コード例 #1
ファイル: test_search.py プロジェクト: typesanitizer/m.css
    def test(self):
            'SEARCH_DISABLED': False,
            'SEARCH_DOWNLOAD_BINARY': True,
            'PYBIND11_COMPATIBILITY': True

        with open(
                    self.path, 'output',
                        search_filename_prefix='searchdata')), 'rb') as f:
            serialized = f.read()
            search_data_pretty = pretty_print(serialized,
        self.assertEqual(len(serialized), 638)
        # The parameters get cut off with an ellipsis
            search_data_pretty, """
3 symbols
search_long_suffix_length [4]
|                        .$
|                         many_parameters [0, 2]
|                                        ($
|                                         ) [1, 3]
many_parameters [0, 2]
|              ($
|               ) [1, 3]
0: .many_parameters(arg0: typing.Tuple[float, int, str, typing.List[…) [prefix=4[:30], suffix_length=53, type=FUNCTION] -> #many_parameters-06151
1:  [prefix=0[:52], suffix_length=51, type=FUNCTION] ->
2: .many_parameters(arg0: typing.Tuple[int, float, str, typing.List[…) [prefix=4[:30], suffix_length=53, type=FUNCTION] -> #many_parameters-31300
3:  [prefix=2[:52], suffix_length=51, type=FUNCTION] ->
4: search_long_suffix_length [type=MODULE] -> search_long_suffix_length.html
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.MODULE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'module'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.FUNCTION, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.PROPERTY, CssClass.WARNING, 'property'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.DATA, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'data')
コード例 #2
    def test(self):
        self.run_doxygen(index_pages=[], wildcard='*.xml')

        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'html', searchdata_filename), 'rb') as f:
            serialized = f.read()
            search_data_pretty = pretty_print(serialized, entryTypeClass=EntryType)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(serialized), 473)
        # The parameters get cut off with an ellipsis
        self.assertEqual(search_data_pretty, """
2 symbols
file.h [2]
|     :$
|      :averylongfunctionname [0]
|                            ($
|                             ) [1]
averylongfunctionname [0]
|                    ($
|                     ) [1]
0: ::aVeryLongFunctionName(const std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<s…) [prefix=2[:12], suffix_length=53, type=FUNC] -> #a1e9a11887275938ef5541070955c9d9c
1:  [prefix=0[:46], suffix_length=51, type=FUNC] ->
2: File.h [type=FILE] -> File_8h.html
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.NAMESPACE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'namespace'),
(EntryType.GROUP, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'group'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.STRUCT, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'struct'),
(EntryType.UNION, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'union'),
(EntryType.TYPEDEF, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'typedef'),
(EntryType.DIR, CssClass.WARNING, 'dir'),
(EntryType.FILE, CssClass.WARNING, 'file'),
(EntryType.FUNC, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.DEFINE, CssClass.INFO, 'define'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.VAR, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'var')
コード例 #3
    def test(self):
            'SEARCH_DISABLED': False,
            'SEARCH_DOWNLOAD_BINARY': True,
            'PYBIND11_COMPATIBILITY': True

        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'output', searchdata_filename),
                  'rb') as f:
            serialized = f.read()
            search_data_pretty = pretty_print(serialized,
