コード例 #1
def interrupt_main_thread(main_thread):
    Generates a KeyboardInterrupt in the main thread by sending a Ctrl+C
    or by calling thread.interrupt_main().

    :param main_thread:
        Needed because Jython needs main_thread._thread.interrupt() to be called.

    Note: if unable to send a Ctrl+C, the KeyboardInterrupt will only be raised
    when the next Python instruction is about to be executed (so, it won't interrupt
    a sleep(1000)).
    pydev_log.debug('Interrupt main thread.')
    called = False
        if os.name == 'posix':
            # On Linux we can't interrupt 0 as in Windows because it's
            # actually owned by a process -- on the good side, signals
            # work much better on Linux!
            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
            called = True

        elif os.name == 'nt':
            # This generates a Ctrl+C only for the current process and not
            # to the process group!
            # Note: there doesn't seem to be any public documentation for this
            # function (although it seems to be  present from Windows Server 2003 SP1 onwards
            # according to: https://www.geoffchappell.com/studies/windows/win32/kernel32/api/index.htm)

            # The code below is deprecated because it actually sends a Ctrl+C
            # to the process group, so, if this was a process created without
            # passing `CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP` the  signal may be sent to the
            # parent process and to sub-processes too (which is not ideal --
            # for instance, when using pytest-xdist, it'll actually stop the
            # testing, even when called in the subprocess).

            # if hasattr_checked(signal, 'CTRL_C_EVENT'):
            #     os.kill(0, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
            # else:
            #     # Python 2.6
            #     ctypes.windll.kernel32.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(0, 0)
            called = True

        # If something went wrong, fallback to interrupting when the next
        # Python instruction is being called.
        pydev_log.exception('Error interrupting main thread (using fallback).')

    if not called:
            # In this case, we don't really interrupt a sleep() nor IO operations
            # (this makes the KeyboardInterrupt be sent only when the next Python
            # instruction is about to be executed).
            if hasattr(thread, 'interrupt_main'):
                main_thread._thread.interrupt()  # Jython
            pydev_log.exception('Error on interrupt main thread fallback.')
コード例 #2
    def interrupt(self):
        self.buffer = None  # Also clear the buffer when it's interrupted.
            if self.interruptable:
                called = False
                    # Fix for #PyDev-500: Console interrupt can't interrupt on sleep
                    import os
                    import signal
                    if os.name == 'posix':
                        # On Linux we can't interrupt 0 as in Windows because it's
                        # actually owned by a process -- on the good side, signals
                        # work much better on Linux!
                        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
                        called = True

                    elif os.name == 'nt':
                        # Stupid windows: sending a Ctrl+C to a process given its pid
                        # is absurdly difficult.
                        # There are utilities to make it work such as
                        # http://www.latenighthacking.com/projects/2003/sendSignal/
                        # but fortunately for us, it seems Python does allow a CTRL_C_EVENT
                        # for the current process in Windows if pid 0 is passed... if we needed
                        # to send a signal to another process the approach would be
                        # much more difficult.
                        # Still, note that CTRL_C_EVENT is only Python 2.7 onwards...
                        # Also, this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere!? (stumbled
                        # upon it by chance after digging quite a lot).
                        os.kill(0, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
                        called = True
                    # Many things to go wrong (from CTRL_C_EVENT not being there
                    # to failing import signal)... if that's the case, ask for
                    # forgiveness and go on to the approach which will interrupt
                    # the main thread (but it'll only work when it's executing some Python
                    # code -- not on sleep() for instance).

                if not called:
                    if hasattr(thread,
                               'interrupt_main'):  # Jython doesn't have it
                        self.mainThread._thread.interrupt()  # Jython
            return True
            return False
コード例 #3
    def interrupt(self):
        self.buffer = None  # Also clear the buffer when it's interrupted.
            if self.interruptable:
                called = False
                    # Fix for #PyDev-500: Console interrupt can't interrupt on sleep
                    import os
                    import signal
                    if os.name == 'posix':
                        # On Linux we can't interrupt 0 as in Windows because it's
                        # actually owned by a process -- on the good side, signals
                        # work much better on Linux!
                        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
                        called = True

                    elif os.name == 'nt':
                        # Stupid windows: sending a Ctrl+C to a process given its pid
                        # is absurdly difficult.
                        # There are utilities to make it work such as
                        # http://www.latenighthacking.com/projects/2003/sendSignal/
                        # but fortunately for us, it seems Python does allow a CTRL_C_EVENT
                        # for the current process in Windows if pid 0 is passed... if we needed
                        # to send a signal to another process the approach would be
                        # much more difficult.
                        # Still, note that CTRL_C_EVENT is only Python 2.7 onwards...
                        # Also, this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere!? (stumbled
                        # upon it by chance after digging quite a lot).
                        os.kill(0, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
                        called = True
                    # Many things to go wrong (from CTRL_C_EVENT not being there
                    # to failing import signal)... if that's the case, ask for
                    # forgiveness and go on to the approach which will interrupt
                    # the main thread (but it'll only work when it's executing some Python
                    # code -- not on sleep() for instance).

                if not called:
                    if hasattr(thread, 'interrupt_main'):  # Jython doesn't have it
                        self.mainThread._thread.interrupt()  # Jython
            return True
            return False