コード例 #1
def simple_flux_from_greybody(lambdavector, Trf = None, b = None, Lrf = None, zin = None, ngal = None):
	Return flux densities at any wavelength of interest (in the range 1-10000 micron),
	assuming a galaxy (at given redshift) graybody spectral energy distribution (SED),
	with a power law replacing the Wien part of the spectrum to account for the
	variability of dust temperatures within the galaxy. The two different functional
	forms are stitched together by imposing that the two functions and their first
	derivatives coincide. The code contains the nitty-gritty details explicitly.
	Cosmology assumed: H0=70.5, Omega_M=0.274, Omega_L=0.726 (Hinshaw et al. 2009)

	alphain = spectral index of the power law replacing the Wien part of the spectrum, to account for the variability of dust temperatures within a galaxy [default = 2; see Blain 1999 and Blain et al. 2003]
	betain = spectral index of the emissivity law for the graybody [default = 2; see Hildebrand 1985]
	Trf = rest-frame temperature [in K; default = 20K]
	Lrf = rest-frame FIR bolometric luminosity [in L_sun; default = 10^10]
	zin = galaxy redshift [default = 0.001]
	lambdavector = array of wavelengths of interest [in microns; default = (24, 70, 160, 250, 350, 500)];
	Lorenzo Moncelsi [[email protected]]
	20June2012: created in IDL
	November2015: converted to Python

	nwv = len(lambdavector)
	nuvector = c * 1.e6 / lambdavector # Hz

	nsed = 1e4
	lambda_mod = loggen(1e3, 8.0, nsed) # microns
	nu_mod = c * 1.e6/lambda_mod # Hz

	#Lorenzo's version had: H0=70.5, Omega_M=0.274, Omega_L=0.726 (Hinshaw et al. 2009)
	cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0 = 70.5 * u.km / u.s / u.Mpc, Om0 = 0.273)
	conversion = 4.0 * np.pi *(1.0E-13 * cosmo.luminosity_distance(zin) * 3.08568025E22)**2.0 / L_sun # 4 * pi * D_L^2    units are L_sun/(Jy x Hz)

	Lir = Lrf / conversion # Jy x Hz

	Ain = np.zeros(ngal) + 1.0e-36 #good starting parameter
	betain =  np.zeros(ngal) + b 
	alphain=  np.zeros(ngal) + 2.0

	fit_params = Parameters()
	fit_params.add('Ain', value= Ain)
	#fit_params.add('Tin', value= Trf/(1.+zin), vary = False)
	#fit_params.add('betain', value= b, vary = False)
	#fit_params.add('alphain', value= alphain, vary = False)

	#Pfin = minimize(sedint, fit_params, args=(nu_mod,Lir.value,ngal))
	Pfin = minimize(sedint, fit_params, args=(nu_mod,Lir.value,ngal,Trf/(1.+zin),b,alphain))


	return flux_mJy
コード例 #2
from VieroLibrary.loggen import loggen
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import astropy.units as u
from lmfit import Parameters, minimize, fit_report
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

L_sun = 3.839e26 # W
c = 299792458.0 # m/s

lambdavector = np.array([250,350,500])
nuvector = c * 1.e6 / lambdavector # Hz

nsed = 1e4
lambda_mod = loggen(1e3, 8.0, nsed) # microns
nu_mod = c * 1.e6/lambda_mod # Hz
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0 = 70.5 * u.km / u.s / u.Mpc, Om0 = 0.273)

nz = 5.#20.0#0
nl = 5.#20.0#0
nt = 5.#20.0#0

z_vector = loggen(0.1,5.,nz,linear=1)
l_vector = loggen(8.0,13.0,nl,linear=1)
t_vector = loggen(10.0,75.0,nt,linear=1)

z_l_t_matrix = np.array([z_vector,l_vector,t_vector])

betain = 2.0
コード例 #3
import astropy.units as u
from lmfit import Parameters, minimize, fit_report

#Trf = 20K, b = 2.0, Lrf = 10^13, zin = 0.1, ngal = 1

zin = np.array([0.1])
Lin = np.array([1e13])#,2e12,1e13])
lambdavector = np.array([250,350,500])
nwv = len(lambdavector)

L_sun = 3.839e26 # W
c = 299792458.0 # m/s
nuvector = c * 1.e6 / lambdavector # Hz

nsed = 1e4
lambda_mod = loggen(1e3, 8.0, nsed) # microns
nu_mod = c * 1.e6/lambda_mod # Hz
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0 = 70.5 * u.km / u.s / u.Mpc, Om0 = 0.273)
conversion = 4.0 * np.pi *(1.0E-13 * cosmo.luminosity_distance(zin) * 3.08568025E22)**2.0 / L_sun # 4 * pi * D_L^2    units are L_sun/(Jy x Hz)
int_sed = Lin / conversion # Jy x Hz

Ain = np.array([1.e-36])#,3.e-36,1.2e-36]) #good starting parameter
Tin = np.array([20.0])#,24.0,28.0])
betain = np.array([2.0])#,2.0,2.0])
alphain =np.array([2.0])#,2.0,2.0])
#Ain = np.array([1.e-36]) #good starting parameter
#Tin = np.array([23.0])
#betain = np.array([2.0])
#alphain =np.array([2.0])