def efficiency(cmatrix, local = False, edgetype = 'undirected', weighted = False): """ A measure similar to the clustering coefficient, based upon the calculation of the harmonic mean of neighbor-neighbor distances. For directed networks, this function works on the out-degree. A global efficiency matrix is the inverse of the distance matrix (with self-self distances set to 0). Calculating the global efficiency is advantageous over distance in disconnected networks: the efficiency between disconnected pairs of nodes is set to 0 (the inverse of infinity), hence enabling the calculation of network wide averages (which become meaningless on distance matrices). Parameters ---------- cmatrix : array_like Two dimensional connection/adjacency matrix edgetype : {'undirected'} weighted : {False} Returns ------- local == True: Eglob : outputs the inverse distance matrix: the mean of this matrix (excluding main diagonal) is equivalent to the global efficiency. local == False: Eloc : outputs individual nodal local efficiency. For directed networks, local efficiency works with the out-degree. Reference: Latora and Marchiori, 2001, Phys Rev Lett 87:198701. Algebraic shortest path algorithm. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2008 (last modified September 2008). """ if edgetype == 'undirected' and weighted == False: if local: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) eloc = bct.efficiency_local(m) elocnp = bct.from_gsl(eloc) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(eloc) return np.asarray(elocnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) eloc = bct.efficiency_global(m) elocnp = bct.from_gsl(eloc) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(eloc) return np.asarray(elocnp)
def modularity(cmatrix, edgetype): """ Community detection via optimization of modularity Parameters ---------- cmatrix : adjacency or weights matrix edgetype : {'undirected', 'directed'} Returns ------- edgetype == 'undirected': Ci : community structure Ci Q : maximized modularity Q. Algorithm: Newman's spectral optimization method: References: Newman (2006) -- Phys Rev E 74:036104; PNAS 23:8577-8582. Mika Rubinov, UNSW Modification History: Jul 2008: Original Oct 2008: Positive eigenvalues are now insufficient for division (Jonathan Power, WUSTL) Dec 2008: Fine-tuning is now consistent with Newman's description (Jonathan Power) Dec 2008: Fine-tuning is now vectorized (Mika Rubinov) edgetype == 'directed': Ci : community structure Ci Q : maximized modularity Q. Algorithm: Newman's spectral optimization method, generalized to directed networks. Reference: Leicht and Newman (2008) Phys Rev Lett. Mika Rubinov, UNSW Modification History: Jul 2008: Original Oct 2008: Positive eigenvalues are now insufficient for division (Jonathan Power, WUSTL) Dec 2008: Fine-tuning is now consistent with Newman's description (Jonathan Power) Dec 2008: Fine-tuning is now vectorized (Mika Rubinov) """ if edgetype == 'undirected': m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) strr = bct.modularity_und(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return strr else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) strr = bct.modularity_dir(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return strr
def efficiency(cmatrix, local=False, edgetype='undirected', weighted=False): """ A measure similar to the clustering coefficient, based upon the calculation of the harmonic mean of neighbor-neighbor distances. For directed networks, this function works on the out-degree. A global efficiency matrix is the inverse of the distance matrix (with self-self distances set to 0). Calculating the global efficiency is advantageous over distance in disconnected networks: the efficiency between disconnected pairs of nodes is set to 0 (the inverse of infinity), hence enabling the calculation of network wide averages (which become meaningless on distance matrices). Parameters ---------- cmatrix : array_like Two dimensional connection/adjacency matrix edgetype : {'undirected'} weighted : {False} Returns ------- local == True: Eglob : outputs the inverse distance matrix: the mean of this matrix (excluding main diagonal) is equivalent to the global efficiency. local == False: Eloc : outputs individual nodal local efficiency. For directed networks, local efficiency works with the out-degree. Reference: Latora and Marchiori, 2001, Phys Rev Lett 87:198701. Algebraic shortest path algorithm. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2008 (last modified September 2008). """ if edgetype == 'undirected' and weighted == False: if local: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) eloc = bct.efficiency_local(m) elocnp = bct.from_gsl(eloc) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(eloc) return np.asarray(elocnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) eloc = bct.efficiency_global(m) elocnp = bct.from_gsl(eloc) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(eloc) return np.asarray(elocnp)
