def fsdump(path, file=None, with_offset=1): iter = FileIterator(path) for i, trans in enumerate(iter): if with_offset: print(("Trans #%05d tid=%016x time=%s offset=%d" % (i, u64(trans.tid), TimeStamp(trans.tid), trans._pos)), file=file) else: print(("Trans #%05d tid=%016x time=%s" % (i, u64(trans.tid), TimeStamp(trans.tid))), file=file) print((" status=%r user=%r description=%r" % (trans.status, trans.user, trans.description)), file=file) for j, rec in enumerate(trans): if is None: fullclass = "undo or abort of object creation" size = "" else: modname, classname = get_pickle_metadata( size = " size=%d" % len( fullclass = "%s.%s" % (modname, classname) if rec.data_txn: # It would be nice to print the transaction number # (i) but it would be expensive to keep track of. bp = " bp=%016x" % u64(rec.data_txn) else: bp = "" print((" data #%05d oid=%016x%s class=%s%s" % (j, u64(rec.oid), size, fullclass, bp)), file=file) iter.close()
def __init__(self, message=None, object=None, oid=None, serials=None, data=None): if message is None: self.message = "database conflict error" else: self.message = message if object is None: self.oid = None self.class_name = None else: self.oid = object._p_oid klass = object.__class__ self.class_name = klass.__module__ + "." + klass.__name__ if oid is not None: assert self.oid is None self.oid = oid if data is not None: # avoid circular import chain from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata self.class_name = '.'.join(get_pickle_metadata(data)) self.serials = serials
def __init__(self, message=None, object=None, oid=None, serials=None, data=None): if message is None: self.message = "database conflict error" else: self.message = message if object is None: self.oid = None self.class_name = None else: self.oid = object._p_oid klass = object.__class__ self.class_name = klass.__module__ + "." + klass.__name__ if oid is not None: assert self.oid is None self.oid = oid if data is not None: # avoid circular import chain from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata self.class_name = "%s.%s" % get_pickle_metadata(data) ## else: ## if message != "data read conflict error": ## raise RuntimeError self.serials = serials
def buildRefmap(fs): '''build a refmap from a filestorage. look in every record of every transaction. build a dict of oid -> list((referenced oids, mod.klass)) ''' refmap = {} fsi = fs.iterator() size = os.stat(fs.__name__).st_size start = time.time() lastPercent = 0.0 interval = 0.005 print "[1/3] Computing the Reference Map" for txn in fsi: percent = float(fsi._file.tell())/float(size) * 100 if(percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float(fsi._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime sys.stdout.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start, True), GetInHMS(remainingTime, False))) lastPercent = percent for rec in txn: if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( refs = referencesf( refmap[rec.oid] = (refs, mod+"."+klass) print "\n", return refmap
def buildRefmap(fs): '''build a refmap from a filestorage. look in every record of every transaction. build a dict of oid -> list((referenced oids, mod.klass)) ''' refmap = {} fsi = fs.iterator() size = os.stat(fs.__name__).st_size start = time.time() lastPercent = 0.0 interval = 0.005 print "[1/3] Computing the Reference Map" for txn in fsi: percent = float(fsi._file.tell()) / float(size) * 100 if (percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float( fsi._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime sys.stdout.write( "\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s" % (percent, GetInHMS(time.time() - start, True), GetInHMS(remainingTime, False))) lastPercent = percent for rec in txn: if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( refs = referencesf( refmap[rec.oid] = (refs, mod + "." + klass) print "\n", return refmap
def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_3_class_pickle(self): from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata from ZODB._compat import dumps from ZODB._compat import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL if HIGHEST_PROTOCOL >= 3: pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=3) self.assertEqual(get_pickle_metadata(pickle), (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
def main(path): fs = FileStorage(path, read_only=1) if PACK: fs.pack() db = ZODB.DB(fs) rt = paths = find_paths(rt, 3) def total_size(oid): cache = {} cache_size = 1000 def _total_size(oid, seen): v = cache.get(oid) if v is not None: return v data, serialno = fs.load(oid, '') size = len(data) for suboid in referencesf(data): if seen.has_key(suboid): continue seen[suboid] = 1 size += _total_size(suboid, seen) cache[oid] = size if len(cache) == cache_size: cache.popitem() return size return _total_size(oid, {}) keys = fs._index.keys() keys.sort() keys.reverse() if not VERBOSE: # If not running verbosely, don't print an entry for an object # unless it has an entry in paths. keys = filter(paths.has_key, keys) fmt = "%8s %5d %8d %s %s.%s" for oid in keys: data, serialno = fs.load(oid, '') mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(data) refs = referencesf(data) path = paths.get(oid, '-') print fmt % (U64(oid), len(data), total_size(oid), path, mod, klass)
