コード例 #1
 def WNLL(self, x, target, numKnown1, numKnown2, numUnknown, numTest,  num_s=1, num_s_normal=1):
 #def WNLL(self, x, target, numKnown1, numKnown2, numUnknown, numTest,  num_s=5, num_s_normal=2):
 #def WNLL(self, x, target, numKnown1, numKnown2, numUnknown, numTest,  num_s=3, num_s_normal=1):
     WNLL interpolation.
         x: the entire data to be transformed by the DNN.
         target: the label of the entire data.
         numKnown1: the number of the data with known label in training set.
         numKnown2: the number of data with known label but regared as without in training set.
         numUnknown: the number of data without label in the training set.
         numTest: the number of data in the test set.
         num_s: # of nearest neighbors used for WNLL interpolation.
         num_s_normal: the index of nearest neighbor for weights normalization.
     if (numTest is not 0) and (numUnknown is not 0):
         Semi-supervised learning.
         Now, we have two stages, first infer the label for unknown instance.
         Then use known and unknown data to infer label for Test data.
         # xdata: numpy array representation of the whole data
         xdata = x.clone().cpu().data.numpy()
         x_whole = copy.deepcopy(xdata)
         x_Known = copy.deepcopy(xdata[:(numKnown1+numKnown2)])
         x_Unknown = copy.deepcopy(xdata[(numKnown1+numKnown2):(numKnown1+numKnown2+numUnknown)])
         x_Test = copy.deepcopy(xdata[-numTest:])
         x_whole_Train = np.append(x_Known, x_Unknown, axis=0)
         # targetdata: numpy array representation of the label for the whole data.
         targetdata = target.clone().cpu().data.numpy()
         target_whole = copy.deepcopy(targetdata)
         target_Known = copy.deepcopy(targetdata[:(numKnown1+numKnown2)])
         target_Unknown = copy.deepcopy(targetdata[(numKnown1+numKnown2):(numKnown1+numKnown2+numUnknown)])
         target_Test = copy.deepcopy(targetdata[-numTest:])
         target_whole_Train = np.append(target_Known, target_Unknown, axis=0)
         # First step, infer the label for the unknown data
         # f: total number of instances.
         # dim: the total number of classes.
         f, dim = int(x_whole_Train.shape[0]), int(np.max(target_whole_Train)+1)
         # The prior label of all instances in train set by solving the graph Laplacian.
         u_prior = np.zeros((f, dim))
         num_classes = dim; k = num_classes; ndim = x_whole_Train.shape[0]
         idx_fidelity = range(numKnown1+numKnown2)
         fidelity = np.asarray([idx_fidelity, target_whole_Train[idx_fidelity]]).T
         # Compute the similarity matrix, exp(dist(kNN)).
         # Use num_s nearest neighbors, with the num_s_normal-th neighbor
         #to normalize the weights.
         W = weight_ann(x_whole_Train.T, num_s=15, num_s_normal=8)
         #W = weight_ann(x_whole_Train.T, num_s=5, num_s_normal=2)
         # Solve the graph Laplacian to get the prior label for each class.
         for i in range(k):
             g = np.zeros((fidelity.shape[0],))
             tmp = fidelity[:, 1]
             tmp = tmp - i*np.ones((fidelity.shape[0],))
             subset1 = np.where(tmp == 0)[0]
             g[subset1] = 1
             idx_fidelity = fidelity[:, 0]
             total = range(0, f)
             idx_diff = [x1 for x1 in total if x1 not in idx_fidelity]
             # Convert idx_fidelity, idx_diff to integer.
             idx_fidelity = map(int, idx_fidelity)
             idx_diff = map(int, idx_diff)
             tmp = weight_GL(W, g, idx_fidelity, idx_diff, 1)
             # Assign the estimated prior label for ith class.
             u_prior[:, i] = tmp
         # WNLL re-interpolation.
         # The re-interpolation label.
         # Predict[-numUnknown:] is the posterior label for the unknown data.
         #But here in the training procedure, we consider the loss on the entire data.
         Predict = np.zeros((f, dim), dtype='float32')
         #num_s = 5; num_s_normal = 2; #Tunable parameters. Use this to maximize the accuracy.
         num_s = 1; num_s_normal = 1; #Tunable parameters. Use this to maximize the accuracy.
         # KNN search by ANN.
         flann = FLANN()
         idx1, dist1 = flann.nn(
                               x_whole_Train, x_whole_Train, num_s, algorithm="kmeans",
                               branching=32, iterations=50, checks=64
         if num_s > 1:
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = dist1/(dist1[num_s_normal-1, :]+1.e-8)
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = -(dist1)
         w1 = np.exp(dist1)
         for i in range(f):
             tmp = np.zeros(dim,)
             if num_s > 1:
                 for j in range(num_s):
                     #print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                     if idx1[i, j] >=0 and idx1[i, j] <= x_whole.shape[0]:
                         tmp = tmp+w1[i, j]*u_prior[idx1[i, j]]
                         print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                 tmp = tmp + w1[i]*u_prior[idx1[i]]
             if np.sum(tmp):
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
                 tmp = np.random.rand(10,)
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
         PredictLabel = np.argmax(Predict, axis=1)
         print('Accuracy in the first step of semi-supervised learning: ', (PredictLabel==target_whole_Train).sum())
         # Second step, infer the label for the test data
         # f: total number of instances.
         # dim: the total number of classes.
         f, dim = int(x_whole.shape[0]), int(np.max(target_whole)+1)
         # The prior label of all instances in train set by solving the graph Laplacian.
         u_prior = np.zeros((f, dim))
         num_classes = dim; k = num_classes; ndim = x_whole.shape[0]
         idx_fidelity = range(numKnown1+numKnown2+numUnknown)
         fidelity = np.asarray([idx_fidelity, target_whole[idx_fidelity]]).T
         # Compute the similarity matrix, exp(dist(kNN)).
         # Use num_s nearest neighbors, with the num_s_normal-th neighbor
         #to normalize the weights.
         W = weight_ann(x_whole.T, num_s=15, num_s_normal=8)
         #W = weight_ann(x_whole.T, num_s=5, num_s_normal=2)
         # Solve the graph Laplacian to get the prior label for each class.
         for i in range(k):
             g = np.zeros((fidelity.shape[0],))
             tmp = fidelity[:, 1]
             tmp = tmp - i*np.ones((fidelity.shape[0],))
             subset1 = np.where(tmp == 0)[0]
             g[subset1] = 1
             idx_fidelity = fidelity[:, 0]
             total = range(0, f)
             idx_diff = [x1 for x1 in total if x1 not in idx_fidelity]
             # Convert idx_fidelity, idx_diff to integer.
             idx_fidelity = map(int, idx_fidelity)
             idx_diff = map(int, idx_diff)
             tmp = weight_GL(W, g, idx_fidelity, idx_diff, 1)
             # Assign the estimated prior label for ith class.
             u_prior[:, i] = tmp
         # WNLL re-interpolation.
