コード例 #1
ファイル: _functions.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def pad(message, size):
    "Pad message to size, so that length message modulo size is 0"
    # 5.1 Padding the Message
    # Implementation note; because of the similarities of padding to 512 or 1024
    # and it is not 'core' to the algorithm, both "5.1.1 SHA-1, SHA-224 and 
    # SHA-256" and "5.1.2 SHA-384 and SHA-512" are implemented as one. 
    allowed_sizes = [512, 1024]
    if size not in allowed_sizes:
        text = "Split size '%s' not allowed must be in: %s"
        raise(ValueError(text % (size, allowed_sizes)))
    if size == 512:
        pad_len = 64
    elif size == 1024:
        pad_len = 128
    message = Bits(message)
    pad_txt = Bits(len(message), pad_len)
    length = len(message) + pad_len
    delta = length % size
    padding = size - delta
    padding = '0' * padding
コード例 #2
ファイル: _sha_512_224.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def computation(message):
    # 6.4.1 SHA-512 Preprocessing
    # 5.1.2 Padding the Message
    padded = pad(message, SIZE_BLOCK)
    #  5.2.2 Parsing the Padded Message
    #  ! Meaning splitting it into blocks of 1024 bits
    blocks = padded.split(SIZE_BLOCK)
    # 5.3 Setting the Initial Hash Value (H(0)) / 5.3.5 SHA-512
    #hd = H0_SHA_512
    hd = H0_SHA_512_224  # 6.6 - 1
    h0 = Bits(hd[0], SIZE_WORD)
    h1 = Bits(hd[1], SIZE_WORD)
    h2 = Bits(hd[2], SIZE_WORD)
    h3 = Bits(hd[3], SIZE_WORD)
    h4 = Bits(hd[4], SIZE_WORD)
    h5 = Bits(hd[5], SIZE_WORD)
    h6 = Bits(hd[6], SIZE_WORD)
    h7 = Bits(hd[7], SIZE_WORD)
    # 6.4.2 SHA-512 Hash Computation
    for block in blocks:
        # Step 1. Prepare the message schedule
        # - Fill with 80 64 bits word values
        message_schedule = dict()
        # This set's up the first 16 words, using the words in the block
        # see the 0 <=t<=15 part of the specification
        for count, word in enumerate(block.split(SIZE_WORD)):
            word = Bits(word, SIZE_WORD)
            message_schedule[count] = word

        # This set's up the remaining 64 words
        for index in range(16, 80):
            # Implementation Note:
            # The following code-block is an on-liner in the documentation,
            # see the 16 <=t<=79 part of the specification
            w02 = message_schedule[index - 2]
            w07 = message_schedule[index - 7]
            w15 = message_schedule[index - 15]
            w16 = message_schedule[index - 16]
            sl1 = sigma_lower_512_1(w02)
            sl0 = sigma_lower_512_0(w15)
            word = sl1 + w07 + sl0 + w16
            message_schedule[index] = word

        # Step 2. Initialize working variables
        a = h0
        b = h1
        c = h2
        d = h3
        e = h4
        f = h5
        g = h6
        h = h7

        # Step 3. 80 rounds of calculation
        # For t=0 to 79:
        for index in range(80):

            kt = Bits(K_SHA_512_224[index], SIZE_WORD)
            wt = message_schedule[index]
            ch = function_ch(e, f, g)
            s1 = sigma_upper_512_1(e)
            t1 = h + s1 + ch + kt + wt

            s0 = sigma_upper_512_0(a)
            ma = function_maj(a, b, c)
            t2 = s0 + ma

            h = g
            g = f
            f = e
            e = d + t1
            d = c
            c = b
            b = a
            a = t1 + t2

        # Step 4. compute the intermediate hash value
        h0 = a + h0
        h1 = b + h1
        h2 = c + h2
        h3 = d + h3
        h4 = e + h4
        h5 = f + h5
        h6 = g + h6
        h7 = h + h7

    #return(h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7)
    first_192 = h0, h1, h2
    last_part = h3.split(32)[0]
    return (first_192 + (last_part, ))  # 6.6 - 2
コード例 #3
ファイル: _sha_512_224.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def shift_right(word, amount):
    # 2.2.2 Symbols and Operations # SHRn(x)
    binary = word._binary
    shift = binary[:-amount]
    return_value = Bits(shift, SIZE_WORD)
    return (return_value)
コード例 #4
ファイル: _sha_512_224.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def rotate_right(word, amount):
    # 2.2.2 Symbols and Operations # ROTRn(x)
    binary = word._binary
    rotate = binary[-amount:] + binary[:-amount]
    return_value = Bits(rotate, SIZE_WORD)
    return (return_value)
コード例 #5
def computation(message):
    # 5. Preprocessing
    # 5.1 Padding the Message
    padded = pad(message, SIZE_BLOCK)
    #  5.2 Parsing the Padded Message / 5.2.1 SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256
    #  ! Meaning splitting it into blocks of 512 bits
    blocks = padded.split(SIZE_BLOCK)
    # 5.3 Setting the Initial Hash Value (H(0)) / 5.3.3 SHA-256
    # override by 6.3, specifies 5.3.2
    # # hd = H0_SHA_256
    hd = H0_SHA_224
    h0 = Bits(hd[0], SIZE_WORD)
    h1 = Bits(hd[1], SIZE_WORD)
    h2 = Bits(hd[2], SIZE_WORD)
    h3 = Bits(hd[3], SIZE_WORD)
    h4 = Bits(hd[4], SIZE_WORD)
    h5 = Bits(hd[5], SIZE_WORD)
    h6 = Bits(hd[6], SIZE_WORD)
    h7 = Bits(hd[7], SIZE_WORD)
    # 6.2.2 SHA-256 Hash Computation
    for block in blocks:
        # Step 1. Prepare the message schedule
        # - Fill with 64 32 bits word values
        message_schedule = dict()
        # This set's up the first 16 words, using the words in the block
        # see the 0 <= t <= 15 part
        for count, word in enumerate(block.split(SIZE_WORD)):
            word = Bits(word, SIZE_WORD)
            message_schedule[count] = word

