def createHTP(CPACSObj, id, xRoot, zRoot, tcRoot, tcTip, cRoot, cTip, span, phiLE, dihedral, LoD=0, location=True): if LoD == WING_LOD.NONE: return # just for now cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on # cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/wings/wing[' + + ']' # get the wing object from given cpacs path myWing = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) myWing.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_='htp')) strUID = createHeader(myWing, id) myWing.set_symmetry('x-z-plane') if location: myWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='fuselage')) createTransformation(myWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) else: myWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='vtp')) createTransformation(myWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) # call corresponding wing creation method if LoD == WING_LOD.SINGLE: createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcTip, tcRoot, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, 0., strUID) if not location: createWingWingAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, targetUID='vtp_Cseg', typeOfSeg='ttail')
def createFuselageSection(parent, dfus, cs, ProfUID, UID='FLSec', Name='FLSec', descr='Fuselage Section'): ''' Used for generation of a fuselage Section. Creates all the sections given through myRQSi. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageSectionsType object, fuselageSectionType-objects will be added here @param crossSection: only one cross section from PrADO [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2] @param ProfUID: the ProfileUID for this section @param UID: UID of this section [string] @param Name: Name of this section [string] @param descr: Description of this section [string] ''' ## ONLY ONE ELEMENT PER SECTION SUPPORTED mySection = fuselageSectionType(uID=UID) mySection.set_name(stringBaseType(None, None, None, Name)) mySection.set_description(stringBaseType(None, None, None, descr)) transZ = cs[1] * dfus scaleX = cs[3] * dfus scaleZ = cs[2] * dfus createTransformation(mySection, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., transZ, 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.) myElements = fuselageElementsType() def createFuselageElement(parent, sx, sz, profUID, UID='FLElem', Name='FLElem', descr='Fuselage Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a fuselage element from PrADO cross section @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myRQS in PrADOlib/ @param profUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = fuselageElementType(uID=UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(None, None, None, Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(None, None, None, descr)) myElement.set_profileUID(stringBaseType(None, None, None, profUID)) createTransformation(myElement, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0., 1., sx, sz, 0., 0., 0.) parent.add_element(myElement) createFuselageElement(myElements, scaleX, scaleZ, ProfUID, UID + '_Elem' + str(1), Name + '_Elem' + str(1), descr + '_Element' + str(1)) mySection.set_elements(myElements) parent.add_section(mySection)
def createWingElement(parent, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, AirfUID, UID='WElem', Name='WElem', descr='Wing Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a wing element from PrADO cross section @param parent: wingElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myFQS in PrADOlib/ @param AirfUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = wingElementType(uID=UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) myElement.set_airfoilUID(stringBaseType(valueOf_=AirfUID)) # Translation createTransformation(myElement, 'absGlobal', tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz) parent.add_element(myElement)
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD==FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj,cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_=id) myDescr = stringBaseType(valueOf_=strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal',0.,0.,0.) if LoD==FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose)+len(cabin)+len(tail)-1) elif LoD==FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0.,0.,0.5,0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,90.,0.,id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',lnose,90.,0,id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',lcabin,90.,0,id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',ltail,90.,0,id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
def createFuselageElement(parent, sx,sz, profUID, UID='FLElem', Name='FLElem', descr='Fuselage Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a fuselage element from PrADO cross section @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myRQS in PrADOlib/ @param profUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = fuselageElementType(uID = UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) myElement.set_profileUID(stringBaseType(valueOf_=profUID)) createTransformation(myElement,'absGlobal', 0.,0.,0., 1.,sx,sz, 0.,0.,0.) parent.add_element(myElement)