        self.assertEqual(len(serialized), 2269)
            search_data_pretty, """
21 symbols
search [14]
||    .$
||     foo [7]
||     || .$
||     ||  enum [0]
||     || ||   .$
||     || ||    a_value [1]
||     || ||     nother [2]
||     || |a_method [3]
||     || || |     ($
||     || || |      ) [4]
||     || || property [5]
||     || |data_declaration [6]
||     || withslots [9]
||     || |        .$
||     || |         im_a_sloth [8]
||     |unc_with_params [12]
||     ||              ($
||     ||               ) [13]
||     a_function [10]
||     |         ($
||     |          ) [11]
||     pybind [26]
||     |     .$
||     |      foo [21]
||     |       | .$
||     |       |  overloaded_method [17, 19, 15]
||     |       |                   ($
||     |       |                    ) [18, 20, 16]
||     |       unction [22]
||     |       |      ($
||     |       |       ) [23]
||     |       |      _with_params [24]
||     |       |      |           ($
||     |       |      |            ) [25]
||     sub [28]
||     |  .$
||     |   data_in_a_submodule [27]
|ub [28]
|| .$
||  data_in_a_submodule [27]
foo [7, 21]
|| .$
||  enum [0]
|| ||   .$
|| ||    a_value [1]
|| ||     nother [2]
|| |a_method [3]
|| || |     ($
|| || |      ) [4]
|| || property [5]
|| |data_declaration [6]
|| |overloaded_method [17, 19, 15]
|| ||                ($
|| ||                 ) [18, 20, 16]
|| withslots [9]
|| |        .$
|| |         im_a_sloth [8]
|unc_with_params [12]
||  |           ($
||  |            ) [13]
||  tion [22]
||  |   ($
||  |    ) [23]
||  |   _with_params [24]
||  |   |           ($
||  |   |            ) [25]
enum [0]
|   .$
|    a_value [1]
|     nother [2]
a_value [1]
||method [3]
|||     ($
|||      ) [4]
||property [5]
||function [10]
|||       ($
|||        ) [11]
|nother [2]
data_declaration [6]
|    in_a_submodule [27]
im_a_sloth [8]
pybind [26]
|     .$
|      foo [21]
|       | .$
|       |  overloaded_method [17, 19, 15]
|       |                   ($
|       |                    ) [18, 20, 16]
|       unction [22]
|       |      ($
|       |       ) [23]
|       |      _with_params [24]
|       |      |           ($
|       |      |            ) [25]
overloaded_method [17, 19, 15]
|                ($
|                 ) [18, 20, 16]
0: .Enum [prefix=7[:15], type=ENUM] -> #Enum
1: .A_VALUE [prefix=0[:20], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> -A_VALUE
2: .ANOTHER [prefix=0[:20], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> -ANOTHER
3: .a_method() [prefix=7[:15], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #a_method
4:  [prefix=3[:24], type=FUNCTION] ->
5: .a_property [prefix=7[:15], type=PROPERTY] -> #a_property
6: .DATA_DECLARATION [prefix=7[:15], type=DATA] -> #DATA_DECLARATION
7: .Foo [prefix=14[:7], type=CLASS] -> Foo.html
8: .im_a_sloth [prefix=9[:24], type=PROPERTY] -> #im_a_sloth
9: WithSlots [prefix=7[:10], type=CLASS] -> WithSlots.html
10: .a_function() [prefix=14[:11], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #a_function
11:  [prefix=10[:22], type=FUNCTION] ->
12: .func_with_params() [prefix=14[:11], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #func_with_params
13:  [prefix=12[:28], type=FUNCTION] ->
14: search [type=MODULE] -> search.html
15: .overloaded_method(self, first: int, second: float) [prefix=21[:22], suffix_length=33, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_method-27269
16:  [prefix=15[:46], suffix_length=31, type=FUNCTION] ->
17: .overloaded_method(self, arg0: int) [prefix=21[:22], suffix_length=17, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_method-745a3
18:  [prefix=17[:46], suffix_length=15, type=FUNCTION] ->
19: .overloaded_method(self, arg0: int, arg1: Foo) [prefix=21[:22], suffix_length=28, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_method-41cfb
