コード例 #1

def gravity_function(t):
    g0 = numpy.array([c(t), s(t), 9.0])
    g1 = numpy.array([-s(t), c(t), 0.0])
    g2 = numpy.array([-c(t), -s(t), 0.0])
    return numpy.concatenate([g0, g1, g2])

gravity = gravity_function(0)

t0 = 0
y0 = x_t

start = timeit.default_timer()
Controller = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function)
out = Controller.output(x_t, gravity)
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print "time = " + str(stop - start)

for i in range(6):

delta_t = 0.001

print '\n'
start = timeit.default_timer()
x_t_dt = Controller.predict_x(x_t, t0, delta_t)
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print "time = " + str(stop - start)
 def __init__(self, gravity_function_handle):
     self.VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function_handle)
class Load_Transport_Controller(object):

    # quadrotor mass
    m = 1.56779
    # load mass
    M = 0.250
    # cable length
    L = 0.6

    # gravity
    g = 9.81

    # PAR = collections.namedtuple('VT_paramteres',['...','...'])
    # par = PAR(...,...)
    # VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller()

    # VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller()

    # The class "constructor" - It's actually an initializer
    def __init__(self, gravity_function_handle):
        self.VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function_handle)

    def output(self, state, stated):

        x, gravity = self._state_transform(state, stated)
        Thrust, Tau, V, VD, V_dT, V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(x, gravity)
        U = self._input_transform(Thrust, Tau)

        return U

    def _state_transform(self, state, stated):

        # masses and cable length
        m = self.m
        M = self.M
        L = self.L

        # gravity
        g = self.g

        e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # current LOAD position
        pM = state[0:3]
        # current LOAD velocity
        vM = state[3:6]
        # current QUAD position
        pm = state[6:9]
        # current QUAD velocity
        vm = state[9:12]

        # DESIRED LOAD position
        pd = stated[0:3]
        # DESIRED LOAD velocity
        vd = stated[3:6]

        # transformation of state
        p = pM - pd
        v = vM - vd

        # direction of cable
        n = (pm - pM) / numpy.linalg.norm(pm - pM)
        # angular velocity of cable
        w = dot(skew(n), (vm - vM) / numpy.linalg.norm(pM - pm))

        x = concatenate([p, v, n, w])
        print x
        self.x = x

        # DESIRED LOAD acceleration, jerk and snap
        ad = stated[6:9]
        jd = stated[9:12]
        sd = stated[12:15]
        gravity = concatenate([g * e3 + ad, jd, sd])

        return (x, gravity)

    def _input_transform(self, Thrust, Tau):

        # masses and cable length
        m = self.m
        M = self.M
        L = self.L

        n = self.x[6:9]
        w = self.x[9:12]

        U = n * (Thrust * (m + M) - dot(w, w) * m * L) + Tau * m * L

        return U

    def _input_transform2(self, x, Thrust, Tau):

        # masses and cable length
        m = self.m
        M = self.M
        L = self.L

        n = x[6:9]
        w = x[9:12]

        U = n * (Thrust * (m + M) - dot(w, w) * m * L) + Tau * m * L

        return U

    def blabla():
        x_t_1dt = self.VT_Ctrll.predict_x(x_t, t, delta_t)
        Thrust_t_1dt, Tau_t_1dt, V, VD, V_dT, V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(
            x_t_1dt, gravity_function(t + 1.0 * delta_t))
        U_t_1dt = self._input_transform2(x_t_1dt, Thrust_t_1dt, Tau_t_1dt)

        x_t_2dt = self.VT_Ctrll.predict_x(x_t, t0, 2 * delta_t)
        Thrust_t_2dt, Tau_t_2dt, V, VD, V_dT, V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(
            x_t_2dt, gravity_function(t + 2.0 * delta_t))
        U_t_2dt = self._input_transform2(x_t_2dt, Thrust_t_2dt, Tau_t_2dt)
 def __init__(self,gravity_function_handle):
     self.VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function_handle)
class Load_Transport_Controller(object): 

