コード例 #1
    def tipBuyAnimal(self, event):
        if self.tipLabelBuy != None:

        self.tipLabelBuy = MyButton("tipLabel")
        self.tipLabelBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

        #randomly collects a singel animal
        lonleyAnimalSpecies = str(self.checkForLonleyAnimal())
        recommendedAnimal = str(self.checkGenderOfAnimal(lonleyAnimalSpecies))

        #if there is one or more lonley animal shall a message be printed with the recommmended animal
        if recommendedAnimal != "no animal":
            self.textLabelBuy = Label(text = "We recommend you to \n buy a " + recommendedAnimal + " " + lonleyAnimalSpecies
                                             + "!", font = ("Myriad Pro", 20), fg = "white", bg ="#6fe577")
            self.textLabelBuy.place(x = 300, y = 300)

        #if there is no lonley animal a label with no tip will be shown
            self.textLabelNoAnimalBuy = Label(text = "None of your animals\n are lonley, "
                                             "buy which \nanimal you like",
                                              font = ("Myriad Pro", 20), fg = "white", bg ="#6fe577")
            self.textLabelNoAnimalBuy.place(x = 300, y = 290)

        self.cancelButtonTipBuy = MyButton("cancelButton")
        self.cancelButtonTipBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 380, 410, self.cancelTipBuy)
コード例 #2
    def checkNumberOfAnimals(self, event):
        if len(self.viewDict["home"].animalList) <= 0:
            self.tooFewAnimalsLabel = MyButton("tooFewAnimals")
            self.tooFewAnimalsLabel.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

            self.cancelTooFewAnimals = MyButton("cancelButton")
            self.cancelTooFewAnimals.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 380, 410, self.closeTooFewAnimals)
コード例 #3
    def createButtonMenu(self):

        #back to main page
        self.buttonMain = MyButton("backButton")
        self.buttonMain.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 107, 565, self.goToMain)

        #Eight buttons doind different kinds of sorting
        self.buttonNameAZ = MyButton("namesAZ")
        self.buttonNameAZ.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 161, 518, self.nameAZ)

        self.buttonNameZA = MyButton("namesZA")
        self.buttonNameZA.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 161, 591, self.nameZA)

        self.buttonAgeYO = MyButton("ageYO")
        self.buttonAgeYO.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 298, 518, self.ageYoung)

        self.buttonAgeOY = MyButton("ageOY")
        self.buttonAgeOY.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 298, 591, self.ageOld)

        self.buttonGenderFM = MyButton("genderFM")
        self.buttonGenderFM.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 518,

        self.buttonGenderMF = MyButton("genderMF")
        self.buttonGenderMF.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 591, self.genderMale)

        self.buttonSpeciesAZ = MyButton("speciesAZ")
        self.buttonSpeciesAZ.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 572, 518, self.speciesAZ)

        self.buttonSpeciesZA = MyButton("speciesZA")
        self.buttonSpeciesZA.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 572, 591, self.speciesZA)
コード例 #4
    def sellAnimal(self):
        self.labelSellAnimal = MyButton("sellName")
        self.labelSellAnimal.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

        #User writes the name of the animal that is to be sold
        self.sellEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 24, font = "14")
        self.sellEntry.place(x = 325, y = 350)

        self.sellButton = MyButton("sellButton")
        self.sellButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 330, 410, self.checkSoldAnimalName)

        self.cancelButtonSell = MyButton("cancelButton")
        self.cancelButtonSell.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 410, self.cancelSell)
コード例 #5
    def createButtonMenu(self):

        #buy and sell button
        self.buttonBuy = MyButton("buySellButton")
        self.buttonBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 350, 550, self.goToSellBuy)

        #search button
        self.buttonSearch = MyButton("searchButton")
        self.buttonSearch.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 171, 550, self.goToSearch)

        #sort button
        self.buttonSort = MyButton("sortButton")
        self.buttonSort.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 529, 550, self.goToSort)
コード例 #6
    def showAnimalInfoBox(self, imageName, xPosition, yPosition, name, age,
                          gender, species):

        # checks if the label was pressed before or not - if it was pushed before the infolabel is
        # destroyed and the press counter is set to False
        if self.infoLabel is not None and (
                self.lastAnimalPositionY != yPosition
                or self.lastAnimalPositionX != xPosition):
            self.pressedAnimalName = False  #count presses, if first press true if second press false

        #if pressedName is false (users first push is made) a messageLabel is created and pressedName changes to True
        if not self.pressedAnimalName:
            self.infoLabel = MyButton(imageName)
            self.infoLabel.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, xPosition, yPosition)
            self.pressedAnimalName = True

            #if name contains something then information is sent to showAnimalInfo
            if name:
                self.showAnimalInfo(xPosition, yPosition, name, age, gender,