def createHTP(CPACSObj, id, xRoot, zRoot, tcRoot, tcTip, cRoot, cTip, span, phiLE, dihedral, LoD=0, location=True): if LoD == WING_LOD.NONE: return # just for now cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on # cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/wings/wing[' + + ']' # get the wing object from given cpacs path myWing = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) myWing.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_='htp')) strUID = createHeader(myWing, id) myWing.set_symmetry('x-z-plane') if location: myWing.set_parentUID( stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='fuselage')) createTransformation(myWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) else: myWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='vtp')) createTransformation(myWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) # call corresponding wing creation method if LoD == WING_LOD.SINGLE: createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcTip, tcRoot, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, 0., strUID) if not location: createWingWingAttachment( myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, targetUID='vtp_Cseg', typeOfSeg='ttail')
def createFuselageSection(parent, dfus, cs, ProfUID, UID='FLSec', Name='FLSec', descr='Fuselage Section'): ''' Used for generation of a fuselage Section. Creates all the sections given through myRQSi. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageSectionsType object, fuselageSectionType-objects will be added here @param crossSection: only one cross section from PrADO [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2] @param ProfUID: the ProfileUID for this section @param UID: UID of this section [string] @param Name: Name of this section [string] @param descr: Description of this section [string] ''' ## ONLY ONE ELEMENT PER SECTION SUPPORTED mySection = fuselageSectionType(uID=UID) mySection.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) mySection.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) transZ = cs[1]*dfus scaleX = cs[3]*dfus scaleZ = cs[2]*dfus createTransformation(mySection,'absGlobal',0.,0.,transZ, 1.,1.,1., 0.,0.,0.) myElements = fuselageElementsType() def createFuselageElement(parent, sx,sz, profUID, UID='FLElem', Name='FLElem', descr='Fuselage Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a fuselage element from PrADO cross section @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myRQS in PrADOlib/ @param profUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = fuselageElementType(uID = UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) myElement.set_profileUID(stringBaseType(valueOf_=profUID)) createTransformation(myElement,'absGlobal', 0.,0.,0., 1.,sx,sz, 0.,0.,0.) parent.add_element(myElement) createFuselageElement(myElements, scaleX,scaleZ, ProfUID, UID+'_Elem'+str(1), Name+'_Elem'+str(1), descr+'_Element'+str(1)) mySection.set_elements(myElements) parent.add_section(mySection)
def createVTP(CPACSObj, id, xRoot, zRoot, tcRoot, tcTip, cRoot, cTip, span, phiLE, LoD=0): if LoD == WING_LOD.NONE: return # just for now cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on # cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/wings/wing[' + + ']' # get the wing object from given cpacs path myWing = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) myWing.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_='vtp')) myWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='fuselage')) strUID = createHeader(myWing, id) # rotate vertical tail to correct orientation createTransformation(myWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot, 1., 1., 1., 90., 0., 0.) # As the vtp is not symmetrical span values must be dubbled for conversion span = span * 2 # call corresponding wing creation method if LoD == WING_LOD.SINGLE: createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral=0, twist=0., strUID=strUID)
def createWingSection(parent, thickness, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, AirfUID, maxT, UID='WSec', Name='WSec', descr='Wing Section'): ''' Used for generation of a wing Section. Creates all the sections given through myQSi. @param parent: wingSectionsType object, wingSectionType-objects will be added here @param crossSection: only one cross section from PrADOs R1GEO**i (with ** as F,HL,SL,WL and i as wingindex) @param AirfUID: the AirfoilUID for this section @param maxT: the max profile thickness of this section @param UID: UID of this section [string] @param Name: Name of this section [string] @param descr: Description of this section [string] ''' # # ONLY ONE ELEMENT PER SECTION SUPPORTED mySection = wingSectionType(uID=UID) mySection.set_name(stringBaseType(None, None, None, Name)) mySection.set_description(stringBaseType(None, None, None, descr)) # Position of the Element createTransformation(mySection, 'absGlobal', tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz,) myElements = wingElementsType() def createWingElement(parent, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, AirfUID, UID='WElem', Name='WElem', descr='Wing Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a wing element from PrADO cross section @param parent: wingElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myFQS in PrADOlib/ @param AirfUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = wingElementType(uID=UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) myElement.set_airfoilUID(stringBaseType(valueOf_=AirfUID)) # Translation createTransformation(myElement, 'absGlobal', tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz) parent.add_element(myElement) createWingElement(myElements, 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., thickness, 0., 0., 0., AirfUID, UID + '_Elem' + str(1), Name + '_Elem' + str(1), descr + '_Element' + str(1)) mySection.set_elements(myElements) parent.add_section(mySection)