def main(path): fs = FileStorage(path, read_only=1) if PACK: fs.pack() db = ZODB.DB(fs) rt = paths = find_paths(rt, 3) def total_size(oid): cache = {} cache_size = 1000 def _total_size(oid, seen): v = cache.get(oid) if v is not None: return v data, serialno = fs.load(oid, "") size = len(data) for suboid in referencesf(data): if seen.has_key(suboid): continue seen[suboid] = 1 size += _total_size(suboid, seen) cache[oid] = size if len(cache) == cache_size: cache.popitem() return size return _total_size(oid, {}) keys = fs._index.keys() keys.sort() keys.reverse() if not VERBOSE: # If not running verbosely, don't print an entry for an object # unless it has an entry in paths. keys = filter(paths.has_key, keys) fmt = "%8s %5d %8d %s %s.%s" for oid in keys: data, serialno = fs.load(oid, "") mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(data) refs = referencesf(data) path = paths.get(oid, "-") print fmt % (U64(oid), len(data), total_size(oid), path, mod, klass)
def report(oid, data, serial, missing): from_mod, from_class = get_pickle_metadata(data) if len(missing) > 1: plural = "s" else: plural = "" ts = TimeStamp(serial) print("oid %s %s.%s" % (hex(u64(oid)), from_mod, from_class)) print("last updated: %s, tid=%s" % (ts, hex(u64(serial)))) print("refers to invalid object%s:" % plural) for oid, info, reason in missing: if isinstance(info, tuple): description = "%s.%s" % info else: description = str(info) print("\toid %s %s: %r" % (oid_repr(oid), reason, description)) print()
def report(oid, data, serial, missing): from_mod, from_class = get_pickle_metadata(data) if len(missing) > 1: plural = "s" else: plural = "" ts = TimeStamp(serial) print "oid %s %s.%s" % (hex(u64(oid)), from_mod, from_class) print "last updated: %s, tid=%s" % (ts, hex(u64(serial))) print "refers to invalid object%s:" % plural for oid, info, reason in missing: if isinstance(info, types.TupleType): description = "%s.%s" % info else: description = str(info) print "\toid %s %s: %r" % (oid_repr(oid), reason, description) print
def run(path, v=0): fs = FileStorage(path, read_only=1) # break into the file implementation if hasattr(fs._index, 'iterkeys'): iter = fs._index.iterkeys() else: iter = fs._index.keys() totals = {} for oid in iter: data, serialno = fs.load(oid, '') mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(data) key = "%s.%s" % (mod, klass) bytes, count = totals.get(key, (0, 0)) bytes += len(data) count += 1 totals[key] = bytes, count if v: print "%8s %5d %s" % (U64(oid), len(data), key) L = totals.items() L.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1])) L.reverse() print "Totals per object class:" for key, (bytes, count) in L: print "%8d %8d %s" % (count, bytes, key)
def run(path, v=0): fs = FileStorage(path, read_only=1) # break into the file implementation if hasattr(fs._index, 'iterkeys'): iter = six.iterkeys(fs._index) else: iter = fs._index.keys() totals = {} for oid in iter: data, serialno = fs.load(oid, '') mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata(data) key = "%s.%s" % (mod, klass) bytes, count = totals.get(key, (0, 0)) bytes += len(data) count += 1 totals[key] = bytes, count if v: print("%8s %5d %s" % (U64(oid), len(data), key)) L = totals.items() L.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1])) L.reverse() print("Totals per object class:") for key, (bytes, count) in L: print("%8d %8d %s" % (count, bytes, key))
def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_2_class_pickle(self): from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata from ZODB._compat import dumps pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=2) self.assertEqual(get_pickle_metadata(pickle), (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num", help="display only the 'n' busiest days", default=20, type="int") parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", action="store", type="string", help="your FileStorage") parser.add_option("-d", "--date", dest="date", action="store", type="string", help="show the stats only for the date d (format dd-mm-yyyy)") parser.add_option("-a", "--days", dest="days", action="store", default="0", type="string", help="show the stats only for the last 'a' days") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false", help="show percentage and time remaining") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() objectsToDisplay = options.num VERBOSE = False if options.filename: fname = options.filename else: print "You have to enter the filename, see --help for details" return 2 if options.verbose != None: VERBOSE = True stats = {} start = time.time() size = os.stat(fname).st_size it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname) lastPercent = 0.0 recordsCounter = 0 interval = 0.005 dataFound = False now = try: for t in it: #Format the date of the current transaction following dd-mm-yyyy ts = TimeStamp(t.tid) then =, int(ts.month()), int( delta = timedelta(days=int(options.days)) if((not int(options.days)) or (now - then < delta)): dateT = strftime("%d-%m-%Y", [int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(,1,1,1,1,1,1] ) percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100 #Check if we found the searched date if if str(dateT) == str( dataFound = True elif dataFound: break #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time if(percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime if VERBOSE: sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start, True), GetInHMS(remainingTime, False), recordsCounter)) lastPercent = percent stat = stats.get(dateT) if stat is None: stat = stats[dateT] = Stat() stat.n = 1 else: stat.n += 1 for r in t: #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay*100) == 0: tmp = {} for date, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]: tmp[date] = s try: tmp[dateT] = stats[dateT] except KeyError: pass stats = tmp if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( l = len( stat = stats.get(dateT) stat.records += 1 recordsCounter += 1 stat = stats.get(dateT) if stat is not None: stat.mean.append(TimeStamp(t.tid).timeTime()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print "\n" print "%-15s %17s %17s %22s" % ("Date", "Transactions","Records Changed", "Average interval") print "%s" % "_" * 74 if for date, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True): meanTime = 0 for i in range(1,len(s.mean)): meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1] if str(date) == str( print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n),s.records, meanTime/s.n) else: for date, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.n, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]: meanTime = 0 for i in range(1,len(s.mean)): meanTime += s.mean[i] - s.mean[i-1] print "%-15s | %15d | %15d | %15f secs" % (date, (s.n), s.records, meanTime/s.n)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num", help="display only the n biggest objects", default=-1, type="int") parser.add_option("-f", "--output", dest="filename", action="store", type="string", help="the FileStorage") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false", help="show percentage and time remaining") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = False if options.filename: fname = options.filename else: print "You have to enter the FileStorage filename, see --help for details" return 2 if options.verbose != None: VERBOSE = True objectsToDisplay = options.num stats = {} start = time.time() size = os.stat(fname).st_size it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname) lastPercent = 0.0 recordsCounter = 0 interval = 0.005 now = try: for t in it: percent = float(it._file.tell()) / float(size) * 100 #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time if (percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float( it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime if VERBOSE: sys.stderr.write( "\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent, GetInHMS(time.time() - start), GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter)) sys.stdout.flush() lastPercent = percent for r in t: #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time ts = TimeStamp(t.tid) then =, int(ts.month()), int( delta = timedelta(days=3) #don't reduce the size of the dictionary when analysing last 3 days transactions if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay * 100) == 0 and ( now - then > delta): tmp = {} for class_name, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.size, reverse=True)[0:objectsToDisplay]: tmp[class_name] = s stats = tmp if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( l = len( class_name = mod + "." + klass + " oid: " + oid_repr( r.oid).strip() stat = stats.get(class_name) if stat is None: stat = stats[class_name] = Stat() stat.size = stat.min = stat.max = l stat.oid = oid_repr(r.oid).strip() stat.className = mod + "." + klass stat.number = 1 else: stat.min = min(stat.min, l) stat.max = max(stat.max, l) stat.number = stat.number + 1 stat.size = stat.size + l recordsCounter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print "\n" print "%-41s %9s %15s %15s %9s %9s %9s" % ("Module.ClassName", "Oid", "Percentage", "Total Size", "Min", "Max", "Copies") print "%s" % "_" * 114 for class_name, s in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.size, reverse=True)[0:objectsToDisplay]: class_name = s.className if len(class_name) > 40: class_name = class_name[::-1][0:35][::-1] class_name = "[..]" + class_name print "%-40s | %8s | %13f%% | %13s | %7s | %7s | %7s" % ( class_name, s.oid, (s.size * 100.0 / size), pretty_size( s.size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size(s.max), s.number)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num", help="display only the n biggest objects", default=-1, type="int") parser.add_option("-f", "--output", dest="filename", action="store", type="string", help="the FileStorage") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false", help="show percentage and time remaining") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = False if options.filename: fname = options.filename else: print "You have to enter the FileStorage filename, see --help for details" return 2 if options.verbose != None: VERBOSE = True objectsToDisplay = options.num stats = {} start = time.time() size = os.stat(fname).st_size it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname) lastPercent = 0.0 recordsCounter = 0 interval = 0.005 now = try: for t in it: percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100 #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time if(percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime if VERBOSE: sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start), GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter)) sys.stdout.flush() lastPercent = percent for r in t: #need to reduce the time of the dictionary stats from time to time ts = TimeStamp(t.tid) then =, int(ts.month()), int( delta = timedelta(days=3) #don't reduce the size of the dictionary when analysing last 3 days transactions if recordsCounter % (objectsToDisplay*100) == 0 and (now - then > delta): tmp = {} for class_name, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.size, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]: tmp[class_name] = s stats = tmp if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( l = len( class_name = mod + "." + klass + " oid: " + oid_repr(r.oid).strip() stat = stats.get(class_name) if stat is None: stat = stats[class_name] = Stat() stat.size = stat.min = stat.max = l stat.oid = oid_repr(r.oid).strip() stat.className = mod + "." + klass stat.number = 1 else: stat.min = min(stat.min, l) stat.max = max(stat.max, l) stat.number = stat.number + 1 stat.size = stat.size + l recordsCounter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print "\n" print "%-41s %9s %15s %15s %9s %9s %9s" % ("Module.ClassName", "Oid", "Percentage", "Total Size", "Min", "Max", "Copies") print "%s" % "_" * 114 for class_name, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v.size, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]: class_name = s.className if len(class_name) > 40: class_name = class_name[::-1][0:35][::-1] class_name = "[..]" + class_name print "%-40s | %8s | %13f%% | %13s | %7s | %7s | %7s" % (class_name, s.oid, (s.size*100.0/size) , pretty_size(s.size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size(s.max), s.number)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num", help="display only the n biggest classes", default=-1, type="int") parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", action="store", type="string", help="your FileStorage") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false", help="show percentage and time remaining") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = False if options.filename: fname = options.filename else: print "You have to enter the filename, see --help for details" return 2 if options.verbose != None: VERBOSE = True objectsToDisplay = options.num stats = {} start = time.time() size = os.stat(fname).st_size it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname) lastPercent = 0.0 recordsCounter = 0 interval = 0.005 try: for t in it: percent = float(it._file.tell()) / float(size) * 100 #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time if (percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float( it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime if VERBOSE: sys.stderr.write( "\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent, GetInHMS(time.time() - start), GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter)) lastPercent = percent for r in t: if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( l = len( class_name = mod + "." + klass stat = stats.get(class_name) if stat is None: stat = stats[class_name] = Stat() stat.min = stat.max = = l else: stat.min = min(stat.min, l) stat.max = max(stat.max, l) += l stat.n += 1 recordsCounter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print "\n" print "%-51s %15s %15s %15s %15s %15s" % ( "Module.ClassName", "Percentage", "Min", "Max", "Size", "Instances") print "%s" % "_" * 134 for class_name, s in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v):, reverse=True)[0:objectsToDisplay]: #Truncate the string if necessary if len(class_name) > 50: class_name = class_name[::-1][0:45][::-1] class_name = "[..]" + class_name print "%-50s | %15s%% | %13s | %13s | %13s | %13s" % (class_name, ( * 100.0 / size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size( s.max), pretty_size(, s.n)
def get_type(record): mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( return "%s.%s" % (mod, klass)
def get_class(pickle): return "%s.%s" % get_pickle_metadata(pickle)
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", dest="num", help="display only the n biggest classes", default=-1, type="int") parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", action="store", type="string", help="your FileStorage") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_false", help="show percentage and time remaining") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = False if options.filename: fname = options.filename else: print "You have to enter the filename, see --help for details" return 2 if options.verbose != None: VERBOSE = True objectsToDisplay = options.num stats = {} start = time.time() size = os.stat(fname).st_size it = ZODB.FileStorage.FileIterator(fname) lastPercent = 0.0 recordsCounter = 0 interval = 0.005 try: for t in it: percent = float(it._file.tell())/float(size) * 100 #Show the percentage of the work completed and the remaining time if(percent - lastPercent > interval): spentTime = time.time() - start remainingTime = spentTime / float(it._file.tell()) * (float(size)) - spentTime if VERBOSE: sys.stderr.write("\r%f%% complete, time spent %s, remaining time: %s, recordsCounter %d" % (percent,GetInHMS(time.time() - start), GetInHMS(remainingTime), recordsCounter)) lastPercent = percent for r in t: if mod, klass = get_pickle_metadata( l = len( class_name = mod + "." + klass stat = stats.get(class_name) if stat is None: stat = stats[class_name] = Stat() stat.min = stat.max = = l else: stat.min = min(stat.min, l) stat.max = max(stat.max, l) += l stat.n += 1 recordsCounter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print "\n" print "%-51s %15s %15s %15s %15s %15s" % ("Module.ClassName", "Percentage", "Min", "Max", "Size", "Instances") print "%s" % "_" * 134 for class_name, s in sorted( stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v):, reverse=True)[0: objectsToDisplay]: #Truncate the string if necessary if len(class_name) > 50: class_name = class_name[::-1][0:45][::-1] class_name = "[..]" + class_name print "%-50s | %15s%% | %13s | %13s | %13s | %13s" % (class_name, (*100.0/size), pretty_size(s.min), pretty_size(s.max), pretty_size(, s.n)
def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_0_class_pickle(self): from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata from ZODB._compat import dumps pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=0) self.assertEqual(get_pickle_metadata(pickle), (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))