def _extract_test_set(self, **kwargs): print("extracting") with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(self.path, ""), 'r') as zip_ref: for file in zip_ref.namelist(): # skip directories if os.path.basename(file): if file.endswith(self.raw_extension): structure = (_coconut.operator.methodcaller( "split", "/"))(file) filename = structure[-1] path = os.path.join(self.test_set.path, filename) # copy file (taken from zipfile's extract) source = target = open(path, "wb") with source, target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) print("extracting") with (_coconut_partial(zipfile.ZipFile, {1: 'r'}, 2))(os.path.join( self.path, "")) as zip_ref: path = os.path.join(self.test_set.path, "test-set.csv") # copy file (taken from zipfile's extract) source ="GT-final_test.csv") target = open(path, "wb") with source, target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) with (_coconut_partial(open, {1: "r"}, 2))(os.path.join(self.test_set.path, "test-set.csv")) as f: txt =";", ",") with (_coconut_partial(open, {1: "w"}, 2))(os.path.join(self.test_set.path, "test-set.csv")) as f: f.write(txt) self._structure_folder_from_csv(self.test_set.path) #remove old csv (os.remove)(os.path.join(self.test_set.path, "test-set.csv"))
def load_custom_datasets(DATASETS): splitter = "/" if not platform.system() == "Windows" else "\\" datasets_path = ((_coconut_partial(os.path.join, {1: "datasets"}, 2))( (splitter.join)( (_coconut.operator.itemgetter(_coconut.slice(None, -1)))( (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("split", splitter))(__file__))))) load_datasets(DATASETS, "datasets", datasets_path)
def get_path(path=None, global_=False): if path: return path elif global_: path = os.environ.get("DATAGET_HOME", None) if os.environ.get( "DATAGET_HOME", None) else (os.path.expanduser)(os.path.join( "~", ".dataget")) path = os.path.join(path, "data") elif os.environ.get("DATAGET_HOME", None): path = (_coconut_partial(os.path.join, {1: "data"}, 2))(os.environ.get("DATAGET_HOME")) else: path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".dataget", "data") return path
def plot_experiments(results, linestyles=(":", "-.", "--", "-"), alpha=0.6, linewidth=2.25, **kwargs): """Plot cooperation proportions for all the given games.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) for (name, buckets), ls in (_coconut_partial(zip, {1: repeat(linestyles)}, 2))((map)(lambda kv: (kv[0], kv[1][0]), results.items())): bucket_xs = np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(buckets)) ax.plot(bucket_xs, buckets, label=name, ls=ls, alpha=alpha, lw=linewidth) ax.set(xlabel="equilibrium cooperation probability", ylabel="probability of equilibrium") ax.legend()
def all_isinstance(objs, types): """Return whether all the objects have the desired type(s).""" return (all)((map)(_coconut_partial(isinstance, {1: types}, 2), objs))
def randn(self, name, *shape, **kwargs): """Create a new array parameter for the given name and shape modeled by np.random.randn.""" return self._array_param(_coconut_partial(self.normalvariate, {1: 0, 2: 1}, 3), name, shape, kwargs)
def suite_test(): """Executes the main test suite.""" assert (plus)(1, 1) == 2 == (_coconut.operator.add)(1, 1) assert (plus)("1", "1") == "11" == (_coconut.operator.add)("1", "1") assert (mod)(3, 6) == 3 == (_coconut.operator.mod)(3, 6) assert (mod)(5, 4) == 1 == (mod_)(5, 4) assert (plus)((mod)(5, 2), 2) == 3 == (_coconut.operator.add)((_coconut.operator.mod)(5, 2), 2) assert (base)("11", 2) == 3 assert (int)("10A", 12) == 154 assert (join_with)(["1", "2"], ", ") == "1, 2" assert (join_with)(["a", "b", "c"]) == "abc" assert (len)(_coconut.set(("a", 5))) == 2 assert _coconut.operator.mul(2, swap2(_coconut_minus)(2, 5)) == 6 == _coconut.operator.mul(2, swap2_(_coconut_minus)(2, 5)) assert