コード例 #1
def stamp_collector(expid, Nmax=0, rzero=None, snr_max=400, snr_min=90):
    results = np.load(jamierod_dir + '/params/params_{0:08d}.npy'.format(expid)).item()
    keys = sorted([key for key in results.keys() if ('error' not in key and 'fix' not in key and 'limit' not in key)])
    misalignment = {key: results[key] for key in keys}
    params = {'expid': expid,
              'misalignment': misalignment,
              # jamie's params:
              'mesh_directory': '/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki22/roodman/ComboMeshesv20',
              'mesh_name': 'Science-20121120s1-v20i2_All', }

    params_default = {'snr_key': 'SNR_WIN',
                      'snr_max': snr_max,
                      'snr_min': snr_min,
                      'data_name': '_selpsfcat.fits',
                      'num_bins': 4
    params = params_default

    fits_files = glob(params['data_directory'] + '/*{0}'.format(params['data_name']))
    dig = Digestor()
    model, data_stamps = dig.digest_fits(fits_files[0], do_exclude=True)
    data_stamps = data_stamps['VIGNET']
    for fits_file in fits_files[1:]:
        model_i, data_stamps_i = dig.digest_fits(fits_file, do_exclude=True)
        model = model.append(model_i, ignore_index=True)
        data_stamps = np.vstack((data_stamps, data_stamps_i['VIGNET']))

    if params['snr_key'] in model.columns:
        conds = ((model[params['snr_key']] > params['snr_min']) &
                      (model[params['snr_key']] < params['snr_max']))
        data_stamps = data_stamps[conds.values]
        model = model[conds]

    if Nmax > 0:
        # cut out Nmax objects
        rows = np.random.choice(len(model),
                                Nmax, replace=False)
        model = model.iloc[rows]
        data_stamps = data_stamps[rows]

    # set data_stamps to be float64 like the model stamps
    data_stamps = data_stamps.astype(np.float64)

    if type(rzero) == type(None):
        model['rzero'] = results['rzero']
        model['rzero'] = rzero

    # get the PSF_Interpolator
    PSF_Interpolator = Mesh_Interpolator(mesh_name=params['mesh_name'],

    WF = DECAM_Model_Wavefront(PSF_Interpolator=PSF_Interpolator,

    def plane(rzero,
              z04d, z04x, z04y,
              z05d, z05x, z05y,
              z06d, z06x, z06y,
              z07d, z07x, z07y,
              z08d, z08x, z08y,
              z09d, z09x, z09y,
              z10d, z10x, z10y,
              z11d, z11x, z11y,
              dz, dx, dy, xt, yt,
              e0, e1, e2,
              delta1, delta2,
              zeta1, zeta2, **kwargs):
        wf_misalignment = {'z04d': z04d, 'z04x': z04x, 'z04y': z04y,
                           'z05d': z05d, 'z05x': z05x, 'z05y': z05y,
                           'z06d': z06d, 'z06x': z06x, 'z06y': z06y,
                           'z07d': z07d, 'z07x': z07x, 'z07y': z07y,
                           'z08d': z08d, 'z08x': z08x, 'z08y': z08y,
                           'z09d': z09d, 'z09x': z09x, 'z09y': z09y,
                           'z10d': z10d, 'z10x': z10x, 'z10y': z10y,
                           'z11d': z11d, 'z11x': z11x, 'z11y': z11y,
                           'dz': dz, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'xt': xt, 'yt': yt}
        return wf_misalignment

    wf_misalignment = plane(**misalignment)
    # get evaluated PSFs
    stamps, eval_data = WF.draw_psf(WF.data, force_interpolation=True,
    # apply shear to stamps directly!

    evaluated_psfs = WF.evaluate_psf(stamps, misalignment=wf_misalignment)
    # make sure evaluated_psfs has the right index
    evaluated_psfs.index = eval_data.index
    # combine the results from PSF_Evaluator with your input data
    combined_df = evaluated_psfs.combine_first(eval_data)
    # TODO: Deal with constant jitter terms! Currently the results are off and seem to be off related to the overall magnitude...

    ## # add dc factors
    ## # combined_df['e0'] += results['e0']
    ## # combined_df['e1'] += results['e1']
    ## # combined_df['e2'] += results['e2']
    ## # combined_df['delta1'] += results['delta1']
    ## # combined_df['delta2'] += results['delta2']
    ## # combined_df['zeta1'] += results['zeta1']
    ## # combined_df['zeta2'] += results['zeta2']

    ## e1 = results['e1'] * 5  # empirical correction?
    ## e2 = results['e2'] * 5
    ## Mx = combined_df['Mx'].values
    ## My = combined_df['My'].values
    ## esq = e1 * e1 + e2 * e2

    ## if esq < 1e-8:
    ##     A = 1 + esq / 8 + e1 * (0.5 + esq * 3 / 16)
    ##     B = 1 + esq / 8 - e1 * (0.5 + esq * 3 / 16)
    ##     C = e2 * (0.5 + esq * 3 / 16)
    ## else:
    ##     temp = np.sqrt(1 - esq)
    ##     cc = np.sqrt(0.5 * (1 + 1 / temp))
    ##     temp = cc * (1 - temp) / esq
    ##     C = temp * e2
    ##     temp *= e1
    ##     A = cc + temp
    ##     B = cc - temp
    ## matrix = np.array([[A, C], [C, B]])
    ## matrix /= A * B - C * C
    ## offsetsx = -Mx * (A + C - 1)
    ## offsetsy = -My * (C + B - 1)

    ## # apply transformation
    ## stamps_transformed = []
    ## for stamp, offsetx, offsety in zip(stamps, offsetsx, offsetsy):
    ##     stamps_transformed_i = affine_transform(stamp, matrix, (offsetx, offsety))
    ##     stamps_transformed.append(stamps_transformed_i)
    ## stamps_transformed = np.array(stamps_transformed)
    ## evaluated_psfs = WF.evaluate_psf(stamps_transformed, misalignment=wf_misalignment)
    ## # make sure evaluated_psfs has the right index
    ## evaluated_psfs.index = eval_data.index
    ## # combine the results from PSF_Evaluator with your input data
    ## combined_df_trans = evaluated_psfs.combine_first(eval_data)

    ## e1 = combined_df['e1']
    ## e2 = combined_df['e2']
    ## e1_t = combined_df_trans['e1']
    ## e2_t = combined_df_trans['e2']
    ## print((e1 - e1_t) / (results['e1']))
    ## print((e2 - e2_t) / (results['e2']))

    return combined_df, stamps, data_stamps