コード例 #1
def surface_zone_piece(p, points, distance):

    varray, tarray = p.geometry
    from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
    i1, i2 = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, varray, points, distance)

    from numpy import zeros, intc, put
    mask = zeros((len(varray),), intc)
    put(mask, i1, 1)
    p.showing_zone = True
コード例 #2
def surface_zone_piece(p, points, distance):

    varray, tarray = p.geometry

    from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
    i1, i2 = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, varray, points, distance)

    from numpy import zeros, intc, put
    mask = zeros((len(varray), ), intc)
    put(mask, i1, 1)
    p.showing_zone = True
コード例 #3
def surface_distance(v1, v2, t2, d, optimize = True):

  from _surface import surface_distance as surf_dist
  if optimize:
    from numpy import empty, float32
    dist = empty((len(v1),), float32)
    dist[:] = 2*d
    # Use only vertices within 2*d contact range.
    import _closepoints as cp
    i1, i2 = cp.find_close_points(cp.BOXES_METHOD, v1, v2, 2*d)
    if len(i1) > 0 and len(i2) > 0:
      v1r = v1[i1]
      s2 = set(i2)
      t2r = [tri for tri in t2 if tri[0] in s2 or tri[1] in s2 or tri[2] in s2]
      dr = surf_dist(v1r, v2, t2r)[:,0]
      dist[i1] = dr
    dist = surf_dist(v1, v2, t2)[:,0] # n by 5 array (d,x,y,z,side)
  return dist
コード例 #4
ファイル: cages.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
def surface_geometry(triangles, tolerance = 1e-5):

    from numpy import array, reshape, single as floatc, intc
    varray = reshape(triangles, (3*len(triangles),3)).astype(floatc)
    uindex = {}
    unique = []
    from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
    for v in range(len(varray)):
        if not v in uindex:
            i1, i2 = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, varray[v:v+1,:], varray,
            for i in i2:
                if not i in uindex:
                    uindex[i] = len(unique)

    uvarray = array(unique, floatc)
    tlist = map(lambda t: (uindex[3*t],uindex[3*t+1],uindex[3*t+2]),
    tarray = array(tlist, intc)
    return uvarray, tarray
コード例 #5
    def search_for_ligands(metal):
        Search for ligands near by the metal center
        excluding candidates through the next steps:
            1-How many electrons on the outter shell
            2-Metal-Ligand distance
            3-Geometry angles
            4-Exclude Hydrogens and other atoms

        metal: chimera metal object

        chimera ligands object
        # Extracted directly from:
        # Metal Geom Chimera
        data = []
        coordLim = 4.0
        from numpy import array
        atoms = array(metal.molecule.atoms)
        from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates as gac
        from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
        ignore, close = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, gac(array([metal])),
                                          gac(atoms), coordLim)
        candidates = list(set(atoms[close]))
        mcrd = metal.coord()
        candidates.sort(lambda a1, a2: cmp(a1.coord().sqdistance(mcrd),
        exclude = []
        userIncluded = []
        for candidate in candidates:
            if candidate == metal:
            if candidate in exclude:
            if candidate not in userIncluded:
                valence = (candidate.element.number - 2) % 8
                if valence < 5 or candidate.element.number == 1:
                if candidate.coord().distance(mcrd) > coordLim:
                if candidate not in metal.bondsMap:
                    from chimera import angle
                    from chimera.idatm import typeInfo
                    angleOK = True
                        cnGeom = typeInfo[candidate.idatmType].geometry
                    except KeyError:
                        cnGeom = 0
                        if len(candidate.primaryNeighbors()) == cnGeom:
                            # no lone pairs, no possibility of deprotonation
                    angleCutoff = [0.0, 72.98, 120.0, 80.0, 72.98][cnGeom]
                    for cnb in candidate.neighbors:
                        if cnb == metal:
                        if angle(cnb.coord(), candidate.coord(),
                                 metal.coord()) < angleCutoff:
                            angleOK = False
                    if not angleOK:
        return data
コード例 #6
    def computeVolume(self,
        # load and process frames
        if startFrame is None:
            startFrame = self.startFrame
        if endFrame is None:
            endFrame = self.endFrame
        if bound is not None:
            from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        if self.holdingSteady:
            steadyAtoms, steadySel, steadyCS, inverse = \
            # all the above used later...
            inverse = xform_matrix(inverse)