all(same((1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3])) assert (list)(chain2((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)), (_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: 3, lambda: 4)))) == [1, 2, 3, 4] assert _coconut.functools.partial(threeple, 1, 2)(3) == (1, 2, 3) assert (product)((range)(1, 5)) == 24 assert plus1(4) == 5 == plus1_(4) assert (plus1)(2) == 3 == plus1(2) assert plus1(plus1(5)) == 7 == (_coconut_forward_compose(plus1, plus1))(5) assert (sqrt)(16) == 4 == (sqrt_)(16) assert (square)(3) == 9 def test_sqplus1_plus1sq(sqplus1, plus1sq, parallel=True): assert sqplus1(3) == 10 == (_coconut_forward_compose(square, plus1))(3), sqplus1 if parallel: assert (tuple)(parallel_map(sqplus1, range(3))) == (1, 2, 5), sqplus1 assert (plus1sq)(3) == 16, plus1sq assert (sqplus1)(3) == 10, sqplus1 test_sqplus1_plus1sq(sqplus1_1, plus1sq_1) test_sqplus1_plus1sq(sqplus1_2, plus1sq_2, parallel=False) test_sqplus1_plus1sq(sqplus1_3, plus1sq_3) test_sqplus1_plus1sq(sqplus1_4, plus1sq_4) assert (square)((plus1)(3)) == 16 == (square)((plus1_)(3)) assert reduce(_coconut_pipe, [3, plus1, square]) == 16 == pipe(pipe(3, plus1), square) assert reduce(_coconut_back_compose, [sqrt, square, plus1])(3) == 4 == compose(compose(sqrt, square), plus1)(3) assert sum_([1, 7, 3, 5]) == 16 assert (list)(add([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30])) == [11, 22, 33] assert (list)(add_([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30])) == [11, 22, 33] assert (list)(zipsum([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30])) == [11, 22, 33] assert clean(" ab cd ef ") == "ab cd ef" == (clean)(" ab cd ef ") assert ((add2)(2))(3) == 5 qsorts = [qsort1, qsort2, qsort3, qsort4, qsort5, qsort6, qsort7, qsort8] for qsort in qsorts: to_sort = rand_list(10) assert (tuple)((qsort)(to_sort)) == (tuple)((sorted)(to_sort)), qsort to_sort = rand_list(10) assert (list)(parallel_map(_coconut_base_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_pipe, to_sort), (tuple, 0)), qsorts)) == [(tuple)((sorted)(to_sort))] * len(qsorts) assert _coconut_igetitem(repeat(3), 2) == 3 == _coconut_igetitem(repeat_(3), 2) assert sum_(_coconut_igetitem(repeat(1), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) == 5 == sum_(_coconut_igetitem(repeat_(1), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) assert (sum_(takewhile(lambda x: x < 5, N())) == 10 == (sum)(_coconut_igetitem(dropwhile(_coconut.functools.partial(, 0), (_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: range(-10, 0), lambda: N()))))), _coconut.slice(None, 5)))) assert (sum_)(((lambda s: map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, s), (1, 3, 5))))("ABCDEFG")) == "BDF" # type: ignore assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(N(), _coconut.slice(10, 15))) == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] == (list)(_coconut_igetitem(N_(), _coconut.slice(10, 15))) assert ((list)(takewhile(_coconut.functools.partial(, 5), N())) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] == (list)(_coconut_igetitem(range(0, 10), _coconut.slice(None, 5, None)))) assert (sum)(_coconut_igetitem((_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: range(-10, 0), lambda: N())))), _coconut.slice(5, 15))) == -5 == (sum)(_coconut_igetitem(chain(range(-10, 0), N()), _coconut.slice(5, 15))) assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(add(repeat(1), N()), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == (list)(_coconut_igetitem(add_(repeat(1), N_()), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) assert sum(_coconut_igetitem(_coconut_igetitem(N(), _coconut.slice(5, None)), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) == 35 == sum(_coconut_igetitem(_coconut_igetitem(N_(), _coconut.slice(5, None)), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) assert (list)(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, N())(slice(5, 10))) == [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] == _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, list(range(0, 15)))(slice(5, 10)) assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(N(), slice(5, 10))) == [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] == list(range(0, 15))[slice(5, 10)] assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(preN(range(-5, 0)), _coconut.slice(1, 10))) == [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(map_iter(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, 2), N()), _coconut.slice(None, 5))) == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(N(), _coconut.slice(None, 100))) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(N_(), _coconut.slice(None, 100))) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(N__(), _coconut.slice(None, 100))) assert next_mul_of(5, 12) == 15 assert collatz(27) assert preop(1, 2).add() == 3 assert (abs)(vector(3, 4)) == 5 == (abs)(vector_with_id(3, 4, 1)) assert (tuple)(((lambda v: map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.getattr, v), ("x", "y"))))(vector(1, 2))) == (1, 2) # type: ignore assert (tuple)(((lambda v: map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, v), (0, 1))))((vector(1, 2).transform)(vector(3, 1)))) == (4, 3) # type: ignore assert (vector(1, 2).__eq__)(vector(1, 2)) assert not (vector(3, 4).__eq__)(vector(1, 2)) assert not (vector(1, 2).__eq__)((1, 2)) assert vector(vector(4, 3)) == vector(4, 3) assert not vector(4, 3) != vector(4, 3) assert not vector(1, 2) == (1, 2) assert not vector(2, 3) != vector(2, 3) assert vector(1, 2) != (1, 2) assert vector(1, 2) + vector(2, 3) == vector(3, 5) assert vector(1, 2) + 1 == vector(2, 3) assert triangle(3, 4, 5).is_right() assert _coconut.getattr(triangle(3, 4, 5), "is_right") assert (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("is_right"))(triangle(3, 4, 5)) assert (triangle(3, 4, 5)).is_right() def test_factorial(factorial, test_none=True): assert factorial(0) == 1 == factorial(1) assert factorial(3) == 6 if test_none: assert factorial(-1) is None test_factorial(factorial1) test_factorial(factorial2) test_factorial(factorial4) test_factorial(factorial5) test_factorial(fact, test_none=False) test_factorial(fact_, test_none=False) test_factorial(factorial, test_none=False) assert factorial3([2, 3]) == [2, 6] == factorial3((2, 3)) assert classify(()) == "empty tuple" assert classify([]) == "empty list" assert classify((1,)) == "singleton tuple" assert classify([1, 1]) == "duplicate pair list of 1" assert classify((1, 2)) == "pair tuple" assert classify([1, 2, 3]) == "list" assert classify((1, 1, 1)) == "tuple" assert classify({}) == "empty dict" assert classify({"a": 1}) == "dict" assert classify(_coconut.set((0,))) == "set of 0" == classify(_coconut.frozenset((0,))) assert classify(_coconut.set((0, 1))) == "set" == classify(_coconut.frozenset((1,))) assert classify(_coconut.set()) == "empty set" == classify(_coconut.frozenset()) assert classify_sequence(()) == "empty" assert classify_sequence((1,)) == "singleton" assert classify_sequence((1, 1)) == "duplicate pair of 1" assert classify_sequence((1, 2)) == "pair" assert classify_sequence((1, 2, 3)) == "few" assert dictpoint({"x": 1, "y": 2}) == (1, 2) assert dictpoint_({"x": 1, "y": 2}) == (1, 2) == dictpoint__({"x": 1, "y": 2}) assert map_(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1), []) == [] assert map_(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1), ()) == () assert map_(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1), [0, 1, 2, 3]) == [1, 2, 3, 4] assert map_(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1), (0, 1, 2, 3)) == (1, 2, 3, 4) assert duplicate_first1([1, 