def initialize_folder(self, save_location, folder_name): parent_folder = os.path.join(save_location, folder_name) # make folder if it does not exist if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) self.parent_folder = parent_folder save_location = os.path.join(parent_folder, self.short_filename) if not gfile.IsDirectory(save_location): gfile.MkDir(save_location) self.save_location = save_location self.save_filename = os.path.join(self.save_location, self.short_filename)
def initialize_folder(self, save_location, folder_name): """Intialize saving location of the model.""" parent_folder = os.path.join(save_location, folder_name) # Make folder if it does not exist. if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) self.parent_folder = parent_folder save_location = os.path.join(parent_folder, self.short_filename) if not gfile.IsDirectory(save_location): gfile.MkDir(save_location) self.save_location = save_location self.save_filename = os.path.join(self.save_location, self.short_filename)
def convert_to_TFRecords_chunks(self, prefix, save_location='~/tmp', examples_per_file=1000): # converts the stimulus-response data into a TFRecords file.'making TFRecords chunks') stimulus = self.stimulus.astype(np.float32) response = self.response.astype(np.float32) num_examples = stimulus.shape[0] num_files = np.ceil(num_examples / examples_per_file).astype('Number of files: %d, examples: %d' % (num_files, num_examples)) def _bytes_feature(value): # value: bytes to convert to tf.train.Feature return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList( value=[value])) # make folder for storing .tfrecords files folder_tfrec = os.path.join(save_location, prefix) # Make folder if it does not exist. if not gfile.IsDirectory(folder_tfrec):'making folder to store tfrecords') gfile.MkDir(folder_tfrec) else:'folder exists, will overwrite results') index = -1 for ifile in range(num_files): filename = os.path.join(folder_tfrec, 'chunk_' + str(ifile) + '.tfrecords')'Writing %s , starting index %d' % (filename, index + 1)) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(filename) for iexample in range(examples_per_file): index += 1 stimulus_raw = stimulus[index, :].tostring() response_raw = response[index, :].tostring() #print(index, stimulus[index,:].shape, response[index,:].shape) example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features( feature={ 'stimulus': _bytes_feature(stimulus_raw), 'response': _bytes_feature(response_raw) })) writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) writer.close()
def initialize_model(save_folder, file_name, sess): """Setup model variables and saving information. Args: save_folder (string) : Folder to store model. Makes one if it does not exist. filename (string) : Prefix of model/checkpoint files. sess : Tensorflow session. """ # Make folder. if not gfile.IsDirectory(save_folder): gfile.MkDir(save_folder) # Initialize variables. saver_var, start_iter = initialize_variables(sess, save_folder, file_name) return saver_var, start_iter
def RunComputation(): # filename for saving file if FLAGS.architecture == '2 layer_stimulus': architecture_string = ('_architecture=' + str(FLAGS.architecture) + '_stim_downsample_window=' + str(FLAGS.stim_downsample_window) + '_stim_downsample_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stim_downsample_stride)) else: architecture_string = ('_architecture=' + str(FLAGS.architecture)) short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_loss=' + str(FLAGS.loss) + '_batch_sz=' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + '_step_sz' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '_tlen=' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '_window=' + str(FLAGS.window) + '_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stride) + str(architecture_string) + '_jitter') # make a folder with name derived from parameters of the algorithm - it saves checkpoint files and summaries used in tensorboard parent_folder = FLAGS.save_location + FLAGS.folder_name + '/' # make folder if it does not exist if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) FLAGS.save_location = parent_folder + short_filename + '/' print('Does the file exist?', gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location)) if not gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_location) save_filename = FLAGS.save_location + short_filename """Main function which runs all TensorFlow computations.""" with tf.Graph().as_default() as gra: with tf.device(tf.ReplicaDeviceSetter(FLAGS.ps_tasks)): print(FLAGS.config_params) # set up training dataset tc_mean = get_data_mat.init_chunks(FLAGS.n_chunks) ''' # plot histogram of a training dataset stim_train, resp_train, train_len = get_data_mat.get_stim_resp('train', num_chunks=FLAGS.num_chunks_to_load) plt.hist(np.ndarray.flatten(stim_train[:,:,0:])) plt.draw() ''' # Create computation graph. # # Graph should be fully constructed before you create supervisor. # Attempt to modify graph after supervisor is created will cause an error. with tf.name_scope('model'): if FLAGS.architecture == '1 layer': # single GPU model if False: global_step = tf.contrib.framework.create_global_step() model, stim, resp = jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels) # multiGPU model if True: model, stim, resp, global_step = jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter_multigpu( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels, FLAGS.config_params) if FLAGS.architecture == '2 layer_stimulus': # stimulus is first smoothened to lower dimensions, then same model is applied print(' put stimulus to lower dimenstions!') model, stim, resp, global_step, stim_tuple = jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter_multigpu_stim_lr( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels, FLAGS.config_params, FLAGS.stim_downsample_window, FLAGS.stim_downsample_stride) # Print the number of variables in graph print('Calculating model size') # Hope we do not exceed memory PrintModelAnalysis(gra, max_depth=10) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Builds our summary op. summary_op = model.merged_summary # Create a Supervisor. It will take care of initialization, summaries, # checkpoints, and recovery. # # When multiple replicas of this program are running, the first one, # identified by --task=0 is the 'chief' supervisor. It is the only one # that takes case of initialization, etc. is_chief = (FLAGS.task == 0) # & (FLAGS.learn==1) print(save_filename) if FLAGS.learn == 1: # use supervisor only for learning, # otherwise it messes up data as it tries to store variables while you are doing analysis sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=save_filename, is_chief=is_chief, saver=tf.train.Saver(), summary_op=None, save_model_secs=100, global_step=global_step, recovery_wait_secs=5) if (is_chief and FLAGS.learn == 1): tf.train.write_graph(tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(), save_filename, 'graph.pbtxt') # Get an initialized, and possibly recovered session. Launch the # services: Checkpointing, Summaries, step counting. # # When multiple replicas of this program are running the services are # only launched by the 'chief' replica. session_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() sess = sv.PrepareSession(FLAGS.master, config=session_config) FitComputation(sv, sess, model, stim, resp, global_step, summary_op, stim_tuple) sv.Stop() else: # if not learn, then analyse session_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) with tf.Session(config=session_config) as sess: saver_var = tf.train.Saver( tf.all_variables(), keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=float('inf')) restore_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_filename) print(restore_file) start_iter = int( restore_file.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]) saver_var.restore(sess, restore_file) if FLAGS.architecture == '2 layer_stimulus': AnalyseModel_lr(sess, model) else: AnalyseModel(sv, sess, model)
