コード例 #1
    def validateCommon(self):
        """Common validation stuff"""
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Workflow name validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

        if self.initialTask.siteWhitelist():
            if isinstance(self.initialTask.siteWhitelist(), basestring):
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Invalid site whitelist: Must be tuple/list but is %s' % type(
                raise error
                [Lexicon.cmsname(site) for site in self.initialTask.siteWhitelist()]
            except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site whitelist validation error: %s" % str(ex))
                raise error
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site whitelist validation error: Empty site whitelist")
            raise error

        if self.initialTask.siteBlacklist():
            if isinstance(self.initialTask.siteBlacklist(), basestring):
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Invalid site blacklist: Must be tuple/list but is %s' % type(
                raise error
                [Lexicon.cmsname(site) for site in self.initialTask.siteBlacklist()]
            except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site blacklist validation error: %s" % str(ex))
                raise error

        # splitter settings
        if self.args.get('SliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SliceSize parameter')
            raise error
        if self.args.get('SubSliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SubSliceSize parameter')
            raise error

        # check input dataset is valid
            if self.initialTask.getInputDatasetPath():
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

        # if pileup is found, check that they are valid datasets
            pileupDatasets = self.wmspec.listPileupDatasets()
            for dbsUrl in pileupDatasets:
                for dataset in pileupDatasets[dbsUrl]:
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Pileup dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error
コード例 #2
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        Lexicon.dataset(datasetPath) # check dataset name
        validBlocks = []
        locations = None

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()

        for blockName in dbs.listFileBlocks(datasetPath):
            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block = blockName)

            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and block['block'] not in blockWhiteList:
            if block['block'] in blockBlackList:

            # check run restrictions
            if runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRuns returns a run number per lumi section
                full_lumi_list = dbs.listRuns(block = block['block'])
                runs = set(full_lumi_list)
                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)
                accepted_lumis = [x for x in full_lumi_list if x in runs]
                ratio_accepted = 1. * len(accepted_lumis) / len(full_lumi_list)
                block[self.lumiType] = len(accepted_lumis)
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = float(block['NumberOfFiles']) * ratio_accepted
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = float(block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratio_accepted

            if locations is None:
                locations = set(sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block'])))
                locations = locations.intersection(set(sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))))

        # all needed blocks present at these sites
        if locations:
            self.data[datasetPath] = list(locations)
        return validBlocks
コード例 #3
    def validateCommon(self):
        """Common validation stuff"""
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Workflow name validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

        if self.initialTask.siteWhitelist():
            if isinstance(self.initialTask.siteWhitelist(), basestring):
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Invalid site whitelist: Must be tuple/list but is %s' % type(
                raise error
                [Lexicon.cmsname(site) for site in self.initialTask.siteWhitelist()]
            except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site whitelist validation error: %s" % str(ex))
                raise error

        if self.initialTask.siteBlacklist():
            if isinstance(self.initialTask.siteBlacklist(), basestring):
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Invalid site blacklist: Must be tuple/list but is %s' % type(
                raise error
                [Lexicon.cmsname(site) for site in self.initialTask.siteBlacklist()]
            except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site blacklist validation error: %s" % str(ex))
                raise error

        # splitter settings
        if self.args.get('SliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SliceSize parameter')
            raise error
        if self.args.get('SubSliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SubSliceSize parameter')
            raise error

        # check input dataset is valid
            if self.initialTask.getInputDatasetPath():
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

        # if pileup is found, check that they are valid datasets
            pileupDatasets = self.wmspec.listPileupDatasets()
            for dbsUrl in pileupDatasets:
                for dataset in pileupDatasets[dbsUrl]:
        except Exception as ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Pileup dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error
コード例 #4
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        Lexicon.dataset(datasetPath)  # check dataset name
        validBlocks = []
        locations = None

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        lumiMask = task.getLumiMask()
        if lumiMask:
            maskedBlocks = self.getMaskedBlocks(task, dbs, datasetPath)

        for blockName in dbs.listFileBlocks(datasetPath):
            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and blockName not in blockWhiteList:
            if blockName in blockBlackList:

            blockSummary = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(block=blockName)
            if int(blockSummary.get('NumberOfFiles', 0)) == 0:
                logging.warning("Block %s being rejected for lack of valid files to process", blockName)

            if self.args['SliceType'] == 'NumberOfRuns':
                blockSummary['NumberOfRuns'] = dbs.listRuns(block=blockName)

