def validate_date_birthday(value): timetuple =[:3] if value > date(timetuple[0] - 14, timetuple[1], timetuple[2]): raise ValidationError('В соответствии со ст. 188 КЗоТ Украины не допускается использование труда ' 'лиц не достигших 14 лет') elif value < date(timetuple[0] - 100, timetuple[1], timetuple[2]): raise ValidationError('Возраст сотрудника должен быть меньше 100 лет')
def add_request(): form = RequestForm(request.form) form.rq_status.choices = [(, for Status in Status.query.all()] if request.method == 'POST': start = finish = date_1 = date(start.year, start.month, date_2 = date(finish.year, finish.month, sum = (date_2 - date_1).days req = Request(sum=sum, start_date=start, finish_date=finish,, rq_status='Pending') db.session.add(req) db.session.commit() flash('Request created', 'success') return redirect(url_for('requests')) return render_template('add_request.html', form=form)
def add_request(): form = RequestForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): start = finish = date_1 = date(start.year, start.month, date_2 = date(finish.year, finish.month, number_of_days = (date_2 - date_1).days # Create Cursor cur = mysql.connection.cursor() # Execute cur.execute("INSERT INTO requests(start, finish, author) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", (start, finish, session['username'])) cur.execute("UPDATE users SET requested_holidays=%s WHERE username=%s", ([number_of_days], [session['username']])) # Commit to DB mysql.connection.commit() # Close connection cur.close() flash('Request created', 'success') return redirect(url_for('add_request')) return render_template('add_request.html', form=form)
def validate_date_birthday(value): timetuple =[:3] if value > date(timetuple[0] - 14, timetuple[1], timetuple[2]): raise ValidationError( 'В соответствии со ст. 188 КЗоТ Украины не допускается использование труда ' 'лиц не достигших 14 лет') elif value < date(timetuple[0] - 100, timetuple[1], timetuple[2]): raise ValidationError('Возраст сотрудника должен быть меньше 100 лет')
def make_date(): '''Generate random date''' start = date(2010, 1, 1) end = date(2018, 12, 31) span = (end - start).days ran = randint(0, span) ran_date = (start + timedelta(days=ran)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") return ran_date
def gen_date(): '''Generate random date''' # based on the lowest date in poor_perf start = date(2010, 1, 1) # end = date(2018, 12, 31) span = (end - start).days ran = random.randint(0, span) ran_date = (start + timedelta(days=ran)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") return ran_date
def next_data(self): from random import choice year = choice(FrankfurtStockPrediction.years) month = choice(FrankfurtStockPrediction.months) day = choice(FrankfurtStockPrediction.days) date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' start_date = date(year=year, month=month, day=day) end_date = start_date + relativedelta(months=1) start_date_str = start_date.strftime(date_format) end_date_str = end_date.strftime(date_format) ticker_data = [] for ticker in self.tickers: print(f'Getting stock data for {ticker}') ticker_data.append( self.get_ticker(ticker, start_date=start_date_str, end_date=end_date_str)) guess_ticker_data = [] for ticker in self.guess_tickers: print(f'Getting stock data for {ticker}') guess_ticker_data.append( self.get_ticker(ticker, start_date=start_date_str, end_date=end_date_str)) try: tickers = np.vstack(ticker_data) guess_tickers = np.vstack(guess_ticker_data) except ValueError: return self.next_data() return tickers, guess_tickers
def validate_date_naklad(value): if value > raise ValidationError( 'Нельзя указать дату накладной больше сегодняшней') elif value < date(1970, 1, 1): raise ValidationError( 'Дата накладной должна быть старше 1 января 1970')
class SettingsModel(models.Model): user_id = models.ForeignKey(DjangoUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default='1') created_at = models.DateTimeField( start_date = models.DateField('Startdatum', default=date(2018, 1, 1)) work_time_mon = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Montag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=8) work_time_tue = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Dienstag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=8) work_time_wed = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Mittwoch', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=8) work_time_thu = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Donnerstag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=8) work_time_fri = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Freitag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=8) work_time_sat = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Samstag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0) work_time_sun = models.DecimalField('Arbeitszeit Sonntag', max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0)
