realChange: _infoer.write("selected new viewpoint") for obj in self.objects: if != params.selectedKey: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible = False if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p) else: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible = True self.params.currentKey = params.selectedKey if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams(obj.key, p) negMsgHandler.sendParams(obj.key, p)
def duplicatePart(self, objKey, rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotAngle, transX, transY, transZ): # get the typ of the object typeNr = self.__objects[objKey].type # copy only 2d and 3d parts if not typeNr in [TYPE_2D_PART, TYPE_3D_PART]: return # get the parent of the object # parent means 2d_group odr 3d_group parent = self.getParentOfObject(objKey) while not (self.__objects[parent].type == TYPE_2D_GROUP or self.__objects[parent].type == TYPE_3D_GROUP): parent = self.getParentOfObject(parent) # get the name of the object name = self.getParamsOfObject(objKey).name # copy the params newParams = CopyParams(self.getParamsOfObject(objKey)) # create new name with copy at the end newName = name + '(Copy)' i = 2 while newName in self.__copyNames: newName = name+'(Copy '+str(i)+')' i = i+1 # set the new params = newName newParams.rotX = rotX newParams.rotY = rotY newParams.rotZ = rotZ newParams.rotAngle = rotAngle if hasattr(newParams, 'transX'): newParams.transX = newParams.transX + transX newParams.transY = newParams.transY + transY newParams.transZ = newParams.transZ + transZ else: newParams.transX = transX newParams.transY = transY newParams.transZ = transZ # send duplicate message request = theGuiMsgHandler().requestDuplicateObject( objKey, newName, typeNr, None, parent, newParams) theGuiMsgHandler().waitforAnswer(request)
def setParams(self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=False): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) _infoer.write(" ") # change of maxIdx means shorten the history oldParams = self.params changedParams = ParamsDiff( self.params, params) if hasattr(params, 'currentStep'): diffStep = params.currentStep - oldParams.currentStep else: diffStep = params.currentKey - oldParams.currentKey coKeydObject.setParams( self, params ) if 'currentKey' in changedParams or 'reloadStep' in changedParams: if os.getenv('VR_PREPARE_DEBUG_VISITEMS_DIR'): for key in globalKeyHandler().getAllElements(): if globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) and isinstance(globalKeyHandler().getObject(key), VisItem): globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).updateDebugFilename(self.params.currentKey) # send message presentationstep changed if diffStep == 1: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presForward", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) elif diffStep == -1: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presBackward", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) elif 'reloadStep' in changedParams: msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("presReload", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) else: msg_str = "goToStep "+str(params.currentStep) msg = coGRKeyWordMsg(msg_str, True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) if negMsgHandler: #if hasattr(globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.currentKey).params, 'status'): key2stateParam = globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.currentKey).params.status project = globalKeyHandler().getObject(0) keysInProject = [] keysInProject.append(globalProjectKey) self.__addToList(project, keysInProject) orderedKeysInProject1 = [] orderedKeysInProject2 = [] for key in keysInProject: # put some objects at the beginning of the list obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) #check if visItem is readyToChange otherwise send message if diffStep > 0 and hasattr(obj.params, 'nextPresStep') and not obj.params.nextPresStep and covise.coConfigIsOn("vr-prepare.SolvePresentationStep"): #roll back changes negMsgHandler.sendParams(globalPresentationMgrKey, oldParams) msg = coGRKeyWordMsg("showNotReady", True) covise.sendRendMsg(msg.c_str()) return if (obj.typeNr in [VIS_DOCUMENT, TYPE_TRACKING_MGR]): orderedKeysInProject1.append(key) else: orderedKeysInProject2.append(key) orderedKeysInProject1.extend(orderedKeysInProject2) for key in orderedKeysInProject1: if key in key2stateParam: params = key2stateParam[key] if not hasattr(params, 'flyingMode'): # do not save settings of viewpointMgr obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) newparams = CopyParams(obj.getParams()) # take the objects params as base (so we have all the merged defaultParams) paramChanged = False for pkey in params.