            # check lumi restrictions
            if lumiMask:
                if blockName not in maskedBlocks:
                    logging.warning("Block %s doesn't pass the lumi mask constraints", blockName)

                acceptedLumiCount = sum([len(maskedBlocks[blockName][lfn].getLumis()) for lfn in maskedBlocks[blockName]])
                ratioAccepted = 1. * acceptedLumiCount / float(blockSummary['NumberOfLumis'])
                maskedRuns = [maskedBlocks[blockName][lfn].getRuns() for lfn in maskedBlocks[blockName]]
                acceptedRuns = set(lumiMask.getRuns()).intersection(set().union(*maskedRuns))

                blockSummary['NumberOfFiles'] = len(maskedBlocks[blockName])
                blockSummary['NumberOfEvents'] = float(blockSummary['NumberOfEvents']) * ratioAccepted
                blockSummary[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                blockSummary['NumberOfRuns'] = acceptedRuns
            # check run restrictions
            elif runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                runs = set(dbs.listRuns(block=blockName))
                # multi run blocks need special account, requires more DBS calls
                recalculateLumiCounts = True if len(runs) > 1 else False

                # apply blacklist and whitelist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:
                    logging.warning("Block %s doesn't pass the runs constraints", blockName)

                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # Recalculate the number of files, lumis and ~events accepted
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName=blockName)

                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            if lumiInfo['RunNumber'] in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedLumiCount += len(lumiInfo['LumiSectionNumber'])
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            acceptedEventCount += fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']

                    acceptedLumiCount = blockSummary["NumberOfLumis"]
                    acceptedFileCount = blockSummary['NumberOfFiles']
                    acceptedEventCount = blockSummary['NumberOfEvents']

                blockSummary[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                blockSummary['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                blockSummary['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount
                blockSummary['NumberOfRuns'] = runs


            if locations is None:
                locations = set(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(blockName))
                locations = locations.intersection(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(blockName))

        # all needed blocks present at these sites
        if task.getTrustSitelists().get('trustlists'):
            siteWhitelist = task.siteWhitelist()
            siteBlacklist = task.siteBlacklist()
            self.sites = makeLocationsList(siteWhitelist, siteBlacklist)
            self.data[datasetPath] = self.sites
        elif locations:
            self.data[datasetPath] = list(set(self.cric.PNNstoPSNs(locations)))

        return validBlocks
コード例 #5
ファイル: Block.py プロジェクト: alexanderrichards/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        validBlocks = []

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        if task.getLumiMask():  # if we have a lumi mask get only the relevant blocks
            maskedBlocks = self.getMaskedBlocks(task, dbs, datasetPath)
        if task.getTrustSitelists().get('trustlists'):
            siteWhitelist = task.siteWhitelist()
            siteBlacklist = task.siteBlacklist()
            self.sites = makeLocationsList(siteWhitelist, siteBlacklist)

        blocks = []
        # Take data inputs or from spec
        if not self.data:
            if blockWhiteList:
                self.data = dict((block, []) for block in blockWhiteList)
                self.data = {datasetPath: []}  # same structure as in WorkQueueElement

        for data in self.data:
            if data.find('#') > -1:
                Lexicon.block(data)  # check block name
                datasetPath = str(data.split('#')[0])
                Lexicon.dataset(data)  # check dataset name
                for block in dbs.listFileBlocks(data, onlyClosedBlocks=True):

        for blockName in blocks:
            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and blockName not in blockWhiteList:
            if blockName in blockBlackList:
            if blockName in self.blockBlackListModifier:
                # Don't duplicate blocks rejected before or blocks that were included and therefore are now in the blacklist
            if task.getLumiMask() and blockName not in maskedBlocks:

            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block=blockName)
            # blocks with 0 valid files should be ignored
            # - ideally they would be deleted but dbs can't delete blocks
            if not block['NumberOfFiles'] or block['NumberOfFiles'] == '0':