def betweenness(cmatrix, weighted=False): """ Betweenness centrality Only for directed networks. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix weighted : {False, True} Returns ------- weighted == True: BC : Betweenness centrality BC for weighted directed graph The input matrix must be a mapping from weight to distance (eg. higher correlations may be interpreted as short distances - hence an inverse mapping is appropriate in that case). Betweenness may be normalised to [0,1] via BC/[(N-1)(N-2)] Brandes's modified Dijkstra's algorithm; J Math Sociol (2001) 25:163-177. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) weighted == False: BC : betweenness centrality BC, for a binary directed graph G Betweenness may be normalised to [0,1] via BC/[(N-1)(N-2)] Algorithm of Kintali, generalised to directed and disconnected graphs Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) """ if weighted: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) dist = bct.betweenness_wei(m) distnp = bct.from_gsl(dist) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(dist) return np.asarray(distnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) dist = bct.betweenness_bin(m) distnp = bct.from_gsl(dist) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(dist) return np.asarray(distnp)
def betweenness(cmatrix, weighted = False): """ Betweenness centrality Only for directed networks. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix weighted : {False, True} Returns ------- weighted == True: BC : Betweenness centrality BC for weighted directed graph The input matrix must be a mapping from weight to distance (eg. higher correlations may be interpreted as short distances - hence an inverse mapping is appropriate in that case). Betweenness may be normalised to [0,1] via BC/[(N-1)(N-2)] Brandes's modified Dijkstra's algorithm; J Math Sociol (2001) 25:163-177. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) weighted == False: BC : betweenness centrality BC, for a binary directed graph G Betweenness may be normalised to [0,1] via BC/[(N-1)(N-2)] Algorithm of Kintali, generalised to directed and disconnected graphs Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) """ if weighted: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) dist = bct.betweenness_wei(m) distnp = bct.from_gsl(dist) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(dist) return np.asarray(distnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) dist = bct.betweenness_bin(m) distnp = bct.from_gsl(dist) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(dist) return np.asarray(distnp)
def density(cmatrix, edgetype): """ Density is the proportion of the number of present connections in the network, to the maximum possible number of connections. Connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- edgetype == 'undirected': kden : connection density, number of connections present out of all possible (N^2-N) Note: Assumes that cmatrix is undirected and that there are no self-connections. Note: Function always returns average binary density, regardless of weights. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 Modification history: 2009-10: K fixed to sum over one half of cmatrix [Tony Herdman, SFU] edgetype == 'directed' kden : connection density, number of connections present out of all possible (N^2-N) Note: Assumes that cmatrix is directed and that there are no self-connections. Note: Function always returns average binary density, regardless of weights. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ if edgetype == 'undirected': m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) val = bct.density_und(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return val elif edgetype == 'directed': m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) val = bct.density_dir(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return val
def motif3funct(cmatrix, weighted): """ Counts occurrences of three-node functional motifs Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix (For weighted graph W(all weights [0,1]) ) weighted : {False, True} Returns ------- weighted == True: I : Returns intensity and (optionally) coherence and motif counts. Weighted functional motif metrics. References: Onnela et al. 2005, Phys Rev E 71:065103; Sporns and Kotter, PLoS Biology 2004, 2:e369 Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) weighted == False: F : binary motif count per vertex F Counts functional motif occurence Reference: Sporns and Kotter, PLoS Biology 2004, 2:e369 Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2008 """ if weighted: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.motif3funct_wei(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.motif3funct_bin(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def strengths(cmatrix, edgetype): """ Computes strength for an undirected or directed graph. Strength is the sum of all connection weights for individual nodes. In a directed graph, instrength (outstrength) is the sum of incoming (outgoing) connection weights for individual nodes. The strength is the sum of instrength and outstrength. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- edgetype == 'undirected' str : strength for all vertices edgetype == 'directed str : strength for all vertices (indegree + outdegree) % is = instrength for all vertices % os = outstrength for all vertices Reference: Barrat et al. (2004). Contributor: OS. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2007/2008 """ if edgetype == 'undirected': m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) strr = bct.strengths_und(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(strr) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(strr) return np.asarray(strnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) strr = bct.strengths_dir(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(strr) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(strr) return np.asarray(strnp)