__dict__: if pkey in newparams.__dict__: if covise.coConfigIsOn("vr-prepare.DoNotUpdateCuttingSurfaces", False) \ and isinstance(obj, PartCuttingSurfaceVis. PartCuttingSurfaceVis) and pkey=='isVisible': pass elif hasattr(newparams, "isStaticParam") and newparams.isStaticParam(pkey): # skip static params pass elif pkey=='actTimeStep' and (not hasattr(params, 'version') or params.__dict__['version'] < 7): # change actual timestep for old 6.0 projects newparams.__dict__[pkey] = params.__dict__[pkey] -1 if newparams.__dict__[pkey] < 0: newparams.__dict__[pkey] = newparams.__dict__['numTimeSteps'] - 1 paramChanged = True elif (pkey=='autoActiveSensorIDs') and (len(params.autoActiveSensorIDs) > 0): # always set params if the new step has autoActiveSensorIDs newparams.__dict__[pkey] = copy.deepcopy(params.__dict__[pkey]) paramChanged = True else: if (newparams.__dict__[pkey] != params.__dict__[pkey]): newparams.__dict__[pkey] = copy.deepcopy(params.__dict__[pkey]) # need a deepcopy in case we have a list/dict paramChanged = True if (paramChanged): if key != globalProjectKey and 'currentKey' in changedParams: negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, newparams ) negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) elif key != globalProjectKey: negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, newparams, True) #TODO, ueberpruefen, ob das nach kompletter portierung noetig ist negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) else : negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, newparams) project.setParams(newparams) project.sendMessages() # hide all visItem which are not in list else: params = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).params if params: #do not save settings of viewpointMgr if not hasattr(params, 'flyingMode'): if hasattr(params, 'isVisible') and params.isVisible: cparams = CopyParams(params) cparams.isVisible = False negMsgHandler.presentationRecvParams( key, cparams) negMsgHandler.sendParams(key, cparams)
def setTempParams(self, objectKey, params, callback=None): """Set params for object with key objectKey.""" requestNr = transactionKeyHandler.registerObject(callback) msg = setTempParamsMsg(requestNr, objectKey, CopyParams(params)) self.sigTmpParam.emit(requestNr, msg) return requestNr
def registerCOVISEkey( self, covise_keys): """ called during registration if key received from COVER """ _infoer.function = str(self.registerCOVISEkey) _infoer.write("")#for printout #_infoer.write("%s" % covise_key) """ looking for the prefix SCENEGRAPH_ID_STRING """ coviseKeyFound = covise_keys.find(SCENEGRAPH_ID_STRING) if coviseKeyFound == -1: return (False, False) # Separating the message into a list of lists [[key, nodeClass, parentkey], ...] key_list = covise_keys.split('\t') del key_list[0] # idString relations = [s.split(";;") for s in key_list if s.count(";;") == 2] ####################################################################################### # UPDATE OLD PROJECTS (part 1/2: delete old objects and remember params) update = (globalKeyHandler().getObject(globalProjectKey).params.coprjVersion < 2) global update_counter if update and (update_counter == -1): # do just once for all SceneGraphMgr registrations print("Updating SceneGraphItems") update_counter = 0 # prepare global update_oldindex2params update_oldindex2params = {} global update_oldindex2params_steps update_oldindex2params_steps = {} # store params for coverkey, key in iter(self.params.openCOVER2key.items()): oldindex = int(coverkey[coverkey.rfind("_")+1:]) update_oldindex2params[oldindex] = CopyParams(globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).params) for step in globalKeyHandler().getObject(globalPresentationMgrKey).objects: if not step in update_oldindex2params_steps: update_oldindex2params_steps[step] = {} if key in step.params.status: update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] = CopyParams(step.params.status[key]) else: update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] = None # delete objects for key in