def main(argv): # global variables will be used for getting training data global cells_choose global chosen_mask global chunk_order # set random seeds: when same algorithm run with different FLAGS, # the sequence of random data is same. np.random.seed(FLAGS.np_randseed) random.seed(FLAGS.randseed) # initial chunk order (will be re-shuffled everytime we go over a chunk) chunk_order = np.random.permutation(np.arange(FLAGS.n_chunks - 1)) # Load data summary data_filename = FLAGS.data_location + 'data_details.mat' summary_file = gfile.Open(data_filename, 'r') data_summary = sio.loadmat(summary_file) cells = np.squeeze(data_summary['cells']) # which cells to train subunits for if FLAGS.all_cells == 'True': cells_choose = np.array(np.ones(np.shape(cells)), dtype='bool') else: cells_choose = (cells == 3287) | (cells == 3318) | (cells == 3155) | ( cells == 3066) n_cells = np.sum(cells_choose) # number of cells # load spikes and relevant stimulus pixels for chosen cells tot_spks = np.squeeze(data_summary['tot_spks']) tot_spks_chosen_cells = np.array(tot_spks[cells_choose], dtype='float32') total_mask = np.squeeze(data_summary['totalMaskAccept_log']).T # chosen_mask = which pixels to learn subunits over if FLAGS.masked_stimulus == 'True': chosen_mask = np.array(np.sum(total_mask[cells_choose, :], 0) > 0, dtype='bool') else: chosen_mask = np.array(np.ones(3200).astype('bool')) stim_dim = np.sum(chosen_mask) # stimulus dimensions print('\ndataset summary loaded') # print parameters print('Save folder name: ' + str(FLAGS.folder_name) + '\nmodel:' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '\nLoss:' + str(FLAGS.loss) + '\nmasked stimulus:' + str(FLAGS.masked_stimulus) + '\nall_cells?' + str(FLAGS.all_cells) + '\nbatch size' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '\nstep size' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '\ntraining length: ' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '\nn_cells: ' + str(n_cells)) # decide the number of subunits to fit n_su = FLAGS.ratio_SU * n_cells # filename for saving file short_filename = ('_masked_stim=' + str(FLAGS.masked_stimulus) + '_all_cells=' + str(FLAGS.all_cells) + '_loss=' + str(FLAGS.loss) + '_batch_sz=' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '_step_sz' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '_tlen=' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '_bg') with tf.Session() as sess: # set up stimulus and response palceholders stim = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, stim_dim], name='stim') resp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='resp') data_len = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='data_len') if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': b_init = np.array( 0.000001 * np.ones(n_cells) ) # a very small positive bias needed to avoid log(0) in poisson loss else: b_init = np.log( (tot_spks_chosen_cells) / (216000. - tot_spks_chosen_cells) ) # log-odds, a good initialization for some losses (like logistic) # different firing rate models if FLAGS.model_id == 'exp_additive': # This model was implemented for earlier work. # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = sum_s exp(w_s.x + a_sc) # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + short_filename) # variables w = tf.Variable(np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32'), name='w') a = tf.Variable(np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_cells, 1, n_su), dtype='float32'), name='a') # firing rate model lam = tf.transpose(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(tf.matmul(stim, w) + a), 2)) regularization = 0 vars_fit = [w, a] def proj( ): # called after every training step - to project to parameter constraints pass if FLAGS.model_id == 'relu': # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = a_c'.relu(w.x) + b # we know a>0 and for poisson loss, b>0 # for poisson loss: small b added to prevent lam_c going to 0 # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + '_lam_a=' + str(FLAGS.lam_a) + '_nsu=' + str(n_su) + short_filename) # variables w = tf.Variable(np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32'), name='w') a = tf.Variable(np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_su, n_cells), dtype='float32'), name='a') b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init, dtype='float32'), name='b') # firing rate model lam = tf.matmul(tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(stim, w)), a) + b vars_fit = [w, a] # which variables are learnt if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': # don't learn b for poisson loss vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # regularization of parameters regularization = (FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(w)) + FLAGS.lam_a * tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(a))) # projection to satisfy constraints a_pos = tf.assign(a, (a + tf.abs(a)) / 2) b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b)) / 2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': if FLAGS.model_id == 'relu_window': # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = a_c'.relu(w.x) + b, # where w_i are over a small window which are convolutionally related with each other. # we know a>0 and for poisson loss, b>0 # for poisson loss: small b added to prevent lam_c going to 0 # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_window=' + str(FLAGS.window) + '_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stride) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + short_filename) mask_tf, dimx, dimy, n_pix = get_windows( ) # get convolutional windows # variables w = tf.Variable(np.array(0.1 + 0.05 * np.random.rand(dimx, dimy, n_pix), dtype='float32'), name='w') a = tf.Variable(np.array(np.random.rand(dimx * dimy, n_cells), dtype='float32'), name='a') b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init, dtype='float32'), name='b') vars_fit = [w, a] # which variables are learnt if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': # don't learn b for poisson loss vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # stimulus filtered with convolutional windows stim4D = tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(stim, (-1, 40, 80)), 3) stim_masked = tf.nn.conv2d( stim4D, mask_tf, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID") stim_wts = tf.nn.relu(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(stim_masked, w), 3)) # get firing rate lam = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(stim_wts, [-1, dimx * dimy]), a) + b # regularization regularization = FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(w)) # projection to satisfy hard variable constraints a_pos = tf.assign(a, (a + tf.abs(a)) / 2) b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b)) / 2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': if FLAGS.model_id == 'relu_window_mother': # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = a_c'.relu(w.x) + b, # where w_i are over a small window which are convolutionally related with each other. # w_i = w_mother + w_del_i, # where w_mother is common accross all 'windows' and w_del is different for different windows. # we know a>0 and for poisson loss, b>0 # for poisson loss: small b added to prevent lam_c going to 0 # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_window=' + str(FLAGS.window) + '_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stride) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + short_filename) mask_tf, dimx, dimy, n_pix = get_windows() # variables w_del = tf.Variable(np.array(0.05 * np.random.randn(dimx, dimy, n_pix), dtype='float32'), name='w_del') w_mother = tf.Variable(np.array(np.ones( (2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 1, 1)), dtype='float32'), name='w_mother') a = tf.Variable(np.array(np.random.rand(dimx * dimy, n_cells), dtype='float32'), name='a') b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init, dtype='float32'), name='b') vars_fit = [w_mother, w_del, a] # which variables to learn if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # stimulus filtered with convolutional windows stim4D = tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(stim, (-1, 40, 80)), 3) stim_convolved = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.conv2d(stim4D, w_mother, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID"), 3) stim_masked = tf.nn.conv2d( stim4D, mask_tf, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID") stim_del = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(stim_masked, w_del), 3) # activation of differnet subunits su_act = tf.nn.relu(stim_del + stim_convolved) # get firing rate lam = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(su_act, [-1, dimx * dimy]), a) + b # regularization regularization = FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(w_del)) # projection to satisfy hard variable constraints a_pos = tf.assign(a, (a + tf.abs(a)) / 2) b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b)) / 2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': if FLAGS.model_id == 'relu_window_mother_sfm': # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = a_sfm_c'.relu(w.x) + b, # a_sfm_c = softmax(a) : so a cell cannot be connected to all subunits equally well. # where w_i are over a small window which are convolutionally related with each other. # w_i = w_mother + w_del_i, # where w_mother is common accross all 'windows' and w_del is different for different windows. # we know a>0 and for poisson loss, b>0 # for poisson loss: small b added to prevent lam_c going to 0 # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_window=' + str(FLAGS.window) + '_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stride) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + short_filename) mask_tf, dimx, dimy, n_pix = get_windows() # variables w_del = tf.Variable(np.array(0.05 * np.random.randn(dimx, dimy, n_pix), dtype='float32'), name='w_del') w_mother = tf.Variable(np.array(np.ones( (2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 1, 1)), dtype='float32'), name='w_mother') a = tf.Variable(np.array(np.random.randn(dimx * dimy, n_cells), dtype='float32'), name='a') a_sfm = tf.transpose(tf.nn.softmax(tf.transpose(a))) b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init, dtype='float32'), name='b') vars_fit = [w_mother, w_del, a] # which variables to fit if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # stimulus filtered with convolutional windows stim4D = tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(stim, (-1, 40, 80)), 3) stim_convolved = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.conv2d(stim4D, w_mother, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID"), 3) stim_masked = tf.nn.conv2d( stim4D, mask_tf, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID") stim_del = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(stim_masked, w_del), 3) # activation of differnet subunits su_act = tf.nn.relu(stim_del + stim_convolved) # get firing rate lam = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(su_act, [-1, dimx * dimy]), a_sfm) + b # regularization regularization = FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(w_del)) # projection to satisfy hard variable constraints b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b)) / 2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': if FLAGS.model_id == 'relu_window_mother_sfm_exp': # firing rate for cell c: lam_c = exp(a_sfm_c'.relu(w.x)) + b, # a_sfm_c = softmax(a) : so a cell cannot be connected to all subunits equally well. # exponential output NL would cancel the log() in poisson and might get better estimation properties. # where w_i are over a small window which are convolutionally related with each other. # w_i = w_mother + w_del_i, # where w_mother is common accross all 'windows' and w_del is different for different windows. # we know a>0 and for poisson loss, b>0 # for poisson loss: small b added to prevent lam_c going to 0 # filename short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_window=' + str(FLAGS.window) + '_stride=' + str(FLAGS.stride) + '_lam_w=' + str(FLAGS.lam_w) + short_filename) # get windows mask_tf, dimx, dimy, n_pix = get_windows() # declare variables w_del = tf.Variable(np.array(0.05 * np.random.randn(dimx, dimy, n_pix), dtype='float32'), name='w_del') w_mother = tf.Variable(np.array(np.ones( (2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 1, 1)), dtype='float32'), name='w_mother') a = tf.Variable(np.array(np.random.randn(dimx * dimy, n_cells), dtype='float32'), name='a') a_sfm = tf.transpose(tf.nn.softmax(tf.transpose(a))) b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init, dtype='float32'), name='b') vars_fit = [w_mother, w_del, a] if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # filter stimulus stim4D = tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(stim, (-1, 40, 80)), 3) stim_convolved = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.conv2d(stim4D, w_mother, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID"), 3) stim_masked = tf.nn.conv2d( stim4D, mask_tf, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID") stim_del = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(stim_masked, w_del), 3) # get subunit activation su_act = tf.nn.relu(stim_del + stim_convolved) # get cell firing rates lam = tf.exp( tf.matmul(tf.reshape(su_act, [-1, dimx * dimy]), a_sfm)) + b # regularization regularization = FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(w_del)) # projection to satisfy hard variable constraints b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b)) / 2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': # different loss functions if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(lam) / 120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp * tf.log(lam))) / data_len if FLAGS.loss == 'logistic': loss_inter = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softplus( -2 * (resp - 0.5) * lam)) / data_len if FLAGS.loss == 'hinge': loss_inter = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.relu(1 - 2 * (resp - 0.5) * lam)) / data_len loss = loss_inter + regularization # add regularization to get final loss function # training consists of calling training() # which performs a train step and # project parameters to model specific constraints using proj() train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize( loss, var_list=vars_fit) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) # one step of gradient descent proj() # model specific projection operations # evaluate loss on given data. def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =, feed_dict=inp_dict) return ls # saving details # make a folder with name derived from parameters of the algorithm # - it saves checkpoint files and summaries used in tensorboard parent_folder = FLAGS.save_location + FLAGS.folder_name + '/' # make folder if it does not exist if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) FLAGS.save_location = parent_folder + short_filename + '/' if not gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_location) save_filename = FLAGS.save_location + short_filename # create summary writers # create histogram summary for all parameters which are learnt for ivar in vars_fit: tf.histogram_summary(, ivar) # loss summary l_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss', loss) # loss without regularization summary l_inter_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss_inter', loss_inter) # Merge all the summary writer ops into one op (this way, # calling one op stores all summaries) merged = tf.merge_all_summaries() # training and testing has separate summary writers train_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'train', sess.graph) test_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'test') ## Fitting procedure print('Start fitting') saver_var = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables(), keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.05) load_prev = False start_iter = 0 try: # restore previous fits if they are available # - useful when programs are preempted frequently on . latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn' restore_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.save_location, latest_filename) # restore previous iteration count and start from there. start_iter = int(restore_file.