        gridData = {}
        from math import floor
        from numpy import array, float32
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        for fn in range(startFrame, endFrame + 1, step):
            cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)
            if not cs:
                self.status("Loading frame %d" % fn)
                self._LoadFrame(fn, makeCurrent=False)
                cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)

            self.status("Processing frame %d" % fn)
            pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
            if self.holdingSteady:
                if bound is not None:
                    steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs) for a in steadyAtoms],
                    closeIndices = find_close_points(
                        #otherPoints, bound)[1]
                    pts = pts[closeIndices]
                    xf, inv = self.transforms[fn]
                except KeyError:
                    xf, inv = self.steadyXform(cs=cs)
                    self.transforms[fn] = (xf, inv)
                xf = xform_matrix(xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
            # add a half-voxel since volume positions are
            # considered to be at the center of their voxel
            from numpy import floor, zeros
            pts = floor(pts / spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
            for pt in pts:
                center = tuple(pt)
                gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

        # generate volume
        self.status("Generating volume")
        axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
        minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
        maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
        # allow for zero-padding on both ends
        dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
        from numpy import zeros, transpose
        volume = zeros(dims, int)
        for index, val in gridData.items():
            adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1 for i in range(3)])
            volume[adjIndex] = val
        from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
        gd = Array_Grid_Data(
            # the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
            [(d - 1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
            [spacing] * 3)
        if volumeName is None:
            volumeName = self.ensemble.name
        gd.name = volumeName

        # show volume
        self.status("Showing volume")
        import VolumeViewer
        dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
        vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
        vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")

        self.status("Volume shown")
コード例 #7
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
	def computeVolume(self, atoms, startFrame=None, endFrame=None,
			bound=None, volumeName=None, step=1, spacing=0.5):
		# load and process frames
		if startFrame is None:
			startFrame = self.startFrame
		if endFrame is None:
			endFrame = self.endFrame
		if bound is not None:
			from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
		from Matrix import xform_matrix
		if self.holdingSteady:
			steadyAtoms, steadySel, steadyCS, inverse = \
			# all the above used later...
			inverse = xform_matrix(inverse)

		gridData = {}
		from math import floor
		from numpy import array, float32
		from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
		for fn in range(startFrame, endFrame+1, step):
			cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)
			if not cs:
				self.status("Loading frame %d" % fn)
				self._LoadFrame(fn, makeCurrent=False)
				cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)

			self.status("Processing frame %d" % fn)
			pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
			if self.holdingSteady:
				if bound is not None:
					steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs)
						for a in steadyAtoms], float32)
					closeIndices = find_close_points(
						BOXES_METHOD, steadyPoints,
						#otherPoints, bound)[1]
						pts, bound)[1]
					pts = pts[closeIndices]
					xf, inv = self.transforms[fn]
				except KeyError:
					xf, inv = self.steadyXform(cs=cs)
					self.transforms[fn] = (xf, inv)
				xf = xform_matrix(xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
			# add a half-voxel since volume positions are
			# considered to be at the center of their voxel
			from numpy import floor, zeros
			pts = floor(pts/spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
			for pt in pts:
				center = tuple(pt)
				gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

		# generate volume
		self.status("Generating volume")
		axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
		minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
		maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
		# allow for zero-padding on both ends
		dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
		from numpy import zeros, transpose
		volume = zeros(dims, int)
		for index, val in gridData.items():
			adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1
							for i in range(3)])
			volume[adjIndex] = val
		from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
		gd = Array_Grid_Data(volume.transpose(),
					# the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
					[(d-1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
					[spacing] * 3)
		if volumeName is None:
			volumeName = self.ensemble.name
		gd.name = volumeName