20:  [prefix=19[:46], suffix_length=26, type=FUNCTION] ->
21: .Foo [prefix=26[:14], type=CLASS] -> Foo.html
22: .function() [prefix=26[:18], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #function
23:  [prefix=22[:27], type=FUNCTION] ->
24: .function_with_params() [prefix=26[:18], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #function_with_params
25:  [prefix=24[:39], type=FUNCTION] ->
26: .pybind [prefix=14[:7], type=MODULE] -> pybind.html
27: .DATA_IN_A_SUBMODULE [prefix=28[:15], type=DATA] -> #DATA_IN_A_SUBMODULE
28: .sub [prefix=14[:7], type=MODULE] -> sub.html
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.MODULE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'module'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.FUNCTION, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.PROPERTY, CssClass.WARNING, 'property'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.DATA, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'data')
コード例 #4
    def test(self):
        self.run_doxygen(index_pages=[], wildcard='*.xml')

        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'html', searchdata_filename), 'rb') as f:
            serialized = f.read()
            search_data_pretty = pretty_print(serialized, entryTypeClass=EntryType)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(serialized), 4836)
        self.assertEqual(search_data_pretty, """
53 symbols
deprecated_macro [0]
||        |     ($
||        |      ) [1]
||        dir [23]
||        |  /$
||        |   deprecatedfile.h [2]
||        file.h [2]
||        |oo [37]
||        || ($
||        ||  ) [38]
||         list [22]
||        namespace [39]
||        |        :$
||        |         :deprecatedenum [32]
||        |          |         |   :$
||        |          |         |    :value [31]
||        |          |         typedef [35]
||        |          |         variable [36]
||        |          |         foo [37]
||        |          |         |  ($
||        |          |         |   ) [38]
||        |          |         class [53]
||        |          |         struct [54]
||        |          |         union [58]
||        |          enum [34]
||        |          |   :$
||        |          |    :deprecatedvalue [33]
||        enum [32]
||        |   :$
||        |    :value [31]
||        value [33]
||        | riable [36]
||        typedef [35]
||        class [53]
||        struct [54]
||        union [58]
|ir [24]
|| /$
||  file.h [9]
macro [3]
||   _function [5]
||            ($
||             ) [6]
||            _with_params [7]
||            |           ($
||            |            ) [8]
|in() [49]
glmacro() [4]
| file() [10]
| |oo() [13]
| class() [21]
| directory() [25]
| |  () [26]
| _dir [27]
| |group [30]
| |enum [45]
| ||   _value [43]
| ||         _ext [42]
| |typedef [47]
| namespace() [51]
| struct() [56]
| union() [60]
file.h [9]
|oo [11, 14, 18, 16]
|| ($
||  ) [12, 15, 19, 17]
namespace [50]
|        :$
|         :class [20]
|          |    :$
|          |     :foo [11, 14, 18, 16]
|          |         ($
|          |          ) [12, 15, 19, 17]
|          enum [44]
|          |   :$
|          |    :onlyabrief [40]
|          |     value [41]
|          typedef [46]
|          variable [48]
|          struct [55]
|          union [59]
class [20]
|    :$
|     :foo [11, 14, 18, 16]
|         ($
|          ) [12, 15, 19, 17]
a group [29, 28]
| page [52]
| |    $
| |    0xc2
| |     0xbb
| |       subpage [57]
value [41, 31]
| riable [48]
enum [44, 34]
|   :$
|    :deprecatedvalue [33]
|     onlyabrief [40]
|     value [41]
onlyabrief [40]
typedef [46]
struct [55]
|ubpage [57]
union [59]
0: DEPRECATED_MACRO(a, b, c) [suffix_length=9, deprecated, type=DEFINE] -> DeprecatedFile_8h.html#a7f8376730349fef9ff7d103b0245a13e
