def cmdloop(self, intro=None): selfcheck = self.do_selfcheck("silent") os.system("clear") emptyline = "*" + 78 * " " + "*" print "*" * 80 print "*" + colorshell(" Welcome to Postoffice ", 1, 0).center(88, " ") + "*" print "* This is user interface to top-secret system Xi's frontend." + 19 * " " + "*" if not isroot: print "* %-87s *" % colorshell("WARNING: You are not root. Some commands may not work.", 31, 1) print emptyline print "* %-76s *" % "Xi-System Copyright (C) 2012 NERV" print "* %-76s *" % "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'." # FIXME show w print "* %-76s *" % "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it" print "* %-76s *" % "under certain conditions; type `show c' for details." # FIXME show c print emptyline print "* %-74s *" % "To get help: %s" % colorshell("help", 1, 0) print "* %-66s *" % "To exit: %s or %s or %s" % ( colorshell("exit", 1, 0), colorshell("quit", 1, 0), colorshell("<Ctrl+D>", 1, 0), ) print emptyline print "* %-59s *" % "System Checksum: %s" % colorshell( tool_selfcheck.friendly_display(selfcheck["total"]).strip(), 31, 1 ) print "* %-56s *" % "%s checking system integrity with: %s" % ( colorshell("ALWAYS remember", 31, 1), colorshell("selfcheck", 1, 0), ) print "*" * 80 Cmd.cmdloop(self, intro)
def _show_usage(self, cmdfmt, desc): print "%s: %s\n%s" % (colorshell("Usage", 1, 4), cmdfmt, desc)