def assortativity(cmatrix, directed = False): """ Assortativity coefficient. Essentially, the assortativity is a correlation coefficient for the degrees of linked nodes. A positive assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with the same or similar degree. The function accepts weighted networks, but the connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : ndarray (N,N) Connection/Adjacency matrix directed : boolean Is the network directed? Returns ------- r : array_like Assortativity Computed after Newman (2003) Note ---- Weights are discarded, no edges on main diagonal. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2007/2008 Vassilis Tsiaras, University of Crete, 2009 """ if not directed: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) ass = bct.assortativity_und(m) r = bct.from_gsl(ass) if np.isnan(ass): return 0 bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(ass) return r else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) ass = bct.assortativity_dir(m) if np.isnan(ass): return 0 r = bct.from_gsl(ass) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(ass) return r
def assortativity(cmatrix, directed=False): """ Assortativity coefficient. Essentially, the assortativity is a correlation coefficient for the degrees of linked nodes. A positive assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with the same or similar degree. The function accepts weighted networks, but the connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : ndarray (N,N) Connection/Adjacency matrix directed : boolean Is the network directed? Returns ------- r : array_like Assortativity Computed after Newman (2003) Note ---- Weights are discarded, no edges on main diagonal. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2007/2008 Vassilis Tsiaras, University of Crete, 2009 """ if not directed: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) ass = bct.assortativity_und(m) r = bct.from_gsl(ass) if np.isnan(ass): return 0 bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(ass) return r else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) ass = bct.assortativity_dir(m) if np.isnan(ass): return 0 r = bct.from_gsl(ass) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(ass) return r
def matching_ind(cmatrix): """ Matching index. For any two nodes u and v, the matching index computes the amount of overlap in the connection patterns of u and v. Self-connections and cross-connections between u and v are ignored. For undirected networks, all outputs of this function are identical. The matching index is a symmetric quantity, similar to a correlation or a dot product, the function returns only the upper triangle of the matching matrix. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- Mall : matching index for all connections Does not use self- or cross connections for comparison. Does not use connections that are not present in BOTH i and j. All output matrices are calculated for upper triangular only (symmetrical). Reference: Hilgetag et al. (2002). Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) mi = bct.matching_ind(m) minp = bct.from_gsl(mi) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(mi) return np.asarray(minp)
def breadth(cmatrix, source): """ Breadth-first search tree Performs a breadth-first search starting at the source node. Because C++ indexing is zero-based, a value of 0 at branch(i) could mean either that node 0 precedes node i or that node i is unreachable. Check distance(i) for GSL_POSINF to differentiate between these two cases. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection matrix source : source vertex Returns ------- distance : distance between 'source' and i'th vertex (0 for source vertex) branch : vertex that precedes i in the breadth-first search tree (-1 for source vertex) Note: breadth-first search tree does not contain all paths (or all shortest paths), but allows the determination of at least one path with minimum distance. the entire graph is explored, starting from source vertex 'source' Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.breadth(m, source) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def jdegree(cmatrix, edgetype = 'directed'): """ Joint degree distribution. This function returns a matrix, in which the value of each element (u,v) corresponds to the number of nodes that have u outgoing connections and v incoming connections. Connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- J : joint degree distribution matrix (shifted by one) Note: This function only makes sense for directed matrices. Weights are discarded. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2006/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) jdeg = bct.jdegree(m) jdegnp = bct.from_gsl(jdeg) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(jdeg) return np.asarray(jdegnp)
def erange(cmatrix): """ Computes the range for each edge (i.e., the shortest path length between the nodes it connects after the edge has been removed from the graph). Shorcuts are links which significantly reduce the characteristic path length. This function detects shortcuts, hence being a variant of edge betweenness centrality. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- Erange : range for each edge, i.e. the length of the shortest path from i to j for edge c(i,j) AFTER the edge has been removed from the graph. eta average range for entire graph. Eshort entries are ones for edges that are shortcuts. fs fraction of shortcuts in the graph. Follows the treatment of 'shortcuts' by Duncan Watts (1999) Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) era = bct.erange(m) eranp = bct.from_gsl(era) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(era) return np.asarray(eranp)
