コード例 #1
def convert_latlon_arr(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, method_code="G2A"):
    """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates.

    in_lat : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input latitude in degrees N (method_code specifies type of latitude)
    in_lon : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input longitude in degrees E (method_code specifies type of longitude)
    height : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Altitude above the surface of the earth in km
    dtime : (datetime)
        Single datetime object for magnetic field
    method_code : (int or str)
        Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform
        G2A        - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2
        A2G        - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic)
        TRACE      - use field-line tracing, not coefficients
        ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km
        BADIDEA    - use coefficients above 2000 km
        GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2
        (default = "G2A")

    out_lat : (np.ndarray)
        Output latitudes in degrees N
    out_lon : (np.ndarray)
        Output longitudes in degrees E
    out_r : (np.ndarray)
        Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of
        the Earth (km)

    ValueError if input is incorrect
    RuntimeError if unable to set AACGMV2 datetime

    At least one of in_lat, in_lon, and height must be a list or array.

    If errors are encountered, NaN or Inf will be included in the input so
    that all successful calculations are returned.  To select only good values
    use a function like `np.isfinite`.

    Multi-dimensional arrays are not allowed.

    # Recast the data as numpy arrays
    in_lat = np.array(in_lat)
    in_lon = np.array(in_lon)
    height = np.array(height)

    # If one or two of these elements is a float, int, or single element array,
    # create an array equal to the length of the longest input
    test_array = np.array(

    if test_array.max() > 1:
        raise ValueError("unable to process multi-dimensional arrays")
        if test_array.max() == 0:
                "for a single location, consider ", "using convert_latlon or ",
            in_lat = np.array([in_lat])
            in_lon = np.array([in_lon])
            height = np.array([height])
            max_len = max([
                len(arr) for i, arr in enumerate([in_lat, in_lon, height])
                if test_array[i] > 0

            if not test_array[0] or (len(in_lat) == 1 and max_len > 1):
                in_lat = np.full(shape=(max_len, ), fill_value=in_lat)
            if not test_array[1] or (len(in_lon) == 1 and max_len > 1):
                in_lon = np.full(shape=(max_len, ), fill_value=in_lon)
            if not test_array[2] or (len(height) == 1 and max_len > 1):
                height = np.full(shape=(max_len, ), fill_value=height)

    # Ensure that lat, lon, and height are the same length or if the lengths
    # differ that the different ones contain only a single value
    if not (in_lat.shape == in_lon.shape and in_lat.shape == height.shape):
        raise ValueError('lat, lon, and height arrays are mismatched')

    # Test time
    dtime = test_time(dtime)

    # Initialise output
    lat_out = np.full(shape=in_lat.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
    lon_out = np.full(shape=in_lon.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
    r_out = np.full(shape=height.shape, fill_value=np.nan)

    # Test and set the conversion method code
        bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(method_code.upper())
    except AttributeError:
        bit_code = method_code

    if not isinstance(bit_code, int):
        raise ValueError("unknown method code {:}".format(method_code))

    # Test height
    if not test_height(np.nanmax(height), bit_code):
        return lat_out, lon_out, r_out

    # Test latitude range
    if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.0:
        if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.1:
            raise ValueError('unrealistic latitude')
        in_lat = np.clip(in_lat, -90.0, 90.0)

    # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180
    in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0

    # Set current date and time
        c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month, dtime.day, dtime.hour,
                               dtime.minute, dtime.second)
    except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as err:
        raise RuntimeError("cannot set time for {:}: {:}".format(dtime, err))

        lat_out, lon_out, r_out, bad_ind = c_aacgmv2.convert_arr(
            list(in_lat), list(in_lon), list(height), bit_code)

        # Cast the output as numpy arrays or masks
        lat_out = np.array(lat_out)
        lon_out = np.array(lon_out)
        r_out = np.array(r_out)
        bad_ind = np.array(bad_ind) >= 0

        # Replace any bad indices with NaN, casting output as numpy arrays
        if np.any(bad_ind):
            lat_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
            lon_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
            r_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
    except SystemError as serr:
        aacgmv2.logger.warning('C Error encountered: {:}'.format(serr))

    return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
コード例 #2
def convert_latlon(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, method_code="G2A"):
    """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates

    in_lat : (float)
        Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude)
    in_lon : (float)
        Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude)
    height : (float)
        Altitude above the surface of the earth in km
    dtime : (datetime)
        Datetime for magnetic field
    method_code : (str or int)
        Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform
        G2A        - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2
        A2G        - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic)
        TRACE      - use field-line tracing, not coefficients
        ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km
        BADIDEA    - use coefficients above 2000 km
        GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2
        (default is "G2A")

    out_lat : (float)
        Output latitude in degrees N
    out_lon : (float)
        Output longitude in degrees E
    out_r : (float)
        Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of
        the Earth (km)

