コード例 #1
ファイル: Edge.py プロジェクト: tempbottle/YakDB
 def _deserializeEdge(key):
     Deserializes an edge database key
     @return A tuple (sourceId, targetId, type) deserialized from the database key
     >>> Edge._deserializeEdge("\\x1Fa\\x0Eb")
     ('a', 'b', '')
     >>> Edge._deserializeEdge("\\x1Fa\\x0Fb")
     ('b', 'a', '')
     >>> Edge._deserializeEdge("mytype\\x1Fa\\x0Eb")
     ('a', 'b', 'mytype')
     >>> Edge._deserializeEdge("mytype\\x1Fa\\x0Fb")
     ('b', 'a', 'mytype')
     #Split the typeplanetexplorers.pathea.net
     typeSeparatorIndex = key.find("\x1F")
     if typeSeparatorIndex == -1:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Could not find     type separator in edge key!")
     edgeType = key[0:typeSeparatorIndex]
     key = key[typeSeparatorIndex + 1:]
     #Split the source and target node
     outgoingIndex = key.find("\x0E")
     incomingIndex = key.find("\x0F")
     if outgoingIndex == -1 and incomingIndex == -1:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Could not find OUT or IN separator in edge key!")
     isIncoming = (outgoingIndex == -1)
     splitKey = (incomingIndex if isIncoming else outgoingIndex)
     firstNodeIndex = key[0:splitKey]
     secondNodeIndex = key[splitKey + 1:]
     sourceNode = (secondNodeIndex if isIncoming else firstNodeIndex)
     targetNode = (firstNodeIndex if isIncoming else secondNodeIndex)
     #Create and return the tuple
     return (sourceNode, targetNode, edgeType)
コード例 #2
 def _checkDictionaryForNone(dictionary):
     """Throws a parameter exception if the given dict contains any None keys or values"""
     #None keys or values are not supported, they can't be mapped to binary!
     # Use empty strings if neccessary.
     if any(key == None for key in dictionary.keys()) is None:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Dictionary contains a key = None. Can't convert that to binary!"
     if any(value == None for value in dictionary.values()) is None:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Dictionary contains a value = None. Can't convert that to binary!"
コード例 #3
 def partsync(self, flag):
     Set or clear the partsync flag.
     if type(flag) is not bool:
         raise ParameterException("flag value must be a bool!")
     self.partsyncFlag = flag
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, endpoints=None, context=None):
     Create a new YakDB connection instance.
     @param endpoints An endpoint string or list of endpoints to connect to.
     New endpoints can be added dynamically.
     if context is None:
         self.context = zmq.Context()
         self.cleanupContextOnDestruct = True
         self.context = context
         self.cleanupContextOnDestruct = False
     self.socket = None
     self.numConnections = 0
     #Connect to the endpoints, if any
     if endpoints is None:
     elif type(endpoints) is str or type(endpoints) is bytes:
     elif isinstance(connection, collections.Iterable):
         [self.connect(endpoint) for endpoint in endpoints]
     else:  #Unknown parameter type
         raise ParameterException(
             "Endpoints parameter is a '%s' but expected an iterable or a string!"
             % (str(type(endpoints))))
コード例 #5
 def _checkListForNone(thelist):
     """Throws a ParameterException if any of the values is None"""
     #None keys or values are not supported, they can't be mapped to binary!
     # Use empty strings if neccessary.
     if any(key == None for key in thelist) is None:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Dictionary contains a key = None. Can't convert that to binary!"
コード例 #6
 def saveNode(self, node):
     Save a node and its basic attribute set into the database.
     if not isinstance(node, Node):
         raise ParameterException("Node parameter must by a Node instance!")
                   {node.id: node.basicAttributes.serialize()},
コード例 #7
    def put(self,
        Write a dictionary of key-value pairs to the connected servers.

        This request can be used in REQ/REP, PUSH/PULL and PUB/SUB mode.