1:  [prefix=0[:56], suffix_length=7, deprecated, type=DEFINE] ->
2: /DeprecatedFile.h [prefix=23[:0], deprecated, type=FILE] -> DeprecatedFile_8h.html
3: MACRO [type=DEFINE] -> File_8h.html#a824c99cb152a3c2e9111a2cb9c34891e
4: glMacro() [alias=3] ->
5: _FUNCTION() [prefix=3[:14], suffix_length=2, type=DEFINE] -> 025158d6007b306645a8eb7c7a9237c1
6:  [prefix=5[:46], type=DEFINE] ->
7: _FUNCTION_WITH_PARAMS(params) [prefix=3[:15], suffix_length=8, type=DEFINE] -> 8602bba5a72becb4f2dc544ce12c420
8:  [prefix=7[:46], suffix_length=6, type=DEFINE] ->
9: /File.h [prefix=24[:0], type=FILE] -> File_8h.html
10: glFile() [alias=9] ->
11: ::foo() [prefix=20[:28], suffix_length=2, type=FUNC] -> #aaeba4096356215868370d6ea476bf5d9
12:  [prefix=11[:62], type=FUNC] ->
13: glFoo() [alias=11] ->
14:  const [prefix=11[:30], suffix_length=8, type=FUNC] -> c03c5b93907dda16763eabd26b25500a
15:  [prefix=14[:62], suffix_length=6, type=FUNC] ->
16:  && [prefix=11[:30], suffix_length=5, deleted, type=FUNC] -> 77803233441965cad057a6619e9a75fd
17:  [prefix=16[:62], suffix_length=3, deleted, type=FUNC] ->
18: ::foo(const Enum&, Typedef) [prefix=20[:28], suffix_length=22, type=FUNC] -> #aba8d57a830d4d79f86d58d92298677fa
19:  [prefix=18[:62], suffix_length=20, type=FUNC] ->
20: ::Class [prefix=50[:0], type=CLASS] -> classNamespace_1_1Class.html
21: glClass() [alias=20] ->
22: Deprecated List [type=PAGE] -> deprecated.html
23: DeprecatedDir [deprecated, type=DIR] -> dir_c6c97faf5a6cbd0f62c27843ce3af4d0.html
24: Dir [type=DIR] -> dir_da5033def2d0db76e9883b31b76b3d0c.html
25: glDirectory() [alias=24] ->
26: glDir() [alias=24] ->
27: GL_DIR [alias=24] ->
28: A group [deprecated, type=GROUP] -> group__deprecated-group.html
29: A group [type=GROUP] -> group__group.html
30: GL_GROUP [alias=29] ->
31: ::Value [prefix=32[:67], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> a689202409e48743b914713f96d93947c
32: ::DeprecatedEnum [prefix=39[:33], deprecated, type=ENUM] -> #ab1e37ddc1d65765f2a48485df4af7b47
33: ::DeprecatedValue [prefix=34[:67], deprecated, type=ENUM_VALUE] -> a4b5b0e9709902228c33df7e5e377e596
34: ::Enum [prefix=39[:33], type=ENUM] -> #ac59010e983270c330b8625b5433961b9
35: ::DeprecatedTypedef [prefix=39[:33], deprecated, type=TYPEDEF] -> #af503ad3ff194a4c2512aff16df771164
36: ::DeprecatedVariable [prefix=39[:33], deprecated, type=VAR] -> #ae934297fc39624409333eefbfeabf5e5
37: ::deprecatedFoo(int, bool, double) [prefix=39[:33], suffix_length=19, deprecated, type=FUNC] -> #a9a1b3fc71d294b548095985acc0d5092
38:  [prefix=37[:67], suffix_length=17, deprecated, type=FUNC] ->
39: DeprecatedNamespace [deprecated, type=NAMESPACE] -> namespaceDeprecatedNamespace.html
40: ::OnlyABrief [prefix=44[:57], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> a9b0246417d89d650ed429f1b784805eb
41: ::Value [prefix=44[:57], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> a689202409e48743b914713f96d93947c
42: _EXT [alias=41, prefix=43[:0]] ->
43: _VALUE [alias=41, prefix=45[:0]] ->
44: ::Enum [prefix=50[:23], type=ENUM] -> #add172b93283b1ab7612c3ca6cc5dcfea
45: GL_ENUM [alias=44] ->
46: ::Typedef [prefix=50[:23], type=TYPEDEF] -> #abe2a245304bc2234927ef33175646e08
47: GL_TYPEDEF [alias=46] ->
48: ::Variable [prefix=50[:23], type=VAR] -> #ad3121960d8665ab045ca1bfa1480a86d
49: GLSL: min() [alias=48, suffix_length=2] ->
50: Namespace [type=NAMESPACE] -> namespaceNamespace.html
51: glNamespace() [alias=50] ->
52: A page [type=PAGE] -> page.html
53: ::DeprecatedClass [prefix=39[:0], deprecated, type=STRUCT] -> structDeprecatedNamespace_1_1DeprecatedClass.html
54: ::DeprecatedStruct [prefix=39[:0], deprecated, type=STRUCT] -> structDeprecatedNamespace_1_1DeprecatedStruct.html
55: ::Struct [prefix=50[:0], type=STRUCT] -> structNamespace_1_1Struct.html
56: glStruct() [alias=55] ->
57:  » Subpage [prefix=52[:0], type=PAGE] -> subpage.html
