コード例 #1
ファイル: DashboardAPI_t.py プロジェクト: menglu21/WMCore
    def testLoggerLevels(self):

        Just test logger levels and if correct message is printed
        logging = Logger()
        for level in range(len(logging.LEVELS)):
            testString = "Test logging level"
            logging.log(level, testString)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ProcInfo.py プロジェクト: vytjan/WMCore
def main():
    """ Main function """
    logger = Logger(Logger.DEBUG)
    pi = ProcInfo(logger)

    print("first update")
    print("Sleeping to accumulate")

    print("System Monitoring:")
    sysCpuParams = ['cpu_usr', 'cpu_sys', 'cpu_idle', 'cpu_nice', 'cpu_usage', 'context_switches', 'interrupts']
    sysIoParams = ['blocks_in', 'blocks_out', 'swap_in', 'swap_out']
    sysMemParams = ['mem_used', 'mem_free', 'total_mem', 'mem_usage']
    sysSwapParams = ['swap_used', 'swap_free', 'total_swap', 'swap_usage']
    sysLoadParams = ['load1', 'load5', 'load15', 'processes', 'uptime']
    sysGenParams = ['hostname', 'cpu_MHz', 'no_CPUs', 'cpu_vendor_id', 'cpu_family', 'cpu_model', 'cpu_model_name', 'bogomips']
    sysNetParams = ['net_in', 'net_out', 'net_errs', 'ip']
    sysNetStat = ['sockets_tcp', 'sockets_udp', 'sockets_unix', 'sockets_icm']
    sysTcpDetails = ['sockets_tcp_ESTABLISHED', 'sockets_tcp_SYN_SENT', 'sockets_tcp_SYN_RECV', 'sockets_tcp_FIN_WAIT1',
                     'sockets_tcp_FIN_WAIT2', 'sockets_tcp_TIME_WAIT', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSED', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSE_WAIT',
                     'sockets_tcp_LAST_ACK', 'sockets_tcp_LISTEN', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSING', 'sockets_tcp_UNKNOWN']

    print("sys_cpu_params", pi.getSystemData(sysCpuParams))
    print("sys_io_params", pi.getSystemData(sysIoParams))
    print("sys_mem_params", pi.getSystemData(sysMemParams))
    print("sys_swap_params", pi.getSystemData(sysSwapParams))
    print("sys_load_params", pi.getSystemData(sysLoadParams))
    print("sys_gen_params", pi.getSystemData(sysGenParams))
    print("sys_net_params", pi.getSystemData(sysNetParams))
    print("sys_net_stat", pi.getSystemData(sysNetStat))
    print("sys_tcp_details", pi.getSystemData(sysTcpDetails))

    jobPid = os.getpid()

    print("Job (mysefl) monitoring:")
    pi.addJobToMonitor(jobPid, os.getcwd())
    print("Sleep another second")

    jobCpuParams = ['run_time', 'cpu_time', 'cpu_usage']
    jobMemParams = ['mem_usage', 'rss', 'virtualmem', 'open_files']
    jobDiskParams = ['workdir_size', 'disk_used', 'disk_free', 'disk_total', 'disk_usage']
    print("job_cpu_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobCpuParams))
    print("job_mem_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobMemParams))
    print("job_disk_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobDiskParams))

コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, initValue, defaultLogLevel=Logger.INFO):
        Class constructor:
        - if initValue is a string, put it in configAddresses and load destinations
          from the file named like that. if it starts with "http://", the configuration
          is loaded from that URL. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults

        - if initValue is a list, put its contents in configAddresses and create
          the list of destinations from all those sources. For background monitoring,
          given parameters will overwrite defaults(see __defaultOptions)

        - if initValue is a tuple(of strings), initialize destinations with that values.
          Strings in this tuple have this form: "{hostname|ip}[:port][ passwd]", the
          default port being 8884 and the default password being "". Background monitoring will be
          enabled sending the parameters active from __defaultOptions(see end of file)

        - if initValue is a hash(key = string(hostname|ip[:port][ passwd]),
          val = hash{'param_name': True/False, ...}) the given options for each destination
          will overwrite the default parameters(see __defaultOptions)
        self.destinations = {
        }  # empty, by default; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : True/False, ...}
        self.destPrevData = {
        }  # empty, by defaul; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : value, ...}
        self.senderRef = {
        }  # key = tuple(host, port, pass); val = hash {'INSTANCE_ID', 'SEQ_NR' }
        self.configAddresses = [
        ]  # empty, by default; list of files/urls from where we read config
        self.configRecheckInterval = 600  # 10 minutes
        self.configRecheck = True  # enabled by default
        self.performBgMonitoring = True  # by default, perform background monitoring
        self.monitoredJobs = {}  # Monitored jobs; key = pid; value = hash with
        self.maxMsgRate = 100  # Maximum number of messages allowed to be sent per second
        self.maxMsgSize = 1440  # Maximum size of a message. Bulk parameters are split in several messages of smaller size
        self.__defaultSenderRef = {
            'INSTANCE_ID': self.__getInstanceID(),
            'SEQ_NR': 0
        self.__defaultUserCluster = "ApMon_UserSend"
        self.__defaultUserNode = socket.getfqdn()
        self.__defaultSysMonCluster = "ApMon_SysMon"
        self.__defaultSysMonNode = socket.getfqdn()
        # don't touch these:
        self.__freed = False
        self.__udpSocket = None
        self.__configUpdateLock = threading.Lock()
        self.__configUpdateEvent = threading.Event()
        self.__configUpdateFinished = threading.Event()
        self.__bgMonitorLock = threading.Lock()
        self.__bgMonitorEvent = threading.Event()
        self.__bgMonitorFinished = threading.Event()
        # don't allow a user to send more than MAX_MSG messages per second, in average
        self.__crtTime = 0
        self.__prvTime = 0
        self.__prvSent = 0
        self.__prvDrop = 0
        self.__crtSent = 0
        self.__crtDrop = 0
        self.__hWeight = 0.95
            self.logger = Logger(defaultLogLevel)
            self.logger = defaultLogLevel
            self.__udpSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            if len(self.configAddresses) > 0:
                # if there are addresses that need to be monitored,
                # start config checking and reloading thread
                th = threading.Thread(target=self.__configLoader)
                th.setDaemon(True)  # this is a daemon thread
            # create the ProcInfo instance
            self.procInfo = ProcInfo.ProcInfo(self.logger)
            # self.procInfo.update()
            # start the background monitoring thread
            th = threading.Thread(target=self.__bgMonitor)
        except Exception as msg:
                            "Error initializing ApMon " + str(msg), True)