def get_last_days_of_last_four_months(input_date): current_year = input_date.year current_month = input_date.month first_day = 1 first_day_of_current_month = date(current_year, current_month, first_day) last_day_last_month = edit_date(first_day_of_current_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 1, cst.DT_DAY) first_day_last_month = edit_date(first_day_of_current_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 1, cst.DT_MONTH) last_day_second_last_month = edit_date(first_day_last_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 1, cst.DT_DAY) first_day_second_last_month = edit_date(first_day_of_current_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 2, cst.DT_MONTH) last_day_third_last_month = edit_date(first_day_second_last_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 1, cst.DT_DAY) first_day_third_last_month = edit_date(first_day_of_current_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 3, cst.DT_MONTH) last_day_forth_last_month = edit_date(first_day_third_last_month, cst.DT_MINUS, 1, cst.DT_DAY) return [ last_day_forth_last_month, last_day_third_last_month, last_day_second_last_month, last_day_last_month, ]
def _compute_recognition_date(self): if self.aquisition_date and self.period: if self.period == "years": year = self.aquisition_date.strftime("%Y") self.first_recognition_date = date(int(year), 12, 31) else : self.first_recognition_date = self.compute_last_day(self.aquisition_date)
def handler_date_of_user(user_answer): """Проверяет корректность веденных данных пользователем и возвращает словарь из 2 элементов date_from - объекта date начало диапазона, date_to объекта date конец диапазона""" try: date_from, date_to = re.split(r':', user_answer) day_date_from, month_date_from = re.split(r'-', date_from) day_date_to, month_date_to = re.split(r'-', date_to) date_from = date(day=int(day_date_from), month=int(month_date_from), year=2021) date_to = date(day=int(day_date_to), month=int(month_date_to), year=2021) user_answer = {'date_from': date_from, 'date_to': date_to} return user_answer except Exception(): print(f'{user_answer}, дата не соответствует виду dd-mm')
def findMaxDate(): myconn=getConnection() cur = myconn.cursor() sql = "select max(date_practice) from review" cur.execute(sql) myresult = cur.fetchone() if myresult[0] != None: return myresult[0] else: return date(2000,1,1)
def get_first_friday_of_months(year): month_list = [] for month_ in range(1, 13): month_calendar = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month_) week1 = month_calendar[0] week2 = month_calendar[1] if week1[calendar.FRIDAY] != 0: week_day_no = date(year=year, month=month_, day=week1[calendar.FRIDAY]) else: week_day_no = date(year=year, month=month_, day=week2[calendar.FRIDAY]) month_list.append(week_day_no) return month_list
def set_date(self, month_str=None, day_str=None, year_str=None): """ Convert date component strings to date :month_str: month string e.g jan, Jan, January :day_str: day string 1-31 :year_str: year string if < 20 add "2000" :returns: date object """ month = self.set_date_month(month_str) day = int(day_str) year = int(year_str) if year <= 20: year += 2000 return date(year=year, month=month, day=day)
def update(): if main_list == []: print('FIRST ENTER THE DETAILS !') main_func() '''this function is to update the existing list''' inp = input( 'enter the Id of employee you want to update \n-----------------------------------\n' ) for l in range(0, len(main_list)): if inp != main_list[l][0]: print('No such employee !') main_func() for l in range(0, len(main_list)): if inp == main_list[l][0]: print('ID:', main_list[l][0]) print('Name:', main_list[l][1]) print('DoG:', main_list[l][2]) print('Salary:', main_list[l][3]) print('--------------------------------') dchoose = input('press 0 for update the date else press1') '''this input will differentiate the date from other parameters''' if dchoose == '0': print('Enter date of joining') day = int(input('Enter a day')) month = int(input('Enter a month')) year = int(input('Enter a year')) b = date(year, month, day) main_list[l][2] = b print('Update Done..\n--------------------------------------------') print('ID:', main_list[l][0]) print('Name:', main_list[l][1]) print('DoG:', main_list[l][2]) print('Salary:', main_list[l][3]) print('--------------------------------') elif dchoose == '1': up = input('enter the parameter to change:') for m in range(0, len(main_list)): for n in range(0, 4): if up == main_list[m][n]: new_value = input('enter new parameter:') main_list[m][n] = new_value print( 'Update Done..\n--------------------------------------------' ) print('ID:', main_list[m][0]) print('Name:', main_list[m][1]) print('DoG:', main_list[m][2]) print('Salary:', main_list[m][3]) print('--------------------------------') main_func()