    # quadrotor mass
    m = 1.56779
    # load mass
    M = 0.250
    # cable length
    L = 0.6

    # gravity
    g = 9.81

    # PAR = collections.namedtuple('VT_paramteres',['...','...'])
    # par = PAR(...,...)
    # VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller()
    # VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller()
    # The class "constructor" - It's actually an initializer
    def __init__(self,gravity_function_handle):
        self.VT_Ctrll = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function_handle)

    def output(self,state,stated):

        x,gravity = self._state_transform(state,stated)
        Thrust,Tau,V,VD,V_dT,V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(x,gravity)
        U = self._input_transform(Thrust,Tau)

        return U

    def _state_transform(self,state,stated):

        # masses and cable length
        m   = self.m;
        M   = self.M;
        L   = self.L;

        # gravity
        g   = self.g;

        e3  = numpy.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])

        # current LOAD position
        pM  = state[0:3]
        # current LOAD velocity
        vM  = state[3:6]
        # current QUAD position
        pm  = state[6:9]
        # current QUAD velocity
        vm  = state[9:12]

        # DESIRED LOAD position
        pd = stated[0:3]
        # DESIRED LOAD velocity
        vd = stated[3:6]

        # transformation of state
        p = pM - pd
        v = vM - vd

        # direction of cable
        n = (pm - pM)/numpy.linalg.norm(pm - pM)
        # angular velocity of cable
        w  = dot(skew(n),(vm - vM)/numpy.linalg.norm(pM - pm))

        x = concatenate([p,v,n,w])
        print x
        self.x = x

        # DESIRED LOAD acceleration, jerk and snap
        ad = stated[6:9]   
        jd = stated[9:12] 
        sd = stated[12:15] 
        gravity = concatenate([g*e3 + ad,jd,sd])

        return (x,gravity)

    def _input_transform(self,Thrust,Tau):

        # masses and cable length
        m   = self.m
        M   = self.M
        L   = self.L
        n = self.x[6:9]
        w = self.x[9:12]
        U = n*(Thrust*(m+M) - dot(w,w)*m*L) + Tau*m*L;

        return U

    def _input_transform2(self,x,Thrust,Tau):

        # masses and cable length
        m   = self.m
        M   = self.M
        L   = self.L
        n = x[6:9]
        w = x[9:12]
        U = n*(Thrust*(m+M) - dot(w,w)*m*L) + Tau*m*L;

        return U

    def blabla():
        x_t_1dt = self.VT_Ctrll.predict_x(x_t,t,  delta_t)
        Thrust_t_1dt,Tau_t_1dt,V,VD,V_dT,V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(x_t_1dt,gravity_function(t + 1.0*delta_t))
        U_t_1dt = self._input_transform2(x_t_1dt,Thrust_t_1dt,Tau_t_1dt)

        x_t_2dt = self.VT_Ctrll.predict_x(x_t,t0,2*delta_t)
        Thrust_t_2dt,Tau_t_2dt,V,VD,V_dT,V_dTau = self.VT_Ctrll.output(x_t_2dt,gravity_function(t + 2.0*delta_t))
        U_t_2dt = self._input_transform2(x_t_2dt,Thrust_t_2dt,Tau_t_2dt)
# g2  = numpy.array([0.1,0.2,0.3])
# gravity = concatenate([g0,g1,g2])

def gravity_function(t):
	g0 = numpy.array([ c(t), s(t),9.0])
	g1 = numpy.array([-s(t), c(t),0.0])
	g2 = numpy.array([-c(t),-s(t),0.0])
	return numpy.concatenate([g0,g1,g2])

gravity = gravity_function(0)

t0 = 0
y0 = x_t

start = timeit.default_timer()
Controller = Vector_Thrust_Controller(gravity_function)
out = Controller.output(x_t,gravity)
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print "time = " + str(stop - start) 

for i in range(6):

delta_t = 0.001

print '\n'
start = timeit.default_timer()
x_t_dt = Controller.predict_x(x_t,t0,delta_t)
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print "time = " + str(stop - start)