        @param tableNo The numeric, unsigned table number to write to
        @param valueDict A dictionary containing the key/value pairs to be written.
                        Must not contain None keys or values.
                        integral types are automatically mapped to signed 32-bit little-endian binary,
                        floating point types are mapped to signed little-endian 64-bit IEEE754 values.
                        If you'd like to use another binary representation, use a binary string instead!
        @param partsync If set to true, subsequent reads are guaranteed to return the written values
        @param fullsync If set to true, written data is synced to disk after being written.
        @return True on success, else an appropriate exception will be raised
        #Check parameters
        YakDBConnectionBase._checkParameterType(tableNo, int, "tableNo")
        YakDBConnectionBase._checkParameterType(valueDict, dict, "valueDict")
        #Before sending any frames, check the value dictionary for validity
        #Else, the socket could be left in an inconsistent state
        if len(valueDict) == 0:
            raise ParameterException(
                "Dictionary to be written did not contain any valid data!")
        #Send header frame
            YakDBConnectionBase._getWriteHeader(b"\x20", partsync, fullsync,
                                                requestId), zmq.SNDMORE)
        #Send the table number
        #Send key/value pairs
        nextToSend = None  #Needed because the last value shall be sent w/out SNDMORE
        for key, value in valueDict.items():
            #Send the value from the last loop iteration
            if nextToSend is not None:
                self.socket.send(nextToSend, zmq.SNDMORE)
            #Map key & value to binary data if neccessary
            key = ZMQBinaryUtil.convertToBinary(key)
            value = ZMQBinaryUtil.convertToBinary(value)
            #Send the key and enqueue the value
            self.socket.send(key, zmq.SNDMORE)
            nextToSend = value
        #If nextToSend is None now, the dict didn't contain valid data
        #Send the last value without SNDMORE
        #If this is a req/rep connection, receive a reply
        if self.mode is zmq.REQ:
            msgParts = self.socket.recv_multipart(copy=True)
            YakDBConnectionBase._checkHeaderFrame(msgParts, b'\x20')
コード例 #8
 def _checkParameterType(value, expectedType, name, allowNone=False):
     Raises a ParameterException if the given value does not have the given type
     @param allowNone If this is set to true, a 'None' value is also allowed and doesn't throw
     if allowNone and value is None:
     if type(value) is not expectedType:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Parameter '%s' is not a %s but a %s!" %
             (name, str(expectedType), str(type(value))))
コード例 #9
 def convertToBinary(value, convertIterables=True):
     Given a string, float or int value, convert it to binary and return the converted value.
     Ints are converted to 32-bit little-endian signed integers (uint32_t).
     Floats are converted to 64-bit little-endian IEEE754 values (double).
     Numeric values are assumed to be signed.
     Given a list of these types, returns a list of the converted values,
     if convertIterables is not set to False.
     For other types, raises an exception
     if type(value) is bytes:
         return value
     elif type(value) is int:
         return struct.pack('<i', value)
     elif type(value) is float:
         return struct.pack('<d', value)
     elif type(value) is str:
         return value.encode("utf-8")
     #Listlike types
     elif isinstance(value, collections.Iterable):
         #str and bytes are also iterable, but we already handled that
         if not convertIterables:
             raise ParameterException(
                 "Value '%s' contains nested iterable or iterable conversion is disabled, can't convert!"
                 % str(value))
         return [
             ZMQBinaryUtil.convertToBinary(val, convertIterables=False)
             for val in value
     elif value is None:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Can't convert None values, please check the value does not contains any None values"
         raise ParameterException(
             "Value '%s' of type %s is not mappable to binary. Please use a binary string for custom types."
             % (value, str(type(value))))
コード例 #10
    def exists(self, tableNo, keys):
        Chec one or multiples values, identified by their keys, for existence in a given table.

        @param tableNo The table number to read from
        @param keys A list, tuple or single value.
                        Must only contain strings, ints or floats.
                        integral types are automatically mapped to signed 32-bit little-endian binary,
                        floating point types are mapped to signed little-endian 64-bit IEEE754 values.
                        If you'd like to use another binary representation, use a binary string instead.
        @return A list of values, correspondent to the key order
        #Check parameters and create binary-string only key list
        YakDBConnectionBase._checkParameterType(tableNo, int, "tableNo")
        convertedKeys = []
        if type(keys) is list or type(keys) is tuple:
            for value in keys:
                if value is None:
                    raise ParameterException(
                        "Key list contains 'None' value, not mappable to binary"
        elif (type(keys) is str) or (type(keys) is int) or (type(keys) is
            #We only have a single value
        #Check if this connection instance is setup correctly
        #Send header frame
        self.socket.send(b"\x31\x01\x12", zmq.SNDMORE)
        #Send the table number frame
        #Send key list
        nextToSend = None  #Needed because the last value shall be sent w/out SNDMORE
        for key in convertedKeys:
            #Send the value from the last loop iteration
            if nextToSend is not None:
                self.socket.send(nextToSend, zmq.SNDMORE)
            #Send the key and enqueue the value
            nextToSend = key
        #Send last key, without SNDMORE flag
        #Wait for reply
        msgParts = self.socket.recv_multipart(copy=True)
        YakDBConnectionBase._checkHeaderFrame(msgParts, b'\x12')
        #Return the data frames after mapping them to bools
        processedValues = []
        for msgPart in msgParts[1:]:
            processedValues.append(False if msgPart == b"\x00" else True)
        return processedValues
コード例 #11
 def put(self, valueDict):
     Write a dictionary of values to the current batch.
     Note that this is slower than adding the keys one-by-one
     because of the merge method currently being used
     if type(valueDict) is not dict:
         raise ParameterException(
             "Batch put valueDict parameter must be a dictionary but it's a %s"
             % str(type(valueDict)))
     # Merge the dicts
     self.batchData = dict(self.batchData.items() + valueDict.items())
     self.numWrites += len(valueDict)
コード例 #12
 def saveEdges(self, edges):
     Save multiple edges at once.
     @param edges The edge list to save
     putDict = {}
     for edge in edges:
         if not isinstance(edge, Edge):
             raise ParameterException(
                 "Edge parameter must by an Edge instance!")
         serializedBasicAttrs = edge.basicAttributes.serialize()
         putDict[edge.activeKey] = serializedBasicAttrs
         putDict[edge.passiveKey] = serializedBasicAttrs
     self.conn.put(self.edgeTableId, putDict, partsync=self.partsyncFlag)
コード例 #13
 def saveExtendedAttributes(self, entityId, attrDict):
     Save one or multiple extended attributes to the database
     @param node The node to serialize for
     @param attrDict A dictionary from key to value
     if type(attrDict) is not dict:
         raise ParameterException(
             "attrDict parameter must be a Dictionary!")
     dbDict = {}
     for key, value in attrDict.iteritems():
         dbKey = ExtendedAttributes._serializeKey(entityId, key)
         dbDict[dbKey] = value