		# show volume
		self.status("Showing volume")
		import VolumeViewer
		dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
		vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
		vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")

		self.status("Volume shown")
コード例 #8
ファイル: preset.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
				elif getattr(principalAtom(r), "name", None) == "C4'":
					# decide whether to display later
			if nukes:
				nucleic[m] = nukes

			if allAtoms or not ligand:
			from numpy import array, float32
			ligPoints = array([a.coord() for r in ligand
						for a in r.atoms], float32)
			atoms = m.atoms
			molPoints = array([a.coord() for a in atoms], float32)
			from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
			closeIndices = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD,
						ligPoints, molPoints, 3.5)[1]
		if publication:
			for srf in chimera.openModels.list(
				if (srf.colorMode != chimera.MSMSModel.Custom
				and srf.density < 10.0
				and srf.molecule is not None):
					srf.density = 10.0
		if surface:
			if ribMolecules:
				mols = ribMolecules
				mols = chimera.openModels.list(
コード例 #9
def detectClash(testAtoms, test="others", clashThreshold=clashDef,
		hbondAllowance=hbondDef, assumedMaxVdw=2.1,
		bondSeparation=bondSepDef, intraRes=False, interSubmodel=False):
	"""Detect steric clashes

	   'testAtoms' should be a list of atoms.

	   If 'test' is 'others' then non-bonded clashes between atoms in
	   'testAtoms' and non-'testAtoms' atoms will be found.  If 'test'
	   is 'model' then the same clashes as 'others' will be found, but
	   inter-model clashes will be eliminated.  If 'test' is 'self'
	   then non-bonded clashes within 'testAtoms' atoms will be found.
	   Otherwise 'test' should be a list of atoms to test against.
	   The "clash value" is the sum of the VDW radii minus the distance,
	   keeping only the maximal clash (which must exceed 'clashThreshold').

	   'hbondAllowance' is how much the clash value is reduced if one
	   atom is a donor and the other an acceptor.

	   Atom pairs are eliminated from consideration if they are less than
	   or equal to 'bondSeparation' bonds apart.

	   Intra-residue clashes are ignored unless intraRes is True.
	   Inter-submodel clashes are ignored unless interSubmodel is True.

	   Returns a dictionary keyed on atoms, with values that are
	   dictionaries keyed on clashing atom with value being the clash value.

	# use the fast _closepoints module to cut down candidate atoms if we
	# can (since _closepoints doesn't know about "non-bonded" it isn't as
	# useful as it might otherwise be)
	if test in ("others", "model"):
		mList = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule])
		testSet = set(testAtoms)
		from numpy import array
		testList = array(testAtoms)
		otherAtoms = [a for m in mList for a in m.atoms
							if a not in testSet]
		otherAtoms = array(otherAtoms)
		if len(otherAtoms) == 0:
			from chimera import UserError
			raise UserError("All atoms are in test set: no others"
				" available to test against")
		from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
		tPoints = get_atom_coordinates(testList, transformed = True)
		oPoints = get_atom_coordinates(otherAtoms, transformed = True)
		cutoff = 2.0 * assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
		from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
		tClose, oClose = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD,
						tPoints, oPoints, cutoff)
		testAtoms = testList.take(tClose)
		searchAtoms = otherAtoms.take(oClose)
	elif not isinstance(test, basestring):
		searchAtoms = test
		searchAtoms = testAtoms

	from chimera.misc import atomSearchTree
	tree = atomSearchTree(list(searchAtoms))
	clashes = {}
	for a in testAtoms:
		cutoff = a.radius + assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
		nearby = tree.searchTree(a.xformCoord().data(), cutoff)
		if not nearby:
		needExpansion = a.allLocations()
		exclusions = set(needExpansion)
		for i in range(bondSeparation):
			nextNeed = []
			for expand in needExpansion:
				for n in expand.neighbors:
					if n in exclusions:
			needExpansion = nextNeed
		for nb in nearby:
			if nb in exclusions:
			if not intraRes and a.residue == nb.residue:
			if a in clashes and nb in clashes[a]:
			if not interSubmodel \
			and a.molecule.id == nb.molecule.id \
			and a.molecule.subid != nb.molecule.subid:
			if test == "model" and a.molecule != nb.molecule:
			clash = a.radius + nb.radius - a.xformCoord().distance(
			if hbondAllowance:
				if (_donor(a) and _acceptor(nb)) or (
				_donor(nb) and _acceptor(a)):
					clash -= hbondAllowance
			if clash < clashThreshold:
			clashes.setdefault(a, {})[nb] = clash
			clashes.setdefault(nb, {})[a] = clash
	return clashes
コード例 #10
def detectClash(testAtoms,
    """Detect steric clashes

