コード例 #1
def partition_to_avoid_octave_adjacencies(l, direction):
    '''Partition to avoid octave adjacencies.

    assert direction in ('left', 'right')

    result = [[]]
    part = result[-1]

    for x in l:
        if not isinstance(x, (int, float, Fraction)):
            raise ValueError
        if x % 12 in [y % 12 for y in part]:
            first_value = [y for y in part if y % 12 == x % 12][0]
            first_index = part.index(first_value)
            ## partition current part into left and middle subparts
            old_part = part[:first_index+1]
            disputed_part = part[first_index+1:]
            new_part = []
            ## divvy up disputed part
            left, right = mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(
                len(disputed_part), bigger = direction)

            disputed_parts = sequencetools.partition_sequence_by_counts(
                disputed_part, [left, right], cyclic=False, overhang=False)
            left_disputed_part, right_disputed_part = disputed_parts

            assert len(left_disputed_part) == left
            assert len(right_disputed_part) == right
            ## replace last sublist in result with old, trimmed part
            result[-1] = old_part
            ## append new part to result
            part = result[-1]

    result = [tuple(x) for x in result]

    return result
def test_mathtools_partition_integer_into_halves_03():
    r'''Partition zero into halves.

    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(0, bigger='left') == (0, 0)
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(0, bigger='right') == (0, 0)
def test_mathtools_partition_integer_into_halves_01():
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(7, bigger='left') == (4, 3)
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(7, bigger='right') == (3, 4)
def test_mathtools_partition_integer_into_halves_02():
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(8, bigger='left') == (4, 4)
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(8, bigger='right') == (4, 4)
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(8, bigger='left', even='disallowed') == (5, 3)
    assert mathtools.partition_integer_into_halves(8, bigger='right', even='disallowed') == (3, 5)