コード例 #1
ファイル: _unification.py プロジェクト: ezhangle/tmppy
def _process_var_expr_equation(lhs: Union[str, ListExpansion],
                               rhs_list: List[_NonListExpr],
                               context: _UnificationContext):
    if len(rhs_list) == 1:
        [rhs] = rhs_list
        if isinstance(lhs, str) and isinstance(rhs, str) and lhs == rhs:

        if (isinstance(lhs, ListExpansion) and isinstance(rhs, ListExpansion)
                and isinstance(lhs.expr, str) and isinstance(rhs.expr, str)
                and lhs.expr == rhs.expr):

    if isinstance(lhs, str) and lhs in context.var_expr_equations:
            ([context.var_expr_equations[lhs]], rhs_list))

    if isinstance(lhs, str) and lhs in context.context_var_expr_equations:
            ([context.context_var_expr_equations[lhs]], rhs_list))

    if isinstance(
            ListExpansion) and lhs.expr in context.expanded_var_expr_equations:
            (context.expanded_var_expr_equations[lhs.expr], rhs_list))

    assert not (isinstance(lhs, ListExpansion)
                and lhs.expr in context.context_var_expr_equations)

    if len(rhs_list) == 1 and isinstance(rhs_list[0], str):
        if rhs_list[0] in context.var_expr_equations:
                ([lhs], [context.var_expr_equations[rhs_list[0]]]))
        if rhs_list[0] in context.context_var_expr_equations:
                ([lhs], [context.context_var_expr_equations[rhs_list[0]]]))

    if len(rhs_list) == 1 and isinstance(
            rhs_list[0], ListExpansion) and isinstance(rhs_list[0].expr, str):
        if rhs_list[0].expr in context.expanded_var_expr_equations:
                ([lhs], context.expanded_var_expr_equations[rhs_list[0].expr]))
        assert rhs_list[0].expr not in context.context_var_expr_equations

    if len(rhs_list) != 1 and not isinstance(lhs, ListExpansion) and not any(
            isinstance(expr, ListExpansion) for expr in rhs_list):
        # Different number of args and no list expansion to consider.
        strategy = context.strategy
        if context.expanded_non_syntactically_comparable_expr:
            raise UnificationAmbiguousException(
                'Found expr lists of different lengths with no list exprs: %s vs %s\nAfter expanding a non-syntactically-comparable expr:\n%s'
                % (exprs_to_string(strategy,
                                   [lhs]), exprs_to_string(strategy, rhs_list),
            raise UnificationFailedException(
                'Found expr lists of different lengths with no list exprs: %s vs %s'
                % (exprs_to_string(
                    strategy, [lhs]), exprs_to_string(strategy, rhs_list)))

    if isinstance(lhs, str):
        for rhs in rhs_list:
            _occurence_check(lhs, rhs, context)
        [rhs] = rhs_list
        context.var_expr_equations[lhs] = rhs
        assert isinstance(lhs, ListExpansion)
        for rhs in rhs_list:
            _occurence_check(lhs.expr, rhs, context)
        if len(rhs_list) == 1 and isinstance(rhs_list[0], ListExpansion):
            context.var_expr_equations[lhs.expr] = rhs_list[0].expr
            context.expanded_var_expr_equations[lhs.expr] = rhs_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: _unification.py プロジェクト: ezhangle/tmppy
def _process_list_list_equation(lhs_list: List[_NonListExpr],
                                rhs_list: List[_NonListExpr],
                                context: _UnificationContext):
    if not (len(lhs_list) == 1 and (isinstance(lhs_list[0], str) or
                                    (isinstance(lhs_list[0], ListExpansion)
                                     and isinstance(lhs_list[0].expr, str)))):
        lhs_list, rhs_list = rhs_list, lhs_list

    if len(lhs_list) == 1 and (isinstance(lhs_list[0], str) or
                               (isinstance(lhs_list[0], ListExpansion)
                                and isinstance(lhs_list[0].expr, str))):
        [lhs] = lhs_list
        _process_var_expr_equation(lhs, rhs_list, context)

    if len(lhs_list) == 1 and len(rhs_list) == 1 and not isinstance(
            lhs_list[0], ListExpansion) and not isinstance(
                rhs_list[0], ListExpansion):
        [lhs] = lhs_list
        [rhs] = rhs_list
        assert not isinstance(lhs, str)
        assert not isinstance(rhs, str)
        _process_term_term_equation(lhs, rhs, context)

    removed_something = False

    while (lhs_list and rhs_list and
           ((not isinstance(lhs_list[0], ListExpansion)
             and not isinstance(rhs_list[0], ListExpansion)) or
            (isinstance(lhs_list[0], ListExpansion)
             and isinstance(rhs_list[0], ListExpansion) and isinstance(
                 lhs_list[0].expr, str) and isinstance(rhs_list[0].expr, str)
             and lhs_list[0].expr == rhs_list[0].expr))):
        # We can match the first element.
        context.expr_expr_equations.append(([lhs_list[0]], [rhs_list[0]]))
        lhs_list = lhs_list[1:]
        rhs_list = rhs_list[1:]
        removed_something = True

