コード例 #1
 def process(self, device, results, log):
     log.info("Collecting logical disks (md) for device %s" % device.id)
     rm = self.relMap()
     for device in parse_mdstat(results):
         om = self.objectMap()
         om.id = self.prepId("md%s" % device["id"])
         om.description = "/dev/md%s" % device["id"]
         om.hostresindex = int(device["id"])
         om.diskType = device["type"]
         om.size = device.get("blocks", 0)
         om.stripesize = device.get("stripesize", 0)
     return rm
コード例 #2
    def processResults(self, cmd, result):
        Process the results of "cat /proc/mdstat".
        ifs = {}
        for dp in cmd.points:
            dp.component = dp.data['componentScanValue']
            points = ifs.setdefault(dp.component, {})
            points[dp.id] = dp

        for device in parse_mdstat(cmd.result.output):
            component = self.prepId('md%s' % device['id'])
            points = ifs.get(component, None)
            if points:
                for name,value in device.items():
                    dp = points.get(name, None)
                    if dp is not None:
                        if value in ('-',''): value = 0
                        result.values.append((dp, float(value)))

        return result