def read_labels_to_dict(self, label_file_path): with open(label_file_path, 'r') as in_fd: reader = csv.DictReader(in_fd, delimiter='\t') #col_names = reader.fieldnames col_names = [ 'Observation Row', 'Begin Time', 'Location', 'start_call_24hr_clock', 'is_night' ] writer = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, col_names, delimiter='\t') # Col header: sys.stdout.write('\t'.join(writer.fieldnames) + '\n') row_num = 0 for row in reader: row_num += 1 begin_time_secs = row['Begin Time (s)'] # Get location date from nn01_20190320_....txt label_loc = row['Begin File'].split('_')[0] label_date = row['Begin File'].split('_')[1] if is None: raise ValueError( f"Could not extract date from row {row_num}'s begin-file." ) # Get a date obj from the date: label_date_obj = date(int(label_date[0:4]), int(label_date[4:6]), int(label_date[6:8])) # Get begin time as seconds since midnight e.g.: 2543.4433 begin_time_secs = float(row['Begin Time (s)']) row['is_night'] = 1 if (begin_time_secs <= DayNightCounter.NIGHT_END_SECS or begin_time_secs >= DayNightCounter.NIGHT_START_SECS) \ else 0 start_time_24 = f"{label_date_obj} {math.floor(begin_time_secs / 3600)}:" +\ f"{math.floor((begin_time_secs % 3600) / 60)}:" +\ f"{math.floor((begin_time_secs % 3600) % 60)}" #row['start_call_24hr_clock'] = start_time_24 #row['rounded_time'] = str(round(begin_time_secs / 3600)) + ':00hrs' row_extract_values = [ row_num, begin_time_secs, label_loc, start_time_24, row['is_night'] ] row_extract = OrderedDict(zip(col_names, row_extract_values)) writer.writerow(row_extract)
def send_conflict_notification(request, persons: QuerySet): connection = mail.get_connection() today = last_year = date(year=today.year - 1, month=12, day=31) # Manually open the connection messages = [] for p in persons: if not p.eligibile_onlyOneClub(): club_memberships: List[ PersonToClubMembership] = p.get_current_clubmemberships() for m in club_memberships: club_admins = User.objects.filter( groups__name=f"club_admin_{}") club_memberships: List[ PersonToClubMembership] = p.get_current_clubmemberships() templates = (loader.get_template( "mails/nationals_conflict/send_conflict_notification_club_admin.j2" ), ) context = { "person": p, "club_memberships": club_memberships, "affected_club_membership": m, "last_year": last_year, "request": request, } for admin in club_admins: context["recepient"] = admin msg = mail.EmailMessage( subject= f"Konflikt bei der Vereinsmeldung von {p.firstname} {p.lastname}", body=templates[0].render(context), to=[], from_email="*****@*****.**", connection=connection, ) msg.content_subtype = "html" messages.append(msg) # Send the two emails in a single call - connection.send_messages(messages) # The connection was already open so send_messages() doesn't close it. # We need to manually close the connection. connection.close()
def entering_input(count): '''this is to enter new employee details''' for j in range(0, count): a = [] for i in range(0, 4): if i == 0: b = input("Enter employee id") elif i == 1: b = input('Enter employee name') elif i == 2: print('Enter date of joining') day = int(input('Enter a day')) month = int(input('Enter a month')) year = int(input('Enter a year')) b = date(year, month, day) elif i == 3: b = input('enter the salary/annum(!Digits Only)') a.append(b) print('the given list is', a) main_list.append(a) print('----------------------------------------------') main_func()
import time import _datetime #a=time.ctime() #print(time.time()) #print(time.ctime(1595290192.9759343)) #print(time.gmtime()) #print(time.asctime()) #print(time.localtime()) #help(time.strftime) #print(time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) #b="20 August 2020" #print(time.strptime(b,"%d%B%Y")) '''print(_datetime.datetime(2020,8,21,12,30,50,757)) print( print( print( print(''' print(, 7, 5)) print(_datetime.time(12, 3, 23)) c = _datetime.timedelta(days=20, hours=12, minutes=25, seconds=51) d = _datetime.timedelta(days=30, hours=3, minutes=40, seconds=25) e = c - d print(e)
def get_all_dates(self, month, year): start_date = date(int(year), int(month), 1) end_date = date(int(year), int(month) + 1, 1) return np.arange(start_date, end_date)
from _datetime import datetime, date d1 = input('Введите дату в формате ГГГГ,М,Д :') d1 = d1.split(',') d1 = date(int(d1[0]), int(d1[1]), int(d1[2])) d2 = input('Введите дату в формате ГГГГ,М,Д :') d2 = d2.split(',') d2 = date(int(d2[0]), int(d2[1]), int(d2[2])) q_day = ((d2 - d1).days) d1w = datetime.weekday(d1) work_day = [] for i in range(q_day + 1): if d1w < 5: work_day.append(d1w) d1w += 1 elif d1w > 5: d1w = 0 else: d1w += 1 print('Количество рабочих дней ' + str(len(work_day)))
def validate_date_naklad(value): if value > raise ValidationError('Нельзя указать дату накладной больше сегодняшней') elif value < date(1970, 1, 1): raise ValidationError('Дата накладной должна быть старше 1 января 1970')
