def main(): keyword = None # keyword = "プログラミング言語" for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if i is 0: continue if i > 1: break keyword = arg reader = WikiReader(keyword) content = reader.get_content() print(content)
def split_wiki(pages_per_part, input_file, output_folder, output_file_suffix): click.echo("The wikipedia file '{}' will now be split into " "several files each of '{}' pages.".format( input_file, pages_per_part)) click.echo("This process might take a while!") wiki_reader = WikiReader(input_file) index = {} # Write the site info to its own file write_to_json_file(wiki_reader.site_info, output_folder, SITEINFO_FILE_NAME) # Go over all pages and write them into files of about split_size_kb current_pages = [] current_count = 0 for page in wiki_reader: current_pages.append(page) index[page['title']] = current_count if len(current_pages) > pages_per_part: write_to_json_file( current_pages, output_folder, FILE_NAME_FORMAT.format(current_count, output_file_suffix)) current_pages = [] current_count += 1 print("Processed {} articles!".format(current_count * pages_per_part)) if len(current_pages) != 0: write_to_json_file( current_pages, output_folder, FILE_NAME_FORMAT.format(current_count, output_file_suffix)) write_to_json_file(index, output_folder, INDEX_FILE_NAME)
description='Main program to get heavy-hitters from Wikipedia.') parser.add_argument( '--skip', type=int, help='number of articles to skip from start (Default: 0)', default=0) parser.add_argument( '--parse', type=int, help='total number of articles to parse (Default: 10,000)', default=10000) parser.add_argument( '--print', type=int, help='number of articles after which every time a log is printed (Default: 100)', default=100) parser.add_argument( '--result', type=int, help='number of articles after which every time partial results are printed (Default: 100)', default=100) parser.add_argument( '--input', type=str, help='input .xml file (Default: articles/sample.xml)', default="articles/sample.xml") parser.add_argument( '--output', type=str, help='output file that contains all the logging (Default: logs.txt)', default="logs.txt") args = parser.parse_args() wiki_reader = WikiReader(args.input) macroCMS = {} mapping_distribution = {} log_file = open(args.output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for cat in macro_categories: macroCMS[cat] = CountMinSketch( fraction=0.0005, tolerance=0.0001, allowed_failure_probability=0.01) mapping_distribution[cat] = 0 cnt = 0 time_start = time.time() mrJob = WordCount.WikiWordCount(args=[article_list]) for page_dict in wiki_reader: with open(tmp_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: if page_dict['revision']['text'].startswith('#REDIRECT'):
if __name__ == '__main__': # read the Wiki language = "FI" corpus_dir = "Wikiextractor/" + language re_tok = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') toktok_tok = ToktokTokenizer() special_chars = re.compile('[.,:;!?' # punctuation '\[({})\]\"\'' # parentheses '@#\$&%§+~_]') # rest special_char_remover = lambda s: special_chars.sub('', s) w = WikiReader(corpus_dir, toktok_tok, special_char_remover) wiki_iter_func = w.article_iter ################################# # inspect first article first_title, first_t = next(wiki_iter_func()) print(first_title) print(first_t) print(len(first_t)) print([len(par) for par in first_t]) print('\n\n\n') # calling zip(*wiki_iter) is not okay (takes too long)
t0 = time() # parameters current_split_lvl = ArticleSplitter current_tokeniser = ToktokTokenizer language = "ALS" print("Processing ", language, " on splitting level ", current_split_lvl.__name__) #alphanum_tok = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') special_chars = get_special_char_regexp() special_char_remover = lambda s: special_chars.sub(' ', s) corpus_dir = "Wikiextractor/" + language wiki = WikiReader(corpus_dir, tokeniser=current_tokeniser(), char_cleaner=special_char_remover) print('reader set up') splitter = current_split_lvl(wiki.article_iter) wiki_iter1, wiki_iter2 = splitter.get_iterators() print('corpus split', '\t(current memory: ', proc.memory_full_info().rss / mem0, ')', '\t(time elapsed: ', time() - t0, ')') wiki_counter1 = CorpusCounter(wiki_iter1) print('part 1 counted', '\t(current memory: ',