            # check lumi restrictions
            if task.getLumiMask():
                accepted_lumis = sum([len(maskedBlocks[blockName][lfn].getLumis()) for lfn in maskedBlocks[blockName]])
                # use the information given from getMaskedBlocks to compute che size of the block
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = len(maskedBlocks[blockName])
                # ratio =  lumis which are ok in the block / total num lumis
                ratioAccepted = accepted_lumis / block['NumberOfLumis']
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = block['NumberOfEvents'] * ratioAccepted
                block[self.lumiType] = accepted_lumis
            # check run restrictions
            elif runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block=block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())
                recalculateLumiCounts = False
                if len(runs) > 1:
                    # If more than one run in the block
                    # Then we must calculate the lumi counts after filtering the run list
                    # This has to be done rarely and requires calling DBS file information
                    recalculateLumiCounts = True

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                if len(runs) == len(runLumis):
                    # If there is no change in the runs, then we can skip recalculating lumi counts
                    recalculateLumiCounts = False

                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # Recalculate effective size of block
                    # We pull out file info, since we don't do this often
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName=block['block'])
                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        acceptedFileLumiCount = 0
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            runNumber = lumiInfo['RunNumber']
                            if runNumber in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedFileLumiCount += 1
                                acceptedLumiCount += len(lumiInfo['LumiSectionNumber'])
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            if len(fileEntry['LumiList']) != acceptedFileLumiCount:
                                acceptedEventCount += acceptedFileLumiCount * fileEntry['NumberOfEvents'] / len(fileEntry['LumiList'])
                                acceptedEventCount += fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']
                    block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                    block['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                    block['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount
            # save locations
            if task.getTrustSitelists().get('trustlists'):
                self.data[block['block']] = self.sites
                self.data[block['block']] = self.siteDB.PNNstoPSNs(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))

            # TODO: need to decide what to do when location is no find.
            # There could be case for network problem (no connection to dbs, phedex)
            # or DBS se is not recorded (This will be retried anyway by location mapper)
            if not self.data[block['block']]:
                self.data[block['block']] = ["NoInitialSite"]
            # # No sites for this block, move it to rejected
            #    self.rejectedWork.append(blockName)
            #    continue

        return validBlocks
コード例 #6
ファイル: Block.py プロジェクト: menglu21/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        validBlocks = []

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        if task.getLumiMask(
        ):  # if we have a lumi mask get only the relevant blocks
            maskedBlocks = self.getMaskedBlocks(task, dbs, datasetPath)
        if task.getTrustSitelists().get('trustlists'):
            siteWhitelist = task.siteWhitelist()
            siteBlacklist = task.siteBlacklist()
            self.sites = makeLocationsList(siteWhitelist, siteBlacklist)

        blocks = []
        # Take data inputs or from spec
        if not self.data:
            if blockWhiteList:
                self.data = dict((block, []) for block in blockWhiteList)
                self.data = {
                    datasetPath: []
                }  # same structure as in WorkQueueElement

        for data in self.data:
            if data.find('#') > -1:
                Lexicon.block(data)  # check block name
                datasetPath = str(data.split('#')[0])
                Lexicon.dataset(data)  # check dataset name
                for block in dbs.listFileBlocks(data, onlyClosedBlocks=True):

        for blockName in blocks:
            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and blockName not in blockWhiteList:
            if blockName in blockBlackList:
            if blockName in self.blockBlackListModifier:
                # Don't duplicate blocks rejected before or blocks that were included and therefore are now in the blacklist
            if task.getLumiMask() and blockName not in maskedBlocks:

            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block=blockName)
            # blocks with 0 valid files should be ignored
            # - ideally they would be deleted but dbs can't delete blocks
            if not block['NumberOfFiles'] or block['NumberOfFiles'] == '0':

            # check lumi restrictions
            if task.getLumiMask():
                accepted_lumis = sum([
                    for lfn in maskedBlocks[blockName]
                # use the information given from getMaskedBlocks to compute che size of the block
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = len(maskedBlocks[blockName])
                # ratio =  lumis which are ok in the block / total num lumis
                ratioAccepted = 1. * accepted_lumis / float(
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = float(
                    block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratioAccepted
                block[self.lumiType] = accepted_lumis
            # check run restrictions
            elif runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block=block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())
                recalculateLumiCounts = False
                if len(runs) > 1:
                    # If more than one run in the block
                    # Then we must calculate the lumi counts after filtering the run list
                    # This has to be done rarely and requires calling DBS file information
                    recalculateLumiCounts = True