def action_move_create(self): if not raise ValidationError(_("Field name is not defined")) if not self.deferred_amount_id: raise ValidationError(_("Field Deferred revenue amount is not defined")) if not self.expense_account_id: raise ValidationError(_("Field Revenue amount is not defined")) if not self.journal_id: raise ValidationError(_("Field Journal is not defined")) depreciation_move_list=[] self.env['account.move'].search([('accrual_account_revenue_id', '=',]).unlink() if self.residual_amount > 0: price_value = (self.residual_amount)/self.number_recognition number = 1 rec_number = self.number_recognition if self.prorata_temporis and self.prorata_date: rec_number += 1 number = 0 if self.period == "months": last_day = int(self.compute_last_day(self.prorata_date).strftime("%d")) crnt_day= int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%d")) percnt = (crnt_day-1)*100/last_day elif self.period == "years": year = int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%Y")) total_days = int(date(year, 12, 31).strftime("%j")) crnt_day = int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%j")) percnt = (crnt_day)*100/total_days last_price = round((price_value*percnt)/100,2) first_price = price_value - last_price # setting dates for account move ``````````````` date_list =[] if self.period == "months": date_list = [self.compute_last_day(self.first_recognition_date + relativedelta(months=x)) for x in range(rec_number)] if self.period == "years": date_list = [self.first_recognition_date + relativedelta(years=x) for x in range(rec_number)] cumulative_value = 0.0 for rec_date in date_list: iml = [] name = or '' name = name+"("+str(number)+"/"+str(self.number_recognition)+")" calculated_price = price_value if number == 0: name ="(prorata entry)" calculated_price = first_price elif number == self.number_recognition and self.prorata_temporis: calculated_price = last_price number +=1 if calculated_price >= 0.005: cumulative_value += calculated_price iml.append({ 'type': 'entry', 'name':, 'price': calculated_price, 'account_id':, 'date_maturity': rec_date, 'amount_currency': False, 'debit': calculated_price, 'credit':0.0, 'currency_id': False, 'selfoice_id': }) iml.append({ 'type': 'entry', 'name':, 'price': calculated_price, 'account_id':, 'date_maturity': rec_date, 'amount_currency': False, 'debit': 0.0, 'credit':calculated_price, 'currency_id': False, 'selfoice_id': }) line = [(0, 0, l) for l in iml] acc_move = { 'type': 'entry', 'ref': name, 'date': rec_date, 'amount_total' : calculated_price, 'asset_depreciated_value': cumulative_value, 'asset_remaining_value':self.residual_amount - cumulative_value, 'journal_id':, 'line_ids': line, } depreciation_move_list.append((0, False,acc_move)) self.depreciation_move_ids = depreciation_move_list return True # # class AccountMove(models.Model): # _inherit = 'account.move' # # accrual_account_id = fields.Many2one('accrual.revenue.accounting',"Accrual account") # amount_total = fields.Float("Expense") # asset_depreciated_value = fields.Float("Cumulative Revenue") # asset_remaining_value = fields.Float("Next Period Expense") # auto_post = fields.Boolean('Post Automatically') # # def run_post_account_move(self): # for rec in[]): # if rec.auto_post: # if == # self.action_post() # # @api.multi # def action_post(self): # record = super(AccountMove, self).action_post() # # print("ssssssssss",self.accrual_account_id.residual_amount) # if self.accrual_account_id: # residual = self.accrual_account_id.residual_amount - self.amount_total # self.accrual_account_id.write({'residual_amnt_calculate': residual}) # print("ssssssssss",self.accrual_account_id.residual_amount,residual,self.amount_total) # # print("ssssssssss",self.accrual_account_idq) # return record # # value = fields.Integer() # value2 = fields.Float(compute="_value_pc", store=True) # description = fields.Text() # # @api.depends('value') # def _value_pc(self): # self.value2 = float(self.value) / 100
def compute_last_day(self, aquisition_date): year = aquisition_date.strftime("%Y") month = aquisition_date.strftime("%m") day = calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1] last_date = date(int(year), int(month), int(day)) return last_date
