コード例 #1
def check_output(capfd, request):
    Pytest fixture to compare output (stdout) with stored text file.

    Output might depend on
    installed packages, might need to be adjusted to make test work on all platforms.
    If a test fails, the actual output is copied to a file called <testname>.new, so it should
    be easy to accept changes by `mv expected_output/<testname>.new expected_output/<testname>`.
    # reset verbosity, because might have been modified, this is just paranoia


    # reset verbosity, examples modify the verbosity level

    stdout = capfd.readouterr().out
    test_name = request.node.name
    fname = Path(__file__).parent / "expected_output" / test_name
        with open(fname, encoding="utf8") as file:
            expected_output = file.read()
        expected_output = remove_algorithm_info(str(expected_output))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        expected_output = None

    stdout = remove_solver_output(str(stdout))
    stdout = remove_algorithm_info(stdout)

    if expected_output != stdout:
        with open(f"{fname}.new", "w", encoding="utf8") as file:

    assert expected_output == stdout, f"Unexpected output, output written to {fname}.new"
コード例 #2
ファイル: properties.py プロジェクト: martinlackner/abcvoting
def full_analysis(profile, committee):
    Test all implemented properties for the given committee.

    Returns a dictionary with the following keys: "pareto", "jr", "pjr", and "ejr".
    The values are `True` or `False`, depending on whether this property is satisfied.

    profile : abcvoting.preferences.Profile
        A profile.
    committee : iterable of int
        A committee.

    results = {}

    # temporarily no output
    current_verbosity = output.verbosity

    results["pareto"] = check_pareto_optimality(profile, committee)
    results["jr"] = check_JR(profile, committee)
    results["pjr"] = check_PJR(profile, committee)
    results["ejr"] = check_EJR(profile, committee)

    description = {
        "pareto": "Pareto optimality",
        "jr": "Justified representation (JR)",
        "pjr": "Proportional justified representation (PJR)",
        "ejr": "Extended justified representation (EJR)",

    # restore output verbosity

    for prop, value in results.items():
        output.info(f"{description[prop]:50s} : {value}")
コード例 #3
Example 2.5 (PAV, seq-PAV, revseq-PAV).

From "Multi-Winner Voting with Approval Preferences"
by Martin Lackner and Piotr Skowron

from abcvoting import abcrules
from abcvoting.preferences import Profile, Voter
from abcvoting import misc
from abcvoting.output import output, DETAILS


print(misc.header("Example 5", "*"))

# Approval profile
num_cand = 4
a, b, c, d = range(4)  # a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, ...
cand_names = "abcd"

approval_sets = [[a, b]] * 3 + [[a, d]] * 6 + [[b]] * 4 + [[c]] * 5 + [[c, d]
                                                                       ] * 5
profile = Profile(num_cand, cand_names=cand_names)


committees_pav = abcrules.compute_pav(profile, 2)
コード例 #4
Compute winning committees with PAV.

from abcvoting.preferences import Profile
from abcvoting import abcrules
from abcvoting.output import output, INFO


profile = Profile(num_cand=5)
profile.add_voters([{0, 1, 2}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {3, 4}])
committeesize = 3
print(f"Computing winning committees of size {committeesize}\n"
      f"with the Proportional Approval Voting (PAV) rule\n"
      f"given the following {profile}")
committees = abcrules.compute_pav(profile, committeesize)
コード例 #5
Unit tests for abcvoting/properties.py.

import pytest
import os

import abcvoting.misc
from abcvoting.output import DETAILS, output
from abcvoting.preferences import Profile
from abcvoting import abcrules, properties, fileio

# set verbosity to DETAILS to increase unittest coverage

# Test from literature: Lackner and Skowron 2020
# With given input profile, committee returned by Monroe Rule
# is not Pareto optimal
     pytest.param("gurobi", marks=pytest.mark.gurobipy)])
def test_pareto_optimality_methods(algorithm):
    # profile with 4 candidates: a, b, c, d
    profile = Profile(4)

    # add voters in the profile
    profile.add_voters([[0]] * 2 + [[0, 2]] + [[0, 3]] + [[1, 2]] * 10 +
                       [[1, 3]] * 10)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_abcrules.py プロジェクト: lumbric/abcvoting
def test_output(capfd, rule_id, algorithm, resolute, verbosity):
    if algorithm == "fastest":
        # not necessary, output for "fastest" is the same as
        # whatever algorithm is selected as fastest
        # (and "fastest" depends on the available solvers)

    if algorithm == "cvxpy_glpk_mi":
        # TODO unfortunately GLPK_MI prints "Long-step dual simplex will be used" to stderr and it
        #  would be very complicated to capture this on all platforms reliably, changing
        #  sys.stderr doesn't help.
        #  This seems to be fixed in GLPK 5.0 but not in GLPK 4.65. For some weird reason this
        #  test succeeds and does not need to be skipped when using conda-forge, although the
        #  version from conda-forge is given as glpk 4.65 he80fd80_1002.
        #  This could help to introduce a workaround: https://github.com/xolox/python-capturer
        #  Sage math is fighting the same problem: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/24824
        pytest.skip("GLPK_MI prints something to stderr, not easy to capture")


        profile = Profile(2)
        committeesize = 1

        committees = abcrules.compute(
            rule_id, profile, committeesize, algorithm=algorithm, resolute=resolute
        out = str(capfd.readouterr().out)

        # remove unwanted solver output
        out = remove_solver_output(out)

        if verbosity >= WARNING:
            assert out == ""
            assert len(out) > 0
            rule = abcrules.get_rule(rule_id)
            start_output = misc.header(rule.longname) + "\n"
            if resolute and rule.resolute_values[0] == False:
                # only if irresolute is default but resolute is chosen
                start_output += "Computing only one winning committee (resolute=True)\n\n"
            if not resolute and rule.resolute_values[0] == True:
                # only if resolute is default but resolute=False is chosen
                start_output += (
                    "Computing all possible winning committees for any tiebreaking order\n"
                    " (aka parallel universes tiebreaking) (resolute=False)\n\n"
            if verbosity <= DETAILS:
                start_output += "Algorithm: " + abcrules.ALGORITHM_NAMES[algorithm] + "\n"
            if verbosity <= DEBUG:
                assert start_output in out
                assert out.startswith(start_output)
            end_output = (
                f"{misc.str_committees_header(committees, winning=True)}\n"
                f"{misc.str_sets_of_candidates(committees, cand_names=profile.cand_names)}\n"
            if verbosity == INFO:
                assert out.endswith(end_output)
                assert end_output in out