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                if len(runs) == len(runLumis):
                    # If there is no change in the runs, then we can skip recalculating lumi counts
                    recalculateLumiCounts = False

                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # Recalculate effective size of block
                    # We pull out file info, since we don't do this often
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(
                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        acceptedFileLumiCount = 0
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            runNumber = lumiInfo['RunNumber']
                            if runNumber in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedFileLumiCount += 1
                                acceptedLumiCount += len(
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            if len(fileEntry['LumiList']
                                   ) != acceptedFileLumiCount:
                                acceptedEventCount += float(acceptedFileLumiCount) * fileEntry['NumberOfEvents'] \
                                                      / len(fileEntry['LumiList'])
                                acceptedEventCount += fileEntry[
                    block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                    block['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                    block['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount
            # save locations
            if task.getTrustSitelists().get('trustlists'):
                self.data[block['block']] = self.sites
                self.data[block['block']] = self.siteDB.PNNstoPSNs(

            # TODO: need to decide what to do when location is no find.
            # There could be case for network problem (no connection to dbs, phedex)
            # or DBS se is not recorded (This will be retried anyway by location mapper)
            if not self.data[block['block']]:
                self.data[block['block']] = ["NoInitialSite"]
            # # No sites for this block, move it to rejected
            #    self.rejectedWork.append(blockName)
            #    continue

        return validBlocks
コード例 #7
ファイル: Dataset.py プロジェクト: prozober/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        Lexicon.dataset(datasetPath)  # check dataset name
        validBlocks = []
        locations = None

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()

        if task.getTrustSitelists():
            siteWhitelist = task.siteWhitelist()
            siteBlacklist = task.siteBlacklist()
            self.sites = makeLocationsList(siteWhitelist, siteBlacklist)

        for blockName in dbs.listFileBlocks(datasetPath):
            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block=blockName)

            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and block['block'] not in blockWhiteList:
            if block['block'] in blockBlackList:

            # check run restrictions
            if runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block=block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())
                recalculateLumiCounts = False
                if len(runs) > 1:
                    # If more than one run in the block
                    # Then we must calculate the lumi counts after filtering the run list
                    # This has to be done rarely and requires calling DBS file information
                    recalculateLumiCounts = True

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # get correct lumi count
                    # Recalculate effective size of block
                    # We pull out file info, since we don't do this often
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(
                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        acceptedFileLumiCount = 0
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            runNumber = lumiInfo['RunNumber']
                            if runNumber in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedFileLumiCount += 1
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            acceptedLumiCount += acceptedFileLumiCount
                            if len(fileEntry['LumiList']
                                   ) != acceptedFileLumiCount:
                                acceptedEventCount += float(
                                ) * fileEntry['NumberOfEvents'] / len(
                                acceptedEventCount += fileEntry[
                    acceptedLumiCount = block["NumberOfLumis"]
                    acceptedFileCount = block['NumberOfFiles']
                    acceptedEventCount = block['NumberOfEvents']

                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)

                block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount

            if locations is None:
                locations = set(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))
                locations = locations.intersection(

        # all needed blocks present at these sites
        if self.wmspec.getTrustLocationFlag():
            self.data[datasetPath] = self.sites
        elif locations:
            self.data[datasetPath] = list(

        return validBlocks
コード例 #8
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        validBlocks = []

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        if task.getLumiMask(): #if we have a lumi mask get only the relevant blocks
            maskedBlocks = self.getMaskedBlocks(task, dbs, datasetPath)
        if task.inputLocationFlag():
            # Then get the locations from the site whitelist/blacklist + SiteDB
            siteWhitelist = task.siteWhitelist()
            siteBlacklist = task.siteBlacklist()
            if siteWhitelist:
                # Just get the ses matching the whitelists
                self.sites = siteWhitelist
            elif siteBlacklist:
                # Get all CMS sites less the blacklist
                allSites = cmsSiteNames()
                self.sites = list(set(allSites) - set (siteBlacklist))
                # Run at any CMS site
                self.sites = cmsSiteNames()

        blocks = []
        # Take data inputs or from spec
        if not self.data:
            if blockWhiteList:
                self.data = dict((block, []) for block in blockWhiteList)
                self.data = {datasetPath : []} # same structure as in WorkQueueElement

        for data in self.data:
            if data.find('#') > -1:
                Lexicon.block(data) # check block name
                datasetPath = str(data.split('#')[0])
                Lexicon.dataset(data) # check dataset name
                for block in dbs.listFileBlocks(data):

        for blockName in blocks:
            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and blockName not in blockWhiteList:
            if blockName in blockBlackList:
            if task.getLumiMask() and blockName not in maskedBlocks:

            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block = blockName)
            # blocks with 0 valid files should be ignored
            # - ideally they would be deleted but dbs can't delete blocks
            if not block['NumberOfFiles'] or block['NumberOfFiles'] == '0':

            #check lumi restrictions
            if task.getLumiMask():
                accepted_lumis = sum( [ len(maskedBlocks[blockName][file]) for file in maskedBlocks[blockName] ] )
                #use the information given from getMaskedBlocks to compute che size of the block
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = len(maskedBlocks[blockName])
                #ratio =  lumis which are ok in the block / total num lumis
                ratioAccepted = 1. * accepted_lumis / float(block['NumberOfLumis'])
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = float(block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratioAccepted
                block[self.lumiType] = accepted_lumis
            # check run restrictions
            elif runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block = block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())
                recalculateLumiCounts = False
                if len(runs) > 1:
                    # If more than one run in the block
                    # Then we must calculate the lumi counts after filtering the run list
                    # This has to be done rarely and requires calling DBS file information
                    recalculateLumiCounts = True

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                if len(runs) == len(runLumis):
                    # If there is no change in the runs, then we can skip recalculating lumi counts
                    recalculateLumiCounts = False

                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # Recalculate effective size of block
                    # We pull out file info, since we don't do this often
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName = block['block'])
                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        acceptedFileLumiCount = 0
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            runNumber = lumiInfo['RunNumber']
                            if runNumber in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedFileLumiCount += 1
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            acceptedLumiCount += acceptedFileLumiCount
                            if len(fileEntry['LumiList']) != acceptedFileLumiCount:
                                acceptedEventCount += float(acceptedFileLumiCount) * fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']/len(fileEntry['LumiList'])
                                acceptedEventCount += fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']
                    block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                    block['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                    block['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount
            # save locations
            if task.inputLocationFlag():
                self.data[block['block']] = self.sites
                self.data[block['block']] = sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))

        return validBlocks
コード例 #9
            except Exception, ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
                error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Site blacklist validation error: %s" % str(ex))
                raise error

        # splitter settings
        if self.args.get('SliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SliceSize parameter')
            raise error
        if self.args.get('SubSliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SubSliceSize parameter')
            raise error

        # check input dataset is valid
            if self.initialTask.getInputDatasetPath():
        except Exception, ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

        # if pileup is found, check that they are valid datasets
            pileupDatasets = self.wmspec.listPileupDatasets()
            for dbsUrl in pileupDatasets:
                for dataset in pileupDatasets[dbsUrl]:
        except Exception, ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, "Pileup dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

    def newQueueElement(self, **args):
コード例 #10
ファイル: Dataset.py プロジェクト: ticoann/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        Lexicon.dataset(datasetPath)  # check dataset name
        validBlocks = []
        locations = None

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()

        for blockName in dbs.listFileBlocks(datasetPath):
            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block=blockName)

            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and block['block'] not in blockWhiteList:
            if block['block'] in blockBlackList:

            # check run restrictions
            if runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block=block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)
                acceptedLumiCount = 0
                fullLumiCount = 0
                acceptedLumiCount = 0
                fullLumiCount = 0
                for run in runLumis:
                    if run in runs:
                        acceptedLumiCount += runLumis[run]
                    fullLumiCount += runLumis[run]
                ratioAccepted = float(acceptedLumiCount) / fullLumiCount
                block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = int(
                    float(block['NumberOfFiles']) * ratioAccepted)
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = int(
                    float(block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratioAccepted)

            if locations is None:
                locations = set(
                locations = locations.intersection(

        # all needed blocks present at these sites
        if locations:
            self.data[datasetPath] = list(locations)
        return validBlocks
コード例 #11
ファイル: Dataset.py プロジェクト: lucacopa/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        Lexicon.dataset(datasetPath) # check dataset name
        validBlocks = []
        locations = None