def loadinfo(folderPath): CSXMOVES = load_workbook(folderPath) activeSheet = CSXMOVES['CSX MOVES'] driverSheet = CSXMOVES['Drivers'] rateSheet = CSXMOVES['Rates'] colorSheet = CSXMOVES['COLOUR KEY'] drivers = [] #RGB 173,216,230 # activeColor = RGB("add8e6") # print('aaa') # print(colorSheet.max_row) colors = ["", "", "", "", "", ""] for xRow in colorSheet.rows: for xCell in xRow: if xCell.value == "MONDAY": colors[0] = xCell.fill break elif xCell.value == "TUESDAY": colors[1] = xCell.fill break elif xCell.value == "WEDNESDAY": colors[2] = xCell.fill break elif xCell.value == "THURSDAY": colors[3] = xCell.fill break elif xCell.value == "FRIDAY": colors[4] = xCell.fill break elif xCell.value == "SATURDAY": colors[5] = xCell.fill break dayOfTheWeek = [-1] startAt = [""] top = Tk() L1 = Label( top, text= "Please select which driver to start at (optional) \n as well as which day of the week to run on \n " ) L1.config(font=("Courier", 16)) L1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=6) L2 = Label(top, text="Start at driver #:") L2.config(font=("Courier", 10)) L2.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2) E1 = Entry(top, bd=5, width=39) E1.grid(row=1, column=2, columnspan=2) L3 = Label(top, text="OR") L3.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2) L3.config(font=("Courier", 20)) top.lift() top.attributes('-topmost', True) top.after_idle(top.attributes, '-topmost', False) def callbackDay(day): startAt[0] = E1.get().strip() dayOfTheWeek[0] = day top.destroy() MyButton5 = Button(top, text="MONDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(0)) MyButton5.grid(row=4, column=0) MyButton5.config(font=("Courier", 16)) MyButton6 = Button(top, text="TUESDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(1)) MyButton6.grid(row=4, column=1) MyButton6.config(font=("Courier", 16)) MyButton7 = Button(top, text="WEDNESDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(2)) MyButton7.grid(row=4, column=2) MyButton7.config(font=("Courier", 16)) MyButton8 = Button(top, text="THURSDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(3)) MyButton8.grid(row=4, column=3) MyButton8.config(font=("Courier", 16)) MyButton9 = Button(top, text="FRIDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(4)) MyButton9.grid(row=4, column=4) MyButton9.config(font=("Courier", 16)) MyButton10 = Button(top, text="SATURDAY", command=lambda: callbackDay(5)) MyButton10.grid(row=4, column=5) MyButton10.config(font=("Courier", 16)) w = 900 # width for the Tk root h = 260 # height for the Tk root # get screen width and height ws = top.winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen hs = top.winfo_screenheight() # height of the screen # calculate x and y coordinates for the Tk root window x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) # set the dimensions of the screen # and where it is placed top.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) top.mainloop() todaysFill = colors[dayOfTheWeek[0]] year = folderPath.split("\\")[-2] week = folderPath.split("\\")[-1].split(" ")[3] pickupDate = date(int(year), 1, 1) oneDay = timedelta(1) oneWeek = timedelta(7) while pickupDate.weekday() != 0: pickupDate = pickupDate + oneDay pickupDate = pickupDate + (int(week) - 1) * oneWeek pickupDate = pickupDate + (dayOfTheWeek[0]) * oneDay containerNumberCol = "" containerNumber2Col = "" parsCol = "" pars2Col = "" driverCol = "" notesCol = "" notes2Col = "" for cell in next(activeSheet.rows): if cell.value == "PB": parsCol = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "Container": containerNumberCol = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "EX BP": notesCol = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "NOTES": notes2Col = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "DRIVER": driverCol = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "Container IMPORT": containerNumber2Col = cell.col_idx - 1 elif cell.value == "IM BP": pars2Col = cell.col_idx - 1 rates = [] matchWords = [ "Owner Operator", "Owner Operator BAREFRAME", "Owner Operator 2 containers roundtrip", "Owner Operator 3 containers roundtrip", "Owner Operator 4 containers roundtrip", "Owner Operator Round trip 5/6 containers", "Company Driver", "Company Driver BAREFRAME", "Company Driver Round trip 2 Containers", "Company Driver Round trip 3 Containers", "Company Driver Round trip 4 Containers", "Company Driver Round trip +4 CONTAINERS", "Sunrise Stop-off (x3)" ] match = 0 for row in rateSheet: for cell in row: if str(cell.value) == matchWords[match] or ( matchWords[match] == "Company Driver Round trip 5/6 containers" and str(cell.value) == "Company Driver Round trip +4 CONTAINERS"): rates.append(str(row[cell.col_idx + 1].value)) match += 1 break print(rates) startFound = False if startAt[0] != "": for row in activeSheet.rows: if row[0].fill.fgColor == todaysFill.fgColor: print(row[0].row) if (not row[driverCol].value == None) and ( not row[driverCol].value == "") and row[0].row > 2 and (not startFound) and str( row[driverCol].value) == startAt[0]: startFound = True if startFound: if (not row[driverCol].value == None) and ( not row[driverCol].value == "") and row[0].row > 2: driver1 = None driver2 = None if not "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumberCol].value: driver1 = Driver() driver1.driver = str(row[driverCol].value).strip() if not "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumber2Col].value: driver2 = Driver() driver2.driver = str(row[driverCol].value).strip() numberOfMoves = 0 currentRow = row[0].row # print(currentRow) for i in range(-2, 3): # print(i) if not i == 0: # print("here") # print(str(activeSheet[currentRow+i][driverCol].value)) if str(activeSheet[currentRow + i][driverCol].value) == str( row[driverCol].value): # print(activeSheet[containerNumberCol][currentRow+i].value) # print(activeSheet[containerNumber2Col][currentRow+i].value) if "BAREFRAME" in str( activeSheet[currentRow + i][containerNumberCol]. value) or "BAREFRAME" in str( activeSheet[currentRow + i] [containerNumber2Col].value): numberOfMoves += 1 # print("+1") else: # print("+2") numberOfMoves += 2 if numberOfMoves > 0: if "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value or "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves += 1 else: numberOfMoves += 2 # print(numberOfMoves) if numberOfMoves == 6: numberOfMoves = 5 if driver1 != None: driver1.PARS = str(row[parsCol].value) if "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumber2Col].value: driver1.bareframe = True numberOfMoves1 = numberOfMoves numberOfMoves2 = numberOfMoves + 6 if driver1.driver[:3] == "801": if numberOfMoves1 == 0 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value: numberOfMoves1 += 1 driver1.payout = rates[numberOfMoves1] else: if numberOfMoves2 == 6 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value: numberOfMoves2 += 1 driver1.payout = rates[numberOfMoves2] if len(driver1.driver) < 6: prefix = "801" while len(prefix) + len(driver1.driver) < 6: prefix += "0" driver1.driver = prefix + driver1.driver driver1.containerNumber = str( row[containerNumberCol].value).strip() if row[notesCol].value == "SUNRISE METALS": driver1.sunrise = True drivers.append(driver1) if driver2 != None: driver2.PARS = str(row[pars2Col].value) if "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumberCol].value: driver2.bareframe = True numberOfMoves1 = numberOfMoves numberOfMoves2 = numberOfMoves + 6 if driver2.driver[:3] == "801": if numberOfMoves1 == 0 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves1 += 1 driver2.payout = rates[numberOfMoves1] else: if numberOfMoves2 == 6 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves2 += 1 driver2.payout = rates[numberOfMoves2] if len(driver2.driver) < 6: prefix = "801" while len(prefix) + len(driver2.driver) < 6: prefix += "0" driver2.driver = prefix + driver2.driver driver2.containerNumber = str( row[containerNumber2Col].value).strip() if row[notes2Col].value == "SUNRISE METALS": driver2.sunrise = True drivers.append(driver2) else: for row in activeSheet.rows: if row[0].fill.fgColor == todaysFill.fgColor: print(row[0].row) if (not row[driverCol].value == None) and ( not row[driverCol].value == "") and row[0].row > 2: driver1 = None driver2 = None if not "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumberCol].value: driver1 = Driver() driver1.driver = str(row[driverCol].value).strip() if not "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumber2Col].value: driver2 = Driver() driver2.driver = str(row[driverCol].value).strip() numberOfMoves = 0 currentRow = row[0].row # print(currentRow) for i in range(-2, 3): # print(i) if not i == 0: # print("here") # print(str(activeSheet[currentRow+i][driverCol].value)) if str(activeSheet[currentRow + i][driverCol].value) == str( row[driverCol].value): # print(activeSheet[containerNumberCol][currentRow+i].value) # print(activeSheet[containerNumber2Col][currentRow+i].value) if "BAREFRAME" in str( activeSheet[currentRow + i][containerNumberCol]. value) or "BAREFRAME" in str( activeSheet[currentRow + i] [containerNumber2Col].value): numberOfMoves += 1 # print("+1") else: # print("+2") numberOfMoves += 2 if numberOfMoves > 0: if "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value or "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves += 1 else: numberOfMoves += 2 # print(numberOfMoves) if numberOfMoves == 6: numberOfMoves = 5 if driver1 != None: driver1.PARS = str(row[parsCol].value) if "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumber2Col].value: driver1.bareframe = True numberOfMoves1 = numberOfMoves numberOfMoves2 = numberOfMoves + 6 if driver1.driver[:3] == "801": if numberOfMoves1 == 0 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value: numberOfMoves1 += 1 driver1.payout = rates[numberOfMoves1] else: if numberOfMoves2 == 6 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumber2Col].value: numberOfMoves2 += 1 driver1.payout = rates[numberOfMoves2] if len(driver1.driver) < 6: prefix = "801" while len(prefix) + len(driver1.driver) < 6: prefix += "0" driver1.driver = prefix + driver1.driver driver1.containerNumber = str( row[containerNumberCol].value).strip() if row[notesCol].value == "SUNRISE METALS": driver1.sunrise = True drivers.append(driver1) if driver2 != None: driver2.PARS = str(row[pars2Col].value) if "BAREFRAME" in