def participation_coef(cmatrix, Ci): """ Computes nodal participation coefficient for a binary graph and its corresponding community structure. For a directed graph, computes "out- neighbor" participation coefficient. Only for binary networks. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : adjacency matrix Ci : community structure vector Ci Returns ------- P : Participation coefficient Output for directed graphs: "out-neighbor" participation coef Reference: Guimera R, Amaral L. Nature (2005) 433:895-900. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) cil = bct.to_gslv(Ci.tolist()) str = bct.participation_coef(m, cil) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def jdegree(cmatrix, edgetype='directed'): """ Joint degree distribution. This function returns a matrix, in which the value of each element (u,v) corresponds to the number of nodes that have u outgoing connections and v incoming connections. Connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- J : joint degree distribution matrix (shifted by one) Note: This function only makes sense for directed matrices. Weights are discarded. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2006/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) jdeg = bct.jdegree(m) jdegnp = bct.from_gsl(jdeg) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(jdeg) return np.asarray(jdegnp)
def motif3struct(cmatrix, weighted): """ Counts occurrences of three-node structural motifs Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix (For weighted graph W(all weights [0,1]) ) weighted : {False, True} Returns ------- weighted == True: I : Returns intensity and (optionally) coherence and motif counts. Weighted structural motif metrics. Reference: Onnela et al. 2005, Phys Rev E 71:065103; Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) weighted == False: f : binary motif count Reference: Milo et al., 2002, Science Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2007 (last modified July 2008) """ if weighted: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.motif3struct_wei(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.motif3struct_bin(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def jdegree_od(cmatrix): """ Given a joint degree distribution matrix, returns the number of nodes with out-degree > in-degree. """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) val = bct.jdegree_od(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return val
def charpath_lambda(D): """ Given a distance matrix, computes characteristic path length. // lambda = sum(sum(D(D~=Inf)))/length(nonzeros(D~=Inf)); """ m = bct.to_gslm(D.tolist()) str = bct.charpath_lambda(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return str
def threshold_absolute(cmatrix, threshold): """ Applies an absolute weight threshold to a graph. All weights below this threshold, as well as those on the main diagonal, are set to zero. """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) thr = bct.threshold_absolute(m, threshold) r = bct.from_gsl(thr) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(thr) return np.asarray(r)
def threshold_proportional_und(cmatrix, p): """ Preserves a given proportion of the strongest weights in an undirected graph. All other weights, as well as those on the main diagonal, are set to zero. """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) thr = bct.threshold_proportional_und(m, p) r = bct.from_gsl(thr) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(thr) return np.asarray(r)
def number_of_nodes(cmatrix): """ Returns the number of nodes in a graph, assuming the given connection matrix is square. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) n = bct.number_of_nodes(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return n
def number_of_edges_dir(cmatrix): """ Returns the number of edges in a directed graph. No checking of the edgetype of the cmatrix. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) n = bct.number_of_edges_dir(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return n
def normalized_path_length(cmatrix): """ Given a distance matrix, computes the normalized shortest path length. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- n : normalized shortest path length """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) n = bct.normalized_path_length(m) bct.gsl_free(m) return n
def matching_ind_out(cmatrix): """ Computes matching index for outgoing connections. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- Mout : matching index for outgoing connections """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) mi = bct.matching_ind_out(m) minp = bct.from_gsl(mi) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(mi) return np.asarray(minp)