self.params.openCOVER2key.values(): obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) if obj: obj.delete(True, Neg2Gui.theNegMsgHandler()) # create set of parents global update_setOfParents update_setOfParents = frozenset([r[2] for r in relations]) ####################################################################################### isRoot = True for relation in relations: __covise_key = relation[0] __covise_name = __covise_key[0:__covise_key.find("_"+SCENEGRAPH_APPENDIX_ID_STRING+"_")] __covise_index = int(__covise_key[__covise_key.rfind("_")+1:]) __classname = relation[1] __parent_covise_key = relation[2] if (__covise_name != "") and (__covise_name + "_" + SCENEGRAPH_APPENDIX_ID_STRING + "_" + str(__covise_index) != __covise_key): # we add a * if a node was sent multiple times ("Example_SCGR_07_SCGR_09" -> index is 09, name should be "Example *") __covise_name = __covise_name + " *" self.sceneGraphItems_maximumIndex = max(self.sceneGraphItems_maximumIndex, __covise_index) if not __covise_key in self.params.openCOVER2key: # attach to parent if found (to the corresponding VRML_VIS otherwise) if __parent_covise_key in self.params.openCOVER2key: parentKey = self.params.openCOVER2key[__parent_covise_key] else: parentKey = self.key allVrmlVis = [] for item in globalKeyHandler().getAllElements(): parentObj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(item) if (parentObj.typeNr == VIS_VRML): allVrmlVis.append(item) if (len(allVrmlVis) > 0): parentKey = allVrmlVis[-1] if update: # in old projects: get the first VRML without children as fallback for i in allVrmlVis: if (len(globalKeyHandler().getObject(i).objects) == 0): parentKey = i break # then use the name to identify the VRML for i in allVrmlVis: if __covise_name in globalKeyHandler().getObject(i) parentKey = i break else: # in new projects: simply use the index to identify the VRML for i in allVrmlVis: if (globalKeyHandler().getObject(i).params.sceneGraphItems_startIndex == __covise_index): parentKey = i break obj = Neg2Gui.theNegMsgHandler().internalRequestObject( TYPE_SCENEGRAPH_ITEM, parentKey, None) obj.covise_key = __covise_key self.params.openCOVER2key[ __covise_key ] = obj.key ####################################################################################### # UPDATE OLD PROJECTS (part 2/2: use old params) if update: # get old index oldindex = -1 if (update_counter in update_oldindex2params) and (isRoot or ((__covise_name != "") and (__covise_key in update_setOfParents))): oldindex = update_counter update_counter = update_counter + 1 # use existing params if (oldindex != -1): obj.setParams(update_oldindex2params[oldindex]) obj.sendAfterRecreate() # send to COVER (since we are using stored params for our new object) # copy coloring options from parent (since we now have the Geode and want the information there) if (__classname == "Geode"): parentObj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(parentKey) if parentObj and isinstance(parentObj, coSceneGraphItem): params = CopyParams(obj.params) params.transparency = parentObj.params.transparency params.transparencyOn = parentObj.params.transparencyOn params.color = parentObj.params.color params.r = parentObj.params.r params.g = parentObj.params.g params.b = parentObj.params.b params.ambient = parentObj.params.ambient params.specular = parentObj.params.specular params.shininess = parentObj.params.shininess obj.setParams(params) obj.sendAfterRecreate() # send to COVER (since we are using stored params for our new object) # add params to presentation steps for step in globalKeyHandler().getObject(globalPresentationMgrKey).objects: if (oldindex == -1): step.params.status[obj.key] = CopyParams(obj.params) elif (update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] != None): step.params.status[obj.key] = update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] # copy coloring options from parent (since we now have the Geode and want the information there) if (__classname == "Geode") and (parentKey in step.params.status): parentParams = step.params.status[parentKey] if (isinstance(parentParams, coSceneGraphItemParams)): step.params.status[obj.key].transparency = parentParams.transparency step.params.status[obj.key].transparencyOn = parentParams.transparencyOn step.params.status[obj.key].color = parentParams.color step.params.status[obj.key].r = parentParams.r step.params.status[obj.key].g = parentParams.g step.params.status[obj.key].b = parentParams.b step.params.status[obj.key].ambient = parentParams.ambient step.params.status[obj.key].specular = parentParams.specular step.params.status[obj.key].shininess = parentParams.shininess ####################################################################################### if (__covise_name == ""): = "[unnamed " + __classname + "]" else: = __covise_name obj.params.nodeClassName = __classname obj.sendParams() # send to GUI else: obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(self.params.openCOVER2key[__covise_key]) obj.covise_key = __covise_key obj.sendAfterRecreate() # send to COVER obj.sendParams() # send to GUI isRoot = False return (True, True)
def duplicatePart(self, objKey, rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotAngle, transX, transY, transZ): # get the typ of the object typeNr = self.__objects[objKey].type # copy only 2d and 3d parts if not typeNr in [TYPE_2D_PART, TYPE_3D_PART]: return # get the parent of the object # parent means 2d_group odr 3d_group parent = self.getParentOfObject(objKey) while not (self.__objects[parent].type == TYPE_2D_GROUP or self.__objects[parent].type == TYPE_3D_GROUP): parent = self.getParentOfObject(parent) # get the name of the object name = self.getParamsOfObject(objKey).name # copy the params newParams = CopyParams(self.getParamsOfObject(objKey)) # create new name with copy at the end newName = name + '(Copy)' i = 2 while newName in self.__copyNames: newName = name + '(Copy ' + str(i) + ')' i = i + 1 # set the new params = newName newParams.rotX = rotX newParams.rotY = rotY newParams.rotZ = rotZ newParams.rotAngle = rotAngle if hasattr(newParams, 'transX'): newParams.transX = newParams.transX + transX newParams.transY = newParams.transY + transY newParams.transZ = newParams.transZ + transZ else: newParams.transX = transX newParams.transY = transY newParams.transZ = transZ # send duplicate message request = theGuiMsgHandler().requestDuplicateObject( objKey, newName, typeNr, None, parent, newParams) theGuiMsgHandler().waitforAnswer(request)
def registerCOVISEkey(self, covise_keys): """ called during registration if key received from COVER """ _infoer.function = str(self.registerCOVISEkey) _infoer.write("") #for printout #_infoer.write("%s" % covise_key) """ looking for the prefix SCENEGRAPH_ID_STRING """ coviseKeyFound = covise_keys.find(SCENEGRAPH_ID_STRING) if coviseKeyFound == -1: return (False, False) # Separating the message into a list of lists [[key, nodeClass, parentkey], ...] key_list = covise_keys.split('\t') del key_list[0] # idString relations = [s.split(";;") for s in key_list if s.count(";;") == 2] ####################################################################################### # UPDATE OLD PROJECTS (part 1/2: delete old objects and remember params) update = ( globalKeyHandler().getObject(globalProjectKey).params.coprjVersion < 2) global update_counter if update and (update_counter == -1 ): # do just once for all SceneGraphMgr registrations print("Updating SceneGraphItems") update_counter = 0 # prepare global update_oldindex2params update_oldindex2params = {} global update_oldindex2params_steps update_oldindex2params_steps = {} # store params for coverkey, key in iter(self.params.openCOVER2key.items()): oldindex = int(coverkey[coverkey.rfind("_") + 1:]) update_oldindex2params[oldindex] = CopyParams( globalKeyHandler().getObject(key).params) for step in globalKeyHandler().getObject( globalPresentationMgrKey).objects: if not step in update_oldindex2params_steps: update_oldindex2params_steps[step] = {} if key in step.params.status: update_oldindex2params_steps[step][ oldindex] = CopyParams(step.params.status[key]) else: update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] = None # delete objects for key in self.params.openCOVER2key.values(): obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(key) if obj: obj.delete(True, Neg2Gui.theNegMsgHandler()) # create set of parents global update_setOfParents update_setOfParents = frozenset([r[2] for r in relations]) ####################################################################################### isRoot = True for relation in relations: __covise_key = relation[0] __covise_name = __covise_key[0:__covise_key. find("_" + SCENEGRAPH_APPENDIX_ID_STRING + "_")] __covise_index = int(__covise_key[__covise_key.rfind("_") + 1:]) __classname = relation[1] __parent_covise_key = relation[2] if (__covise_name != "") and ( __covise_name + "_" + SCENEGRAPH_APPENDIX_ID_STRING + "_" + str(__covise_index) != __covise_key): # we add a * if a node was sent multiple times ("Example_SCGR_07_SCGR_09" -> index is 09, name should be "Example *") __covise_name = __covise_name + " *" self.sceneGraphItems_maximumIndex = max( self.sceneGraphItems_maximumIndex, __covise_index) if not __covise_key in self.params.openCOVER2key: # attach to parent if found (to the corresponding VRML_VIS otherwise) if __parent_covise_key in self.params.openCOVER2key: parentKey = self.params.openCOVER2key[__parent_covise_key] else: parentKey = self.key allVrmlVis = [] for item in globalKeyHandler().getAllElements(): parentObj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(item) if (parentObj.typeNr == VIS_VRML): allVrmlVis.append(item) if (len(allVrmlVis) > 0): parentKey = allVrmlVis[-1] if update: # in old projects: get the first VRML without children as fallback for i in allVrmlVis: if (len(globalKeyHandler().getObject( i).objects) == 0): parentKey = i break # then use the name to identify the VRML for i in allVrmlVis: if __covise_name in globalKeyHandler( ).getObject(i) parentKey = i break else: # in new projects: simply use the index to identify the VRML for i in allVrmlVis: if (globalKeyHandler().getObject( i).params.sceneGraphItems_startIndex == __covise_index): parentKey = i break obj = Neg2Gui.theNegMsgHandler().internalRequestObject( TYPE_SCENEGRAPH_ITEM, parentKey, None) obj.covise_key = __covise_key self.params.openCOVER2key[__covise_key] = obj.key ####################################################################################### # UPDATE OLD PROJECTS (part 2/2: use old params) if update: # get old index oldindex = -1 if (update_counter in update_oldindex2params) and ( isRoot or ((__covise_name != "") and (__covise_key in update_setOfParents))): oldindex = update_counter update_counter = update_counter + 1 # use existing params if (oldindex != -1): obj.setParams(update_oldindex2params[oldindex]) obj.sendAfterRecreate( ) # send to COVER (since we are using stored params for our new object) # copy coloring options from parent (since we now have the Geode and want the information there) if (__classname == "Geode"): parentObj = globalKeyHandler().getObject(parentKey) if parentObj and isinstance(parentObj, coSceneGraphItem): params = CopyParams(obj.params) params.transparency = parentObj.params.transparency params.transparencyOn = parentObj.params.transparencyOn params.color = parentObj.params.color params.r = parentObj.params.r params.g = parentObj.params.g params.b = parentObj.params.b params.ambient = parentObj.params.ambient params.specular = parentObj.params.specular params.shininess = parentObj.params.shininess obj.setParams(params) obj.sendAfterRecreate( ) # send to COVER (since we are using stored params for our new object) # add params to presentation steps for step in globalKeyHandler().getObject( globalPresentationMgrKey).objects: if (oldindex == -1): step.params.status[obj.key] = CopyParams( obj.params) elif (update_oldindex2params_steps[step][oldindex] != None): step.params.status[ obj.key] = update_oldindex2params_steps[step][ oldindex] # copy coloring options from parent (since we now have the Geode and want the information there) if (__classname == "Geode") and (parentKey in step.params.status): parentParams = step.params.status[parentKey] if (isinstance(parentParams, coSceneGraphItemParams)): step.params.status[ obj. key].transparency = parentParams.transparency step.params.status[ obj. key].transparencyOn = parentParams.transparencyOn step.params.status[ obj.key].color = parentParams.color step.params.status[obj.key].r = parentParams.r step.params.status[obj.key].g = parentParams.g step.params.status[obj.key].b = parentParams.b step.params.status[ obj.key].ambient = parentParams.ambient step.params.status[ obj.key].specular = parentParams.specular step.params.status[ obj.key].shininess = parentParams.shininess ####################################################################################### if (__covise_name == ""): = "[unnamed " + __classname + "]" else: = __covise_name obj.params.nodeClassName = __classname obj.sendParams() # send to GUI else: obj = globalKeyHandler().getObject( self.params.openCOVER2key[__covise_key]) obj.covise_key = __covise_key obj.sendAfterRecreate() # send to COVER obj.sendParams() # send to GUI isRoot = False return (True, True)