row[containerNumberCol].value: driver2.bareframe = True numberOfMoves1 = numberOfMoves numberOfMoves2 = numberOfMoves + 6 if driver2.driver[:3] == "801": if numberOfMoves1 == 0 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves1 += 1 driver2.payout = rates[numberOfMoves1] else: if numberOfMoves2 == 6 and "BAREFRAME" in row[ containerNumberCol].value: numberOfMoves2 += 1 # print(numberOfMoves2) # print(driver2.containerNumber) driver2.payout = rates[numberOfMoves2] if len(driver2.driver) < 6: prefix = "801" while len(prefix) + len(driver2.driver) < 6: prefix += "0" driver2.driver = prefix + driver2.driver driver2.containerNumber = str( row[containerNumber2Col].value).strip() if row[notes2Col].value == "SUNRISE METALS": driver2.sunrise = True drivers.append(driver2) nameDict = {} for row in driverSheet: if not row[0].value == None: nameDict[str(row[0].value)] = str(row[2].value) # driverNameSorted = list(nameDict.keys()) # driverNameSorted.sort() # print(driverNameSorted) noName = "" noNameCount = 1 noPARS = "" noPARSCount = 1 badDate = "" badDateCount = 1 for driver in drivers: if not str(driver.driver)[:3] == "801": # print( if not driver.driver in nameDict: noNameCount = noNameCount + 1 if noNameCount % 6 == 0: noName += "\n" noName += str(driver.driver) + ", " if driver.PARS == None or driver.PARS == "" or len(driver.PARS) < 6: noPARS += str(driver.containerNumber) + ", " noPARSCount += 1 if noPARSCount % 4 == 0: noPARS += "\n" try: pickupDate.month pickupDate.year # # driver.pickupDate.month # driver.pickupDate.year except: badDate += str(driver.containerNumber) + ", " badDateCount += 1 if badDateCount % 4 == 0: badDate += "\n" # if not driver.pickupDate: # if driver.PARS==None or driver.PARS=="": # noPARS += str(driver.containerNumber) + ", " # noPARSCount+=1 # if noPARSCount%4==0: # noPARS += "\n" if not noName == "": top = Tk() L1 = Label() L1 = Label( top, text="No driver name for \"" + noName + "\". \nPlease fill out the driver columns and start again. \nAlso ensure that the \"Drivers\" tab is filled out" ) L1.config(font=("Courier", 16)) L1.grid(row=0, column=0) def callbackOK(): sys.exit() top.destroy() MyButton = Button(top, text="OK", command=callbackOK, width=40) MyButton.grid(row=1, column=0) w = 750 # width for the Tk root h = 300 # height for the Tk root ws = top.winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen hs = top.winfo_screenheight() # height of the screen x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) top.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) top.mainloop() if not noPARS == "": top = Tk() L1 = Label() L1 = Label(top, text="Invalid PARS for \"" + noPARS + "\". \nPlease fill out the PARS column and start again.") L1.config(font=("Courier", 16)) L1.grid(row=0, column=0) def callbackOK(): sys.exit() top.destroy() MyButton = Button(top, text="OK", command=callbackOK, width=40) MyButton.grid(row=1, column=0) w = 700 # width for the Tk root h = 300 # height for the Tk root ws = top.winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen hs = top.winfo_screenheight() # height of the screen x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) top.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) top.mainloop() if not badDate == "": top = Tk() L1 = Label() L1 = Label( top, text= "Invalid date. Make sure the spreadsheet is named\n\"Word Word Week X ...\"\n and is in a folder named the year" ) L1.config(font=("Courier", 16)) L1.grid(row=0, column=0) def callbackOK(): sys.exit() top.destroy() MyButton = Button(top, text="OK", command=callbackOK, width=40) MyButton.grid(row=1, column=0) w = 700 # width for the Tk root h = 300 # height for the Tk root ws = top.winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen hs = top.winfo_screenheight() # height of the screen x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) top.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) top.mainloop() for driver in drivers: if not str(driver.driver)[:3] == "801": = nameDict[driver.driver] return drivers, pickupDate, rates[-1]
from _datetime import date import calendar testInput = input() testInput = testInput.split() day = int(testInput[0]) month = int(testInput[1]) myDate = date(2009, month, day) print(calendar.day_name[myDate.weekday()])
def count_days_mounth(self, month, year): start_date = date(int(year), int(month), 1) end_date = date(int(year), int(month) + 1, 1) return np.busday_count(start_date, end_date)
return self._init_assignments Names = [ 'Mihai', 'Paul', 'Iustin', 'Falviu', 'Sergiu', 'Tudor', 'Marcel', 'Ion', 'Tudose', 'Nimeni' ] Groups = [911, 901, 912, 913, 911, 901, 911, 913, 916, 913] Descriptions = [ 'Game with pirates', 'Calculator with sinus', 'Andorid game', 'Calendar', 'IOS game', 'Python app', 'Game with barbie', 'IOS plane game', 'Assignment 06-08', 'Games' ] Deadlines = [ date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1), date(2019, 12, 1) ] stud_list = InitializeStudents(Names, Groups) stud_list.generate() assignments_list = InitializeAssignments(Descriptions, Deadlines)
