コード例 #1
 def addGeom(self, geom, parent=None, redo=False):
     # add geometry to to geomContainer, create atom set and set pointer
     # from geom to molecule
     GeomContainer.addGeom(self, geom, parent, redo)
     # FIXME we should use a weakreference to mol here
     geom.mol = self.mol  #need for backtracking picking
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, mol, viewer):
        """constructor of the geometry container"""


        self.mol = mol
        mol.geomContainer = self

        ## Dictionary of AtomSets used to track which atoms are currently
        ## each mode
        self.atoms = {}

        ## Dictionary of function to be called to expand an atomic
        ## property to the corresponding vertices in a geometry
        ## The function has to accept 4 arguments: a geometry name,
        ## a list of atoms,  the name of the property and an optional argument
        ## the propIndex default is None, specifying the index of the property
        ## when needed.
        ## the key is the geometry name
        self.atomPropToVertices = {}

        ## Dictionary of function to be called to convert a vertex into an atom
        ## if no function is registered, used default (1vertex to 1atom)
        ## mapping
        ## if None is registered: this geometry cannot represent atoms
        ## else, call the function registered for this geometry
        self.geomPickToAtoms = {}

        ## Dictionary of function to be called when a part into a bond
        ## if no function is registered, used default (1vertex to 1bond)
        ## mapping
        ## if None is registered: this geometry cannot represent bonds
        ## else, call the function registered for this geometry
        self.geomPickToBonds = {}

        ## this set of coordinates should really be shared by all geometries
        self.allCoords = mol.allAtoms.coords

        if viewer.hasGui:
            self.VIEWER = viewer.GUI.VIEWER
            # master Geometry
            self.masterGeom = Geom(mol.name, shape=(0,0), 
                                    pickable=0, protected=True)
            self.masterGeom.isScalable = 0
            self.geoms['master'] = self.masterGeom
            self.masterGeom.replace = True
            self.VIEWER.AddObject( self.masterGeom )

            # selection Geometry
            if viewer.viewSelectionIcon=='cross':
                self.geoms['selectionSpheres'] = CrossSet(
                    'selection', shape=(0,3), materials=((1.0, 1.0, 0.),),
                    lineWidth=2, inheritMaterial=0, protected=True)
            elif viewer.viewSelectionIcon=='labels':
                from DejaVu.glfLabels import GlfLabels
                self.geoms['selectionSpheres'] = GlfLabels(
                    'selection', shape=(0,3), 
                    materials=((1.0, 1.0, 0.),), 
                self.geoms['selectionSpheres'] = Spheres(
                    'selection', shape=(0,3), radii=0.3, quality = 3, 
                    materials = ((1.0, 1.0, 0.),), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True)
                                      parent=self.masterGeom, redo=0 )