def setParams( self, params, negMsgHandler=None, sendToCover=True): _infoer.function = str(self.setParams) realChange = ParamsDiff( self.params, params ) if 'newViewpoint' in realChange : _infoer.write("new viewpoint") newVp = negMsgHandler.internalRequestObject(TYPE_VIEWPOINT, self.key) newVp.params = coViewpointParams() = params.newViewpoint[0] = params.newViewpoint[1] newVp.params.view = params.newViewpoint[2] newVp.params.clipplane = params.newViewpoint[3] newVp.params.confirmed = True newVp.params.isVisible = True self.makeOthersInvisible(newVp, negMsgHandler) negMsgHandler.sendParams( newVp.key, newVp.params ) elif 'newDefaultViewpoint' in realChange or (not hasattr(self.params, 'newDefaultViewpoint') and (hasattr(params, 'newDefaultViewpoint') and not params.newDefaultViewpoint == None)): _infoer.write("new default viewpoint") newVp = negMsgHandler.internalRequestObject(TYPE_VIEWPOINT, self.key) newVp.params = coViewpointParams() = params.newDefaultViewpoint[0] = params.newDefaultViewpoint[1] newVp.params.view = "default" newVp.params.clipplane = "0" newVp.params.confirmed = True negMsgHandler.sendParams( newVp.key, newVp.params ) elif 'changedViewpoint' in realChange : _infoer.write("change viewpoint") vpId = params.changedViewpoint[0] vpName = params.changedViewpoint[1] for obj in self.objects: if == vpId and == vpName: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.view = params.changedViewpoint[2] p.changed = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p ) break elif ('changeID' in realChange) or (hasattr(params, 'changeID') and params.changeID): _infoer.write("change id") for obj in self.objects: if == params.oldID and obj.params.confirmed==False: p = CopyParams(obj.params) = params.newID p.confirmed = True if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p ) self.params.changedID = False elif 'flyingMode' in realChange: _infoer.write("change flying Mode") self.params.flyingMode = params.flyingMode self.sendFlyingMode() #elif 'clipplaneMode' in realChange: # _infoer.write("change clipplane Mode") # self.params.clipplaneMode = params.clipplaneMode # self.sendClipplaneMode() self.params.clipplaneMode = True self.sendClipplaneMode() if 'selectedKey' in realChange: _infoer.write("selected new viewpoint") for obj in self.objects: if != params.selectedKey: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible=False if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p ) else: p = CopyParams(obj.params) p.isVisible=True self.params.currentKey = params.selectedKey if negMsgHandler: negMsgHandler.internalRecvParams( obj.key, p ) negMsgHandler.sendParams( obj.key, p )
def setParamsByModule(self, mparam, mvalue): """ receives parameter changes from the tracer module return a list of objKey and their parameters to be set by the Neg2Gui class """ _infoer.function = str(self.setParamsByModule) _infoer.write("setParamsByModule ") pChangeList = [] newparams = CopyParams(self.params) if mparam == 'startpoint1': self.__startpoint1 = mvalue if self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis == 'line': newparams.alignedRectangle.setStartEndPoint( float(self.__startpoint1[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[2]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[2]) ) else: return pChangeList #return pChangeList if mparam == 'startpoint2': self.__startpoint2 = mvalue if self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis == 'line': newparams.alignedRectangle.setStartEndPoint( float(self.__startpoint1[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint1[2]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[0]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[1]),\ float(self.__startpoint2[2]) ) else: return pChangeList if mparam == 'direction': if not self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis == 'line': aaa = RectangleIn3d2Ps1Dir( ) #convertAlignedRectangleToGeneral(self.params.alignedRectangle) if self.__startpoint1: aaa.pointA = (float(self.__startpoint1[0]), float(self.__startpoint1[1]), float(self.__startpoint1[2])) if self.__startpoint2: aaa.pointC = (float(self.__startpoint2[0]), float(self.__startpoint2[1]), float(self.__startpoint2[2])) aaa.direction = (float(mvalue[0]), float(mvalue[1]), float(mvalue[2])) xxx = convertGeneralToAlignedRectangle( aaa, self.params.alignedRectangle.orthogonalAxis) newparams.alignedRectangle = xxx self.