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]) saver_var.restore(sess, restore_file) # restore variables load_prev = True except: print('No previous dataset') if load_prev: print('Previous results loaded') else: print('Variables initialized') # Finally, do fitting icnt = 0 # get test data and make test dictionary stim_test, resp_test, test_length = get_test_data() fd_test = {stim: stim_test, resp: resp_test, data_len: test_length} for istep in np.arange(start_iter, 400000): print(istep) # get training data and make test dictionary stim_train, resp_train, train_len = get_next_training_batch(istep) fd_train = { stim: stim_train, resp: resp_train, data_len: train_len } # take training step training(fd_train) if istep % 10 == 0: # compute training and testing losses ls_train = get_loss(fd_train) ls_test = get_loss(fd_test) latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn', save_filename, global_step=istep, latest_filename=latest_filename) # add training summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_train) train_writer.add_summary(summary, istep) # add testing summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_test) test_writer.add_summary(summary, istep) print(istep, ls_train, ls_test) icnt += FLAGS.batchsz if icnt > 216000 - 1000: icnt = 0 tms = np.random.permutation(np.arange(216000 - 1000))
def main(argv): print('\nCode started') global cells_choose global chosen_mask np.random.seed(FLAGS.np_randseed) random.seed(FLAGS.randseed) global chunk_order chunk_order = np.random.permutation(np.arange(FLAGS.n_chunks - 1)) ## Load data summary filename = FLAGS.data_location + 'data_details.mat' summary_file = gfile.Open(filename, 'r') data_summary = sio.loadmat(summary_file) cells = np.squeeze(data_summary['cells']) if FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson' or FLAGS.model_id == 'logistic' or FLAGS.model_id == 'hinge' or FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson_relu': cells_choose = (cells == 3287) | (cells == 3318) | (cells == 3155) | ( cells == 3066) if FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson_full': cells_choose = np.array(np.ones(np.shape(cells)), dtype='bool') n_cells = np.sum(cells_choose) tot_spks = np.squeeze(data_summary['tot_spks']) total_mask = np.squeeze(data_summary['totalMaskAccept_log']).T tot_spks_chosen_cells = np.array(tot_spks[cells_choose], dtype='float32') chosen_mask = np.array(np.sum(total_mask[cells_choose, :], 0) > 0, dtype='bool') print(np.shape(chosen_mask)) print(np.sum(chosen_mask)) stim_dim = np.sum(chosen_mask) print(FLAGS.model_id) print('\ndataset summary loaded') # use stim_dim, chosen_mask, cells_choose, tot_spks_chosen_cells, n_cells # decide the number of subunits to fit n_su = FLAGS.ratio_SU * n_cells # saving details if FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson': short_filename = ('data_model=ASM_pop_batch_sz=' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '_n_b_in_c' + str(FLAGS.n_b_in_c) + '_step_sz' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '_tlen=' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '_bg') else: short_filename = ('data_model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '_batch_sz=' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '_n_b_in_c' + str(FLAGS.n_b_in_c) + '_step_sz' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '_tlen=' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '_bg') parent_folder = FLAGS.save_location + FLAGS.folder_name + '/' if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) FLAGS.save_location = parent_folder + short_filename + '/' print(gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location)) if not gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_location) print(FLAGS.save_location) save_filename = FLAGS.save_location + short_filename with tf.Session() as sess: # Learn population model! stim = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, stim_dim], name='stim') resp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='resp') data_len = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='data_len') if FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson' or FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson_full': # variables w = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32')) a = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_cells, 1, n_su), dtype='float32')) lam = tf.transpose(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(tf.matmul(stim, w) + a), 2)) #loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(lam/tot_spks_chosen_cells)/120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp*tf.log(lam)/tot_spks_chosen_cells)) / data_len loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(lam) / 120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp * tf.log(lam))) / data_len loss = loss_inter train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize( loss, var_list=[w, a]) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =, feed_dict=inp_dict) return ls if FLAGS.model_id == 'poisson_relu': # variables w = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32')) a = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_su, n_cells), dtype='float32')) b_init = np.log( (tot_spks_chosen_cells) / (216000. - tot_spks_chosen_cells)) b = tf.Variable(b_init, dtype='float32') f = tf.matmul( tf.exp(tf.nn.relu(stim, w)), a ) + b #loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(lam/tot_spks_chosen_cells)/120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp*tf.log(lam)/tot_spks_chosen_cells)) / data_len loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(f) / 120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp * tf.log(f))) / data_len loss = loss_inter train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize( loss, var_list=[w, a]) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =, feed_dict=inp_dict) return ls if FLAGS.model_id == 'logistic': w = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32')) a = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_su, n_cells), dtype='float32')) b_init = np.log( (tot_spks_chosen_cells) / (216000. - tot_spks_chosen_cells)) b = tf.Variable(b_init, dtype='float32') f = tf.matmul(tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(stim, w)), a) + b loss_inter = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softplus( -2 * (resp - 0.5) * f)) / data_len loss = loss_inter train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize( loss, var_list=[w, a, b]) a_pos = tf.assign(a, (a + tf.abs(a)) / 2) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =, feed_dict=inp_dict) return ls if FLAGS.model_id == 'hinge': w = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.randn(stim_dim, n_su), dtype='float32')) a = tf.Variable( np.array(0.01 * np.random.rand(n_su, n_cells), dtype='float32')) b_init = np.log( (tot_spks_chosen_cells) / (216000. - tot_spks_chosen_cells)) b = tf.Variable(b_init, dtype='float32') f = tf.matmul(tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(stim, w)), a) + b loss_inter = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.relu(1 - 2 * (resp - 0.5) * f)) / data_len loss = loss_inter train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize( loss, var_list=[w, a, b]) a_pos = tf.assign(a, (a + tf.abs(a)) / 2) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =, feed_dict=inp_dict) return ls # summaries l_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss', loss) l_inter_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss_inter', loss_inter) # Merge all the summaries and write them out to /tmp/mnist_logs (by default) merged = tf.merge_all_summaries() train_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'train', sess.graph) test_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'test') print('\nStarting new code') saver_var = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables(), keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.05) load_prev = False start_iter = 0 try: latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn' restore_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.save_location, latest_filename) start_iter = int(restore_file.