コード例 #1
    def _certificate_helper(self, private_key=None):
        Returns the path to a helper script which can be used in the GIT_SSH env
        var to use a custom private key file.
        opts = {
            'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'no',
            'PasswordAuthentication': 'no',
            'KbdInteractiveAuthentication': 'no',
            'ChallengeResponseAuthentication': 'no',

        # Create identity file
        identity = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        ecm.chmod(identity.name, 0600)

        # Create helper script
        helper = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
            'exec ssh ' + 
            ' '.join('-o%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in opts.items()) + 
            ' -i ' + identity.name + 
            ' $*\n'

        ecm.chmod(helper.name, 0750)

        return helper.name, identity.name
コード例 #2
    def cmd_configfile_run(self, *argv, **kwargs):
        Deploy a file
        Syntax: configfile.run[configfile,file,chown_user,chown_group,chmod,rotate,command,runas]
        code_base64     = kwargs.get('configfile', None)
        filename        = kwargs.get('path', None)
        chown_user      = kwargs.get('chown_user', None)
        chown_group     = kwargs.get('chown_group', None)
        chmod           = kwargs.get('chmod', None)
        rotate          = kwargs.get('rotate', False)

        command         = kwargs.get('command', None)
        runas           = kwargs.get('command_runas', None)

        if not code_base64 or not filename:
            raise ecm.InvalidParameters(self.cmd_configfile_run.__doc__)

        ret = {'out': 0,'stdout': '','stderr': ''}
            if rotate and os.path.isfile(filename):
                new_file = filename + '_rotated_' + ecm.utime()
                move(filename, new_file)
                ret['stdout'] = ecm.output("Old configfile moved to '%s'" % new_file)

            # Write down file
            ecm.file_write(filename, b64decode(code_base64))
            ret['stdout'] += ecm.output("Configfile created successfully at '%s'" % filename)

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Unable to write configfile: %s" % e)

            # Chown to specified user/group
            if chown_user and chown_group and os.path.isfile(filename):
                ecm.chown(filename, chown_user, chown_group)
                ret['stdout'] += ecm.output("Owner changed to '%s':'%s'" % (chown_user, chown_group))

            # Chown to specified user/group
            if chmod and os.path.isfile(filename):
                ecm.chmod(filename, chmod)
                ret['stdout'] += ecm.output("Owner changed to '%s':'%s'" % (chown_user, chown_group))

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Unable to change permissions for configfile: %s" % e)

        if command:
            working_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
            out, stdout, stderr = ecm.run_command(command, runas=runas, workdir=working_dir)
            ret = ecm.format_output(out, stdout, stderr)

        return ret