__startpoint1 = None self.__startpoint2 = None if mparam == 'trace_len': newparams.len = float(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'no_startp': try: newparams.no_startp = int(mvalue[2]) except ValueError: newparams.no_startp = int(float(mvalue[2])) if mparam == 'taskType': newparams.taskType = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'Min/Max': cTableObject = globalKeyHandler().getObject( self.params.colorTableKey[self.currentVariable()]) if cTableObject.params.baseMin != float( mvalue[0]) or cTableObject.params.baseMax != float( mvalue[1]): cTableObject.params.baseObjectName = cTableObject.params.baseMin = float(mvalue[0]) cTableObject.params.baseMax = float(mvalue[1]) if not hasattr(cTableObject.params, 'dependantKeys'): cTableObject.params.dependantKeys = [] if self.key not in cTableObject.params.dependantKeys: cTableObject.params.dependantKeys.append(self.key) pChangeList.append((cTableObject.key, cTableObject.params)) if mparam == 'startStyle': newparams.start_style = int(mvalue[0]) if mparam == 'FreeStartPoints': newparams.freeStartPoints = mvalue self.oldFreeStartPoints = mvalue pChangeList.append((self.key, newparams)) return pChangeList
def updateForObject( self, keys ): """ called from MainWindow to update the content to the choosen object key Default params will be shown if there is more than 1 key""" _infoer.function = str(self.updateForObject) _infoer.write("") if isinstance( keys, int ) : self.__keys = [keys] elif isinstance( keys, list ) and len(keys)>0 : self.__keys = keys else : return # if a type_2d_composed_part disable the first two tabs (coloring and shader) if len(self.__keys)==1 : # enable the visualization and the transform tab self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(0, True) self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(1, True) self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(2, True) self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(3, True) if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) == TYPE_2D_COMPOSED_PART: self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(0, False) self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(1, False) # if not a type_2d_part disable the transform tab if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) != TYPE_2D_PART: self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(3, False) # if not a type_2d_cutgeometry_part disable the cut tab if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) != TYPE_2D_CUTGEOMETRY_PART: self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(4, False) elif len(self.__keys) > 1 : # multi selection # always show first tab self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setCurrentIndex(0) # disable the visualization and the transform tab self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(2, False) self.TabWidgetGeneralAdvanced.setTabEnabled(3, False) # set the variables of first key self.__setScalarVariables(ObjectMgr().getPossibleScalarVariablesForType(self.__keys[0])) self.__setVectorVariables(ObjectMgr().getPossibleVectorVariablesForType(self.__keys[0])) # apply params if len(self.__keys) == 1 : realparams = ObjectMgr().getRealParamsOfObject(self.__keys[0]) params = ObjectMgr().getParamsOfObject(self.__keys[0]) = #params.boundingBox = realparams.boundingBox if isinstance(params, int) or isinstance(params, Part2DRawVisParams): self.__setParams( params ) self.__setRealParams( realparams ) # update Visualization2DPanel.updateForObject(self, self.__keys[0]) elif len(self.__keys) > 1 : # multi selection: show default params self.oldPanelParams = Part2DRawVisParams() params = CopyParams(self.oldPanelParams) self.__setParams( params ) if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) == TYPE_2D_PART: self.oldPanelRealParams = co2DPartMgrParams() if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) == TYPE_2D_COMPOSED_PART: self.oldPanelRealParams = co2DComposedPartMgrParams() if ObjectMgr().getTypeOfObject(self.__keys[0]) == TYPE_2D_CUTGEOMETRY_PART: self.oldPanelRealParams = co2DCutGeometryPartMgrParams() = coTranslate("Multiselection") = "Multiselection" realparams = CopyParams(self.oldPanelRealParams) self.__setRealParams( realparams ) # set ComboBoxVariable on default value self.vrpComboBoxVariable_2.setCurrentIndex(0)