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        siteWhiteList = task.siteWhitelist()

        for blockName in dbs.listFileBlocks(datasetPath):
            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block = blockName)

            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and block['block'] not in blockWhiteList:
            if block['block'] in blockBlackList:

            # check run restrictions
            if runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRunLumis returns a dictionary with the lumi sections per run
                runLumis = dbs.listRunLumis(block = block['block'])
                runs = set(runLumis.keys())
                recalculateLumiCounts = False
                if len(runs) > 1:
                    # If more than one run in the block
                    # Then we must calculate the lumi counts after filtering the run list
                    # This has to be done rarely and requires calling DBS file information
                    recalculateLumiCounts = True

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)
                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:
                if recalculateLumiCounts:
                    # get correct lumi count
                    # Recalculate effective size of block
                    # We pull out file info, since we don't do this often
                    acceptedLumiCount = 0
                    acceptedEventCount = 0
                    acceptedFileCount = 0
                    fileInfo = dbs.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName = block['block'])
                    for fileEntry in fileInfo:
                        acceptedFile = False
                        acceptedFileLumiCount = 0
                        for lumiInfo in fileEntry['LumiList']:
                            runNumber = lumiInfo['RunNumber']
                            if runNumber in runs:
                                acceptedFile = True
                                acceptedFileLumiCount += 1
                        if acceptedFile:
                            acceptedFileCount += 1
                            acceptedLumiCount += acceptedFileLumiCount
                            if len(fileEntry['LumiList']) != acceptedFileLumiCount:
                                acceptedEventCount += float(acceptedFileLumiCount) * fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']/len(fileEntry['LumiList'])
                                acceptedEventCount += fileEntry['NumberOfEvents']
                    acceptedLumiCount = block["NumberOfLumis"]
                    acceptedFileCount = block['NumberOfFiles']
                    acceptedEventCount = block['NumberOfEvents']
                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)
                fullLumiCount = block["NumberOfLumis"]
                block[self.lumiType] = acceptedLumiCount
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = acceptedFileCount
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = acceptedEventCount

            if locations is None:
                locations = set(sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block'])))
                locations = locations.intersection(set(sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))))
            if self.wmspec.locationDataSourceFlag():
                locations = locations.union(siteWhiteList)

        # all needed blocks present at these sites
        if locations:
            self.data[datasetPath] = list(locations)
        return validBlocks
コード例 #12
                raise error

        # splitter settings
        if self.args.get('SliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(
                self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SliceSize parameter')
            raise error
        if self.args.get('SubSliceSize', 1) <= 0:
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(
                self.wmspec, 'Zero or negative SubSliceSize parameter')
            raise error

        # check input dataset is valid
            if self.initialTask.getInputDatasetPath():
        except Exception, ex:  # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc.
            error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(
                self.wmspec, "Dataset validation error: %s" % str(ex))
            raise error

    def newQueueElement(self, **args):
        args.setdefault('Status', 'Available')
        args.setdefault('WMSpec', self.wmspec)
        args.setdefault('Task', self.initialTask)
        args.setdefault('RequestName', self.wmspec.name())
        args.setdefault('TaskName', self.initialTask.name())
        args.setdefault('Dbs', self.initialTask.dbsUrl())
        args.setdefault('SiteWhitelist', self.initialTask.siteWhitelist())
        args.setdefault('SiteBlacklist', self.initialTask.siteBlacklist())
        args.setdefault('EndPolicy', self.wmspec.endPolicyParameters())
コード例 #13
ファイル: Block.py プロジェクト: stuartw/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        validBlocks = []

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()
        if task.getLumiMask(): #if we have a lumi mask get only the relevant blocks
            maskedBlocks = self.getMaskedBlocks(task, dbs, datasetPath)

        blocks = []
        # Take data inputs or from spec
        if not self.data:
            if blockWhiteList:
                self.data = dict((block, []) for block in blockWhiteList)
                self.data = {datasetPath : []} # same structure as in WorkQueueElement

        for data in self.data:
            if data.find('#') > -1:
                Lexicon.block(data) # check block name
                datasetPath = str(data.split('#')[0])
                Lexicon.dataset(data) # check dataset name
                for block in dbs.listFileBlocks(data):

        for blockName in blocks:
            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and blockName not in blockWhiteList:
            if blockName in blockBlackList:
            if task.getLumiMask() and blockName not in maskedBlocks:

            block = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(datasetPath, block = blockName)
            # blocks with 0 valid files should be ignored
            # - ideally they would be deleted but dbs can't delete blocks
            if not block['NumberOfFiles'] or block['NumberOfFiles'] == '0':