         # The re-interpolation label.
         # Predict[-numUnknown:] is the posterior label for the unknown data.
         #But here in the training procedure, we consider the loss on the entire data.
         Predict = np.zeros((f, dim), dtype='float32')
         #num_s = 5; num_s_normal = 2; #Tunable parameters. Use this to maximize the accuracy.
         num_s = 1; num_s_normal = 1; #Tunable parameters. Use this to maximize the accuracy.
         # KNN search by ANN.
         flann = FLANN()
         idx1, dist1 = flann.nn(
                               x_whole, x_whole, num_s, algorithm="kmeans",
                               branching=32, iterations=50, checks=64
         if num_s > 1:
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = dist1/(dist1[num_s_normal-1, :]+1.e-8)
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = -(dist1)
         w1 = np.exp(dist1)
         for i in range(f):
             tmp = np.zeros(dim,)
             if num_s > 1:
                 for j in range(num_s):
                     #print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                     if idx1[i, j] >=0 and idx1[i, j] <= x_whole.shape[0]:
                         tmp = tmp+w1[i, j]*u_prior[idx1[i, j]]
                         print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                 tmp = tmp + w1[i]*u_prior[idx1[i]]
             if np.sum(tmp):
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
                 tmp = np.random.rand(10,)
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
         PredictLabel = np.argmax(Predict, axis=1)
         print('Accuracy in the second step of semi-supervised learning: ', (PredictLabel==target_whole).sum())
         Predict = Variable(torch.Tensor(Predict).cuda())
         # NOTE: here we use a FC layer to construct the computational graph,
         # which is pretrained in stage 1. In stage 2, we replace the data in
         # fc layer by the WNLL interpolation data.
         x = self.linear(x)
         x.data = Predict.data
         return x
         Regular learning.
         # xdata: numpy array representation of he whole data.
         # x_whole: the whole data (features).
         # x_Unknown: the features of the unknown instances.
         xdata = x.clone().cpu().data.numpy()
         x_whole = copy.deepcopy(xdata)
         x_Known = copy.deepcopy(xdata[:(x_whole.shape[0]-numKnown2-numUnknown-numTest)])
         x_Unknown = copy.deepcopy(xdata[-(numKnown2+numUnknown+numTest):])
         # targetdata: numpy array representation of the label for the whole data.
         targetdata = target.clone().cpu().data.numpy()
         # f: total number of instances.
         # dim: the total number of classes.
         f, dim = int(xdata.shape[0]), int(np.max(targetdata)+1)
         # The prior label of all instances inferred by solving the graph Laplacian.
         u_prior = np.zeros((f, dim))
         # Perform the nearest neighbor search and solve WNLL to find the
         # prior label: u_prior.
         num_classes = dim
         k = num_classes
         ndim = xdata.shape[1]
         idx_fidelity = range(numKnown1)
         fidelity = np.asarray([idx_fidelity, targetdata[idx_fidelity]]).T
         # Compute the similarity matrix, exp(dist(kNN)).
         # Use num_s nearest neighbors, with the num_s_normal-th neighbor
         #to normalize the weights.
         W = weight_ann(x_whole.T, num_s=15, num_s_normal=8)
         #W = weight_ann(x_whole.T, num_s=5, num_s_normal=2)
         # Solve the graph Laplacian to get the prior label for each class.
         for i in range(k):
             g = np.zeros((fidelity.shape[0],))
             tmp = fidelity[:, 1]
             tmp = tmp - i*np.ones((fidelity.shape[0],))
             subset1 = np.where(tmp == 0)[0]
             g[subset1] = 1
             idx_fidelity = fidelity[:, 0]
             total = range(0, f)
             idx_diff = [x1 for x1 in total if x1 not in idx_fidelity]
             # Convert idx_fidelity, idx_diff to integer.
             idx_fidelity = map(int, idx_fidelity)
             idx_diff = map(int, idx_diff)
             tmp = weight_GL(W, g, idx_fidelity, idx_diff, 1)
             # Assign the estimated prior label for ith class.
             u_prior[:, i] = tmp
         # WNLL Re-interpolation
         # The re-interpolation label.
         # Predict[-numUnknown:] is the posterior label for the unknown data.
         #But here in the training procedure, we consider the loss on the entire data.
         Predict = np.zeros((f, dim), dtype='float32')
         # KNN search by ANN.
         flann = FLANN()
         #idx1, dist1 = flann.nn(
         #                      x_whole, x_Unknown, num_s, algorithm="kmeans",
         #                      branching=32, iterations=50, checks=64
         #                      )
         idx1, dist1 = flann.nn(
                               x_whole, x_whole, num_s, algorithm="kmeans",
                               branching=32, iterations=50, checks=64
         if num_s > 1:
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = dist1/(dist1[num_s_normal-1, :]+1.e-8)
             dist1 = dist1.T
             dist1 = -(dist1)
         w1 = np.exp(dist1)
         for i in range(f):
             tmp = np.zeros(dim,)
             if num_s > 1:
                 for j in range(num_s):
                     #print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                     if idx1[i, j] >=0 and idx1[i, j] <= x_whole.shape[0]:
                         tmp = tmp+w1[i, j]*u_prior[idx1[i, j]]
                         print('IDX: ', idx1[i, j])
                 tmp = tmp + w1[i]*u_prior[idx1[i]]
             if np.sum(tmp):
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
                 tmp = np.random.rand(10,)
                 Predict[i, :] = tmp/np.sum(tmp)
         Predict = Variable(torch.Tensor(Predict).cuda())
         # NOTE: here we use a FC layer to construct the computational graph,
         # which is pretrained in stage 1. In stage 2, we replace the data in
         # fc layer by the WNLL interpolation data.
         x = self.linear(x)
         x.data = Predict.data
         return x
コード例 #2
    def WNLL(self, x, target, numTrain, numTest, num_s=1, num_s_normal=1):
        WNLL Interpolation
        # Argument:
            x: the entire data to be transformed by the DNN.
            target: the label of the entire data, x.
            numTrain: the number of data in the training set.
            numTest: the number of data in the testing set.
            num_s: # of nearest neighbors used for WNLL interpolation.
            num_s_normal: the index of nearest neighbor for weights normalization.
        # xdata: numpy array representation of the whole data
        # x_whole: the whole data (features)
        # x_Unknown: the features of the unknown instances
        xdata = x.clone().cpu().data.numpy()
        x_whole = copy.deepcopy(xdata)
        x_Known = copy.deepcopy(xdata[:numTrain])
        x_Unknown = copy.deepcopy(xdata[numTrain:])

