コード例 #1
def Problem3Test():
    """ Problem 8-33"""
    steel = 20  # mm
    brass = 20  # mm
    d = 12  # in
    D = 1.5 * d
    l = steel + brass  #in grip length
    ksteel = Screw.SpringRate(207, d, D, steel)
    kbrass = Screw.SpringRate(100, d, D, brass)
    k = 1 / (1 / ksteel + 1 / kbrass)
コード例 #2
def Problem8_4():
    d = 25  #mm
    p = 5  #mm
    F = 5  #Kn
    fc = 0.06
    ft = 0.09
    dc = 45  #mm
    dm = d - p / 2
    l = p * 1  # Single threaded, n = 1
    Tr = Screw.TorqueToRaiseWCollar(F, ft, fc, dm, dc, l)
    Tl = Screw.TorqueToLowerWCollar(F, ft, fc, dm, dc, l)
    e = Screw.Efficiency(F, l, Tr)
    print(Tr, Tl, e)
コード例 #3
def Problem3():
    Supposing that you need to clamp a 1.3" thick steel 
    plate with a 0.5" thick brass plate using a 1/4"-20 
    through-hole bolt and nut, what is the stiffness of the 
    members in Mlbf/in? Assume there isn't a need for a washer."""
    steel = 1.3  # in
    brass = 0.5  # in
    d = .25  # in
    D = 1.5 * d
    l = steel + brass  #in grip length
    ksteel = Screw.SpringRate(30, d, D, steel)
    kbrass = Screw.SpringRate(15.4, d, D, brass)
    k = 1 / (1 / ksteel + 1 / kbrass)
コード例 #4
def Problem3Test():
    """Supposing that you need to clamp a 0.4" 
    thick steel plate with a 0.4" thick brass 
    plate using a 1/4"-20 through-hole bolt and 
    nut, what is the stiffness of the members 
    in Mlbf/in? Assume there isn't a need for 
    a washer."""
    tan = 0.5773502692
    t1 = 20  #in
    t2 = 20  #in
    d = 12  #in
    D2 = 1.5 * d
    l = t1 + d / 2
    D1 = D2 + l * tan
    a = t1 - l / 2
    b = l - t1
    D3 = D1 - 2 * a * 0 * tan
    k1 = Screw.SpringRate(207, d, D2, l / 2)
    k2 = Screw.SpringRate(207, d, D3, a)
    k3 = Screw.SpringRate(100, d, D2, b)
    ans = 1 / (1 / k1 + 1 / k2 + 1 / k3)
コード例 #5
def Problem8_8():
    d = 0.75  #in
    ft = 0.15
    fc = ft
    p = 1 / 6
    dc = 1  #in
    F = 8  #lbf
    r = 3.5  #in
    T = F * r
    dm = d - p / 2
    l = p
    F = Screw.ForceFromTorqueRaiseCollar(T, dm, dc, ft, fc, l)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Test53.py プロジェクト: zpreator/Engineering
def Problem3():
    """Supposing that you need to clamp a 0.6" 
    thick steel plate with a 0.6" thick brass 
    plate using a 1/4"-20 through-hole bolt and 
    nut, what is the stiffness of the members 
    in Mlbf/in? Assume there isn't a need for a 
    tan = 0.5773502692
    t1 = 0.6  #in steel plate
    t2 = 0.6  #in brass plate
    # lg = A + B #grip length
    d = 1 / 4
    D2 = 7 / 16  # Table A-29
    l = t1 + d / 2
    D1 = D2 + l * tan
    a = t1 - l / 2
    b = l - t1
    D3 = D1 - 2 * a * tan
    k1 = Screw.SpringRate(30, d, D2, l / 2)
    k2 = Screw.SpringRate(30, d, D3, a)
    k3 = Screw.SpringRate(15.4, d, D2, b)
    ans = 1 / (1 / k1 + 1 / k2 + 1 / k3)
コード例 #7
def Problem2():
    """ CORRECT
    What is the torque, in pound-inches, required 
    to raise a 7 kip load using a square thread power 
    screw with a major diameter of 1.5 inches and a 
    pitch of 0.2 inches, and a collar with mean diameter 
    of 2.8 inches? Assume the screw to be single threaded 
    and the friction on the thread and collar to be 0.14."""