def action_move_create(self): if not raise ValidationError(_("Field name is not defined")) if not self.deferred_amount_id: raise ValidationError( _("Field Deferred expense amount is not defined")) if not self.expense_account_id: raise ValidationError(_("Field Expense amount is not defined")) if not self.journal_id: raise ValidationError(_("Field Journal is not defined")) depreciation_move_list = [] self.env['account.move'].search([('accrual_account_expense_id', '=',]).unlink() if self.residual_amount > 0: price_value = (self.residual_amount) / self.number_recognition number = 1 rec_number = self.number_recognition if self.prorata_temporis and self.prorata_date: rec_number += 1 number = 0 if self.period == "months": last_day = int( self.compute_last_day( self.prorata_date).strftime("%d")) crnt_day = int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%d")) percnt = (crnt_day - 1) * 100 / last_day elif self.period == "years": year = int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%Y")) total_days = int(date(year, 12, 31).strftime("%j")) crnt_day = int(self.prorata_date.strftime("%j")) percnt = (crnt_day) * 100 / total_days last_price = round((price_value * percnt) / 100, 2) first_price = price_value - last_price # setting dates for account move ``````````````` date_list = [] if self.period == "months": date_list = [ self.compute_last_day(self.first_recognition_date + relativedelta(months=x)) for x in range(rec_number) ] if self.period == "years": date_list = [ self.first_recognition_date + relativedelta(years=x) for x in range(rec_number) ] cumulative_value = 0.0 for rec_date in date_list: iml = [] name = or '' name = name + "(" + str(number) + "/" + str( self.number_recognition) + ")" calculated_price = price_value if number == 0: name = + "(prorata entry)" calculated_price = first_price elif number == self.number_recognition and self.prorata_temporis: calculated_price = last_price number += 1 if calculated_price >= 0.005: cumulative_value += calculated_price iml.append({ 'type': 'entry', 'name':, 'price': calculated_price, 'account_id':, 'date_maturity': rec_date, 'amount_currency': False, 'debit': calculated_price, 'credit': 0.0, 'currency_id': False, 'selfoice_id': }) iml.append({ 'type': 'entry', 'name':, 'price': calculated_price, 'account_id':, 'date_maturity': rec_date, 'amount_currency': False, 'debit': 0.0, 'credit': calculated_price, 'currency_id': False, 'selfoice_id': }) line = [(0, 0, l) for l in iml] acc_move = { 'type': 'entry', 'ref': name, 'date': rec_date, 'amount_total': calculated_price, 'asset_depreciated_value': cumulative_value, 'asset_remaining_value': self.residual_amount - cumulative_value, 'journal_id':, 'line_ids': line, } depreciation_move_list.append((0, False, acc_move)) self.depreciation_move_ids = depreciation_move_list return True
def create_assignment(assignment_id, description, deadline): deadline = str(deadline) deadline = deadline.split('-') return Assignment( int(assignment_id), description, date(int(deadline[0]), int(deadline[1]), int(deadline[2])))
from _datetime import datetime, date date1 = input('Ввведите дату начала в формате гггг мм дд:') date1 = date1.split(' ') date1 = date(int(date1[0]), int(date1[1]), int(date1[2])) date2 = input('Ввведите дату окончания в формате гггг мм дд:') date2 = date2.split(' ') date2 = date(int(date2[0]), int(date2[1]), int(date2[2])) difference = ((date2 - date1).days) weekday = datetime.weekday(date1) working_day = [] for i in range(difference + 1): if weekday < 5: working_day.append(weekday) weekday += 1 elif weekday > 5: weekday = 0 else: weekday += 1 print('Количесво рабочих денй за период ' + str(len(working_day)))
import datetime import threading import json import codecs from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from yahoo_finance import Share import urllib from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input from tkinter import Label, Entry, Frame from tkinter.constants import INSERT from time import sleep, gmtime from _datetime import date import time print(time.strftime("%H")) print(time.strftime("%Y")) print(time.strftime("%m")) print(time.strftime("%d")) print(date(int(time.strftime("%Y")), int(time.strftime("%m")), 21).isoweekday()) while(True): url="" FeatureIntTimeResponse = requests.get(url) FeatureInfo=json.loads(FeatureIntTimeResponse.text) Stage=float(FeatureInfo['msgArray'][0]['h'])-float(FeatureInfo['msgArray'][0]['l']) PowerStage = int(float(FeatureInfo['msgArray'][0]['z'])+float(Stage*0.618)) WeakStage = int(float(FeatureInfo['msgArray'][0]['z'])+float(Stage*0.382)) print("若關"+WeakStage.__str__()) print("強關"+PowerStage.__str__()) print(FeatureInfo['msgArray'][0]['z']) sleep(5)