def reachdist(cmatrix): """ Reachability and distance matrices. For any two nodes u and v, the reachability matrix element (u,v) takes the value of 1 if u and v are connected by a path, and 0 if u and v are disconnected. The distance matrix element (u,v) denotes the length of the shortest path between u and v. Note that this function returns nonzero entries on the main diagonal of the distance matrix, corresponding to the length of the shortest cycles. This function yields the reachability matrix and the distance matrix based on the power of the adjacency matrix - this will execute a lot faster for matrices with low average distance between vertices. Another way to get the reachability matrix and the distance matrix uses breadth-first search (see 'breadthdist'). 'reachdist' seems a little faster most of the time. However, 'breadthdist' uses less memory in many cases. Computes reachability and distance matrices based on the power of the adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- R : reachability matrix % D : distance matrix (not returned) Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ # from c code, D is parameter, R is returned m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.reachdist(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def charpath(D): """ Distance based measures This function outputs four distance based measures. Characteristic path length is the average shortest path length. Node eccentricity is the maximal shortest path length between a node and any other node. Network radius is the minimum eccentricity, while network diameter is the maximum eccentricity. Characteristic path length is calculated as the global mean of the distance matrix D, not taking into account any 'Infs' but including the distances on the main diagonal. Parameters ---------- D : distance matrix Returns ------- ecc : eccentricity (for each vertex) Notes ----- The radius of the graph is min(ecc) The diameter of the graph is max(ecc) See Also -------- charpath_lambda(D) for characteristic path length Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(D.tolist()) str = bct.charpath_ecc(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def breadthdist(cmatrix): """ Computes reachability and distance matrices using breadth-first search. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection matrix Returns ------- R : reachability matrix D : distance matrix This function is potentially less memory-hungry than 'reachdist', particularly if the characteristic path length is rather large. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) str = bct.breadthdist(m) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def module_degree_zscore(cmatrix, Ci): """ Computes 'within module degree z-score' Computes z-score for a binary graph and its corresponding community structure. For a directed graph, computes out-neighbor z-score. Degree based measures for classifying nodes in the context of community structure. The z-score describes how well the nodes are connected to other nodes within their modules. Note that, for directed networks, these functions compute the measures based on the out-degree. function Z=module_degree_zscore(A,Ci) Parameters --------- cmatrix : binary adjacency matrix Ci : community structure vector Returns ------- Z : z-score Output for directed graphs: "out-neighbor" z-score. Reference: Guimera R, Amaral L. Nature (2005) 433:895-900. Mika Rubinov, UNSW, 2008 """ m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) cil = bct.to_gslv(Ci.tolist()) str = bct.module_degree_zscore(m, cil) strnp = bct.from_gsl(str) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(str) return np.asarray(strnp)
def findwalks(cmatrix): """ Walks are sequences of linked nodes, that may visit a single node more than once. This function finds the number of walks of a given length, between any two nodes. Finds walks. Note that there is no twalk argument as its value may overflow a C++ long. Wq (the main return) and wlq are indexed by path length. They therefore contain no valid data at index 0. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix Returns ------- Wq : 3D matrix, with Wq(i,j,q) = number of walks from 'i' to 'j' of length 'q'. twalk total number of walks found wlq walk length distribution as function of 'q' Uses the powers of the adjacency matrix to produce numbers of walks Note that Wq grows very quickly for larger N,K,q. Note: Weights are discarded. Written by Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ # logging.error("from_gsl seems not work work") # return m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) mi = bct.findwalks(m) print mi minp = bct.from_gsl(mi) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(mi) return np.asarray(minp)
def to_gslm(*args): return _bct.to_gslm(*args)
# this information is almost useless if one has not a rough idea of # what the nodes mean, i.e. what brain regions they correspond to import _bct as bct import numpy as np ''' fve30.mat; fve32.mat (BD networks). Two version the macaque visual cortex. fve30.mat: 30 nodes, 311 links. fve32.mat: 32 nodes, 320 links. Reference: Felleman and van Essen (1991). Contributor: OS. Used in e.g. Sporns et al. (2000), Sporns and Kotter (2004). ''' fve32 = np.asarray(bct.from_gsl(bct.to_gslm(bct.fve32,32,32))) fve30 = np.asarray(bct.from_gsl(bct.to_gslm(bct.fve30,30,30))) ''' macaque47.mat (BD network). Large scale cortico-cortical connectivity matrix of the visual and sensorimotor areas in the macaque. 47 nodes; 505 links. Used in e.g. Honey et al. (2007). Contributor: RK. ''' macaque47 = np.asarray(bct.from_gsl(bct.to_gslm(bct.macaque47,47,47))) ''' macaque71.mat (BD network). Macaque cortical connectivity: 71 nodes, 746 links. Reference: Young (1993). Contributor: OS.