58: ::DeprecatedUnion [prefix=39[:0], deprecated, type=UNION] -> unionDeprecatedNamespace_1_1DeprecatedUnion.html
59: ::Union [prefix=50[:0], type=UNION] -> unionNamespace_1_1Union.html
60: glUnion() [alias=59] ->
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.NAMESPACE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'namespace'),
(EntryType.GROUP, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'group'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.STRUCT, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'struct'),
(EntryType.UNION, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'union'),
(EntryType.TYPEDEF, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'typedef'),
(EntryType.DIR, CssClass.WARNING, 'dir'),
(EntryType.FILE, CssClass.WARNING, 'file'),
(EntryType.FUNC, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.DEFINE, CssClass.INFO, 'define'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.VAR, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'var')
コード例 #5
2: File.h [type=FILE] -> File_8h.html
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.NAMESPACE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'namespace'),
(EntryType.GROUP, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'group'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.STRUCT, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'struct'),
(EntryType.UNION, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'union'),
(EntryType.TYPEDEF, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'typedef'),
(EntryType.DIR, CssClass.WARNING, 'dir'),
(EntryType.FILE, CssClass.WARNING, 'file'),
(EntryType.FUNC, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.DEFINE, CssClass.INFO, 'define'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.VAR, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'var')

if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('file', help="file to pretty-print")
    parser.add_argument('--show-merged', help="show merged subtrees", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--show-lookahead-barriers', help="show lookahead barriers", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--colors', help="colored output", action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--show-stats', help="show stats", action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    with open(args.file, 'rb') as f:
        out, stats = pretty_print(f.read(), entryTypeClass=EntryType, show_merged=args.show_merged, show_lookahead_barriers=args.show_lookahead_barriers, colors=args.colors)
        if args.show_stats: print(stats, file=sys.stderr)
コード例 #6
 def compare(self, serialized: bytes, expected: str):
     pretty = pretty_print(serialized, entryTypeClass=EntryType)[0]
     self.assertEqual(pretty, expected.strip())
コード例 #7
    def test(self):
            'SEARCH_DISABLED': False,
            'SEARCH_DOWNLOAD_BINARY': True,
            'PYBIND11_COMPATIBILITY': True

        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'output', searchdata_filename),
                  'rb') as f:
            serialized = f.read()
            search_data_pretty = pretty_print(serialized,
        self.assertEqual(len(serialized), 1918)
            search_data_pretty, """
18 symbols
search [11]
||    .$
||     foo [6]
||     || .$
||     ||  enum [0]
||     ||  |   .$
||     ||  |    a_value [1]
||     ||  |     nother [2]
||     ||  a_method [3]
||     ||  | |     ($
||     ||  | |      ) [4]
||     ||  | property [5]
||     |unc_with_params [9]
||     ||              ($
||     ||               ) [10]
||     a_function [7]
||     |         ($
||     |          ) [8]
||     pybind [23]
||     |     .$
||     |      foo [16]
||     |      |  .$
||     |      |   method [12]
||     |      |         ($