    while (lhs_list and rhs_list
           and ((not isinstance(lhs_list[-1], ListExpansion)
                 and not isinstance(rhs_list[-1], ListExpansion)) or
                (isinstance(lhs_list[-1], ListExpansion)
                 and isinstance(rhs_list[-1], ListExpansion)
                 and isinstance(lhs_list[-1].expr, str)
                 and isinstance(rhs_list[-1].expr, str)
                 and lhs_list[-1].expr == rhs_list[-1].expr))):
        # We can match the last element.
        context.expr_expr_equations.append(([lhs_list[-1]], [rhs_list[-1]]))
        lhs_list = lhs_list[:-1]
        rhs_list = rhs_list[:-1]
        removed_something = True

    if not lhs_list and not rhs_list:
        # We already matched everything.

    strategy = context.strategy
    if not any(isinstance(lhs, ListExpansion)
               for lhs in lhs_list) \
            and not any(isinstance(rhs, ListExpansion)
                        for rhs in rhs_list):
        # There are no list expansions but one of the two sides still has unmatched elems.
        if context.expanded_non_syntactically_comparable_expr:
            raise UnificationAmbiguousException(
                'Deduced %s = %s, which differ in length and have no list vars\nAfter expanding a non-syntactically-comparable expr:\n%s'
                % (exprs_to_string(
                    strategy, lhs_list), exprs_to_string(strategy, rhs_list),
            raise UnificationFailedException(
                'Deduced %s = %s, which differ in length and have no list vars'
                % (exprs_to_string(
                    strategy, lhs_list), exprs_to_string(strategy, rhs_list)))

    if removed_something:
        # We put back the trimmed lists and re-process them from the start (we might have a var-expr or term-term
        # equation now).
        context.expr_expr_equations.append((lhs_list, rhs_list))

    if not rhs_list:
        rhs_list, lhs_list = lhs_list, rhs_list

    if not lhs_list:
        for arg in rhs_list:
            if isinstance(arg, ListExpansion) and isinstance(arg.expr, str):
                # If we always pick this branch in the loop, it's an equality of the form:
                # [] = [*l1, ... *ln]
                context.expr_expr_equations.append(([arg], []))
                if context.expanded_non_syntactically_comparable_expr:
                    raise UnificationAmbiguousException()
                    raise UnificationFailedException()

    # E.g. in these cases:
    # ['x', 'y', *l1] = [*l2, 'z']
    # [*l1, *l2] = [*l3, *l4]
    # ['x', *l1] = [*l2, *l3]
    raise UnificationAmbiguousException('Deduced %s = %s' % (exprs_to_string(
        strategy, lhs_list), exprs_to_string(strategy, rhs_list)))
コード例 #3
def canonicalize(var_expr_equations: Dict[str, _NonListExpr],
                 expanded_var_expr_equations: Dict[str, List[_NonListExpr]],
                 strategy: UnificationStrategyForCanonicalization[TermT]) -> List[Tuple[Union[str, ListExpansion[TermT]],
    if not var_expr_equations and not expanded_var_expr_equations:
        return []

    var_expr_equations = var_expr_equations.copy()
    expanded_var_expr_equations = expanded_var_expr_equations.copy()

    # A graph that has all variables on the LHS of equations as nodes and an edge var1->var2 if we have the equation
    # var1=expr and var2 appears in expr.
    vars_dependency_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    for lhs, rhs in var_expr_equations.items():
        for var in _get_free_variables(rhs, strategy):
            vars_dependency_graph.add_edge(lhs, var)
        if isinstance(rhs, str):
            # This is a var-var equation. We also add an edge for the flipped equation.
            # That's going to cause a cycle, but we'll deal with the cycle below once we know if any other vars are
            # part of the cycle.
            vars_dependency_graph.add_edge(rhs, lhs)
    for lhs, rhs_list in expanded_var_expr_equations.items():
        for rhs_expr in rhs_list:
            for var in _get_free_variables(rhs_expr, strategy):
                vars_dependency_graph.add_edge(lhs, var)
        if len(rhs_list) == 1 and isinstance(rhs_list[0], ListExpansion) and isinstance(rhs_list[0].expr, str):
            # This is a var-var equation. We also add an edge for the flipped equation.
            # That's going to cause a cycle, but we'll deal with the cycle below once we know if any other vars are
            # part of the cycle.
            vars_dependency_graph.add_edge(rhs_list[0].expr, lhs)

    for vars_in_connected_component in reversed(list(
        vars_in_connected_component = vars_in_connected_component.copy()

