コード例 #1
ファイル: obj.py プロジェクト: Robert-N7/abmatt
 def save_obj(self):
     s = '# Wavefront OBJ exported with ABMATT v1.2.0\n\nmtllib ' + self.mtllib + '\n\n'
     vertex_index = 1
     normal_index = 1
     normal_offset = -1
     texcoord_index = 1
     smooth = False
     for geometry in self.geometries:
         s += '#\n# object ' + geometry.name + '\n#\n\n'
         vertex_count = len(geometry.vertices)
         for vert in geometry.vertices:
             s += 'v ' + ' '.join(float_to_str(x) for x in vert) + '\n'
         s += '# {} vertices\n\n'.format(vertex_count)
         if geometry.normals:
             normal_count = len(geometry.normals)
             for normal in geometry.normals:
                 s += 'vn ' + ' '.join(float_to_str(x)
                                       for x in normal) + '\n'
             s += '# {} normals\n\n'.format(normal_count)
             normal_count = 0
         if geometry.texcoords:
             texcoord_count = len(geometry.texcoords)
             for texcoord in geometry.texcoords:
                 s += 'vt ' + ' '.join(float_to_str(x)
                                       for x in texcoord) + '\n'
             s += '# {} texture coordinates\n\n'.format(texcoord_count)
             texcoord_offset = 1
             texcoord_offset = -1
         # now adjust the tri indices
         tris = np.copy(geometry.triangles)
         tris[:, :, 0] = tris[:, :, 0] + vertex_index
         if texcoord_offset > 0:
             tris[:, :,
                  texcoord_offset] = tris[:, :,
                                          texcoord_offset] + texcoord_index
         if normal_count:
             tris[:, :,
                  normal_offset] = tris[:, :, normal_offset] + normal_index
         # start the group of indices
         s += 'o {}\ng {}\n'.format(geometry.name, geometry.name)
         s += 'usemtl {}\n'.format(geometry.material_name)
         if geometry.smooth != smooth:
             s += 's off\n' if not geometry.smooth else 's\n'
             smooth = geometry.smooth
         joiner = '/' if geometry.texcoords else '//'
         for tri in tris:
             s += 'f ' + ' '.join(
                 [joiner.join([str(x) for x in fp]) for fp in tri]) + '\n'
         s += '# {} triangles\n\n'.format(len(tris))
         # now increase the indices
         vertex_index += vertex_count
         normal_index += normal_count
         if geometry.texcoords:
             texcoord_index += texcoord_count
     with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
コード例 #2
ファイル: dae.py プロジェクト: Heath123/abmatt
 def __get_default_shader_color(name, iterable=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)):
     shader_color = XMLNode(name)
     text = ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in iterable])
     color = XMLNode('color', text)
     color.attrib['sid'] = name
     return shader_color
コード例 #3
ファイル: dae.py プロジェクト: Heath123/abmatt
 def add_node(self, node, parent=None):
     if parent is None:
         parent = self.scene
     xml_node = XMLNode('node', id=node.name, name=node.name, parent=parent)
     if node.attrib:
         att = node.attrib
         for key in att:
             xml_node.attrib[key] = att[key]
     xml_node.attrib['sid'] = node.name
     if node.matrix is not None:
         matrix_xml = XMLNode(
             ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in node.matrix.flatten()]),
         matrix_xml.attrib['sid'] = 'matrix'
     if node.extra is not None:
     if node.controller is not None:
         controller_node = XMLNode('instance_controller', parent=xml_node)
         controller_node.attrib['url'] = '#' + get_id(
     elif node.geometries:
         for geometry in node.geometries:
             geometry_node = XMLNode('instance_geometry', parent=xml_node)
             geometry_node.attrib['url'] = '#' + get_id(
             self.__bind_material(geometry_node, geometry.material_name)
     for n in node.nodes:
         self.add_node(n, xml_node)
     return xml_node
コード例 #4
ファイル: obj.py プロジェクト: Robert-N7/abmatt
 def get_save_str(self):
     s = 'newmtl ' + self.name + '\n\tNs ' + str(self.specular_highlight) + \
         '\n\tNi ' + str(self.optical_density) + '\n\td ' + str(self.dissolve) + \
         '\n\tTr ' + str(1 - self.dissolve) + '\n\tillum ' + str(self.illumination) +\
         '\n\tKa ' + ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in self.ambient_color]) + \
         '\n\tKd ' + ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in self.diffuse_color]) + \
