def test_fromFile(): """ Ensure UITemplate creates a dictionary structure from an XML File correctly """ assert UITemplate.fromFile( "testTemplate.xml", formatType=UITemplate.XML) == EXPECTED_STRUCTURE #xml file assert UITemplate.fromFile( "testTemplate.shpaml", formatType=UITemplate.SHPAML) == EXPECTED_STRUCTURE #shpaml file
class ContentControl(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile(APP_DIR + "Template.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): """ The initial setup of the interface (such as dynamically adding widgets that are not present in the view) should be done here. """ pass def setUIData(self, ui, request): """ Any data populating that occurs as a result of the data in the request should be done here. """ pass def processPost(self, ui, request): """ Any unique processing that needs to be done on a post should be done here. Note: There is corresponding process(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ pass def validPost(self, ui, request): """ Any validation of post data should occur here: with true being returned only if the data is valid. Note: There is corresponding valid(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ return True
class ContentControl(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile("Pages/Documentation/Template.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): ui.results.replaceWith(self.results) ui.document.replaceWith(self.document)"keyup", self.results.clientSide.get(timeout=500)) def setUIData(self, ui, request): """ Any data populating that occurs as a result of the data in the request should be done here. """ pass def processPost(self, ui, request): """ Any unique processing that needs to be done on a post should be done here. Note: There is corresponding process(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ pass def validPost(self, ui, request): """ Any validation of post data should occur here: with true being returned only if the data is valid. Note: There is corresponding valid(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ return True
class Document(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile("Pages/Documentation/Document.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): openDocument = request.fields.get('load') if openDocument: ui.display.setVisibleElement(ui.openDocument) html = ui.openDocument.addChildElement(self.buildElement('straightHTML')) htmlDoc = pydoc.HTMLDoc() product =, "", "") if product: html.html = htmlDoc.docclass(product.__class__) html.html = html.html.replace('href="', 'href="Documentation?load=').replace(".html", "")
class MainControl(PageControls.TemplateControl): """ Defines how the frame of the page will appear, you can subclass this on a per page basis to change the frame. """ template = UITemplate.fromFile("WebBot/Page.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): """ On initializing the main control frame per-request a content control is added which must be defined on a per-page basis to define the content of the page. """ ui.pageContents.replaceWith(self.contentControl)
class MainControl(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile("WebBot/Page.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): ui.pageContents.replaceWith(self.contentControl) for pageName, page in PAGES: newLink = ui.pageLinks.addChildElement(Buttons.Link(href=page)) button = newLink.addChildElement(Buttons.ToggleButton(page + "Link", text=pageName)) if page in request.path: button.toggleOn() newLink.setDestination("Home") def setUIData(self, ui, request): ui.version.setText(WebElements.__version__)
class ContentControl(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile("Pages/QuickStart/Template.wui") def initUI(self, ui, request): """ The initial setup of the interface (such as dynamically adding widgets that are not present in the view) should be done here. """ ui.helloWorldPython.code = HELLOWORLD_IN ui.helloWorldHTML.code = HELLOWORLD_OUT ui.combineExample.code = COMBINE_EXAMPLE ui.xmlTemplateExample.code = XML_TEMPLATE_EXAMPLE ui.shpamlTemplateExample.code = SHPAML_TEMPLATE_EXAMPLE ui.loadTemplateExample.code = LOAD_TEMPLATE_EXAMPLE ui.customElementExample.code = CUSTOM_ELEMENT_EXAMPLE ui.usingCustomElementsExample.code = USING_CUSTOM_ELEMENT_EXAMPLE ui.addingRowsExample.code = ADDING_ROWS_EXAMPLE ui.passingDataExample.code = PASSING_DATA_EXAMPLE ui.changeOrderExample.code = CHANGE_ORDER_EXAMPLE ui.myTable.addRows(EXAMPLE_TABLE_DATA) ui.myTable2.addRows(EXAMPLE_TABLE_DATA) ui.myTable2.columns = ('Email', 'Phone', 'Name') def setUIData(self, ui, request): """ Any data populating that occurs as a result of the data in the request should be done here. """ pass def processPost(self, ui, request): """ Any unique processing that needs to be done on a post should be done here. Note: There is corresponding process(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ pass def validPost(self, ui, request): """ Any validation of post data should occur here: with true being returned only if the data is valid. Note: There is corresponding valid(Get|Delete|Put) methods. """ return True
class Results(PageControls.TemplateControl): template = UITemplate.fromFile("Pages/Documentation/Results.wui") grabFields = ('search', ) def setUIData(self, ui, request): search = request.fields.get('search', '') if not search: usedProducts = [] for data in GuiBuilderConfig.sections: name = data['Name'] numberOfElements = len(data['Factory'].products) elements = data['Factory'].products.iteritems() section = ui.sections.addChildElement(self.buildElement("Accordion", name)) section.setLabel(name) section.toggle.attributes['tooltip'] = data['Factory'].__doc__['width'] = "100%" elementsContainer = section.addChildElement(self.buildElement("multiSelect"))['height'] = "%dpx" % (numberOfElements * 20)['width'] = "100%" elementsContainer.addJavascriptEvent('onchange', self.document.clientSide.get(load= ClientSide.Script("WebElements.selectedOption(this).value"))) for elementName, element in elements: if element in usedProducts: continue else: elementsContainer.addOption(elementName) ui.sections[0].addClass("First") ui.sections[-1].addClass("Last") return results = ui.sections.addChildElement(self.buildElement("multiSelect")) results.addClass("Results")['width'] = "100%" results.addOptions([productName for productName in ELEMENTS if search.lower() in productName.lower()])['height'] = "%dpx" % (len(results.childElements) * 20) results.addJavascriptEvent('onchange', self.document.clientSide.get(load= ClientSide.Script("WebElements.selectedOption(this).value"))) return results
def test_fromFile(): """ Ensure UITemplate creates a dictionary structure from an XML File correctly """ assert UITemplate.fromFile("testTemplate.xml", formatType=UITemplate.XML) == EXPECTED_STRUCTURE #xml file assert UITemplate.fromFile("testTemplate.shpaml", formatType=UITemplate.SHPAML) == EXPECTED_STRUCTURE #shpaml file