def tx( ): # _433.tx sends the appropriate remote control codes to the 433MHz transmitter tx = _433.tx(pi, gpio=TX, gap=remote[i + 2], t0=remote[i + 3], t1=remote[i + 4]) for p in range(5): # send code five times tx.send(remote[i]) tx.cancel()
def rx_callback(code, bits, gap, t0, t1): print str(time.localtime()) print("code={} bits={} (gap={} t0={} t1={})".format( code, bits, gap, t0, t1)) pi = pigpio.pi() # Connect to local Pi. rx = _433.rx(pi, gpio=RX, callback=rx_callback) args = len(sys.argv) if args > 1: # If the script has arguments they are assumed to codes # to be transmitted. tx = _433.tx(pi, gpio=TX) for i in range(args - 1): print("sending {}".format(sys.argv[i + 1])) tx.send(int(sys.argv[i + 1])) time.sleep(1) tx.cancel() # Cancel the transmitter. time.sleep(3600) rx.cancel() # Cancel the receiver. pi.stop() # Disconnect from local Pi.