2, 3]) == [1, 1, 2, 3] assert (list)(duplicate_first2([1, 2, 3])) == [1, 1, 2, 3] == (list)(duplicate_first3([1, 2, 3])) assert one_to_five([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == [2, 3, 4] assert not one_to_five([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) assert one_to_five([1, 5]) == [] assert -4 == neg_square_u(2) != 4 & 0 <= neg_square_u(0) <= 0 assert is_null(null1()) assert is_null(null2()) assert (depth)(empty()) == 0 assert (depth)(leaf(5)) == 1 assert (depth)(node(leaf(2), node(empty(), leaf(3)))) == 3 assert maybes(5, square, plus1) == 26 assert maybes(None, square, plus1) is None assert (square)(2) == 4 assert (mod)(*(5, 3)) == 2 == (mod)(*(5, 3)) assert ((Just(5))(square))(plus1) == Just(26) assert ((Nothing())(square))(plus1) == Nothing() assert not Nothing() == () assert not Nothing() != Nothing() assert Nothing() != () assert not Just(1) == (1,) assert not Just(1) != Just(1) assert Just(1) != (1,) assert head_tail([1, 2, 3]) == (1, [2, 3]) assert init_last([1, 2, 3]) == ([1, 2], 3) assert last_two([1, 2, 3]) == (2, 3) == last_two_([1, 2, 3]) assert expl_ident(5) == 5 assert ((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.functools.partial, mod))(5))(3) == 2 == ((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.functools.partial, _coconut.operator.mod))(5))(3) assert (dectest)(5) == 5 try: raise ValueError() except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: assert err else: assert False assert delist2([1, 2]) == (1, 2) == delist2_([1, 2]) assert tuple1(1) == (1,) == tuple1_(1) assert tuple2(1, 2) == (1, 2) == tuple2_(1, 2) assert htsplit([1, 2, 3]) == [1, [2, 3]] == htsplit_([1, 2, 3]) assert iadd(1, 2) == 3 == iadd_(1, 2) assert strmul("a", 3) == "aaa" == strmul_("a", 3) try: strmul("a", "b") except MatchError as err: assert err.pattern == "match def strmul(a is str, x is int):" assert err.value == ("a", "b") else: assert False laz = lazy() assert not laz.done lazl = laz.list() assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(lazl, _coconut.slice(None, 3))) == [1, 2, 3] assert not laz.done assert (list)(lazl) == [None] assert laz.done assert is_empty(iter(())) assert is_empty(()) assert not is_empty([1]) assert is_one(iter([1])) assert not is_one(iter(())) assert not is_one([]) assert is_one([1]) assert trilen(3, 4).h == 5 == datamaker(trilen)(5).h assert A().true() assert B().true() assert pt.__doc__ out0 = grid_trim(grid(), xmax=5, ymax=5) assert out0 == [[pt(x=0, y=0), pt(x=0, y=1), pt(x=0, y=2), pt(x=0, y=3), pt(x=0, y=4)], [pt(x=1, y=0), pt(x=1, y=1), pt(x=1, y=2), pt(x=1, y=3), pt(x=1, y=4)], [pt(x=2, y=0), pt(x=2, y=1), pt(x=2, y=2), pt(x=2, y=3), pt(x=2, y=4)], [pt(x=3, y=0), pt(x=3, y=1), pt(x=3, y=2), pt(x=3, y=3), pt(x=3, y=4)], [pt(x=4, y=0), pt(x=4, y=1), pt(x=4, y=2), pt(x=4, y=3), pt(x=4, y=4)]] out1 = grid_trim(grid_map(abs, grid()), xmax=5, ymax=5) out1_ = (list)(map(list, parallel_grid_map(abs, grid_trim(grid(), xmax=5, ymax=5)))) assert out1[0] == [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] == out1_[0] assert out1[1][0] == 1.0 == out1_[1][0] assert out1[2][0] == 2.0 == out1_[2][0] assert out1[3][0] == 3.0 == out1_[3][0] assert out1[3][4] == 5.0 == out1_[3][4] assert out1[4][0] == 4.0 == out1_[4][0] assert out1[4][3] == 5.0 == out1_[4][3] x = 5 x = (square)(x) y = square y = y((5)) assert x == 25 == y x = (5, 3) x = (mod)(*x) y = mod y = y(*((5, 3))) assert x == 2 == y x = square x = _coconut_forward_compose((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1)), x) x = x((4)) assert x == 25 v = vector(1, 2) try: v.x = 3 except AttributeError as err: assert err else: assert False try: v.new_attr = True except AttributeError as err: assert err else: assert False assert SHOPeriodTerminate([-1, 0], 0, {"epsilon": 1}) assert add_int_or_str_1(2) == 3 == coercive_add(2, "1") assert add_int_or_str_1("2") == "21" == coercive_add("2", 1) assert still_ident(3) == 3 assert not_ident(3) == "bar" assert pattern_abs(4) == 4 == pattern_abs_(4) assert pattern_abs(0) == 0 == pattern_abs_(0) assert pattern_abs(-4) == 4 == pattern_abs_(-4) assert _coconut.operator.eq(vector(1, 2), vector(1, 2)) assert (vector(1, 2)).