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]) saver_var.restore(sess, restore_file) load_prev = True except: print('No previous dataset') if load_prev: print('\nPrevious results loaded') else: print('\nVariables initialized') # Do the fitting icnt = 0 stim_test, resp_test, test_length = get_test_data() fd_test = {stim: stim_test, resp: resp_test, data_len: test_length} #logfile.close() for istep in np.arange(start_iter, 400000): print(istep) # get training data stim_train, resp_train, train_len = get_next_training_batch(istep) fd_train = { stim: stim_train, resp: resp_train, data_len: train_len } # take training step training(fd_train) if istep % 10 == 0: # compute training and testing losses ls_train = get_loss(fd_train) ls_test = get_loss(fd_test) latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn', save_filename, global_step=istep, latest_filename=latest_filename) # add training summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_train) train_writer.add_summary(summary, istep) # add testing summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_test) test_writer.add_summary(summary, istep) print(istep, ls_train, ls_test) icnt += FLAGS.batchsz if icnt > 216000 - 1000: icnt = 0 tms = np.random.permutation(np.arange(216000 - 1000))
def main(argv): # initialize training and testing chunks init_chunks() # setup dataset _,cids_select, n_cells, tc_select, tc_mean = setup_dataset() # print parameters print('Save folder name: ' + str(FLAGS.folder_name) + '\nmodel:' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + '\nLoss:' + str(FLAGS.loss) + '\nbatch size' + str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '\nstep size' + str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '\ntraining length: ' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '\nn_cells: '+str(n_cells)) # filename for saving file short_filename = ('_loss='+ str(FLAGS.loss) + '_batch_sz='+ str(FLAGS.batchsz) + '_step_sz'+ str(FLAGS.step_sz) + '_tlen=' + str(FLAGS.train_len) + '_jitter') # setup model with tf.Session() as sess: # initialize stuff if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': b_init = np.array(0.000001*np.ones(n_cells)) # a very small positive bias needed to avoid log(0) in poisson loss else: b_init = np.log((tot_spks_chosen_cells)/(216000. - tot_spks_chosen_cells)) # log-odds, a good initialization for some # RGB time filter tm4D = np.zeros((30,1,3,3)) for ichannel in range(3): tm4D[:,0,ichannel,ichannel] = tc_mean[:,ichannel] tc = tf.Variable((tm4D).astype('float32'),name = 'tc') d1=640 d2=320 colors=3 # make data placeholders stim = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=[None,d1,d2,colors],name='stim') resp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=[None,n_cells],name='resp') data_len = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name='data_len') # time convolution # time course should be time,d1,color,color # original stimulus is (time, d1,d2,color). Permute it to (d2,time,d1,color) so that 1D convolution could be mimicked using conv_2d. stim_time_filtered = tf.transpose(tf.nn.conv2d(tf.transpose(stim,(2,0,1,3)),tc, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='VALID'), (1,2,0,3)) # learn almost convolutional model short_filename = ('model=' + str(FLAGS.model_id) + short_filename) mask_tf, dimx, dimy, n_pix = get_windows() w_del = tf.Variable(np.array( 0.05*np.random.randn(dimx, dimy, n_pix),dtype='float32'), name='w_del') w_mother = tf.Variable(np.array( np.ones((2 * FLAGS.window + 1, 2 * FLAGS.window + 1, FLAGS.su_channels, 1)),dtype='float32'), name='w_mother') a = tf.Variable(np.array(np.random.randn(dimx*dimy, n_cells),dtype='float32'), name='a') a_sfm = tf.transpose(tf.nn.softmax(tf.transpose(a))) b = tf.Variable(np.array(b_init,dtype='float32'), name='b') vars_fit = [w_mother, w_del, a] # which variables to fit if not FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': vars_fit = vars_fit + [b] # stimulus filtered with convolutional windows stim4D = stim_time_filtered#tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(stim, (-1,40,80)), 3) stim_convolved = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.conv2d(stim4D, w_mother, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID"),3) stim_masked = tf.nn.conv2d(stim4D, mask_tf, strides=[1, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.stride, 1], padding="VALID" ) stim_del = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(stim_masked, w_del), 3) # activation of different subunits su_act = tf.nn.relu(stim_del + stim_convolved) # get firing rate lam = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(su_act, [-1, dimx*dimy]), a_sfm) + b # regularization regularization = FLAGS.lam_w * tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(w_del)) # projection to satisfy hard variable constraints b_pos = tf.assign(b, (b + tf.abs(b))/2) def proj(): if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': if FLAGS.loss == 'poisson': loss_inter = (tf.reduce_sum(lam)/120. - tf.reduce_sum(resp*tf.log(lam))) / data_len loss = loss_inter + regularization # add regularization to get final loss function # training consists of calling training() # which performs a train step and project parameters to model specific constraints using proj() train_step = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(FLAGS.step_sz).minimize(loss, var_list=vars_fit) def training(inp_dict):, feed_dict=inp_dict) # one step of gradient descent proj() # model specific projection operations # evaluate loss on given data. def get_loss(inp_dict): ls =,feed_dict = inp_dict) return ls # saving details # make a folder with name derived from parameters of the algorithm - it saves checkpoint files and summaries used in tensorboard parent_folder = FLAGS.save_location + FLAGS.folder_name + '/' # make folder if it does not exist if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) FLAGS.save_location = parent_folder + short_filename + '/' if not gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_location) save_filename = FLAGS.save_location + short_filename # create summary writers # create histogram summary for all parameters which are learnt for ivar in vars_fit: tf.histogram_summary(, ivar) # loss summary l_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss',loss) # loss without regularization summary l_inter_summary = tf.scalar_summary('loss_inter',loss_inter) # Merge all the summary writer ops into one op (this way, calling one op stores all summaries) merged = tf.merge_all_summaries() # training and testing has separate summary writers train_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'train', sess.graph) test_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.save_location + 'test') ## load previous results saver_var = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables(), keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.05) load_prev = False start_iter=0 try: # restore previous fits if they are available - useful when programs are preempted frequently on . latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn' restore_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.save_location, latest_filename) start_iter = int(restore_file.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]) # restore previous iteration count and start from there. saver_var.restore(sess, restore_file) # restore variables load_prev = True except: print('No previous dataset') if load_prev: print('\nPrevious results loaded') else: print('\nVariables initialized') # Finally, do fitting # get test data and make test dictionary stim_test,resp_test,test_length = get_stim_resp('test') fd_test = {stim: stim_test, resp: resp_test, data_len: test_length} for istep in np.arange(start_iter,400000): print(istep) # get training data and make test dictionary stim_train, resp_train, train_len = get_stim_resp('train') fd_train = {stim: stim_train, resp: resp_train, data_len: train_len} print('loaded a training set') # take training step training(fd_train) print('performed a training step') if istep%10 == 0: # save variables latest_filename = short_filename + '_latest_fn', save_filename, global_step=istep, latest_filename = latest_filename) # add training summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_train) train_writer.add_summary(summary,istep) print('training loss calculated') # add testing summary summary =, feed_dict=fd_test) test_writer.add_summary(summary,istep) print('testing loss calculated')
