コード例 #1
ファイル: varblock.py プロジェクト: sfluo/Mr.Bot
def write_varint(outfile, value):
    '''Writes a varint to a file.

    @param outfile: the file-like object to write to. It should have a write()
    @returns the number of written bytes.

    # there is a big difference between 'write the value 0' (this case) and
    # 'there is nothing left to write' (the false-case of the while loop)

    if value == 0:
        return 1

    written_bytes = 0
    while value > 0:
        to_write = value & 0x7f
        value = value >> 7

        if value > 0:
            to_write |= 0x80

        written_bytes += 1

    return written_bytes
コード例 #2
def write_varint(outfile, value):
    '''Writes a varint to a file.

    @param outfile: the file-like object to write to. It should have a write()
    @returns the number of written bytes.

    # there is a big difference between 'write the value 0' (this case) and
    # 'there is nothing left to write' (the false-case of the while loop)

    if value == 0:
        return 1

    written_bytes = 0
    while value > 0:
        to_write = value & 0x7f
        value = value >> 7

        if value > 0:
            to_write |= 0x80

        written_bytes += 1

    return written_bytes
コード例 #3
def read_random_bits(nbits):
    '''Reads 'nbits' random bits.

    If nbits isn't a whole number of bytes, an extra byte will be appended with
    only the lower bits set.

    nbytes, rbits = divmod(nbits, 8)

    # Get the random bytes
    randomdata = os.urandom(nbytes)

    # Add the remaining random bits
    if rbits > 0:
        randomvalue = ord(os.urandom(1))
        randomvalue >>= (8 - rbits)
        randomdata = byte(randomvalue) + randomdata

    return randomdata
コード例 #4
ファイル: randnum.py プロジェクト: sfluo/Mr.Bot
def read_random_bits(nbits):
    '''Reads 'nbits' random bits.

    If nbits isn't a whole number of bytes, an extra byte will be appended with
    only the lower bits set.

    nbytes, rbits = divmod(nbits, 8)

    # Get the random bytes
    randomdata = os.urandom(nbytes)

    # Add the remaining random bits
    if rbits > 0:
        randomvalue = ord(os.urandom(1))
        randomvalue >>= (8 - rbits)
        randomdata = byte(randomvalue) + randomdata

    return randomdata