def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.led = LedController(None, 43432) self.gift_lightpad = GiftLightPad(self) self.autoConnector = AutoConnector(self) self.autoConnector.start() self.webSocket = WebSocket(self) self.webSocket.start() self.paperLengthWatcher = PaperLengthController(self) self.sizeCalculator = GiftSizeCalculator(self.finished_size_calc, self.gift_placed, self.led) self.deviceServer = DeviceServer(self) self.deviceServer.start() self.orderHandler = OrderHandler(self.new_order) if not self.fakeorder: self.orderHandler.get_open_orders() else: current_order = { "id" : 1, "paper_id": 3, "deco_ids": [5,6,7] } self.orderHandler.current_order = current_order if self.testprojections: self.sizeCalculator.generate_mock_values() self.test_projection() else: self.new_order()
def __init__(self): self.socket = WebSocket("", 5678, MaxTokensAtOnce, TokensTTL, self) self.socket.start() self.database = database.Database() self.externalAPI = ExternalAPI(None, None, None, None).metrics self.userThreads = {} self.clientTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL) self.medicTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL) self.userMetrics = {} allUsers = self.database.getAllUsers() for user in allUsers: metrics = { } #{GPS: [metric], HealthStatus: [metric, metric], Sleep:[metric]} userDevices = self.database.getAllDevices(user) for device in userDevices: deviceType = device["type"].strip().replace(" ", "_") userDevice = eval(deviceType + "(device[\"authentication_fields\"],\"" + user + "\",\"" + str(device.get("id", "")) + "\", [" + str(device.get("latitude", str(None))) + "," + str(device.get("longitude", str(None))) + "])") for metric in userDevice.metrics: if metric.metricType not in metrics: metrics[metric.metricType] = [] metrics[metric.metricType].append(metric) for metric in GPS(None, user, None, None).metrics + self.externalAPI: if metric.metricType not in metrics: metrics[metric.metricType] = [] metrics[metric.metricType].append(metric) self.userMetrics[user] = metrics #print(metrics) #passing only the GPS, HealthStatus and Sleep to the Thread self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start()
def dynJS(handler): handler.wrappers = False handler.log = False handler.contentType = 'text/javascript' print "function get_websocket_port() {return %s;}" % toJS(PORT if WebSocket.available() else False)
def dynJS(handler): port = WebSocket.getUAPort() handler.wrappers = False handler.contentType = 'text/javascript' print "function get_websocket_port() {return %d;}" % port
from StaticContentServer import StaticContentServer from UiDataGenerator import UiDataGenerator from WebSocket import WebSocket from Constants import Constants import sys sys.path.append('.') import time import sensors import detectors # start UI StaticContentServer.async_start(port=Constants.static_content_port) WebSocket.async_start(port=Constants.web_socket_port) #DummyDataGenerator.async_start() # set up the IMU IMU_SETTINGS_FILE = "IMU_settings" imu = sensors.IMU_Reader(IMU_SETTINGS_FILE) # set up and start the GPS #location = sensors.GPS_location_provider() location = sensors.IP_location_provider() # start our detector detector = detectors.simulated_detector() # start generator and subscribe to the detector UiGenerator = UiDataGenerator(detector, imu, location, sensors.getserial()) UiGenerator.subscribe_to_detector()
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_file, make_response from WebSocket import WebSocket, Client from multiprocessing import Process from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer import random, string, os from irc import IRC tmpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=tmpl_dir) webSocket = WebSocket() webSocket.config({ 'origin_port': 8888, 'origin_host': '', 'websocket_host': '', 'websocket_port': 8976 }) @webSocket.onConnect #Handle the webSocket Connection, return Client() obj if auth successful def handler( *args, **kwargs): #Handle the client connection, do whatever you want here ID = args[0] client = args[1] IRC(client, ID) del webSocket.clients[ID] webSocket.log("INFO", "Connection with %s ended" % ID)
pidFile = option('pidfile') if pidFile: with open(pidFile, 'w') as f: f.write("%d\n" % os.getpid()) restart = False preServer.stop() try: server = getServer() except ServerError, e: console('server', e.message) exit(1) Cron.start() WebSocket.start() try: console('rorn', 'Listening for connections') try: server.serve_forever() except socket.error, e: if e.errno == errno.EBADF and (bricked() or '').startswith('Restart'): restart = True else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.__stdout__.write("\n\n") console('main', 'Exiting at user request') except (Exception, SystemExit), e: sys.__stdout__.write("\n\n")
