def listdir_exts (in_dir, * extensions) : """Returns a list of all files with one of the extensions specified by `extensions` contained in directory `in_dir`. Unlike the result of `listdir`, the files returned by this function are full-blown pathes (i.e., they include `in_dir`). """ from _TFL.predicate import un_nested extensions = un_nested (extensions) if extensions and ("*" not in extensions) : global __extension_dict __extension_dict = {} for e in extensions : __extension_dict [e] = 1 return list (p for p in listdir_full (in_dir) if _ext_filter (p)) else : return [f for f in listdir_full (in_dir) if not path.isdir (f)]
def listdir_exts(in_dir, *extensions): """Returns a list of all files with one of the extensions specified by `extensions` contained in directory `in_dir`. Unlike the result of `listdir`, the files returned by this function are full-blown pathes (i.e., they include `in_dir`). """ from _TFL.predicate import un_nested extensions = un_nested(extensions) if extensions and ("*" not in extensions): global __extension_dict __extension_dict = {} for e in extensions: __extension_dict[e] = 1 return list(p for p in listdir_full(in_dir) if _ext_filter(p)) else: return [f for f in listdir_full(in_dir) if not path.isdir(f)]
def __init__ (self, * children, ** kw) : children = un_nested (children) children = self._convert_children (children) self.__super.__init__ (* children, ** kw)