	   'testAtoms' should be a list of atoms.

	   If 'test' is 'others' then non-bonded clashes between atoms in
	   'testAtoms' and non-'testAtoms' atoms will be found.  If 'test'
	   is 'model' then the same clashes as 'others' will be found, but
	   inter-model clashes will be eliminated.  If 'test' is 'self'
	   then non-bonded clashes within 'testAtoms' atoms will be found.
	   Otherwise 'test' should be a list of atoms to test against.
	   The "clash value" is the sum of the VDW radii minus the distance,
	   keeping only the maximal clash (which must exceed 'clashThreshold').

	   'hbondAllowance' is how much the clash value is reduced if one
	   atom is a donor and the other an acceptor.

	   Atom pairs are eliminated from consideration if they are less than
	   or equal to 'bondSeparation' bonds apart.

	   Intra-residue clashes are ignored unless intraRes is True.
	   Inter-submodel clashes are ignored unless interSubmodel is True.

	   Returns a dictionary keyed on atoms, with values that are
	   dictionaries keyed on clashing atom with value being the clash value.

    # use the fast _closepoints module to cut down candidate atoms if we
    # can (since _closepoints doesn't know about "non-bonded" it isn't as
    # useful as it might otherwise be)
    if test in ("others", "model"):
        mList = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule])
        testSet = set(testAtoms)
        from numpy import array
        testList = array(testAtoms)
        otherAtoms = [a for m in mList for a in m.atoms if a not in testSet]
        otherAtoms = array(otherAtoms)
        if len(otherAtoms) == 0:
            from chimera import UserError
            raise UserError("All atoms are in test set: no others"
                            " available to test against")
        from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
        tPoints = get_atom_coordinates(testList, transformed=True)
        oPoints = get_atom_coordinates(otherAtoms, transformed=True)
        cutoff = 2.0 * assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
        from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
        tClose, oClose = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, tPoints, oPoints,
        testAtoms = testList.take(tClose)
        searchAtoms = otherAtoms.take(oClose)
    elif not isinstance(test, basestring):
        searchAtoms = test
        searchAtoms = testAtoms

    from chimera.misc import atomSearchTree
    tree = atomSearchTree(list(searchAtoms))
    clashes = {}
    for a in testAtoms:
        cutoff = a.radius + assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
        nearby = tree.searchTree(a.xformCoord().data(), cutoff)
        if not nearby:
        needExpansion = a.allLocations()
        exclusions = set(needExpansion)
        for i in range(bondSeparation):
            nextNeed = []
            for expand in needExpansion:
                for n in expand.neighbors:
                    if n in exclusions:
            needExpansion = nextNeed
        for nb in nearby:
            if nb in exclusions:
            if not intraRes and a.residue == nb.residue:
            if a in clashes and nb in clashes[a]:
            if not interSubmodel \
            and a.molecule.id == nb.molecule.id \
            and a.molecule.subid != nb.molecule.subid:
            if test == "model" and a.molecule != nb.molecule:
            clash = a.radius + nb.radius - a.xformCoord().distance(
            if hbondAllowance:
                if (_donor(a) and _acceptor(nb)) or (_donor(nb)
                                                     and _acceptor(a)):
                    clash -= hbondAllowance
            if clash < clashThreshold:
            clashes.setdefault(a, {})[nb] = clash
            clashes.setdefault(nb, {})[a] = clash
    return clashes