def main(argv): np.random.seed(23) # Figure out dictionary path. dict_list = gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.src_dict) dict_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.src_dict, dict_list[FLAGS.taskid]) # Load the dictionary if dict_path[-3:] == 'pkl': data = pickle.load(gfile.Open(dict_path, 'r')) if dict_path[-3:] == 'mat': data = sio.loadmat(gfile.Open(dict_path, 'r')) #FLAGS.save_dir = '/home/bhaishahster/stimulation_algos/dictionaries/' + dict_list[FLAGS.taskid][:-4] FLAGS.save_dir = FLAGS.save_dir + dict_list[FLAGS.taskid][:-4] if not gfile.Exists(FLAGS.save_dir): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_dir) # S_collection = data['S'] # Target A = data['A'] # Decoder D = data['D'].T # Dictionary # clean dictionary thr_list = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) dict_val = [] for thr in thr_list: dict_val += [np.sum(np.sum(D.T > thr, 1) != 0)] plt.ion() plt.figure() plt.plot(thr_list, dict_val) plt.xlabel('Threshold') plt.ylabel( 'Number of dictionary elements with \n atleast one element above threshold' ) plt.title('Please choose threshold') thr_use = float(input('What threshold to use?')) plt.axvline(thr_use) plt.title('Using threshold: %.5f' % thr_use) dict_valid = np.sum(D.T > thr_use, 1) > 0 D = D[:, dict_valid] D = np.append(D, np.zeros((D.shape[0], 1)), 1) print( 'Appending a "dummy" dictionary element that does not activate any cell' ) # Vary stimulus resolution for itarget in range(20): n_targets = 1 for stix_resolution in [32, 64, 16, 8]: # Get the target x_dim = int(640 / stix_resolution) y_dim = int(320 / stix_resolution) targets = (np.random.rand(y_dim, x_dim, n_targets) < 0.5) - 0.5 upscale = stix_resolution / 8 targets = np.repeat(np.repeat(targets, upscale, axis=0), upscale, axis=1) targets = np.reshape(targets, [-1, targets.shape[-1]]) S_actual = targets[:, 0] # Remove null component of A from S S = # Run Greedy first to initialize x_greedy = greedy_stimulation(S, A, D, max_stims=FLAGS.t_max *, file_suffix='%d_%d' % (stix_resolution, itarget), save=True, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir) # Load greedy output from previous run #data_greedy = pickle.load(gfile.Open('/home/bhaishahster/greedy_2000_32_0.pkl', 'r')) #x_greedy = data_greedy['x_chosen'] # Plan for multiple time points x_init = np.zeros((x_greedy.shape[0], FLAGS.t_max)) for it in range(FLAGS.t_max): print((it + 1) * - 1) x_init[:, it] = x_greedy[:, (it + 1) * - 1] #simultaneous_planning(S, A, D, t_max=FLAGS.t_max, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate, #, normalization=FLAGS.normalization, # file_suffix='%d_%d_normal' % (stix_resolution, itarget), x_init=x_init, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir) from IPython import embed embed() simultaneous_planning_interleaved_discretization( S, A, D, t_max=FLAGS.t_max, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate,, normalization=FLAGS.normalization, file_suffix='%d_%d_pgd' % (stix_resolution, itarget), x_init=x_init, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir, freeze_freq=np.inf, steps_max=500 * 20 - 1) # Interleaved discretization. simultaneous_planning_interleaved_discretization( S, A, D, t_max=FLAGS.t_max, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate,, normalization=FLAGS.normalization, file_suffix='%d_%d_pgd_od' % (stix_resolution, itarget), x_init=x_init, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir, freeze_freq=500, steps_max=500 * 20 - 1) # Exponential weighing. simultaneous_planning_interleaved_discretization_exp_gradient( S, A, D, t_max=FLAGS.t_max, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate,, normalization=FLAGS.normalization, file_suffix='%d_%d_ew' % (stix_resolution, itarget), x_init=x_init, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir, freeze_freq=np.inf, steps_max=500 * 20 - 1) # Exponential weighing with interleaved discretization. simultaneous_planning_interleaved_discretization_exp_gradient( S, A, D, t_max=FLAGS.t_max, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate,, normalization=FLAGS.normalization, file_suffix='%d_%d_ew_od' % (stix_resolution, itarget), x_init=x_init, save_dir=FLAGS.save_dir, freeze_freq=500, steps_max=500 * 20 - 1) ''' # Plot results data_fractional = pickle.load(gfile.Open('/home/bhaishahster/2012-09-24-0_SAD_fr1/pgd_20_5.000000_C_100_32_0_normal.pkl', 'r')) plt.ion() start = 0 end = 20 error_target_frac = np.linalg.norm(S - data_fractional['S']) #error_target_greedy = np.linalg.norm(S - data_greedy['S']) print('Did target change? \n Err from fractional: %.3f ' % error_target_frac) #'\n Err from greedy %.3f' % (error_target_frac, # error_target_greedy)) # from IPython import embed; embed() normalize = np.sum(data_fractional['S'] ** 2) plt.ion() plt.plot(np.arange(120, len(data_fractional['f_log'])), data_fractional['f_log'][120:] / normalize, 'b') plt.axhline(data_fractional['errors'][5:].mean() / normalize, color='m') plt.axhline(data_fractional['errors_ht_discrete'][5:].mean() / normalize, color='y') plt.axhline(data_fractional['errors_rr_discrete'][5:].mean() / normalize, color='r') plt.axhline(data_greedy['error_curve'][120:].mean() / normalize, color='k') plt.legend(['fraction_curve', 'fractional error', 'HT', 'RR', 'Greedy']) plt.pause(1.0) ''' from IPython import embed embed()
def main(unused_argv=()): ## copy data locally dst = FLAGS.tmp_dir print('Starting Copy') if not gfile.IsDirectory(dst): gfile.MkDir(dst) files = gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.src_dir) for ifile in files: ffile = os.path.join(dst, ifile) if not gfile.Exists(ffile): gfile.Copy(os.path.join(FLAGS.src_dir, ifile), ffile) print('Copied %s' % os.path.join(FLAGS.src_dir, ifile)) else: print('File exists %s' % ffile) print('File copied to destination') ## load data # load stimulus data = h5py.File(os.path.join(dst, 'stimulus.mat')) stimulus = np.array(data.get('stimulus')) - 0.5 # load responses from multiple retina datasets_list = os.path.join(dst, 'datasets.txt') datasets = open(datasets_list, "r").read() training_datasets = [line for line in datasets.splitlines()] responses = [] for idata in training_datasets: print(idata) data_file = os.path.join(dst, idata) data = sio.loadmat(data_file) responses += [data] print(np.max(data['centers'], 0)) # generate additional features for responses num_cell_types = 2 dimx = 80 dimy = 40 for iresp in responses: # remove cells which are outside 80x40 window. process_dataset(iresp, dimx, dimy, num_cell_types) ## generate graph - if FLAGS.is_test == 0: is_training = True if FLAGS.is_test == 1: is_training = True # False with tf.Session() as sess: ## Make graph # embed stimulus. time_window = 30 stimx = stimulus.shape[1] stimy = stimulus.shape[2] stim_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, stimx, stimy, time_window]) # batch x X x Y x time_window batch_norm = FLAGS.batch_norm stim_embed = embed_stimulus(FLAGS.stim_layers.split(','), batch_norm, stim_tf, is_training, reuse_variables=False) ''' ttf_tf = tf.Variable(np.ones(time_window).astype(np.float32)/10, name='stim_ttf') filt = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(ttf_tf, 0), 0), 3) stim_time_filt = tf.nn.conv2d(stim_tf, filt, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') # batch x X x Y x 1 ilayer = 0 stim_time_filt = slim.conv2d(stim_time_filt, 1, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='stim_layer_wt_%d' % ilayer, reuse=False, normalizer_fn=slim.batch_norm, activation_fn=tf.nn.softplus, normalizer_params={'is_training': is_training}, padding='SAME') ''' # embed responses. num_cell_types = 2 layers = FLAGS.resp_layers # format: window x filters x stride .. NOTE: final filters=1, stride =1 throughout batch_norm = FLAGS.batch_norm time_window = 1 anchor_model = conv.ConvolutionalProsthesisScore(sess, time_window=1, layers=layers, batch_norm=batch_norm, is_training=is_training, reuse_variables=False, num_cell_types=2, dimx=dimx, dimy=dimy) neg_model = conv.ConvolutionalProsthesisScore(sess, time_window=1, layers=layers, batch_norm=batch_norm, is_training=is_training, reuse_variables=True, num_cell_types=2, dimx=dimx, dimy=dimy) d_s_r_pos = tf.reduce_sum((stim_embed - anchor_model.responses_embed)**2, [1, 2, 3]) # batch d_pairwise_s_rneg = tf.reduce_sum((tf.expand_dims(stim_embed, 1) - tf.expand_dims(neg_model.responses_embed, 0))**2, [2, 3, 4]) # batch x batch_neg beta = 10 # if FLAGS.save_suffix == 'lr=0.001': loss = tf.reduce_sum(beta * tf.reduce_logsumexp(tf.expand_dims(d_s_r_pos / beta, 1) - d_pairwise_s_rneg / beta, 1), 0) # else : # loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softplus(1 + tf.expand_dims(d_s_r_pos, 1) - d_pairwise_s_rneg)) accuracy_tf = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sign(-tf.expand_dims(d_s_r_pos, 1) + d_pairwise_s_rneg)) lr = 0.001 train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss) # set up training and testing data training_datasets_all = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15] testing_datasets = [0, 4, 8, 12] print('Testing datasets', testing_datasets) n_training_datasets_log = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12] if (np.floor(FLAGS.taskid / 4)).astype( < len(n_training_datasets_log): # do randomly sampled training data for 0<= FLAGS.taskid < 28 prng = RandomState(23) n_training_datasets = n_training_datasets_log[(np.floor(FLAGS.taskid / 4)).astype(] for _ in range(10*FLAGS.taskid): print(prng.choice(training_datasets_all, n_training_datasets, replace=False)) training_datasets = prng.choice(training_datasets_all, n_training_datasets, replace=False) # training_datasets = [i for i in range(7) if i< 7-FLAGS.taskid] #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] else: # do 1 training data, chosen in order for FLAGS.taskid >= 28 datasets_all = np.arange(16) training_datasets = [datasets_all[FLAGS.taskid % (4 * len(n_training_datasets_log))]] print('Task ID %d' % FLAGS.taskid) print('Training datasets', training_datasets) # Initialize stuff. file_name = ('end_to_end_stim_%s_resp_%s_beta_%d_taskid_%d' '_training_%s_testing_%s_%s' % (FLAGS.stim_layers, FLAGS.resp_layers, beta, FLAGS.taskid, str(training_datasets)[1: -1], str(testing_datasets)[1: -1], FLAGS.save_suffix)) saver_var, start_iter = initialize_model(FLAGS.save_folder, file_name, sess) # print model graph PrintModelAnalysis(tf.get_default_graph()) # Add summary ops retina_number = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, name='input_retina'); summary_ops = [] for iret in np.arange(len(responses)): print(iret) r1 = tf.summary.scalar('loss_%d' % iret , loss) r2 = tf.summary.scalar('accuracy_%d' % iret , accuracy_tf) summary_ops += [tf.summary.merge([r1, r2])] # tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) # tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy_tf) # summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # Setup summary writers summary_writers = [] for loc in ['train', 'test']: summary_location = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_folder, file_name, 'summary_' + loc ) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summary_location, sess.graph) summary_writers += [summary_writer] # start training batch_neg_train_sz = 100 batch_train_sz = 100 def batch(dataset_id): batch_train = get_batch(stimulus, responses[dataset_id]['responses'], batch_size=batch_train_sz, batch_neg_resp=batch_neg_train_sz, stim_history=30, min_window=10) stim_batch, resp_batch, resp_batch_neg = batch_train feed_dict = {stim_tf: stim_batch, anchor_model.responses_tf: np.expand_dims(resp_batch, 2), neg_model.responses_tf: np.expand_dims(resp_batch_neg, 2), anchor_model.map_cell_grid_tf: responses[dataset_id]['map_cell_grid'], anchor_model.cell_types_tf: responses[dataset_id]['ctype_1hot'], anchor_model.mean_fr_tf: responses[dataset_id]['mean_firing_rate'], neg_model.map_cell_grid_tf: responses[dataset_id]['map_cell_grid'], neg_model.cell_types_tf: responses[dataset_id]['ctype_1hot'], neg_model.mean_fr_tf: responses[dataset_id]['mean_firing_rate'], retina_number : dataset_id} return feed_dict def batch_few_cells(responses): batch_train = get_batch(stimulus, responses['responses'], batch_size=batch_train_sz, batch_neg_resp=batch_neg_train_sz, stim_history=30, min_window=10) stim_batch, resp_batch, resp_batch_neg = batch_train feed_dict = {stim_tf: stim_batch, anchor_model.responses_tf: np.expand_dims(resp_batch, 2), neg_model.responses_tf: np.expand_dims(resp_batch_neg, 2), anchor_model.map_cell_grid_tf: responses['map_cell_grid'], anchor_model.cell_types_tf: responses['ctype_1hot'], anchor_model.mean_fr_tf: responses['mean_firing_rate'], neg_model.map_cell_grid_tf: responses['map_cell_grid'], neg_model.cell_types_tf: responses['ctype_1hot'], neg_model.mean_fr_tf: responses['mean_firing_rate'], } return feed_dict if FLAGS.is_test == 1: print('Testing') save_dict = {} from IPython import embed; embed() ## Estimate one, fix others ''' grad_resp = tf.gradients(d_s_r_pos, anchor_model.responses_tf) t_start = 1000 t_len = 100 stim_history = 30 stim_batch = np.zeros((t_len, stimulus.shape[1], stimulus.shape[2], stim_history)) for isample, itime in enumerate(np.arange(t_start, t_start + t_len)): stim_batch[isample, :, :, :] = np.transpose(stimulus[itime: itime-stim_history:-1, :, :], [1, 2, 0]) iretina = testing_datasets[0] resp_batch = np.expand_dims(np.random.rand(t_len, responses[iretina]['responses'].shape[1]), 2) step_sz = 0.01 eps = 1e-2 dist_prev = np.inf for iiter in range(10000): feed_dict = {stim_tf: stim_batch, anchor_model.map_cell_grid_tf: responses[iretina]['map_cell_grid'], anchor_model.cell_types_tf: responses[iretina]['ctype_1hot'], anchor_model.mean_fr_tf: responses[iretina]['mean_firing_rate'], anchor_model.responses_tf: resp_batch} dist_np, resp_grad_np =[d_s_r_pos, grad_resp], feed_dict=feed_dict) if np.sum(np.abs(dist_prev - dist_np)) < eps: break print(np.sum(dist_np), np.sum(np.abs(dist_prev - dist_np))) dist_prev = dist_np resp_batch = resp_batch - step_sz * resp_grad_np[0] resp_batch = resp_batch.squeeze() ''' # from IPython import embed; embed() ## compute distances between s-r pairs for small number of cells test_retina = [] for iretina in range(len(testing_datasets)): dataset_id = testing_datasets[iretina] num_cells_total = responses[dataset_id]['responses'].shape[1] dataset_center = responses[dataset_id]['centers'].mean(0) dataset_cell_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((responses[dataset_id]['centers'] - dataset_center), 1)) order_cells = np.argsort(dataset_cell_distances) test_sr_few_cells = {} for num_cells_prc in [5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100]: num_cells = np.percentile(np.arange(num_cells_total), num_cells_prc).astype( choose_cells = order_cells[:num_cells] resposnes_few_cells = {'responses': responses[dataset_id]['responses'][:, choose_cells], 'map_cell_grid': responses[dataset_id]['map_cell_grid'][:, :, choose_cells], 'ctype_1hot': responses[dataset_id]['ctype_1hot'][choose_cells, :], 'mean_firing_rate': responses[dataset_id]['mean_firing_rate'][choose_cells]} # get a batch d_pos_log = np.array([]) d_neg_log = np.array([]) for test_iter in range(1000): print(iretina, num_cells_prc, test_iter) feed_dict = batch_few_cells(resposnes_few_cells) d_pos, d_neg =[d_s_r_pos, d_pairwise_s_rneg], feed_dict=feed_dict) d_neg = np.diag(d_neg) # np.mean(d_neg, 1) # d_pos_log = np.append(d_pos_log, d_pos) d_neg_log = np.append(d_neg_log, d_neg) precision_log, recall_log, F1_log, FPR_log, TPR_log = ROC(d_pos_log, d_neg_log) print(np.sum(d_pos_log > d_neg_log)) print(np.sum(d_pos_log < d_neg_log)) test_sr= {'precision': precision_log, 'recall': recall_log, 'F1': F1_log, 'FPR': FPR_log, 'TPR': TPR_log, 'd_pos_log': d_pos_log, 'd_neg_log': d_neg_log, 'num_cells': num_cells} test_sr_few_cells.update({'num_cells_prc_%d' % num_cells_prc : test_sr}) test_retina += [test_sr_few_cells] save_dict.update({'few_cell_analysis': test_retina}) ## compute distances between s-r pairs - pos and neg. test_retina = [] for iretina in range(len(testing_datasets)): # stim-resp log d_pos_log = np.array([]) d_neg_log = np.array([]) for test_iter in range(1000): print(test_iter) feed_dict = batch(testing_datasets[iretina]) d_pos, d_neg =[d_s_r_pos, d_pairwise_s_rneg], feed_dict=feed_dict) d_neg = np.diag(d_neg) # np.mean(d_neg, 1) # d_pos_log = np.append(d_pos_log, d_pos) d_neg_log = np.append(d_neg_log, d_neg) precision_log, recall_log, F1_log, FPR_log, TPR_log = ROC(d_pos_log, d_neg_log) print(np.sum(d_pos_log > d_neg_log)) print(np.sum(d_pos_log < d_neg_log)) test_sr = {'precision': precision_log, 'recall': recall_log, 'F1': F1_log, 'FPR': FPR_log, 'TPR': TPR_log, 'd_pos_log': d_pos_log, 'd_neg_log': d_neg_log} test_retina += [test_sr] save_dict.update({'test_sr': test_retina}) ## ROC curves of responses from repeats - dataset 1 repeats_datafile = '/home/bhaishahster/metric_learning/datasets/2015-09-23-7.mat' repeats_data = sio.loadmat(gfile.Open(repeats_datafile, 'r')); repeats_data['cell_type'] = repeats_data['cell_type'].T # process repeats data process_dataset(repeats_data, dimx, dimy, num_cell_types) # analyse and store the result test_reps = analyse_response_repeats(repeats_data, anchor_model, neg_model, sess) save_dict.update({'test_reps_2015-09-23-7': test_reps}) ## ROC curves of responses from repeats - dataset 2 repeats_datafile = '/home/bhaishahster/metric_learning/examples_pc2005_08_03_0/data005_test.mat' repeats_data = sio.loadmat(gfile.Open(repeats_datafile, 'r')); process_dataset(repeats_data, dimx, dimy, num_cell_types) # analyse and store the result ''' test_clustering = analyse_response_repeats_all_trials(repeats_data, anchor_model, neg_model, sess) save_dict.update({'test_reps_2005_08_03_0': test_clustering}) ''' # # get model params save_dict.update({'model_pars':}) save_analysis_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_folder, file_name + '_analysis.pkl') pickle.dump(save_dict, gfile.Open(save_analysis_filename, 'w')) print(save_analysis_filename) return test_iiter = 0 for iiter in range(start_iter, FLAGS.max_iter): # TODO(bhaishahster) :add FLAGS.max_iter # get a new batch # stim_tf, anchor_model.responses_tf, neg_model.responses_tf # training step train_dataset = training_datasets[iiter % len(training_datasets)] feed_dict_train = batch(train_dataset) _, loss_np_train =[train_op, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict_train) print(train_dataset, loss_np_train) # write summary if iiter % 10 == 0: # write train summary test_iiter = test_iiter + 1 train_dataset = training_datasets[test_iiter % len(training_datasets)] feed_dict_train = batch(train_dataset) summary_train =[train_dataset], feed_dict=feed_dict_train) summary_writers[0].add_summary(summary_train, iiter) # write test summary test_dataset = testing_datasets[test_iiter % len(testing_datasets)] feed_dict_test = batch(test_dataset) l_test, summary_test =[loss, summary_ops[test_dataset]], feed_dict=feed_dict_test) summary_writers[1].add_summary(summary_test, iiter) print('Test retina: %d, loss: %.3f' % (test_dataset, l_test)) # save model if iiter % 10 == 0: save_model(saver_var, FLAGS.save_folder, file_name, sess, iiter)
def RunComputation(): # filename for saving files, derived from FLAGS. short_filename = get_filename() # make a folder with name derived from parameters of the algorithm # it saves checkpoint files and summaries used in tensorboard parent_folder = FLAGS.save_location + FLAGS.folder_name + '/' # make folder if it does not exist if not gfile.IsDirectory(parent_folder): gfile.MkDir(parent_folder) FLAGS.save_location = parent_folder + short_filename + '/' print('Does the file exist?', gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location)) if not gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.save_location): gfile.MkDir(FLAGS.save_location) save_filename = FLAGS.save_location + short_filename if FLAGS.learn == 0: # for analysis, use smaller batch sizes, so that we can work with single GPU. FLAGS.batchsz = 600 #Set up tensorflow with tf.Graph().as_default() as gra: with tf.device(tf.ReplicaDeviceSetter(FLAGS.ps_tasks)): print(FLAGS.config_params) # set up training dataset # tc_mean = get_data_mat.init_chunks(FLAGS.n_chunks) <- use this with old get_data_mat tc_mean = get_data_mat.init_chunks(FLAGS.batchsz) #plt.plot(tc_mean) #plt.draw() # Create computation graph. # # Graph should be fully constructed before you create supervisor. # Attempt to modify graph after supervisor is created will cause an error. with tf.name_scope('model'): if FLAGS.architecture == '1 layer': # single GPU model if False: global_step = tf.contrib.framework.create_global_step() model, stim, resp = jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels) # multiGPU model if True: model, stim, resp, global_step = jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter_multigpu( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels, FLAGS.config_params) if FLAGS.architecture == '2 layer_stimulus': # stimulus is first smoothened to lower dimensions, then same model is applied print('First take a low resolution version of stimulus') model, stim, resp, global_step, stim_tuple = ( jitter_model.approximate_conv_jitter_multigpu_stim_lr( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels, FLAGS.config_params, FLAGS.stim_downsample_window, FLAGS.stim_downsample_stride)) if FLAGS.architecture == 'complex': print(' Multiple modifications over 2 layered model above') model, stim, resp, global_step = ( jitter_model_2. approximate_conv_jitter_multigpu_complex( FLAGS.n_cells, FLAGS.lam_w, FLAGS.window, FLAGS.stride, FLAGS.step_sz, tc_mean, FLAGS.su_channels, FLAGS.config_params, FLAGS.stim_downsample_window, FLAGS.stim_downsample_stride)) # Print the number of variables in graph print('Calculating model size') # Hope we do not exceed memory PrintModelAnalysis(gra, max_depth=10) # Builds our summary op. summary_op = model.merged_summary # Create a Supervisor. It will take care of initialization, summaries, # checkpoints, and recovery. # # When multiple replicas of this program are running, the first one, # identified by --task=0 is the 'chief' supervisor. It is the only one # that takes case of initialization, etc. is_chief = (FLAGS.task == 0) # & (FLAGS.learn==1) print(save_filename) if FLAGS.learn == 1: # use supervisor only for learning, # otherwise it messes up data as it tries to store variables while you are doing analysis sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=save_filename, is_chief=is_chief, saver=tf.train.Saver(), summary_op=None, save_model_secs=100, global_step=global_step, recovery_wait_secs=5) if (is_chief and FLAGS.learn == 1): # save graph only if task id =0 (is_chief) and learning the model tf.train.write_graph(tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(), save_filename, 'graph.pbtxt') # Get an initialized, and possibly recovered session. Launch the # services: Checkpointing, Summaries, step counting. # # When multiple replicas of this program are running the services are # only launched by the 'chief' replica. session_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) sess = sv.PrepareSession(FLAGS.master, config=session_config) # Finally, learn the parameters of the model FitComputation(sv, sess, model, stim, resp, global_step, summary_op) sv.Stop() else: # Analyse the model session_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) with tf.Session(config=session_config) as sess: # First, recover the model saver_var = tf.train.Saver( tf.all_variables(), keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=float('inf')) restore_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_filename) print(restore_file) start_iter = int( restore_file.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]) saver_var.restore(sess, restore_file) # model specific analysis if FLAGS.architecture == '2 layer_stimulus': AnalyseModel_lr(sess, model) elif FLAGS.architecture == 'complex': AnalyseModel_complex(sess, model, stim, resp, save_filename) else: AnalyseModel(sv, sess, model)