            #check lumi restrictions
            if task.getLumiMask():
                accepted_lumis = sum( [ len(maskedBlocks[blockName][file]) for file in maskedBlocks[blockName] ] )
                #use the information given from getMaskedBlocks to compute che size of the block
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = len(maskedBlocks[blockName])
                #ratio =  lumis which are ok in the block / total num lumis
                ratio_accepted = 1. * accepted_lumis / float(block['NumberOfLumis'])
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = float(block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratio_accepted
                block[self.lumiType] = accepted_lumis
            # check run restrictions
            elif runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRuns returns a run number per lumi section
                full_lumi_list = dbs.listRuns(block = block['block'])
                runs = set(full_lumi_list)

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)

                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)
                accepted_lumis = [x for x in full_lumi_list if x in runs]
                ratio_accepted = 1. * len(accepted_lumis) / len(full_lumi_list)
                block[self.lumiType] = len(accepted_lumis)
                block['NumberOfFiles'] = float(block['NumberOfFiles']) * ratio_accepted
                block['NumberOfEvents'] = float(block['NumberOfEvents']) * ratio_accepted

            # save locations
            self.data[block['block']] = sitesFromStorageEelements(dbs.listFileBlockLocation(block['block']))

        return validBlocks
コード例 #14
ファイル: Block.py プロジェクト: zhiwenuil/WMCore
    def validBlocks(self, task, dbs):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction"""
        datasetPath = task.getInputDatasetPath()
        validBlocks = []

        blockWhiteList = task.inputBlockWhitelist()
        blockBlackList = task.inputBlockBlacklist()
        runWhiteList = task.inputRunWhitelist()
        runBlackList = task.inputRunBlacklist()

        blocks = []
        # Take data inputs or from spec
        if not self.data:
            self.data = {datasetPath : []} # same structure as in WorkQueueElement
            #blocks = dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(datasetPath, locations = False)
            #dataItems = self.data.keys()

        for data in self.data:
            if data.find('#') > -1:
                Lexicon.block(data) # check dataset name
                datasetPath = str(data.split('#')[0])
                blocks.extend(dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(datasetPath, blockName = str(data), locations = True))
                Lexicon.dataset(data) # check dataset name
                blocks.extend(dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(datasetPath, locations = True))

        for block in blocks:
            # blocks with 0 valid files should be ignored
            # - ideally they would be deleted but dbs can't delete blocks
            if not block['NumberOfFiles']:

            # check block restrictions
            if blockWhiteList and block['Name'] not in blockWhiteList:
            if block['Name'] in blockBlackList:

            # check run restrictions
            if runWhiteList or runBlackList:
                # listRuns returns a run number per lumi section
                full_lumi_list = dbs.listRuns(block = block['Name'])
                runs = set(full_lumi_list)

                # apply blacklist
                runs = runs.difference(runBlackList)
                # if whitelist only accept listed runs
                if runWhiteList:
                    runs = runs.intersection(runWhiteList)

                # any runs left are ones we will run on, if none ignore block
                if not runs:

                # recalculate effective size of block
                # make a guess for new event/file numbers from ratio
                # of accepted lumi sections (otherwise have to pull file info)
                accepted_lumis = [x for x in full_lumi_list if x in runs]
                ratio_accepted = 1. * len(accepted_lumis) / len(full_lumi_list)
                block[self.lumiType] = len(accepted_lumis)
                block['NumberOfFiles'] *= ratio_accepted
                block['NumberOfEvents'] *= ratio_accepted

            # get lumi info if needed and not already available
            if self.args['SliceType'] == self.lumiType and not block.get(self.lumiType):
                blockSummary = dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(block = block["Name"])
                block[self.lumiType] = blockSummary[self.lumiType]

            # save locations
            self.data[block['Name']] = sitesFromStorageEelements([x['Name'] for x in block['StorageElementList']])

        return validBlocks