# pipeline: # 0. split sentences # 1. remove special characters # 2. tokenise # 3. lemmatise language = "VI" corpus_dir = "Wikiextractor/" + language special_chars = re.compile('[.,:;!?' # punctuation '\[({})\]' # parentheses '@#\$&%§+~_"]') # rest char_cleaner = lambda s: special_chars.sub('', s) w = WikiReader(corpus_dir) w_iter = w.article_iter() titles, articles = list(zip(*head(w.article_iter()))) print(titles) print() re_tok = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') toktok = ToktokTokenizer() for i in range(5):
special_chars = get_special_char_regexp() special_char_remover = lambda s: special_chars.sub(' ', s) for language in ["EO", "EU", "FI", "ID", "NO", "TR", "VI"]: for current_split_lvl in [ ArticleSplitter, ParagraphSplitter, WordSplitter ]: tracker = TimeAndMemoryTracker() stats_keeper = StatsWriter() print("### Processing ", language, " on splitting level ", current_split_lvl.__name__) wiki = WikiReader(corpus_dir + language, tokeniser=current_tokeniser(), char_cleaner=special_char_remover, count_elements=True) tracker.current_relative_info('reader set up') splitter = current_split_lvl(wiki.article_iter) wiki_iter1, wiki_iter2 = splitter.get_iterators() tracker.current_relative_info('corpus split') wiki_counter1 = CorpusCounter(wiki_iter1) tracker.current_relative_info('part 1 counted') wiki_counter2 = CorpusCounter(wiki_iter2) tracker.current_relative_info('part 2 counted') wiki_words, wiki_ranks, wiki_counts = wiki_counter1.align_words_ranks_counts(
def __init__(self, wiki_name, wiki_dir, wiki_file, debug_flag=False): self.wiki_name = wiki_name self.wiki_dir = wiki_dir self.wiki_file = wiki_file # wkb will have an WikiReader object as private variable self.wikir = WikiReader(wiki_name, debug_flag=debug_flag)
class WikiCorpusBuilder(object): ALL_CATEGORIES_FILE = "all_categories.pkl" PARENT_CATEGORIES_FILE = "parent_categories.pkl" USE_CATEGORIES_FILE = "use_categories.pkl" PAGES_IN_CATEGORIES_FILE = "pages_in_categories.pkl" COMMON_WORDS_FILE = "common_words.pkl" UNCOMMON_WORDS_FILE = "uncommon_words.pkl" STOP_WORDS_FILE = "stop_words.pkl" EXAMS_WORDS_FILE = "exams_words.pkl" POSITIVE_WORDS_FILE = "positive_words.pkl" ANSWERS_FILE = "all_answers.pkl" CORPUS_FILE = "corpus.txt" def __init__(self, wiki_name, wiki_dir, wiki_file, debug_flag=False): self.wiki_name = wiki_name self.wiki_dir = wiki_dir self.wiki_file = wiki_file # wkb will have an WikiReader object as private variable self.wikir = WikiReader(wiki_name, debug_flag=debug_flag) # Create 2 files all_categories.pkl and parent_categories.pkl, if exist, will just load, # They are stored in wkb.all_categories and wkb.parent_categories # we scan the wiki file find all categories that has <title>Categories:xxx</title> and their parent Catetories # details can be found in read_categories method in def read_categories(self, reread=False): # this function create 'all_categories.pkl' and 'parent_categories.pkl' # there are 29586 categories and 27923 parent categories print "=> Reading categories for %s" % self.wiki_name categories_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.ALL_CATEGORIES_FILE) parents_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.PARENT_CATEGORIES_FILE) gc.collect() if reread or (not os.path.exists(categories_file)) or (not os.path.exists(parents_file)): # if it is the 1st time run this code, will end up in this block and create this 2 category files # it will call the WikiReader to get all the category names from wiki file by scanning through it and match category regex self.wikir.read_sub_categories( wikifile="%s/%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_file), max_read_lines=99900000000 ) save_to_pkl(categories_file, self.wikir.all_categories) save_to_pkl(parents_file, self.wikir.parent_categories) else: self.wikir.all_categories = load_from_pkl(categories_file) self.wikir.parent_categories = load_from_pkl(parents_file) print "There are a total of %d categories" % len(self.wikir.all_categories) # Create 2 files 'use_categories.pkl' and 'pages_in_categories.pkl' # for all singlewiki corpus, target_categories = None, important_categories=['Earth', 'Cellular respiration', 'DNA', 'Units of length', 'History of science', # 'Evolutionary biology', 'Nonmetals', 'Health', 'Charles Darwin'] # important_categories are science-related categories, if not found in target_catefories, which is generated from above method, will give an alert # it will all read_pages_in_categories in def read_pages_in_categories(self, target_categories, max_cat_depth, important_categories, reread=False): print "=> Reading pages in target categories for %s" % self.wiki_name self.target_categories = target_categories self.max_cat_depth = max_cat_depth use_categories_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.USE_CATEGORIES_FILE) pages_in_categories_file = "%s/%s_%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.PAGES_IN_CATEGORIES_FILE, ) if reread or (not os.path.exists(use_categories_file)) or (not os.path.exists(pages_in_categories_file)): if self.target_categories is None: # generated from the above method self.use_categories = self.wikir.all_categories else: # this block check that target categories(which we think are very relevant) are all included in our search category self.use_categories = set( [ cat for cat in