    ValueError if input is incorrect
    RuntimeError if unable to set AACGMV2 datetime

    # Test time
    dtime = test_time(dtime)

    # Initialise output
    lat_out = np.nan
    lon_out = np.nan
    r_out = np.nan

    # Set the coordinate coversion method code in bits
        bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(method_code.upper())
    except AttributeError:
        bit_code = method_code

    if not isinstance(bit_code, int):
        raise ValueError("unknown method code {:}".format(method_code))

    # Test height that may or may not cause failure
    if not test_height(height, bit_code):
        return lat_out, lon_out, r_out

    # Test latitude range
    if abs(in_lat) > 90.0:
        # Allow latitudes with a small deviation from the maximum
        # (+/- 90 degrees) to be set to 90
        if abs(in_lat) > 90.1:
            raise ValueError('unrealistic latitude')
        in_lat = np.sign(in_lat) * 90.0

    # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180
    in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0

    # Set current date and time
        c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month, dtime.day, dtime.hour,
                               dtime.minute, dtime.second)
    except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as err:
        raise RuntimeError("cannot set time for {:}: {:}".format(dtime, err))

    # convert location
        lat_out, lon_out, r_out = c_aacgmv2.convert(in_lat, in_lon, height,
    except Exception:
        err = sys.exc_info()[0]
        estr = "unable to perform conversion at {:.1f},".format(in_lat)
        estr = "{:s}{:.1f} {:.1f} km, {:} ".format(estr, in_lon, height, dtime)
        estr = "{:s}using method {:}: {:}".format(estr, bit_code, err)

    return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
コード例 #3
ファイル: wrapper.py プロジェクト: junjunhencool/aacgmv2
def convert_latlon(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, code="G2A"):
    """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates

    in_lat : (float)
        Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude)
    in_lon : (float)
        Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude)
    height : (float)
        Altitude above the surface of the earth in km
    dtime : (datetime)
        Datetime for magnetic field
    code : (str or int)
        Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform
        G2A        - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2
        A2G        - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic)
        TRACE      - use field-line tracing, not coefficients
        ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km
        BADIDEA    - use coefficients above 2000 km
        GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2
        (default is "G2A")

    out_lat : (float)
        Output latitude in degrees N
    out_lon : (float)
        Output longitude in degrees E
    out_r : (float)
        Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of
        the Earth (km)
    import aacgmv2._aacgmv2 as c_aacgmv2

    # Test time
    if isinstance(dtime, dt.date):
        dtime = dt.datetime.combine(dtime, dt.time(0))

    assert isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime), \
        logging.error('time must be specified as datetime object')

    # Test height
    if height < 0:
        logging.warn('conversion not intended for altitudes < 0 km')

    # Initialise output
    lat_out = np.nan
    lon_out = np.nan
    r_out = np.nan

    # Test code
        code = code.upper()

        if (height > 2000 and code.find("TRACE") < 0
                and code.find("ALLOWTRACE") < 0 and code.find("BADIDEA") < 0):
            estr = 'coefficients are not valid for altitudes above 2000 km. You'
            estr += ' must either use field-line tracing (trace=True '
            estr += 'or allowtrace=True) or indicate you know this '
            estr += 'is a bad idea'
            return lat_out, lon_out, r_out

        # make flag
        bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(code)
    except AttributeError:
        bit_code = code

    assert isinstance(bit_code, int), \
        logging.error("unknown code {:}".format(bit_code))

    # Test latitude range
    if abs(in_lat) > 90.0:
        assert abs(in_lat) <= 90.1, logging.error('unrealistic latitude')
        in_lat = np.sign(in_lat) * 90.0

    # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180
    in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0

    # Set current date and time
        c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month, dtime.day, dtime.hour,
                               dtime.minute, dtime.second)
        raise RuntimeError("unable to set time for {:}".format(dtime))

    # convert location
        lat_out, lon_out, r_out = c_aacgmv2.convert(in_lat, in_lon, height,

    return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
コード例 #4
def convert_latlon_arr(in_lat,
    """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates.