            #destroys labels if they contain information and resets attributes to None/False
            if self.infoLabel is not None:

            self.infoLabel = None
            self.pressedAnimalName = False

        #checks wich button the user puched last time
        self.lastAnimalPositionY = yPosition
        self.lastAnimalPositionX = xPosition
コード例 #7
    def createButtonMenu(self):
        #Go back to main
        self.buttonMain = MyButton("backButton")
        self.buttonMain.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 107, 565, self.goToMain)

        #Buttons for buying, selling and getting tips
        self.buttonBuy = MyButton("buyAnimal")
        self.buttonBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 298, 518, self.buyAnimal)

        self.buttonTipBuy = MyButton("tipBuy")
        self.buttonTipBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 298, 591, self.tipBuyAnimal)

        self.buttonSell = MyButton("sellAnimal")
        self.buttonSell.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 518, self.checkNumberOfAnimals)

        self.buttonTipSell = MyButton("tipSell")
        self.buttonTipSell.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 591, self.tipSellAnimal)
コード例 #8
    def buyAnimal(self, event):
        #if there is 35 or more animals in the zoo the user has to sell an animal before buying a new one
        if len(self.viewDict["home"].animalList) >= 35:
            #errorlabel if there is to many animals
            self.tooManyAnimalsLabel = MyButton("tooManyAnimals")
            self.tooManyAnimalsLabel.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

            self.cancelTooManyAnimals = MyButton("cancelButton")
            self.cancelTooManyAnimals.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 380, 410, self.closeTooManyAnimals)

        #Label where users can buy an animal by giving information about what they want to buy
            self.labelBuyInfo = MyButton("formBlock")
            self.labelBuyInfo.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

            self.labelNameEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 24, font = "14")
            self.labelNameEntry.place(x = 375, y = 245)

            self.labelAgeEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 24, font = "14")
            self.labelAgeEntry.place(x = 375, y = 281)

            self.labelSpeciesEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 24, font = "14")
            self.labelSpeciesEntry.place(x = 375, y = 353)

            self.radioVariabel = StringVar()

            self.radioFemale = Radiobutton(self.tkRoot, bg="#6fe577", activebackground="#6fe577", text="Female"
                                           , variable=self.radioVariabel, value="Female",
                                           indicatoron = 1)
            self.radioFemale.place(x = 375, y = 317)

            self.radioMale = Radiobutton(self.tkRoot, text="Male", bg="#6fe577",
                                         activebackground="#6fe577", variable=self.radioVariabel, value="Male",
                                         indicatoron = 1)
            self.radioMale.place(x = 440, y = 317)

            self.buyButton = MyButton("buyButton")
            self.buyButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 330, 410, self.checkInput)

            #Remove labels to buy an animal
            self.cancelButtonBuy = MyButton("cancelButton")
            self.cancelButtonBuy.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 435, 410, self.cancelBuy)
コード例 #9
    def tipSellAnimal(self, event):
        if self.tipLabelSell != None:

        self.tipLabelSell = MyButton("tipLabel")
        self.tipLabelSell.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

        recommendedAnimal = str(self.checkForLonleyAnimal())

        #if there is one or more lonley animal shall a message be printed with the recommmended animal
        if recommendedAnimal != "no animal":
            self.textLabelSell = Label(text = "We recommend you to \n sell a " + recommendedAnimal + "!", font = ("Myriad Pro", 20), fg = "white", bg ="#6fe577")
            self.textLabelSell.place(x = 300, y = 300)

        #if there is no lonley animal shall a message about that be shown
            self.textLabelNoAnimalSell = Label(text = "None of your animals\n are lonley, "
                                             "sell which \nanimal you like", font = ("Myriad Pro", 20), fg = "white", bg ="#6fe577")
            self.textLabelNoAnimalSell.place(x = 300, y = 290)

        self.cancelButtonTipSell = MyButton("cancelButton")
        self.cancelButtonTipSell.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 380, 410, self.cancelTipSell)
コード例 #10
    def display(self):
        self.animalList = []
        self.animalLabels = []

        #create background image
        img = Image.open("polybackground.png")
        self.imgBackground = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)

        #display background image on screen
        self.panel = Label(self.tkRoot,
        self.panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes")

        #top button
        self.buttonTop = MyButton("animalButton")
        self.buttonTop.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 350, 50)

コード例 #11
    def showError(self, messageText, xPosition, yPosition, text=False):

        # checks if the label was pressed before or not - if it was pushed before the messagelabel is now
        # destroyed and the press counter is set to False
        if self.messageLabel is not None and self.lastPosition != yPosition:
            self.pressedName = False  #count presses, if first press true if second press false
            if self.textLabelError is not None:

        #if pressedName is false (users first push is made) a messageLabel is created and pressedName changes to True
        if not self.pressedName:
            self.messageLabel = MyButton(messageText)
            self.messageLabel.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, xPosition, yPosition)
            self.pressedName = True