    F = 7000  #lb
    dc = 2.8  #in
    d = 1.5  #in (Major diameter)
    p = 0.2  #in
    dm = d - p / 2  # (Median diameter)
    ft = 0.14
    l = p  #Single threaded
    ans = Screw.TorqueToRaiseWCollar(F, ft, ft, dm, dc, l)
コード例 #8
def Problem2():
    """What is the torque, in pound-inches, 
    required to raise a 6 kip load using a 
    square thread power screw with a major 
    diameter of 2.3 inches and a pitch of 
    0.2 inches? Assume the screw to be single 
    threaded and the friction on the thread 
    to be 0.15. There is no collar."""
    F = 6000  #lb
    # dc = 2.8 #in
    d = 2.3  #in (Major diameter)
    p = 0.2  #in
    dm = d - p / 2  # (Median diameter)
    ft = 0.14
    l = p  #Single threaded
    ans = Screw.TorqueRaiseThread(F, dm, ft, l)
コード例 #9
ファイル: Test53.py プロジェクト: zpreator/Engineering
def Problem2():
    """What is the torque, in pound-inches, 
    required to raise a 6 kip load using a 
    square thread power screw with a major 
    diameter of 1.7 inches and a pitch of 
    0.6 inches? Assume the screw to be single 
    threaded and the friction on the thread 
    to be 0.10. There is no collar."""
    F = 6000  #kips
    p = 0.6  #in
    d = 1.7  #in
    dm = d - p / 2
    f = 0.1
    l = p * 1  # lead for single threaded
    Tr = F * dm / 2 * (l + np.pi * f * dm) / (np.pi * dm - f * l)
    Tr2 = Screw.TorqueRaiseThread(F, dm, f, l)
    print(Tr, Tr2)
コード例 #10
def Problem5():
    Given a non-permanent bolted joint with a bolt stiffness 
    of 2.4 Mlbf/in and a member stiffness of 3.5 Mlbf/in that is 
    supporting a tensile load that fluctuates repeatedly between 
    0 and 2.1 kip, what is the factor of safety against fatigue 
    failure if one, 5/16”-18, SAE grade 8 bolt is used? Use Goodman 
    theory if needed."""
    kb = 2400  #klbf/in
    km = 3500  #klbf/in
    P = 2.1  #kip
    Sy = 130  #kpsi
    d = 5 / 16
    At = 0.0524  #in^2
    Fi = 0.75 * At * Sy
    C = kb / (kb + km)
    sigmaI = Fi / At
    sigmaA = C * P / (2 * At)
    sigmaM = sigmaA + sigmaI
    Sut = 150  #kpsi   Table 8-9
    Se = 23.2  #kpsi   Table 8-17
    n = Screw.Goodman(Se, Sut, sigmaI, sigmaA, sigmaM)
コード例 #11
def Problem8_51():
    Pg = 6 # MPa
    A = 20
    B = 20
    d = 12
    Sp = 650
    D = 1.5*d
    l = A + B
    H = 10.8
    # L = H + l + 2*p
    L = 60
    Lt = 2*d + 6
    ld = L - Lt
    lt = l - ld
    Ad = np.pi/4*d**2 #Table 8-7
    At = 84.3 #Table 8-1
    kb = Ad*At*207/(Ad*lt + At*ld)
    kSteel = Screw.SpringRate(207, d, D, A)
    kCastIron = Screw.SpringRate(100, d, D, B)
    kM = 1/(1/kSteel + 1/kCastIron)
    C = kb/(kb + kM)
    Fi = 0.75*At*Sp
    P = Pg*np.pi/4*150**2/10/1000
    sigmaI = Fi/At
    sigmaA = C*P*10**3/(2*At)
    sigmaM = sigmaA + sigmaI

    Sut = 900
    Se = 140
    print(Screw.Goodman(Se, Sut, sigmaI, sigmaA, 0))
    print(Screw.Gerber(Se, Sut, sigmaI, sigmaA))
    print(Screw.ASMEElliptic(Se, Sut, Sp, sigmaI, sigmaA))
    # Begin problem 8 - 55
    sigmaI = Fi / At
    sigmaA = C*(P - P/2)*10**3/(2*At)
    sigmaM = sigmaA + sigmaI
    print('Test', Screw.Goodman(Se, Sut, 487.5, 3.675, 498.5))
    print(Screw.Goodman(Se, Sut, sigmaI, sigmaA, sigmaM))