__eq__(other=vector(1, 2)) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(fibs(), _coconut.slice(1, 4))) == (1, 2, 3) assert (sum)(filter(lambda i: i % 2 == 0, takewhile(lambda i: i < 4000000, fibs()))) == 4613732 assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(loop([1, 2]), _coconut.slice(None, 4))) == [1, 2] * 2 assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(parallel_map(_coconut_forward_compose(loop, _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, index=_coconut.slice(None, 2)), list), ([1], [2])), _coconut.slice(None, 2))) == ([1, 1], [2, 2]) def _coconut_lambda_0(_=None): return mod assert (_coconut_lambda_0)()(5, 3) == 2 assert (list)(sieve((2, 3, 4, 5))) == [2, 3, 5] assert 11 == double_plus_one(5) assert 15 == assign_func_1(_coconut.operator.mul, 3, 5) assert 15 == assign_func_2(_coconut.operator.mul, 3, 5) assert 20 == _coconut_back_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(minus, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(plus, 1))(10) assert 20 == (_coconut_forward_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(plus, 1), _coconut.functools.partial(mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(minus, 2)))(10) assert does_raise_exc(raise_exc) assert ret_none(10) is None assert (_coconut_partial(ret_args_kwargs, {0: 1, 3: 4}, 5, *(6, 7), a="k"))(*(2, 3, 5)) == ((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), {"a": "k"}) assert anything_func() is None assert args_kwargs_func() is None assert x_is_int(4) == 4 == x_is_int(x=4) try: x_is_int(x="herp") except MatchError: pass else: assert False try: x_is_int() except MatchError: pass else: assert False assert x_as_y(x=2) == (2, 2) == x_as_y(y=2) assert x_y_are_int_gt_0(1, 2) == (1, 2) == x_y_are_int_gt_0(x=1, y=2) try: x_y_are_int_gt_0(1, y=0) except MatchError: pass else: assert False assert x_is_int_def_0() == 0 == x_is_int_def_0(x=0) try: x_is_int_def_0("derp") except MatchError: pass else: assert False assert head_tail_def_none() == (None, []) == head_tail_def_none([None]) assert kwd_only_x_is_int_def_0() == 0 == kwd_only_x_is_int_def_0(x=0) try: kwd_only_x_is_int_def_0(1) except MatchError: pass else: assert False assert no_args_kwargs() try: no_args_kwargs(1) except MatchError: pass else: assert False try: no_args_kwargs(a=1) except MatchError: pass else: assert False a = altclass() assert a.func(1) == 1 assert == 0 with Vars.using(globals()): assert var_one == 1 try: var_one except NameError: assert True else: assert False assert (Just)(*map(lambda _=None: _ * 2, Just(3))) == Just(6) == fmap(lambda _=None: _ * 2, Just(3)) assert (Nothing)(*map(lambda _=None: _ * 2, Nothing())) == Nothing() == fmap(lambda _=None: _ * 2, Nothing()) assert Elems(1, 2, 3) != Elems(1, 2) assert (repr)(fmap(times2, map(plus1, (1, 2, 3)))) == (repr)(map(_coconut_forward_compose(plus1, times2), (1, 2, 3))) assert (repr)(fmap(plus1, reversed((1, 2, 3)))) == (repr)((reversed)(map(plus1, (1, 2, 3)))) assert identity[1:2, 2:3] == (slice(1, 2), slice(2, 3)) assert (identity)[_coconut.slice(1, 2), _coconut.slice(2, 3)] == (slice(1, 2), slice(2, 3)) assert (_coconut.operator.itemgetter(_coconut.slice(1, 2), _coconut.slice(2, 3)))(identity) == (slice(1, 2), slice(2, 3)) assert identity.method(*(1,), **{"a": 2}) == ((1,), {"a": 2}) assert (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("method", *(1,), **{"a": 2}))(identity) == ((1,), {"a": 2}) assert (identity).method(*(1,), **{"a": 2}) == ((1,), {"a": 