            # if text-attribute contains something then a text shall appear
            if text == True:
                self.textLabelError = Label(
                    text="Zebra, Parrot, Tiger, \nSnow leopard, Fox, Rabbit, "
                    "\nAntilope, Elephant, Penguin \nLemur, Clownfish, T-rex \n "
                    "Panda, Giraffe, Snake \n Serval, Car, Frog, Pig  \n"
                    "Horse, Sea star, Fire dragon, \nIce dragon and Unicorn",
                    font=("Myriad Pro", 10),
                self.textLabelError.place(x=660, y=400)

            #destroys labels if they contain information and resets attributes to None/False
            if self.messageLabel is not None:
            if self.textLabelError is not None:

            self.textLabelError = None
            self.messageLabel = None
            self.pressedName = False

        #checks wich button the user puched last time
        self.lastPosition = yPosition
コード例 #12
    def createButtonMenu(self):
        #go back to main
        self.buttonMain = MyButton("backButton")
        self.buttonMain.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 117, 565, self.goToMain)

        #search name
        self.labelName = MyButton("searchName")
        self.labelName.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 171, 518)

        #search age
        self.labelAge = MyButton("searchAge")
        self.labelAge.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 171, 557)

        #search gender
        self.labelGender = MyButton("searchGender")
        self.labelGender.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 171, 596)

        #search species
        self.labelSpecies = MyButton("searchSpecies")
        self.labelSpecies.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 171, 635)

        #User input for search
        self.labelNameEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 67)
        self.labelAgeEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 67)
        self.labelGenderEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 67)
        self.labelSpeciesEntry = Entry(bd = 0, width = 67)

        entryList = [self.labelNameEntry, self.labelAgeEntry, self.labelGenderEntry, self.labelSpeciesEntry]

        #place for entry
        for index, entry in enumerate(entryList):
            entry.place(x = 282, y = 528 + 38.5*index)

        self.buttonSearch = MyButton("searchSearch")
        self.buttonSearch.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 700, 565, self.checkSearch)
コード例 #13
    def noMatch(self):
        self.noMatchImg = MyButton("noMatches")
        self.noMatchImg.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 245, 215)

        self.closeButton = MyButton("closeButton")
        self.closeButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 360, 350, self.goToDestroy)
コード例 #14
 def noMatchName(self):
     self.errorNameSellButton = MyButton("error")
     self.errorNameSellButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 550, 345, self.errorSellName)
コード例 #15
    def checkInput(self, event):

        #delete earlier errorlabels if they contain some information
        errorButtons = [self.errorNameButton, self.errorSpeciesButton, self.errorGenderButton, self.errorAgeButton]

        for button in errorButtons:
            if button is not None:

        #collect user data
        userName = self.labelNameEntry.get()
        userAge = self.labelAgeEntry.get()
        userGender = self.radioVariabel.get()
        userSpecies = self.labelSpeciesEntry.get()

        checkedName = self.checkName(userName)

        #if checkedName is false
        if not checkedName:
            self.errorNameButton = MyButton("error")
            self.errorNameButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 600, 241, self.viewDict["home"].errorName)

        #check if age is integer
            userAge = int(userAge)
            #check age

            checkedAge = self.checkAge(userAge)
            if not checkedAge:
                self.errorAgeButton = MyButton("error")
                self.errorAgeButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 600, 277, self.viewDict["home"].errorAge)
                checkedAge = True
            self.errorAgeButton = MyButton("error")
            self.errorAgeButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 600, 277, self.viewDict["home"].errorAge)
            checkedAge = False

        #Check gender
        checkedGender = self.checkGender(userGender)
        if not checkedGender:
            self.errorGenderButton = MyButton("error")
            self.errorGenderButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 600, 313, self.viewDict["home"].errorGender)
            checkedGender = True

        #check species
        checkedSpecies = self.checkSpecies(userSpecies)
        if not checkedSpecies:
            self.errorSpeciesButton = MyButton("error")
            self.errorSpeciesButton.addAsLabel(self.tkRoot, 600, 349, self.viewDict["home"].errorSpecies)
            checkedSpecies = True

        #if all information is true - create animal
        if checkedName == True and checkedAge == True and checkedGender == True and checkedSpecies == True:

            #adds new animal to list
            newAnimalToList = [userName, int(userAge), userSpecies, userGender]

            #removes special characters from string and writes to file
            stringAnimal = str(newAnimalToList)
            stringAnimal = stringAnimal.replace("'", "")
            stringAnimal = stringAnimal.strip("[")
            stringAnimal = stringAnimal.strip("]")

            file = open("animalList.txt", "a")
            file.write(stringAnimal + "\n")

            #destroys buylabels and adds new animals to window