||     |      |          ) [13]
||     |      |         _with_params [14]
||     |      |         |           ($
||     |      |         |            ) [15]
||     |      overloaded_function [19, 21, 17]
||     |      |                  ($
||     |      |                   ) [20, 22, 18]
||     sub [25]
||     |  .$
||     |   data_in_a_submodule [24]
|ub [25]
|| .$
||  data_in_a_submodule [24]
foo [6, 16]
|| .$
||  enum [0]
||  |   .$
||  |    a_value [1]
||  |     nother [2]
||  a_method [3]
||  | |     ($
||  | |      ) [4]
||  | property [5]
||  method [12]
||  |     ($
||  |      ) [13]
||  |     _with_params [14]
||  |     |           ($
||  |     |            ) [15]
|unc_with_params [9]
||              ($
||               ) [10]
enum [0]
|   .$
|    a_value [1]
|     nother [2]
a_value [1]
||method [3]
|||     ($
|||      ) [4]
||property [5]
||function [7]
|||       ($
|||        ) [8]
|nother [2]
pybind [23]
|     .$
|      foo [16]
|      |  .$
|      |   method [12]
|      |         ($
|      |          ) [13]
|      |         _with_params [14]
|      |         |           ($
|      |         |            ) [15]
|      overloaded_function [19, 21, 17]
|      |                  ($
|      |                   ) [20, 22, 18]
method [12]
|     ($
|      ) [13]
|     _with_params [14]
|     |           ($
|     |            ) [15]
overloaded_function [19, 21, 17]
|                  ($
|                   ) [20, 22, 18]
data_in_a_submodule [24]
0: .Enum [prefix=6[:15], type=ENUM] -> #Enum
1: .A_VALUE [prefix=0[:20], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> -A_VALUE
2: .ANOTHER [prefix=0[:20], type=ENUM_VALUE] -> -ANOTHER
3: .a_method() [prefix=6[:15], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #a_method
4:  [prefix=3[:24], type=FUNCTION] ->
5: .a_property [prefix=6[:15], type=PROPERTY] -> #a_property
6: .Foo [prefix=11[:7], type=CLASS] -> Foo.html
7: .a_function() [prefix=11[:11], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #a_function
8:  [prefix=7[:22], type=FUNCTION] ->
9: .func_with_params() [prefix=11[:11], suffix_length=2, type=FUNCTION] -> #func_with_params
10:  [prefix=9[:28], type=FUNCTION] ->
11: search [type=MODULE] -> search.html
12: .method(self) [prefix=16[:22], suffix_length=6, type=FUNCTION] -> #method-6eef6
13:  [prefix=12[:35], suffix_length=4, type=FUNCTION] ->
14: .method_with_params(self, first: int, second: float) [prefix=16[:22], suffix_length=33, type=FUNCTION] -> #method_with_params-27269
15:  [prefix=14[:47], suffix_length=31, type=FUNCTION] ->
16: .Foo [prefix=23[:14], type=CLASS] -> Foo.html
17: .overloaded_function(arg0: int, arg1: float) [prefix=23[:18], suffix_length=24, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_function-8f19c
18:  [prefix=17[:44], suffix_length=22, type=FUNCTION] ->
19: .overloaded_function(arg0: int) [prefix=23[:18], suffix_length=11, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_function-46f8a
20:  [prefix=19[:44], suffix_length=9, type=FUNCTION] ->
21: .overloaded_function(arg0: int, arg1: Foo) [prefix=23[:18], suffix_length=22, type=FUNCTION] -> #overloaded_function-0cacd
22:  [prefix=21[:44], suffix_length=20, type=FUNCTION] ->
23: .pybind [prefix=11[:7], type=MODULE] -> pybind.html
24: .DATA_IN_A_SUBMODULE [prefix=25[:15], type=DATA] -> #DATA_IN_A_SUBMODULE
25: .sub [prefix=11[:7], type=MODULE] -> sub.html
(EntryType.PAGE, CssClass.SUCCESS, 'page'),
(EntryType.MODULE, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'module'),
(EntryType.CLASS, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'class'),
(EntryType.FUNCTION, CssClass.INFO, 'func'),
(EntryType.PROPERTY, CssClass.WARNING, 'property'),
(EntryType.ENUM, CssClass.PRIMARY, 'enum'),
(EntryType.ENUM_VALUE, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'enum val'),
(EntryType.DATA, CssClass.DEFAULT, 'data')