2}) assert identity[1] == 1 assert identity[1,] == (1,) assert container(1) == container(1) assert not container(1) != container(1) assert container(1) != container(2) assert not container(1) == container(2) assert container_(1) == container_(1) assert not container_(1) != container_(1) assert container_(1) != container_(2) assert not container_(1) == container_(2) t = Tuple_(1, 2) assert repr(t) == "Tuple_(*elems=(1, 2))" assert t.elems == (1, 2) assert isinstance(t.elems, tuple) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, t) == Tuple_(2, 3) _coconut_match_to = t _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, Tuple_)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2): x = _coconut_match_to[0] y = _coconut_match_to[1] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'Tuple_(x, y) = t'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'Tuple_(x, y) = t' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert x == 1 and y == 2 p = Pred("name", 1, 2) p_ = Pred_("name", 1, 2) assert == "name" == assert p.args == (1, 2) == p_.args assert repr(p) in ("Pred(name='name', *args=(1, 2))", "Pred(name=u'name', *args=(1, 2))") assert repr(p_) in ("Pred_(name='name', *args=(1, 2))", "Pred_(name=u'name', *args=(1, 2))") for Pred_test, p_test in [(Pred, p), (Pred_, p_)]: assert isinstance(p_test.args, tuple) _coconut_match_to = p_test _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, Pred_test)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) >= 1): name = _coconut_match_to[0] args = _coconut_match_to[1:] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'Pred_test(name, *args) = p_test'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'Pred_test(name, *args) = p_test' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert name == "name" assert args == (1, 2) q = Quant("name", "var", 1, 2) q_ = Quant_("name", "var", 1, 2) assert == "name" == assert q.var == "var" == q_.var assert q.args == (1, 2) == q_.args assert repr(q) in ("Quant(name='name', var='var', *args=(1, 2))", "Quant(name=u'name', var=u'var', *args=(1, 2))") assert repr(q_) in ("Quant_(name='name', var='var', *args=(1, 2))", "Quant_(name=u'name', var=u'var', *args=(1, 2))") for Quant_test, q_test in [(Quant, q), (Quant_, q_)]: assert isinstance(q_test.args, tuple) _coconut_match_to = q_test _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, Quant_test)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) >= 2): name = _coconut_match_to[0] var = _coconut_match_to[1] args = _coconut_match_to[2:] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'Quant_test(name, var, *args) = q_test'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'Quant_test(name, var, *args) = q_test' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert name == "name" assert var == "var" assert args == (1, 2) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, Pred(0, 1, 2)) == Pred(1, 2, 3) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, Pred_(0, 1, 2)) == Pred_(1, 2, 3) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, Quant(0, 1, 2)) == Quant(1, 2, 3) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, Quant_(0, 1, 2)) == Quant_(1, 2, 3) a = Nest() assert a.b.c.d == "data" assert (_coconut.operator.attrgetter("b.c.d"))(a) == "data" assert (a).b.c.d == "data" assert a.b.c.m() == "method" assert (_coconut_base_compose(_coconut.operator.attrgetter("b.c"), (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("m"), 0)))(a) == "method" assert ((a).b.c).m() == "method" assert (lambda x: None if x is None else (lambda x: None if x is None else (lambda x: None if x is None else (lambda x: None if x is None else x())(x.m))(x.c))(x.b))(a) == "method" assert (lambda x: None if x is None else x.derp.herp)(a.b.c.none) is None assert (list)(tco_chain([1, 2, 3])) == ["last"] assert (list)(map(tuple, partition([1, 2, 3], 2))) == [(1,), (3, 2)] == (list)(map(tuple, partition_([1, 2, 3], 2))) assert myreduce(_coconut.operator.add, (1, 2, 3)) == 6 assert recurse_n_times(10000) assert fake_recurse_n_times(10000) a = A() assert (_coconut_forward_compose(a.true, _coconut.operator.not_))() is False assert 10 % 4 % 3 == 2 == (mod)((mod)(10, 4), 3) assert square_times2_plus1(3) == 19 == square_times2_plus1_(3) assert plus1_cube(2) == 27 assert (repr)(_coconut_base_compose(square, (times2, 0), (plus1, 0))) == (repr)(_coconut_base_compose(square, ((_coconut_base_compose(times2, (plus1, 0))), 0))) assert (tuple)(starmap(toprint, map(range, range(1, 5)))) == ('0', '0 1', '0 1 2', '0 1 2 3') assert (tuple)(fmap(_coconut.operator.methodcaller("strip", " 0"), starmap(toprint, map(range, range(1, 5))))) == ("", "1", "1 2", "1 2 3") assert (len)(starmap(toprint, ())) == 0 assert (starmap(toprint, [(1, 2)]))[0] == "1 2" assert (list)((starmap(toprint, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]))[_coconut.slice(1, None)]) == ["2 3", "3 4"] assert none_to_ten() == 10 == any_to_ten(1, 2, 3) assert int_map(plus1_, range(5)) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] assert still_ident.__doc__ == "docstring" with context_produces(1) as one: with context_produces(2) as two: assert one == 1 assert two == 2 with (context_produces(1)) as one: assert one == 1 assert (raise_exc() if 1 is None else 1) == 1 try: assert (raise_exc() if None is None else None) except Exception as err: assert str(err) == "raise_exc" else: assert False for u, Point_test in [("", Point), ("_", Point_)]: p = Point_test() assert p.x == 0 == p.y assert repr(p) == "Point{u}(x=0, y=0)".format(u=u) p = Point_test(1) assert p.x == 1 assert p.y == 0 assert repr(p) == "Point{u}(x=1, y=0)".format(u=u) p = Point_test(2, 3) assert p.x == 2 assert p.y == 3 assert repr(p) == "Point{u}(x=2, y=3)".format(u=u) try: RadialVector() except TypeError: try: RadialVector_() except TypeError: pass else: assert False else: assert False rv = RadialVector(1) rv_ = RadialVector_(1) assert rv.mag == 1 == rv_.mag assert rv.angle == 0 == rv_.angle assert repr(rv) == "RadialVector(mag=1, angle=0)" assert repr(rv_) == "RadialVector_(mag=1, angle=0)" for u, ABC_test in [("", ABC), ("_", ABC_)]: try: ABC_test() except TypeError: pass else: assert False abc = ABC_test(2) assert abc.a == 2 assert abc.b == 1 assert abc.c == () assert repr(abc) == "ABC{u}(a=2, b=1, *c=())".format(u=u) abc = ABC_test(3, 4, 5) assert abc.a == 3 assert abc.b == 4 assert abc.c == (5,) assert repr(abc) == "ABC{u}(a=3, b=4, *c=(5,))".format(u=u) abc = ABC_test(5, 6, 7, 8) assert abc.a == 5 assert abc.b == 6 assert abc.c == (7, 8) assert repr(abc) == "ABC{u}(a=5, b=6, *c=(7, 8))".format(u=u) v = vector2(3, 4) assert repr(v) == "vector2(x=3, y=4)" assert abs(v) == 5 try: v.x = 2 except AttributeError: pass else: assert False v = vector2() assert repr(v) == "vector2(x=0, y=0)" for obj in (factorial, iadd, collatz, recurse_n_times): assert obj.__doc__ == "this is a docstring", obj assert list_type((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2))) == "at least 2" assert list_type((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: 1,))) == "at least 1" assert list_type(_coconut.iter(())) == "empty" cnt = counter() _coconut_match_to = _coconut_case_check_0 = False if _coconut_match_to == 1: _coconut_case_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_check_0: assert False if not _coconut_case_check_0: if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 0): _coconut_case_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_check_0: assert False if not _coconut_case_check_0: if _coconut_match_to is None: _coconut_case_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_check_0: pass if not _coconut_case_check_0: assert False