    in_lat : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input latitude in degrees N (method_code specifies type of latitude)
    in_lon : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input longitude in degrees E (method_code specifies type of longitude)
    height : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Altitude above the surface of the earth in km
    dtime : (datetime)
        Single datetime object for magnetic field
    method_code : (int or str)
        Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform
        G2A        - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2
        A2G        - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic)
        TRACE      - use field-line tracing, not coefficients
        ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km
        BADIDEA    - use coefficients above 2000 km
        GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2
        (default = "G2A")

    out_lat : (np.ndarray)
        Output latitudes in degrees N
    out_lon : (np.ndarray)
        Output longitudes in degrees E
    out_r : (np.ndarray)
        Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of
        the Earth (km)

    ValueError if input is incorrect
    TypeError or RuntimeError if unable to set AACGMV2 datetime

    At least one of in_lat, in_lon, and height must be a list or array.

    If errors are encountered, NaN or Inf will be included in the input so
    that all successful calculations are returned.  To select only good values
    use a function like `np.isfinite`.

    Multi-dimensional arrays are not allowed.

    # Handle deprecated keyword arguments
    for kw in kwargs.keys():
        if kw not in ['code']:
            raise TypeError('unexpected keyword argument [{:s}]'.format(kw))
            method_code = kwargs[kw]
                "Deprecated keyword argument 'code' will be",
                " removed in version 2.6.1, please update ",
                "your routine to use 'method_code'"

    # Recast the data as numpy arrays
    in_lat = np.array(in_lat)
    in_lon = np.array(in_lon)
    height = np.array(height)

    # If one or two of these elements is a float or int, create an array
    test_array = np.array(
    if test_array.max() > 1:
        raise ValueError("unable to process multi-dimensional arrays")

    if test_array.min() == 0:
        if test_array.max() == 0:
                "for a single location, consider ",
                "using convert_latlon or get_aacgm_coord"
            in_lat = np.array([in_lat])
            in_lon = np.array([in_lon])
            height = np.array([height])
            imax = test_array.argmax()
            max_shape = in_lat.shape if imax == 0 else (in_lon.shape \
                                            if imax == 1 else height.shape)
            if not test_array[0]:
                in_lat = np.full(shape=max_shape, fill_value=in_lat)
            if not test_array[1]:
                in_lon = np.full(shape=max_shape, fill_value=in_lon)
            if not test_array[2]:
                height = np.full(shape=max_shape, fill_value=height)

    # Ensure that lat, lon, and height are the same length or if the lengths
    # differ that the different ones contain only a single value
    if not (in_lat.shape == in_lon.shape and in_lat.shape == height.shape):
        shape_dict = {
            'lat': in_lat.shape,
            'lon': in_lon.shape,
            'height': height.shape
        ulen = np.unique(shape_dict.values())
        array_key = [
            kk for i, kk in enumerate(shape_dict.keys())
            if shape_dict[kk] != (1, )
        if len(array_key) == 3:
            raise ValueError('lat, lon, and height arrays are mismatched')
        elif len(array_key) == 2:
            if shape_dict[array_key[0]] == shape_dict[array_dict[1]]:
                raise ValueError('{:s} and {:s} arrays are mismatched'.format(\

    # Test time
    dtime = test_time(dtime)

    # Initialise output
    lat_out = np.full(shape=in_lat.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
    lon_out = np.full(shape=in_lon.shape, fill_value=np.nan)
    r_out = np.full(shape=height.shape, fill_value=np.nan)

    # Test and set the conversion method code
        bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(method_code.upper())
    except AttributeError:
        bit_code = method_code

    if not isinstance(bit_code, int):
        raise ValueError("unknown method code {:}".format(method_code))

    # Test height
    if not test_height(np.nanmax(height), bit_code):
        return lat_out, lon_out, r_out

    # Test latitude range
    if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.0:
        if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.1:
            raise ValueError('unrealistic latitude')
        in_lat = np.clip(in_lat, -90.0, 90.0)

    # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180
    in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0

    # Set current date and time
        c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month, dtime.day, dtime.hour,
                               dtime.minute, dtime.second)
    except TypeError as terr:
        raise TypeError("unable to set time for {:}: {:}".format(dtime, terr))
    except RuntimeError as rerr:
        raise RuntimeError("unable to set time for {:}: {:}".format(
            dtime, rerr))

        lat_out, lon_out, r_out, bad_ind = c_aacgmv2.convert_arr(
            list(in_lat), list(in_lon), list(height), bit_code)