def createFuselageElement(parent, sx, sz, profUID, UID='FLElem', Name='FLElem', descr='Fuselage Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a fuselage element from PrADO cross section @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myRQS in PrADOlib/ @param profUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = fuselageElementType(uID=UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(None, None, None, Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(None, None, None, descr)) myElement.set_profileUID(stringBaseType(None, None, None, profUID)) createTransformation(myElement, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0., 1., sx, sz, 0., 0., 0.) parent.add_element(myElement)
def createWing(CPACSObj=None, zeroWing=None, id="1", LoD=0.): """ This function triggers the different export modes of the wing depending on the desired level of detail. Options include a single trapezoid, double trapezoid, advanced double trapezoid (that includes a rectangular center fuselage section) and a strut-braced wing. Please note, these are the internal guts of VAMPzero's CPACS export. A lot of the code here is experimental and furthermore highly chaotic. In case of emergency contact Daniel or Jonas. :param CPACSObj: The overall CPACS object of the export :param zeroWing: The instance of the wing. :param id: The id of the wing, mostly sth. like wing :param LoD: The level of detail of the desired input. :return: CPACSObj including a new wing """ if LoD == WING_LOD.NONE: return # just for now cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on # cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/wings/wing[' + + ']' # get the wing object from given cpacs path cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) strUID = createHeader(cpacsWing, id) cpacsWing.set_symmetry('x-z-plane') cpacsWing.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing')) cpacsWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='fuselage')) xRoot = zeroWing.xRoot.getValue() zRoot = zeroWing.zRoot.getValue() cRoot = zeroWing.cRoot.getValue() cTip = zeroWing.cTip.getValue() span = zeroWing.span.getValue() dfus = zeroWing.aircraft.fuselage.dfus.getValue() phiLE = zeroWing.phiLE.getValue() dihedral = zeroWing.dihedral.getValue() twist = zeroWing.twist.getValue() Sref = zeroWing.refArea.getValue() xMAC25 = zeroWing.xMAC25.getValue() tcRoot = tcTip = try: etakf = zeroWing.etaKink.getValue() yFus = zeroWing.yFuselage.getValue() etaEng = zeroWing.etaEngine.getValue() etaFus = yFus / span * 2. except AttributeError: pass #As not all components that call this method have a kink try: yRoot = zeroWing.yRoot.getValue() except AttributeError: pass #As not all components that call this method have a kink createTransformation(cpacsWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) # call corresponding wing creation method if LoD == WING_LOD.SINGLE: createTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.DOUBLE: createDoubleTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.ADVDOUBLE: createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yFus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip) elif LoD == WING_LOD.UCAV: createUCAVWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.SBW: print "dihedral", dihedral etaStrut = zeroWing.aircraft.strut.etaStrut.getValue() createStrutBracedWing(cpacsWing, id=id, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot, span=span, Sref=Sref, phiLE=phiLE, dihedral=dihedral, twist=twist, xMAC25=xMAC25, etaFus=etaFus, etaStrut=etaStrut, tcRoot=tcRoot, tcTip=tcTip, xRoot=xRoot, strUID=strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.STRUT: etaStrut = zeroWing.aircraft.strut.etaStrut.getValue() createStrut(cpacsWing, id=id, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot, span=span, phiLE=phiLE, dihedral=dihedral, tcRoot=tcRoot, tcTip=tcTip, xRoot=xRoot, yRoot=yRoot, twist=twist, etaStrut=etaStrut, strUID=strUID)
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD == FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, id) myDescr = stringBaseType(None, None, None, strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0.) if LoD == FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin, ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose) + len(cabin) + len(tail) - 1) elif LoD == FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 90., 0., id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', lnose, 90., 0, id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', lcabin, 90., 0, id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', ltail, 90., 0, id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