def to_gslm(*args): """ to_gslm(double array, int size1, int size2) -> gsl_matrix to_gslm(PyObject list) -> gsl_matrix """ return _bct.to_gslm(*args)
def findpaths(cmatrix, sources, qmax): """ Paths are sequences of linked nodes, that never visit a single node more than once. This function finds all paths that start at a set of source vertices, up to a specified length. Warning: very memory-intensive. C++ Comment Finds paths from a set of source nodes up to a given length. Note that there is no savepths argument; if all paths are desired, pass a valid pointer as he allpths argument. There is also no tpath argument as its value may overflow a C++ long. Since 0 is a valid node index in C++, -1 is used as the "filler" value in allpths rather than 0 as in MATLAB. Pq (the main return), plq, and util are indexed by path length. They therefore have (qmax + 1) elements and contain no valid data at index 0. function [Pq,tpath,plq,qstop,allpths,util] = findpaths(CIJ,sources,qmax,savepths) Parameters ---------- cmatrix : connection/adjacency matrix qmax : maximal path length sources : source units from which paths are grown savepths : set to 1 if all paths are to be collected in 'allpths' Returns ------- Pq : 3D matrix, with P(i,j,q) = number of paths from 'i' to 'j' of length 'q'. Not returned by the C++ function: tpath total number of paths found (lengths 1 to 'qmax') plq path length distribution as a function of 'q' qstop path length at which 'findpaths' is stopped allpths a matrix containing all paths up to 'qmax' util node use index Note that Pq[:,:,N] can only carry entries on the diagonal, as all "legal" paths of length N-1 must terminate. Cycles of length N are possible, with all vertices visited exactly once (except for source and target). 'qmax = N' can wreak havoc (due to memory problems). Note: Weights are discarded. Note: I am fairly certain that this algorithm is rather inefficient - suggestions for improvements are welcome. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2007/2008 """ # XXX: work on docstring m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) cil = bct.to_gslv(sources.tolist()) pq, plq, qstop, allpths, util = bct.findpaths(m, cil, qmax) pqret = bct.from_gsl(pq) print pqret[0] print np.asarray(pqret[1]) print plq print qstop print allpths print util bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(pq) bct.gsl_free(plq) bct.gsl_free(allpths) bct.gsl_free(util) #logging.error("What to do with std::vector<gsl_matrix*> ??") return
def degree(cmatrix, directed): """ In an undirected graph, the degree is the number of connections for individual nodes. In a directed graph, the indegree (outdegree) is the number of incoming (outgoing) connections for individual nodes. The degree is the sum of indegree and outdegree.Connection weights are ignored. Parameters ---------- cmatrix : ndarray (N,N) Connection/Adjacency matrix directed : boolean Is the network directed? Returns ------- directed == True: deg : ndarray Degree for all vertices deg_in : ndarray In-Degree for all vertices deg_out : ndarray Out-Degree for all vertices Computes the and degree (indegree + outdegree) for a directed binary matrix. Weights are discarded. Note: Inputs of CIJ are assumed to be on the columns of the matrix. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2006/2008 directed == False: deg : ndarray Degree for all vertices deg_in : ndarray In-Degree for all vertices deg_out : ndarray Out-Degree for all vertices Computes the degree for a nondirected binary matrix. Weights are discarded. Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2002/2006/2008 """ if directed: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) deg, deg_in, deg_out = bct.degrees_dir(m) rdeg = bct.from_gsl(deg) rdeg_in = bct.from_gsl(deg) rdeg_out = bct.from_gsl(deg) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(deg) bct.gsl_free(deg_in) bct.gsl_free(deg_out) return (rdeg, rdeg_in, rdeg_out) else: m = bct.to_gslm(cmatrix.tolist()) deg = bct.degrees_und(m) rdeg = bct.from_gsl(deg) bct.gsl_free(m) bct.gsl_free(deg) return rdeg