self.wikir.all_categories if self.wikir.search_categories(cat, self.target_categories, max_depth=self.max_cat_depth) >= 0 ] ) save_to_pkl(use_categories_file, self.use_categories) self.pages_in_categories = self.wikir.read_pages_in_categories( wikifile="%s/%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_file), use_categories=self.use_categories, max_read_lines=99900000000, ) save_to_pkl(pages_in_categories_file, self.pages_in_categories) else: self.use_categories = load_from_pkl(use_categories_file) self.pages_in_categories = load_from_pkl(pages_in_categories_file) print "Using %d categories related to %s target categories with depth <= %d" % ( len(self.use_categories), "x" if self.target_categories is None else len(self.target_categories), self.max_cat_depth, ) print "Missing important categories: %s" % str( [cat for cat in important_categories if cat not in self.use_categories] ) print "There are %d pages in the %d categories" % (len(self.pages_in_categories), len(self.use_categories)) # this will read all the text from wiki file # parse useful pure text and build a dict of words # depends on the common words and uncommon words fraction, we pick up common words and uncommon words # we also add common words to stop words # we finally save common_words.pkl, uncommon_words.pkl and stop_words.pkl to corpus dir def find_common_words( self, wiki_common_words_min_frac=0.2, wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac=0.01, use_wiki_stop_words=True, max_read_lines=100000000, reread=False, ): print "=> Finding common/uncommon words" self.wiki_common_words_min_frac = wiki_common_words_min_frac self.wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac = wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac self.use_wiki_stop_words = use_wiki_stop_words # the 3 files not exist at begining, need to create once common_words_file = "%s/%s_%.4f_%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, self.wiki_common_words_min_frac, WikiCorpusBuilder.COMMON_WORDS_FILE, ) uncommon_words_file = "%s/%s_%.4f_%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, self.wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac, WikiCorpusBuilder.UNCOMMON_WORDS_FILE, ) stop_words_file = "%s/%s_%.4f_%s%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, self.wiki_common_words_min_frac, "wsw_" if self.use_wiki_stop_words else "", WikiCorpusBuilder.STOP_WORDS_FILE, ) # Read first X lines from Wiki corpus, and get the set of Wiki stop-words (words that appear in many documents), # as well as the "uncommon" words (words that appear in a small fraction of the documents) if ( reread or (not os.path.exists(common_words_file)) or (not os.path.exists(uncommon_words_file)) or (not os.path.exists(stop_words_file)) ): # this line creates a locdic variable (Cardal_LocationDict object) # by calling the read function, it actually read the wiki file with action = 'locdic', this will create a location dict # for each page, and for each section in each page, we read all its section text, and perform the add_words function in Cardal_LocationDict # the input for this function are have page_name, section_name, section_number, section_text # the add_words function: 1st arg is page_name + page_id, 2nd arg is section_name + section_id, 3rd arg is the section_text # this will also compute the count of all parsed words wiki_locdic = wikifile="%s/%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_file), outfile="%s/%s_locdic1.txt" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name), # ignored... # only_first_section_per_page=True, max_read_lines=max_read_lines, only_first_section_per_page=False, max_sections_per_page=1, max_read_lines=max_read_lines, stop_words=SpecialWords.ignore_words, pos_words=set(), min_pos_words_in_page_name=0, min_pos_words_in_section=0, action="locdic", ) # there are 2 fraction thresholds for common words and uncommon words # depends on the threshold, these 2 values could be different self.wiki_common_words = set( [ word for dc, word in wiki_locdic.sort_words_by_num_docs() if dc > (self.wiki_common_words_min_frac * wiki_locdic.get_num_docs()) ] ) self.wiki_uncommon_words = set( [ word for dc, word in wiki_locdic.sort_words_by_num_docs() if dc < (self.wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac * wiki_locdic.get_num_docs()) ] ) # we add common words to stopwords self.stop_words = set(SpecialWords.ignore_words).union(self.wiki_common_words) if self.use_wiki_stop_words: self.stop_words.update(WikiReader.WIKI_STOP_WORDS) wiki_locdic = None gc.collect() save_to_pkl(common_words_file, self.wiki_common_words) save_to_pkl(uncommon_words_file, self.wiki_uncommon_words) save_to_pkl(stop_words_file, self.stop_words) else: self.wiki_common_words = load_from_pkl(common_words_file) self.wiki_uncommon_words = load_from_pkl(uncommon_words_file) self.stop_words = load_from_pkl(stop_words_file) print "There are %d common words (>%.4f docs)" % (len(self.wiki_common_words), self.wiki_common_words_min_frac) print "There are %d uncommon words (<%.4f docs)" % ( len(self.wiki_uncommon_words), self.wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac, ) print "Using %d stop words (%s wiki stop words)" % ( len(self.stop_words), "with" if self.use_wiki_stop_words else "without", ) def create_corpus( self, train_b, valid_b, min_pos_words_in_page_name, min_pos_words_in_section, only_first_section_per_page=False, max_sections_per_page=99999999, use_all_pages_match_pos_word=True, use_all_pages_match_answer=True, pages_to_use=None, always_use_first_section=False, max_read_lines=99900000000, reread=False, ): print "=> Creating corpus" self.min_pos_words_in_page_name = min_pos_words_in_page_name self.min_pos_words_in_section = min_pos_words_in_section self.only_first_section_per_page = only_first_section_per_page self.max_sections_per_page = max_sections_per_page self.use_all_pages_match_pos_word = use_all_pages_match_pos_word self.use_all_pages_match_answer = use_all_pages_match_answer self.always_use_first_section = always_use_first_section exams_words_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.EXAMS_WORDS_FILE) pos_words_file = "%s/%s_%.4f_%s%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, self.wiki_common_words_min_frac, "wsw_" if self.use_wiki_stop_words else "", WikiCorpusBuilder.POSITIVE_WORDS_FILE, ) answers_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, WikiCorpusBuilder.ANSWERS_FILE) corpus_file = "%s/%s_%.4f_%s%.4f_%d_%d_%s_%s_%s" % ( self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_name, self.wiki_common_words_min_frac, "wsw_" if self.use_wiki_stop_words else "", self.wiki_uncommon_words_max_frac, self.min_pos_words_in_page_name, self.min_pos_words_in_section, self.use_all_pages_match_pos_word, self.use_all_pages_match_answer, self.always_use_first_section, ) if pages_to_use is not None: corpus_file = "%s_pn%d" % (corpus_file, len(pages_to_use)) corpus_file = "%s_%s" % (corpus_file, WikiCorpusBuilder.CORPUS_FILE) print "Corpus file: %s" % corpus_file gc.collect() # Get the corpus of the train+validation sets if reread or (not os.path.exists(pos_words_file)) or (not os.path.exists(answers_file)): # Get all the words that appear in the exams if valid_b is None: all_exams = train_b[["ID", "question", "answer"]] else: all_exams = pd.concat([train_b[["ID", "question", "answer"]], valid_b[["ID", "question", "answer"]]]) parser = SimpleWordParser() exams_locdic = build_training_location_dictionary( all_exams, parser=parser, use_answers=True, min_word_docs_frac=0, max_word_docs_frac=1.0, min_word_count_frac=0, max_word_count_frac=1.0, ascii_conversion=True, ) self.exams_words = exams_locdic.word_ids.keys() # Set the "positive_words" as all the words from the train(+validation) files that are uncommon in Wiki self.pos_words = set(self.exams_words).intersection(self.wiki_uncommon_words) # Get all the answers (each answer = a set of words) self.all_answers = set() for answer in all_exams["answer"]: self.all_answers.add(tuple(sorted(parser.parse(answer)))) save_to_pkl(exams_words_file, self.exams_words) save_to_pkl(pos_words_file, self.pos_words) save_to_pkl(answers_file, self.all_answers) else: self.exams_words = load_from_pkl(exams_words_file) self.pos_words = load_from_pkl(pos_words_file) self.all_answers = load_from_pkl(answers_file) print "There are %d positive words (%d wiki uncommon words, %d words from exams)" % ( len(self.pos_words), len(self.wiki_uncommon_words), len(self.exams_words), ) print "There are a total of %d unique answers" % len(self.all_answers) print "Using %d stop words" % (len(self.stop_words)) if pages_to_use is None: use_pages = self.pages_in_categories else: use_pages = pages_to_use print "Considering %d pages" % len(use_pages) if reread or (not os.path.exists(corpus_file)): print "Writing %s corpus to %s" % (self.wiki_name, corpus_file) ld = wikifile="%s/%s" % (self.wiki_dir, self.wiki_file), outfile=corpus_file, only_first_section_per_page=self.only_first_section_per_page, max_sections_per_page=self.max_sections_per_page, use_pages=use_pages, max_read_lines=max_read_lines, stop_words=self.stop_words, pos_words=self.pos_words, page_name_word_sets=self.all_answers, corpus_words=None, ##set(exams_locdic.word_ids.keys()), min_pos_words_in_page_name=self.min_pos_words_in_page_name, min_pos_words_in_section=self.min_pos_words_in_section, use_all_pages_match_pos_word=self.use_all_pages_match_pos_word, use_all_pages_match_sets=self.use_all_pages_match_answer, always_use_first_section=self.always_use_first_section, action="write", ) print "Done writing corpus" gc.collect() return corpus_file