class Processor: def __init__(self): self.socket = WebSocket("", 5678, MaxTokensAtOnce, TokensTTL, self) self.socket.start() self.database = database.Database() self.externalAPI = ExternalAPI(None, None, None, None).metrics self.userThreads = {} self.clientTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL) self.medicTokens = TTLCache(maxsize=MaxTokensAtOnce, ttl=TokensTTL) self.userMetrics = {} allUsers = self.database.getAllUsers() for user in allUsers: metrics = { } #{GPS: [metric], HealthStatus: [metric, metric], Sleep:[metric]} userDevices = self.database.getAllDevices(user) for device in userDevices: deviceType = device["type"].strip().replace(" ", "_") userDevice = eval(deviceType + "(device[\"authentication_fields\"],\"" + user + "\",\"" + str(device.get("id", "")) + "\", [" + str(device.get("latitude", str(None))) + "," + str(device.get("longitude", str(None))) + "])") for metric in userDevice.metrics: if metric.metricType not in metrics: metrics[metric.metricType] = [] metrics[metric.metricType].append(metric) for metric in GPS(None, user, None, None).metrics + self.externalAPI: if metric.metricType not in metrics: metrics[metric.metricType] = [] metrics[metric.metricType].append(metric) self.userMetrics[user] = metrics #print(metrics) #passing only the GPS, HealthStatus and Sleep to the Thread self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start() #urls[""]=[{"Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyMkRLMlgiLCJzdWIiOiI3Q05RV1oiLCJpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJzY29wZXMiOiJyc29jIHJhY3QgcnNldCBybG9jIHJ3ZWkgcmhyIHJudXQgcnBybyByc2xlIiwiZXhwIjoxNTUzODAxNjA5LCJpYXQiOjE1NTM3NzI4MDl9.6_hSXgYG36430e-ZaRfcEYSzDezGJeaMF5R2PiSr4bk"}, 1] #urls[""]=[{"Accept":"application/json;charset=UTF-8","X-API-KEY-TOKEN":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJncmFudGVlIjoiam9hby5wQHVhLnB0IiwiaWF0IjoxNTUyMDY2Njc5LCJ2YWxpZGl0eSI6LTEsImp0aSI6IjRiNmY2NzhiLWJjNTYtNDYxNi1hYmMyLTRiNjlkMTNkMjUzOSIsInBlcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbInVzZXI6cmVhZCIsImRldmljZTpyZWFkIl0sInF1b3RhIjoyMDAsInJhdGVMaW1pdCI6NX0.aeLLsrhh1-DVXSwl-Z_qDx1Xbr9oIid1IKsOyGQxwqQ"},1] def signup(self, jsonData): try: self.database.register(jsonData) if jsonData["type"] == "client": user = jsonData["username"] if user not in self.userMetrics: self.userMetrics[user] = {} for metric in GPS({}, user, None, None).metrics + self.externalAPI: if metric.metricType not in self.userMetrics[user]: self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType] = [] self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType].append( metric) self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start() return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def logout(self, token): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 elif client: del self.clientTokens[token] elif medic: del self.medicTokens[token] return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 def _generateToken(self, tokenMap, username): """ Generates a new token for a user and stores it :param tokenMap: self.clientTokens or self.medicTokens :type tokenMap: dict :param username: of the user loggedin :type username: str :return: the new token :rtype: str """ min_char = 30 max_char = 40 allchar = string.ascii_letters + string.digits for t, n in tokenMap.items(): if n == username: return t token = "".join( choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(min_char, max_char))) while token in tokenMap: token = "".join( choice(allchar) for x in range(randint(min_char, max_char))) tokenMap[token] = username return token def signin(self, jsonData): userType = self.database.verifyUser(jsonData) if userType == 0: # invalid login return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Incorrect username or password." }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 elif userType == 1: # valid login and user is a client token = self._generateToken(self.clientTokens, jsonData["username"]) elif userType == 2: # valid login and user is a medic token = self._generateToken(self.medicTokens, jsonData["username"]) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": { "token": token } }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 def getAllDevices(self, token): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Medic users don't have devices associated." }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: devices = self.database.getAllDevices(user) for device in devices: auth_fields = device.pop("authentication_fields") for field_name, field_value in auth_fields.items(): device[field_name] = field_value except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": devices }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 def updateDevice(self, token, deviceConf): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 3, "msg": "Medic users don't have devices associated." }).encode("UTF-8"), 403 user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: userDevices = { submetric.dataSource for metric in self.userMetrics[user] for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric] } for device in userDevices: if == str(deviceConf["id"]): latitude = deviceConf[ "latitude"] if "latitude" in deviceConf else device._location[ 0] longitude = deviceConf[ "longitude"] if "longitude" in deviceConf else device._location[ 1] device.update(deviceConf["authentication_fields"], [latitude, longitude]) if user in self.userThreads: self.userThreads[user].end() self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start() break self.database.updateDevice(user, deviceConf) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def deleteDevice(self, token, data): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 3, "msg": "Medic users don't have devices associated." }).encode("UTF-8"), 403 user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: deviceId = data["id"] for metric in self.userMetrics[user]: for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric]: if == deviceId: self.userMetrics[user][metric].remove(submetric) self.database.deleteDevice(user, deviceId) if user in self.userThreads: self.userThreads[user].end() self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start() return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def addDevice(self, token, jsonData): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 3, "msg": "Medic users don't have devices associated." }).encode("UTF-8"), 403 user = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: id = str(self.database.addDevice(user, jsonData)) print(id) if id not in [ for metric in self.userMetrics[user] for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric] ]: deviceType = jsonData["type"].strip().replace(" ", "_") device = eval(deviceType + "(jsonData[\"authentication_fields\"],\"" + user + "\",\"" + str(id) + "\", [" + jsonData.get("latitude", str(None)) + "," + jsonData.get("longitude", str(None)) + "])") for metric in device.metrics: if metric.metricType not in self.userMetrics[user]: self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType] = [] self.userMetrics[user][metric.metricType].append(metric) print(self.userMetrics) if user in self.userThreads: self.userThreads[user].end() self.userThreads[user] = AggregatorThread( self, { k: v for k, v in self.userMetrics[user].items() if k in ["GPS", "HealthStatus", "Sleep"] }, user) self.userThreads[user].start() return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def getData(self, token, endpoint, start, end, interval, patient): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: if client: values = self.database.getData(endpoint, client, start, end, interval) elif medic: if endpoint == "Path": return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Only accecible to patitents." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 if not patient: return json.dumps({ "status": 2, "msg": "Missing argument \"patient\"" }).encode("UTF-8"), 400 values = self.database.getDataByMedic(medic, endpoint, patient, start, end, interval) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": values }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def download(self, userCount): """ Gets all data from a number of users, received If the number received is less than the number of existing users than the users are chosen randomly Else all the users are sent :param userCount: number os users to retrieve :type userCount: int :return: of all users, with all metrics and its data in each one :rtype: list """ users = self.database.getAllUsers() if userCount < len(users): users = choices(users, k=userCount) allData = [] for user in users: userData = {} for metric in [ "Environment", "Event", "HealthStatus", "Path", "PersonalStatus", "Sleep" ]: userData[metric] = self.database.getData( metric, user, 0, None, None) allData.append(userData) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": allData }).encode("UTF-8") def updateProfile(self, token, data): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 elif client: user = client elif medic: user = medic argsErrors = ArgumentValidator.signupAndUpdateProfile( True if client else False, True, data) if len(argsErrors) > 0: return json.dumps({ "status": 2, "msg": "Argument errors : " + ", ".join(argsErrors) }).encode("UTF-8"), 400 try: self.database.updateProfile("client" if client else "medic", user, data) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def getProfile(self, token, data): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) patient = None if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 elif client: user = client elif medic: user = medic patient = data.get("patient") try: if patient: profile = self.database.getPatientProfile(medic, patient) else: profile = self.database.getProfile(user) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": profile }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def deleteProfile(self, token): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 elif client: user = client elif medic: user = medic try: self.database.deleteProfile(user) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def getSupportedDevices(self): try: values = self.database.getSupportedDevices() return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": values }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def uploadPermission(self, token, jsonData): """ Use by both medic and client grants/requests for a permission. calls 'grantPermission' and 'requestPermission' on args: username - str - of the user the he wants to grant or request permission data - {username:str, health_number: int, duration: int} """ client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 argsErrors = ArgumentValidator.uploadPermissions( "medic" if medic else "client", jsonData) if len(argsErrors) > 0: return json.dumps({ "status": 2, "msg": "Argument errors : " + ", ".join(argsErrors) }).encode("UTF-8"), 400 try: target = jsonData["username"] targetToken = None for (k1, v1), (k2, v2) in zip(self.medicTokens.items(), self.clientTokens.items()): if v1 == target or v2 == target: targetToken = (k1 if v1 == target else k2) if client: source, destination = self.database.grantPermission( client, jsonData) elif medic: source, destination = self.database.requestPermission( medic, jsonData) permissionThread([source], targetToken, self.socket).start() return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": destination }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def getAllPermissions(self, token): """ Use by both medic and client gets all current permissions. calls 'allPermissionsData' on """ client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: data = self.database.allPermissionsData( client if client else medic) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation.", "data": data }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def acceptPermission(self, token, medic): """ Used only by the client, accepts a pending permission args: token - str - token representing the user medic - str - of the medic that he wants to reject request for permission """ if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to patients" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 client = self.clientTokens.get(token) if not client: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: self.database.acceptPermission(client, medic) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Permission accepted with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def rejectPermission(self, token, medic): """ Used only by the client, rejects a pending permission args: token - str - token representing the user medic - str - of the medic that he wants to reject request for permission """ if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to patients" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 client = self.clientTokens.get(token) if not client: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: self.database.rejectPermission(client, medic) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Permission rejected with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def removePendingPermission(self, token, client): """ Used only by the medic, removes a pending permission (requests not responded by the client) args token - str - token representing the user client - str - of the client that he wants to remove the active permission """ if self.clientTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to medics" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 medic = self.medicTokens.get(token) if not medic: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: self.database.deleteRequestPermission(medic, client) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Permission removed with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def removeAcceptedPermission(self, token, medic): """ Used only by the client, removes an accepted permission args token - str - token representing the user username - str - of the medic that he wants to remove an accepted permission """ if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to patients" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 client = self.clientTokens.get(token) if not client: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 try: self.database.removeAcceptedPermission(client, medic) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Permission removed with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except LogicException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def process(self, responses, user): normalData = {} for resp in responses: metric = resp[0] if metric not in normalData: normalData[metric] = {} normalData[metric] = dict(normalData[metric], **resp[1]) if "GPS" in normalData: envMetrics = [ submetric for metric in self.userMetrics[user] for submetric in self.userMetrics[user][metric] if submetric.metricType == "Environment" ] if normalData["GPS"]["latitude"] != None and normalData["GPS"][ "longitude"] != None: if float(normalData["GPS"]["latitude"]) > -90 and float( normalData["GPS"]["latitude"]) < 90 and float( normalData["GPS"]["longitude"]) > -180 and float( normalData["GPS"]["longitude"]) < 180: for metric in [ metric for metric in envMetrics if metric.metricLocation == "inside" ]: distance = round( vincenty([ float(normalData["GPS"]["latitude"]), float(normalData["GPS"]["longitude"]) ], metric.dataSource.location).m) if distance <= RADIUS: try: jsonData = metric.getData() data = metric.normalizeData(jsonData) normalData["Environment"] = dict( normalData["Environment"], **data) except Exception as e: logging.error( "<" + user + ">Exception caught while refetching the data: " + str(e)) try: tokens = metric.dataSource.refreshToken() self.updateDevice( metric.dataSource.user, { "id":, "token": tokens["token"], "refresh_token": tokens["refresh_token"] }) resp = metric.normalizeData( metric.getData()) normalData["Environment"] = dict( normalData["Environment"], **data) except Exception as e: logging.error( "<" + user + ">Tried to refresh tokens and couldn't, caught error: " + str(e)) if normalData["Environment"] == {}: for metric in [ metric for metric in envMetrics if metric.metricLocation == "outside" ]: try: jsonData = metric.getData() data = metric.normalizeData(jsonData) normalData["Environment"] = dict( normalData["Environment"], **data) except Exception as e: logging.error( "<" + user + ">Exception caught while refetching the data: " + str(e)) try: tokens = metric.dataSource.refreshToken() self.updateDevice( metric.dataSource.user, { "id":, "token": tokens["token"], "refresh_token": tokens["refresh_token"] }) resp = metric.normalizeData( metric.getData()) normalData["Environment"] = dict( normalData["Environment"], **data) except Exception as e: logging.error( "<" + user + ">Tried to refresh tokens and couldn't, caught error: " + str(e)) #print(normalData["GPS"]) normalData["Environment"]["latitude"] = normalData["GPS"][ "latitude"] normalData["Environment"]["longitude"] = normalData["GPS"][ "longitude"] else: logging.error("Couldn't process GPS: " + str(normalData["GPS"])) del normalData["GPS"] try: coords = self.userMetrics[user]["GPS"][0].normalizeData( self.userMetrics[user]["GPS"][0].getData()) responses.append(("Path", {"path": coords})) for metric in normalData: if metric != "Environment": normalData[metric]["latitude"] = coords["latitude"] normalData[metric]["longitude"] = coords["longitude"] except Exception as e: logging.error("<" + user + ">Error while fetching GPS Coordinates. " + str(e)) for metric in normalData: if time not in normalData[metric]: normalData[metric]["time"] = int(time.time()) print(normalData) try: self._save(normalData, user) except Exception as e: logging.error("<" + user + ">Error while saving data. " + str(e)) def registerMood(self, token, data): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to patients" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 user = self.clientTokens.get(token) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 moods = data["moods"] concatMoods = moods[0] allMoods = {"events": [], "metrics": [], "data": {}} for m in moods: allMoods["events"].append(m) allMoods["metrics"].append("PersonalStatus") concatMoods += "," + m try: self.process([("PersonalStatus", { "moods": concatMoods[:-1] }), ("Event", { "events": json.dumps(allMoods) })], user) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Mood(s) registered with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "While saving data. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "While saving data.Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def deleteMood(self, token, data): if self.medicTokens.get(token): return json.dumps({ "status": 1, "msg": "Only accessible to patients" }).encode("UTF-8"), 406 user = self.clientTokens.get(token) if not user: return json.dumps({ "status": 4, "msg": "Invalid Token." }).encode("UTF-8"), 401 time = data["time"] deleteMetrics = ["Event", "PersonalStatus"] try: for metric in deleteMetrics: self.database.delete(metric, time, user) return json.dumps({ "status": 0, "msg": "Successful operation. Mood(s) deleted with success." }).encode("UTF-8"), 200 except DatabaseException as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "While saving data. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 except Exception as e: return json.dumps({ "status": -1, "msg": "While saving data. Server internal error. " + str(e) }).encode("UTF-8"), 500 def _save(self, data, user): try: for key in data: self.database.insert(key, data[key], user) except Exception as e: raise e def end(self): for k in self.userThreads: self.userThreads[k].end() return "" def checkPermissions(self, token): client = self.clientTokens.get(token, None) medic = self.medicTokens.get(token, None) if not client and not medic: logging.error("Invalid Token in check permissions of " + client if client else medic) return try: data = self.database.getPendingPermissions( client if client else medic) permissionThread(data, token, self.socket).start() except DatabaseException as e: logging.error("Database error in check permissions of " + client if client else medic + " -> " + str(e)) return except Exception as e: print(e) logging.error("Server error in check permissions of " + client if client else medic + " -> " + str(e)) return