         '\n\tKs ' + ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in self.specular_color])
     if self.ambient_map:
         s += '\n\tmap_Ka ' + self.ambient_map
     if self.diffuse_map:
         s += '\n\tmap_Kd ' + self.diffuse_map
     if self.specular_map:
         s += '\n\tmap_Ks ' + self.specular_map
     if self.specular_highlight_map:
         s += '\n\tmap_Ns ' + self.specular_highlight_map
     if self.alpha_map:
         s += '\n\tmap_d ' + self.alpha_map
     return s + '\n'
コード例 #5
 def add_skin_controller(self, controller):
     controller_id = controller.name + '-controller'
     xml_controller = XMLNode('controller', id=controller_id, parent=self.controllers)
     xml_skin = XMLNode('skin', parent=xml_controller)
     xml_skin.attrib['source'] = '#' + get_id(self.add_geometry(controller.geometry))
     bind_shape_matrix = XMLNode('bind_shape_matrix', ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for \
                                                                x in controller.bind_shape_matrix.flatten()]),
     joint_source_id = controller_id + '-joints'
     joint_source = XMLNode('source', id=joint_source_id, parent=xml_skin)
     name_array_id = joint_source_id + '-array'
     name_array = XMLNode('Name_array', ' '.join(controller.bones), id=name_array_id, parent=joint_source)
     bone_len = len(controller.bones)
     name_array.attrib['count'] = str(bone_len)
     self.__create_technique_common(name_array_id, bone_len, 'name', joint_source)
     matrices_source_id = controller_id + '-matrices'
     matrices_source = XMLNode('source', id=matrices_source_id, parent=xml_skin)
     matrices_array_id = matrices_source_id + '-array'
     inv_bind_matrix = controller.inv_bind_matrix.flatten()
     float_array = XMLNode('float_array', ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in inv_bind_matrix]), id=matrices_array_id,
     float_array.attrib['count'] = str(16 * bone_len)
     self.__create_technique_common(matrices_array_id, bone_len, 'float4x4', matrices_source, 16)
     weight_source_id = controller_id + '-weights'
     weight_source = XMLNode('source',
                             id=weight_source_id, parent=xml_skin)
     float_array_id = weight_source_id + '-array'
     float_array = XMLNode('float_array', ' '.join([float_to_str(x) for x in controller.weights.flatten()]),
                           id=float_array_id, parent=weight_source)
     weight_count = len(controller.weights)
     float_array.attrib['count'] = str(weight_count)  # todo, vertex count or total weight?
     self.__create_technique_common(float_array_id, weight_count, 'float', weight_source)
     joints = XMLNode('joints', parent=xml_skin)
     self.__create_input_node('JOINT', joint_source_id, parent=joints)
     self.__create_input_node('INV_BIND_MATRIX', matrices_source_id, parent=joints)
     vertex_weights = XMLNode('vertex_weights', parent=xml_skin)
     vertex_weights.attrib['count'] = str(len(controller.vertex_weight_counts))
     self.__create_input_node('JOINT', joint_source_id, 0, vertex_weights)
     self.__create_input_node('WEIGHT', weight_source_id, 1, vertex_weights)
     vcount = XMLNode('vcount', ' '.join([str(x) for x in controller.vertex_weight_counts]), parent=vertex_weights)
     vw_data = XMLNode('v', ' '.join([str(x) for x in controller.vertex_weight_indices.flatten()]),
     return xml_controller
コード例 #6
 def __create_source(name, data_collection, params):
     source = XMLNode('source', id=name)
     text = ''
     for x in data_collection:
         text += ' '.join([float_to_str(y) for y in x.flatten()]) + ' '
     source_array = XMLNode('float_array', text, id=name + '-array', parent=source)
     technique_common = XMLNode('technique_common', parent=source)
     accessor = XMLNode('accessor', parent=technique_common)
     accessor.attrib['source'] = '#' + name + '-array'
     point_len = len(data_collection)
     accessor.attrib['count'] = str(point_len)
     stride = len(data_collection[0])
     accessor.attrib['stride'] = str(stride)
     for letter in params:
         param = XMLNode('param', name=letter, parent=accessor)
         param.attrib['type'] = 'float'
     source_array.attrib['count'] = str(stride * point_len)
     return source
コード例 #7
ファイル: dae.py プロジェクト: Heath123/abmatt
 def __get_default_shader_float(name, fl=0.0):
     node = XMLNode(name)
     fl = XMLNode('float', float_to_str(fl), parent=node)
     fl.attrib['sid'] = name
     return node