        # Cast the output as numpy arrays or masks
        lat_out = np.array(lat_out)
        lon_out = np.array(lon_out)
        r_out = np.array(r_out)
        bad_ind = np.array(bad_ind) >= 0

        # Replace any bad indices with NaN, casting output as numpy arrays
        if np.any(bad_ind):
            lat_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
            lon_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
            r_out[bad_ind] = np.nan
    except SystemError as serr:
        aacgmv2.logger.warning('C Error encountered: {:}'.format(serr))

    return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
コード例 #5
ファイル: wrapper.py プロジェクト: junjunhencool/aacgmv2
def convert_latlon_arr(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, code="G2A"):
    """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates.

    in_lat : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude)
    in_lon : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude)
    height : (np.ndarray or list or float)
        Altitude above the surface of the earth in km
    dtime : (datetime)
        Single datetime object for magnetic field
    code : (int or str)
        Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform
        G2A        - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2
        A2G        - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic)
        TRACE      - use field-line tracing, not coefficients
        ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km
        BADIDEA    - use coefficients above 2000 km
        GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2
        (default = "G2A")

    out_lat : (np.ndarray)
        Output latitudes in degrees N
    out_lon : (np.ndarray)
        Output longitudes in degrees E
    out_r : (np.ndarray)
        Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of
        the Earth (km)

    At least one of in_lat, in_lon, and height must be a list or array.
    import aacgmv2._aacgmv2 as c_aacgmv2

    # If a list was entered instead of a numpy array, recast it here
    if isinstance(in_lat, list):
        in_lat = np.array(in_lat)

    if isinstance(in_lon, list):
        in_lon = np.array(in_lon)

    if isinstance(height, list):
        height = np.array(height)

    # If one or two of these elements is a float or int, create an array
    test_array = np.array([
        hasattr(in_lat, "shape"),
        hasattr(in_lon, "shape"),
        hasattr(height, "shape")
    if not test_array.all():
        if test_array.any():
            arr_shape = in_lat.shape if test_array.argmax() == 0 else \
                        (in_lon.shape if test_array.argmax() == 1 else
            if not test_array[0]:
                in_lat = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * in_lat
            if not test_array[1]:
                in_lon = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * in_lon
            if not test_array[2]:
                height = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * height
                "for a single location, consider using convert_latlon")
            in_lat = np.array([in_lat])
            in_lon = np.array([in_lon])
            height = np.array([height])

    # Ensure that lat, lon, and height are the same length or if the lengths
    # differ that the different ones contain only a single value
    if not (in_lat.shape == in_lon.shape and in_lat.shape == height.shape):
        ulen = np.unique([in_lat.shape, in_lon.shape, height.shape])
        if ulen.min() != (1, ):
            logging.error("mismatched input arrays")
            return None, None, None

    # Test time
    if isinstance(dtime, dt.date):
        dtime = dt.datetime.combine(dtime, dt.time(0))

    assert isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime), \
        logging.error('time must be specified as datetime object')

    # Test height
    if np.min(height) < 0:
        logging.warn('conversion not intended for altitudes < 0 km')

    # Initialise output
    lat_out = np.empty(shape=in_lat.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan
    lon_out = np.empty(shape=in_lon.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan
    r_out = np.empty(shape=height.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan

    # Test code
        code = code.upper()

        if (np.nanmax(height) > 2000 and code.find("TRACE") < 0
                and code.find("ALLOWTRACE") < 0 and code.find("BADIDEA") < 0):
            estr = 'coefficients are not valid for altitudes above 2000 km. You'
            estr += ' must either use field-line tracing (trace=True '
            estr += 'or allowtrace=True) or indicate you know this '
            estr += 'is a bad idea'
            return lat_out, lon_out, r_out

        # make flag
        bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(code)
    except AttributeError:
        bit_code = code

    assert isinstance(bit_code, int), \
        logging.error("unknown code {:}".format(bit_code))

    # Test latitude range
    if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.0:
        assert np.abs(in_lat).max() <= 90.1, \
            logging.error('unrealistic latitude')
        in_lat = np.clip(in_lat, -90.0, 90.0)

    # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180
    in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0

    # Set current date and time
        c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month, dtime.day, dtime.hour,
                               dtime.minute, dtime.second)
        raise RuntimeError("unable to set time for {:}".format(dtime))

    # Vectorise the AACGM code
    convert_vectorised = np.vectorize(c_aacgmv2.convert)

    # convert
        lat_out, lon_out, r_out = convert_vectorised(in_lat, in_lon, height,

    return lat_out, lon_out, r_out