        # This set's up the remaining 48 words
        for index in range(16, 64):
            # Implementation Note:
            # The following code-block is an on-liner in the documentation,
            # see the 16<=t<=63 part
            w02 = message_schedule[index - 2]
            w07 = message_schedule[index - 7]
            w15 = message_schedule[index - 15]
            w16 = message_schedule[index - 16]
            sl1 = sigma_lower_256_1(w02)
            sl0 = sigma_lower_256_0(w15)
            word = sl1 + w07 + sl0 + w16
            message_schedule[index] = word

        # Step 2. Initialize working variables
        a = h0
        b = h1
        c = h2
        d = h3
        e = h4
        f = h5
        g = h6
        h = h7

        # Step 3. 64 rounds of calculation
        for index in range(64):

            kt = Bits(K_SHA_224[index], SIZE_WORD)
            wt = message_schedule[index]
            ch = function_ch(e, f, g)
            s1 = sigma_upper_256_1(e)
            t1 = h + s1 + ch + kt + wt

            s0 = sigma_upper_256_0(a)
            ma = function_maj(a, b, c)
            t2 = s0 + ma

            h = g
            g = f
            f = e
            e = d + t1
            d = c
            c = b
            b = a
            a = t1 + t2

        # Step 4. compute the intermediate hash value
        h0 = a + h0
        h1 = b + h1
        h2 = c + h2
        h3 = d + h3
        h4 = e + h4
        h5 = f + h5
        h6 = g + h6
        h7 = h + h7

    # 6.3:2 Overrides, only the left most 224 bits
    # # return(h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7)
    return (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
コード例 #6
ファイル: _sha_1.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def computation(message):
    # 6.1.1 SHA-1 Preprocessing
    # 5.1 Padding the Message
    padded = pad(message, SIZE_BLOCK)

    #  5.2 Parsing the Padded Message / 5.2.1 SHA-1
    #  ! Meaning splitting it into blocks of 512 bits
    blocks = padded.split(SIZE_BLOCK)

    # 5.3 Setting the Initial Hash Value (H(0)) / 5.3.1 SHA-1
    h0 = Bits(H0_SHA_1[0], SIZE_WORD)
    h1 = Bits(H0_SHA_1[1], SIZE_WORD)
    h2 = Bits(H0_SHA_1[2], SIZE_WORD)
    h3 = Bits(H0_SHA_1[3], SIZE_WORD)
    h4 = Bits(H0_SHA_1[4], SIZE_WORD)

    # 6.1.2 SHA-256 Hash Computation
    for block in blocks:
        # Step 1. Prepare the message schedule
        # - Fill with 80 32 bits word values # 6.1 First Paragraph
        message_schedule = dict()

        # 0 <= t <= 15
        # This set's up the first 16 words, using the words in the block
        # As the block can only have 16 words, we do not have to worry about
        # remainders.
        for count, word in enumerate(block.split(SIZE_WORD)):
            word = Bits(word, SIZE_WORD)
            message_schedule[count] = word

        # 16 <= t <= 79
        # This set's up the remaining 64 words
        for index in range(16, 80):
            # Implementation Note:
            # The following code-block is an on-liner in the documentation.
            w03 = message_schedule[index - 3]
            w08 = message_schedule[index - 8]
            w14 = message_schedule[index - 14]
            w16 = message_schedule[index - 16]
            word = w03 ^ w08 ^ w14 ^ w16
            word = rotate_left(word, 1)
            message_schedule[index] = word

        # Step 2. Initialize 5 working variables
        a = h0
        b = h1
        c = h2
        d = h3
        e = h4

        # Step 3. 80 rounds of calculation
        for index in range(80):
            ft = SHA1_FUNCTIONS[index]
            kt = Bits(K_SHA_1[index], SIZE_WORD)
            wt = message_schedule[index]

            t = rotate_left(a, 5) + ft(b, c, d) + e + kt + wt
            e = d
            d = c
            c = rotate_left(b, 30)
            b = a
            a = t

        # Step 4. compute the intermediate hash value
        h0 = a + h0
        h1 = b + h1
        h2 = c + h2
        h3 = d + h3
        h4 = e + h4

    return (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4)
コード例 #7
ファイル: _sha_1.py プロジェクト: martinphellwig/shs
def rotate_left(word, amount):
    # 2.2.2 # ROTLn(x)
    binary = word._binary
    rotate = binary[amount:] + binary[:amount]
    return_value = Bits(rotate, SIZE_WORD)
    return (return_value)