def createWingSection(parent, thickness, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, AirfUID, maxT, UID='WSec', Name='WSec', descr='Wing Section'): ''' Used for generation of a wing Section. Creates all the sections given through myQSi. @param parent: wingSectionsType object, wingSectionType-objects will be added here @param crossSection: only one cross section from PrADOs R1GEO**i (with ** as F,HL,SL,WL and i as wingindex) @param AirfUID: the AirfoilUID for this section @param maxT: the max profile thickness of this section @param UID: UID of this section [string] @param Name: Name of this section [string] @param descr: Description of this section [string] ''' # # ONLY ONE ELEMENT PER SECTION SUPPORTED mySection = wingSectionType(uID=UID) mySection.set_name(stringBaseType(None, None, None, Name)) mySection.set_description(stringBaseType(None, None, None, descr)) # Position of the Element createTransformation( mySection, 'absGlobal', tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, ) myElements = wingElementsType() def createWingElement(parent, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz, AirfUID, UID='WElem', Name='WElem', descr='Wing Element'): ''' Used for the creation of a wing element from PrADO cross section @param parent: wingElementsType object, element will be added here @param crossSection: the cross section parameters from PrADO [list] (see myFQS in PrADOlib/ @param AirfUID: the uID of the used Profile @param UID: the UID of this element @param Name: Name of this Element [string] @param descr: Description of this Element [string] ''' myElement = wingElementType(uID=UID) myElement.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_=Name)) myElement.set_description(stringBaseType(valueOf_=descr)) myElement.set_airfoilUID(stringBaseType(valueOf_=AirfUID)) # Translation createTransformation(myElement, 'absGlobal', tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz) parent.add_element(myElement) createWingElement(myElements, 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., thickness, 0., 0., 0., AirfUID, UID + '_Elem' + str(1), Name + '_Elem' + str(1), descr + '_Element' + str(1)) mySection.set_elements(myElements) parent.add_section(mySection)
def createWing(CPACSObj = None, zeroWing = None, id="1", LoD = 0.): """ This function triggers the different export modes of the wing depending on the desired level of detail. Options include a single trapezoid, double trapezoid, advanced double trapezoid (that includes a rectangular center fuselage section) and a strut-braced wing. Please note, these are the internal guts of VAMPzero's CPACS export. A lot of the code here is experimental and furthermore highly chaotic. In case of emergency contact Daniel or Jonas. :param CPACSObj: The overall CPACS object of the export :param zeroWing: The instance of the wing. :param id: The id of the wing, mostly sth. like wing :param LoD: The level of detail of the desired input. :return: CPACSObj including a new wing """ if LoD == WING_LOD.NONE: return # just for now cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on # cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/wings/wing[' + + ']' # get the wing object from given cpacs path cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) strUID = createHeader(cpacsWing, id) cpacsWing.set_symmetry('x-z-plane') cpacsWing.set_name(stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing')) cpacsWing.set_parentUID(stringUIDBaseType(isLink=True, valueOf_='fuselage')) xRoot = zeroWing.xRoot.getValue() zRoot = zeroWing.zRoot.getValue() cRoot = zeroWing.cRoot.getValue() cTip = zeroWing.cTip.getValue() span = zeroWing.span.getValue() dfus = zeroWing.aircraft.fuselage.dfus.getValue() phiLE = zeroWing.phiLE.getValue() dihedral = zeroWing.dihedral.getValue() twist = zeroWing.twist.getValue() Sref = zeroWing.refArea.getValue() xMAC25 = zeroWing.xMAC25.getValue() tcRoot = tcTip = try: etakf = zeroWing.etaKink.getValue() yFus = zeroWing.yFuselage.getValue() etaEng = zeroWing.etaEngine.getValue() etaFus = yFus/span*2. except AttributeError: pass #As not all components that call this method have a kink try: yRoot = zeroWing.yRoot.getValue() except AttributeError: pass #As not all components that call this method have a kink createTransformation(cpacsWing, 'absGlobal', xRoot, 0., zRoot) # call corresponding wing creation method if LoD == WING_LOD.SINGLE: createTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.DOUBLE: createDoubleTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.ADVDOUBLE: createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yFus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip) elif LoD == WING_LOD.UCAV: createUCAVWing(cpacsWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.SBW: etaStrut = zeroWing.aircraft.strut.etaStrut.getValue() createStrutBracedWing(cpacsWing, id=id, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot, span=span, Sref=Sref, phiLE=phiLE, dihedral=dihedral, twist=twist, xMAC25=xMAC25, etaFus=etaFus, etaStrut=etaStrut, tcRoot=tcRoot, tcTip=tcTip, xRoot=xRoot, strUID=strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.SBWStraight: etaStrut = zeroWing.aircraft.strut.etaStrut.getValue() createStraightStrutBracedWing(cpacsWing, id=id, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot, span=span, Sref=Sref, phiLE=phiLE, dihedral=dihedral, twist=twist, xMAC25=xMAC25, etaFus=etaFus, etaStrut=etaStrut, tcRoot=tcRoot, tcTip=tcTip, xRoot=xRoot, strUID=strUID) elif LoD == WING_LOD.STRUT: etaStrut = zeroWing.aircraft.strut.etaStrut.getValue() createStrut(cpacsWing, id=id, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot, span=span, phiLE=phiLE, dihedral=dihedral, tcRoot=tcRoot, tcTip=tcTip, xRoot=xRoot, yRoot=yRoot, twist=twist, etaStrut=etaStrut, strUID=strUID)