class Orchestrator(StateMachine): print("Started orchestrator") fakeorder = False testprojections = False optlist, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["fakeorder=", "testprojections="]) print(optlist) for o,a in optlist: if o in ["--fakeorder"]: fakeorder = True elif o in ["--testprojections"]: testprojections = True else: assert False, "unhandled option " + o devices = {} # states idle = State('Idle', initial=True) waitingForGift = State('WaitingForGift') start = State('Start') sizeCalculated = State('SizeCalculated') paperPrepared = State('PaperPrepared') paperCutOff = State('PaperCutOff') knifeMovedBack = State('KnifeMovedBack') giftPlaced = State('GiftProjected') giftWrapped = State('GiftWrapped') firstFold = State('FirstFold') secondFold = State('SecondFold') thirdFold = State('ThirdFold') # actions new_order = finished_size_calc = # when size was calculated continue with preparing paper finished_paper_prep = # paper is prepared. now project the paper on the table paper_not_prepared = # paper is not in range anymore cut_paper_off = # paper is laid out (lightpad2 is semi-bright). now project the gift on top of the paper moved_knife_back = gift_placed = gift_removed = finish = next_order = tape_teared = | | finish_order = test_projection = def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.led = LedController(None, 43432) self.gift_lightpad = GiftLightPad(self) self.autoConnector = AutoConnector(self) self.autoConnector.start() self.webSocket = WebSocket(self) self.webSocket.start() self.paperLengthWatcher = PaperLengthController(self) self.sizeCalculator = GiftSizeCalculator(self.finished_size_calc, self.gift_placed, self.led) self.deviceServer = DeviceServer(self) self.deviceServer.start() self.orderHandler = OrderHandler(self.new_order) if not self.fakeorder: self.orderHandler.get_open_orders() else: current_order = { "id" : 1, "paper_id": 3, "deco_ids": [5,6,7] } self.orderHandler.current_order = current_order if self.testprojections: self.sizeCalculator.generate_mock_values() self.test_projection() else: self.new_order() def on_enter_idle(self): print('No orders') def on_enter_waitingForGift(self): self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_start(self): print('New Order') = True self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_sizeCalculated(self): print('Size calculated - watching the paper now') self.webSocket.send_current_state() #self.motorDriver.set_paper_length(self.sizeCalculator.paper_width) #self.motorDriver.start() self.paperLengthWatcher.set_paper_dimensions(self.sizeCalculator.paper_height) def on_enter_paperPrepared(self): print('Finished paper prep!') # project paper onto the table now # send message to ws to render paper projection self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_paperCutOff(self): print('Paper cut off') self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_knifeMovedBack(self): print('Knife moved back') self.webSocket.send_current_state() self.led.set_rgb("0,0,0") = True def on_enter_giftPlaced(self): print('Project the arrows onto the paper') # project arrows onto the paper now # send message to ws to render arrow projection self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_giftWrapped(self): print('gift was placed') # project arrows onto the paper now # send message to ws to render arrow projection self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_firstFold(self): print("first fold done") self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_secondFold(self): print("second fold done") self.webSocket.send_current_state() def on_enter_thirdFold(self): print("third fold done") self.webSocket.send_current_state() def handle_lightpad_change(self, id, value): try: if id == 1: self.gift_lightpad.set_value(value) elif id == 2: if value == 0: self.cut_paper_off() else: self.moved_knife_back() except exceptions.TransitionNotAllowed: pass #print("Transition not allowed") #print(self.current_state) def get_current_message(self): state_id = self.current_state.identifier if hasattr(self, 'orderHandler'): #current_order = self.orderHandler.current_order_items current_order = self.orderHandler.current_order else: current_order = {} message = { "state": state_id, "gift_width": self.sizeCalculator.gift_width, "gift_height": self.sizeCalculator.gift_height, "gift_depth": self.sizeCalculator.gift_depth, "paper_width": self.sizeCalculator.paper_width, "paper_height": self.sizeCalculator.paper_height, "current_order": current_order } return str(message).replace("'",'"') def update_devices(self, devices): self.devices = {**self.devices, **devices} if led_unit_name in devices: led_ip = devices[led_unit_name] self.led.ip = led_ip self.led.set_rgb("255,0,0") print("Updated LED IP")
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_file, make_response from WebSocket import WebSocket, Client from multiprocessing import Process from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer import random, string, os from irc import IRC tmpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') app = Flask(__name__,template_folder=tmpl_dir) webSocket = WebSocket() webSocket.config({'origin_port' : 8888, 'origin_host' : '', 'websocket_host' : '', 'websocket_port' : 8976 }) @webSocket.onConnect #Handle the webSocket Connection, return Client() obj if auth successful def handler(*args, **kwargs): #Handle the client connection, do whatever you want here ID = args[0] client = args[1] IRC(client, ID) del webSocket.clients[ID] webSocket.log("INFO", "Connection with %s ended" % ID) def loop(): webSocket.running = True while webSocket.running: handler() webSocket.log("INFO","Handler initiated")