        if len(vars_in_connected_component) == 1:
            [var] = vars_in_connected_component
            if var in var_expr_equations:
                # We can't flip the equation for this var since it's a "var=term" or "var=ListExpansion(...)" equation.
                assert not isinstance(var_expr_equations[var], str)
                if not strategy.can_var_be_on_lhs(var):
                    raise CanonicalizationFailedException('Deduced equation that can\'t be flipped with LHS-forbidden var: %s = %s' % (
                        var, expr_to_string(strategy, var_expr_equations[var])))
            elif var in expanded_var_expr_equations:
                # We can't flip the equation for this var since it's a "ListExpansion(var)=var2" or "ListExpansion(var)=term" equation.
                assert not (len(expanded_var_expr_equations[var]) == 1
                            and isinstance(expanded_var_expr_equations[var][0], ListExpansion)
                            and isinstance(expanded_var_expr_equations[var][0].expr, str))
                if not strategy.can_var_be_on_lhs(var):
                    raise CanonicalizationFailedException('Deduced equation that can\'t be flipped with LHS-forbidden var: ListExpansion(%s) = %s' % (
                        var, exprs_to_string(strategy, expanded_var_expr_equations[var])))
                # This var is just part of a larger term in some other equation.
                assert not next(vars_dependency_graph.successors(var), None)
            assert len(vars_in_connected_component) > 1
            # We have a loop.
            # If any expression of the loop is a term with syntactic equality, unification would be impossible because
            # we can deduce var1=expr1 in which expr1 is not just var1 and var1 appears in expr1.
            # But in this case unify() would have failed.
            # If any expression of the loop is a term with non-syntactic equality, the unification is ambiguous.
            for var in vars_in_connected_component:
                if var in var_expr_equations:
                    if not (isinstance(var_expr_equations[var], str) or (isinstance(var_expr_equations[var], ListExpansion)
                                                                         and isinstance(var_expr_equations[var].expr, str))):
                        raise CanonicalizationFailedException()
                if var in expanded_var_expr_equations:
                    if not (len(expanded_var_expr_equations[var]) == 1
                            and (isinstance(expanded_var_expr_equations[var][0], str)
                                 or (isinstance(expanded_var_expr_equations[var][0], ListExpansion)
                                     and isinstance(expanded_var_expr_equations[var][0].expr, str)))):
                        raise CanonicalizationFailedException()

            [is_expanded_var] = {var in expanded_var_expr_equations
                                 for var in vars_in_connected_component
                                 if var in var_expr_equations or var in expanded_var_expr_equations}

            # So here we can assume that all exprs in the loop are variables, i.e. the loop is of the form
            # var1=var2=...=varN. So we have a choice of what var to put on the RHS.
            vars_in_rhs = [var
                           for var in vars_in_connected_component
                           if not strategy.can_var_be_on_lhs(var)]
            if len(vars_in_rhs) == 0:
                # Any var would do. We pick the max just to make this function deterministic.
                rhs_var = max(*vars_in_connected_component)
            elif len(vars_in_rhs) == 1:
                # This is the only one we can pick.
                [rhs_var] = vars_in_rhs
                # We need at least n-1 distinct LHS vars but we don't have enough vars allowed on the LHS.
                raise CanonicalizationFailedException('Found var equality chain that can\'t be canonicalized due to multiple LHS-forbidden vars: %s' % ', '.join(vars_in_rhs))

            # Now we remove all equations defining these vars and the corresponding edges in the graph.
            for var in vars_in_connected_component:
                if var in var_expr_equations:
                    del var_expr_equations[var]
                if var in expanded_var_expr_equations:
                    del expanded_var_expr_equations[var]
                for successor in list(vars_dependency_graph.successors(var)):
                    vars_dependency_graph.remove_edge(var, successor)

            # And finally we add the rearranged equations.
            for var in vars_in_connected_component:
                if var != rhs_var:
                    if is_expanded_var:
                        expanded_var_expr_equations[var] = [ListExpansion(rhs_var)]
                        var_expr_equations[var] = rhs_var
                    vars_dependency_graph.add_edge(var, rhs_var)

    # Invariant:
    # assert not any(key in _get_free_variables(value, strategy)
    #                for key in itertools.chain(canonical_var_expr_equations.keys(), canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations.keys())
    #                for value in itertools.chain(canonical_var_expr_equations.values(), canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations.values()))
    canonical_var_expr_equations: Dict[str, Union[_NonListExpr, List[_NonListExpr]]] = dict()
    canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations: Dict[str, Union[_NonListExpr, List[_NonListExpr]]] = dict()

    for var in reversed(list(nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(vars_dependency_graph))):
        expr = var_expr_equations.get(var)
        if expr is not None:
            expr = strategy.replace_variables_in_expr(expr, canonical_var_expr_equations, canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations)
            canonical_var_expr_equations[var] = expr
            assert var not in expanded_var_expr_equations

        expr_list = expanded_var_expr_equations.get(var)
        if expr_list is not None:
            expr_list = _replace_variables_in_exprs(expr_list, canonical_var_expr_equations, canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations, strategy)
            canonical_expanded_var_expr_equations[var] = expr_list
            assert isinstance(expr_list, list)
            assert var not in var_expr_equations

    return ([(var, expr) for var, expr in canonical_var_expr_equations.items()]
            + [(ListExpansion(var), expr) for var, expr in expanded_var_expr_equations.items()])