        # targetdata: numpy array representation of the label for the whole data
        targetdata = target.clone().cpu().data.numpy()

        # f: total number of instances.
        # dim: the total number of classes.
        f, dim = int(xdata.shape[0]), int(np.max(targetdata) + 1)

        Predict = np.zeros((f, dim))

        # Perform the nearest neighbor search and solve WNLL to find the predicted
        #labels: Predict
        num_classes = dim
        k = num_classes
        ndim = xdata.shape[1]
        idx_fidelity = range(numTrain)

        fidelity = np.asarray([idx_fidelity, targetdata[idx_fidelity]]).T

        # Compute the similarity matrix, exp(dist(kNN)).
        # Use num_s nearest neighbors, with the num_s_normal-th neighbor
        #to normalize the weights.
        W = weight_ann(x_whole.T, num_s=15, num_s_normal=8)

        # Solve the graph Laplacian to get the prior label for each class.
        for i in range(k):
            g = np.zeros((fidelity.shape[0], ))
            tmp = fidelity[:, 1]
            tmp = tmp - i * np.ones((fidelity.shape[0], ))
            subset1 = np.where(tmp == 0)[0]
            g[subset1] = 1
            idx_fidelity = fidelity[:, 0]
            total = range(0, f)
            idx_diff = [x1 for x1 in total if x1 not in idx_fidelity]
            # Convert idx_fidelity, idx_diff to integer.
            idx_fidelity = map(int, idx_fidelity)
            idx_diff = map(int, idx_diff)
            tmp = weight_GL(W, g, idx_fidelity, idx_diff, 1)
            # Assign the estimated prior label for ith class.
            Predict[:, i] = tmp

        Predict = Variable(torch.Tensor(Predict).cuda())
        x = self.linear(x)
        x.data = Predict.data
        return x