assert cnt.count == 1 assert (list)(plus1sq_all(1, 2, 3)) == [4, 9, 16] == (list)(plus1sq_all_(1, 2, 3)) assert (list)(sqplus1_all(1, 2, 3)) == [2, 5, 10] == (list)(sqplus1_all_(1, 2, 3)) assert (list)(square_times2_plus1_all(1, 2)) == [3, 9] == (list)(square_times2_plus1_all_(1, 2)) assert (list)(plus1_square_times2_all(1, 2)) == [8, 18] == (list)(plus1_square_times2_all_(1, 2)) assert plus1sqsum_all(1, 2) == 13 == plus1sqsum_all_(1, 2) assert sum_list_range(10) == 45 assert sum2([3, 4]) == 7 assert ridiculously_recursive(300) == 201666561657114122540576123152528437944095370972927688812965354745141489205495516550423117825 == ridiculously_recursive_(300) assert [fib(n) for n in range(16)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610] assert fib.cache_info().hits == 28 assert ((_coconut_back_compose)(plus1, lambda x: x * 2))(4) == 9 assert (list)(join_pairs1([(1, [2]), (1, [3])]).items()) == [(1, [2, 3])] assert (list)(join_pairs2([(1, [2]), (1, [3])]).items()) == [(1, [3, 2])] assert return_in_loop(10) assert methtest().meth(5) == 5 assert methtest().tail_call_meth(3) == 3 def test_match_error_addpattern(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "x" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1): _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("x") if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, int)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs): x = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err raise MatchError() @addpattern(test_match_error_addpattern) def test_match_error_addpattern(x): return x try: test_match_error_addpattern(0) except MatchError as err: # must not be caught inside addpattern assert err else: assert False assert (ret_args_kwargs)(**dict(a=1, b=2)) == ((), dict(a=1, b=2)) == _coconut_dubstar_pipe(dict(a=1, b=2), ret_args_kwargs) x = dict(a=1, b=2) x = (ret_args_kwargs)(**x) assert x == ((), dict(a=1, b=2)) assert (ret_args_kwargs)(**{"a": 1, "b": 2}) == ((), {"a": 1, "b": 2}) == _coconut_back_dubstar_pipe(ret_args_kwargs, {"a": 1, "b": 2}) f = ret_args_kwargs f = f(**({"a": 1, "b": 2})) assert f == ((), {"a": 1, "b": 2}) ret_dict = lambda _=None: dict(x=2) assert (_coconut_base_compose(ret_dict, (_coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1), 2)))() == ((1,), dict(x=2)) == (_coconut_forward_dubstar_compose(ret_dict, _coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1)))() x = ret_dict x = _coconut_forward_dubstar_compose(x, (_coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1))) assert x() == ((1,), dict(x=2)) assert (_coconut_base_compose(ret_dict, (_coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1), 2)))() == ((1,), dict(x=2)) == (_coconut_back_dubstar_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1), ret_dict))() f = _coconut.functools.partial(ret_args_kwargs, 1) f = _coconut_forward_dubstar_compose((ret_dict), f) assert f() == ((1,), dict(x=2)) assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, data1(1)) == data1(2) assert data1(1).x == 1 assert fmap(lambda _=None: _ + 1, data2(1)) == data2(2) try: data2("a") except MatchError as err: assert err else: assert False assert data3(1, 2, 3).xs == (1, 2, 3) assert data4(x=1, y=2).kws == dict(x=1, y=2) assert data5(1, 2, "3").__doc__ == "docstring" assert data5(1, 2, "3").attr == 1 try: data5(1, 2, 3) except MatchError as err: assert err else: assert False assert issubclass(data6, BaseClass) assert namedpt("a", 3, 4).mag() == 5 t = descriptor_test() assert t.lam() == t assert t.comp() == (t,) assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(t.N(), _coconut.slice(None, 2))) == [(t, 0), (t, 1)] return True
def __abs__(self): """Return the magnitude of the vector.""" return _coconut_tail_call((_coconut_partial(pow, {1: 0.5}, 2)), (sum)(map(_coconut_partial(pow, {1: 2}, 2), self.pts)))