コード例 #1
def main():

    #files contain raw data
    file_z_down = "data\\acc_z_down.txt"
    file_z_up = "data\\acc_z_up.txt"
    file_y_down = "data\\acc_y_down.txt"
    file_y_up = "data\\acc_y_up.txt"
    file_x_down = "data\\acc_x_down.txt"
    file_x_up = "data\\acc_x_up.txt"

    # ------------------------1. read raw measurements from log file ------------------------
    # measurements is an array of x,y,z
    meas_z_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_down)
    meas_z_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_up)
    meas_y_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_down)
    meas_y_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_up)
    meas_x_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_down)
    meas_x_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_up)
    if (len(meas_z_down) == 0 or len(meas_z_up) == 0 or len(meas_y_down) == 0 or len(meas_y_up) == 0 or len(meas_x_down) == 0 or len(meas_x_up) == 0):
        print("Error: found zero in log file!")
       print("found "+str(len(meas_z_down))+" records after read log")

    #2. low pass filter - not used
    #smooth_z_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_down)
    #smooth_z_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_up)
    #smooth_y_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_down)
    #smooth_y_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_up)
    #smooth_x_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_down)
    #smooth_x_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_up)
    ##plotting data after low pass filter
    #if(len(smooth_z_down) == 0 or len(smooth_z_up) == 0 or len(smooth_y_down) == 0 or len(smooth_y_up) == 0 or len(smooth_x_down) == 0 or len(smooth_x_up) == 0):
    #    print("Error: found zero after low pass filter.")
    #    sys.exit()
    #    print ("found" + str(len(smooth_z_down)) + " after low pass filter.")
    #    accelerometer_utils.plot_lowpass_filter(True, meas_z_up, smooth_z_up)
    smooth_z_down = meas_z_down
    smooth_z_up = meas_z_up
    smooth_y_down = meas_y_down
    smooth_y_up = meas_y_up
    smooth_x_down = meas_x_down
    smooth_x_up = meas_x_up

    #3. Normalize raw measurements to the range of [0-1]
    #x: real normalize smooth measures
    x = []
    #y: optimal value of normalize measures
    y = []
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_z_down, 0)
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_z_up, 1)
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_y_down, 2)
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_y_up, 3)
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_x_down, 4)
    accelerometer_utils.normalize_meas(x, y, smooth_x_up, 5)

    print (len(x))
    print (len(y))

    x = numpy.array(x)
    y = numpy.array(y)

    #4. apply least square method to obtain parameter matrix
    (v, residues, rank, shape) = linalg.lstsq(x, y)
    print v
    #convert raw params to calibration params - extract misalignment matrix, scale factor matrix and offset vector
    calibration_params = accelerometer_utils.cal_calibration_params(v)
    misalignment_matrix = calibration_params[0]
    print "misalignment matrix:"
    print misalignment_matrix
    scale_factor = calibration_params[1]
    scale_factor_matrix = [[scale_factor[0], 0, 0],
                           [0, scale_factor[1], 0],
                           [0, 0, scale_factor[2]]]
    print "scale factors:"
    print scale_factor
    offset = calibration_params[2]
    print "offset:"
    print offset

    #5. write calibration params to file

    #6. calculate calibrated measures
    #files contain calibrated data
    file_calibrated_z_down = "data\\acc_calibrated_z_down.txt"
    file_calibrated_z_up = "data\\acc_calibrated_z_up.txt"
    file_calibrated_y_down = "data\\acc_calibrated_y_down.txt"
    file_calibrated_y_up = "data\\acc_calibrated_y_up.txt"
    file_calibrated_x_down = "data\\acc_calibrated_x_down.txt"
    file_calibrated_x_up = "data\\acc_calibrated_x_up.txt"
    #z down
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_z_down, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_z_down, cal_data)
    #z up
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_z_up, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_z_up, cal_data)
    #y down
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_y_down, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_y_down, cal_data)
    #y up
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_y_up, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_y_up, cal_data)
    #x down
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_x_down, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_x_down, cal_data)
    #x up
    cal_data = accelerometer_utils.calculate_calibrated_meas(meas_x_up, misalignment_matrix, scale_factor_matrix, offset)
    accelerometer_utils.write_to_file(file_calibrated_x_up, cal_data)
コード例 #2
def main():
    #----------------- 1.parameters for ACCELEROMETER -----------------------------
    sensor_ref = 9.81
    sensor_res = 10
    noise_window = 20; # noise_window used to eliminate first and last noise_window rows
    noise_threshold = 40; # noise_threshold: max standard deviation value of data

    #files contain raw data
    file_z_down = "data\\acc_z_down.txt"
    file_z_up = "data\\acc_z_up.txt"
    file_y_down = "data\\acc_y_down.txt"
    file_y_up = "data\\acc_y_up.txt"
    file_x_down = "data\\acc_x_down.txt"
    file_x_up = "data\\acc_x_up.txt"

    # ------------------------1. read raw measurements from log file ------------------------
    # measurements is an array of x,y,z
    meas_z_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_down)
    meas_z_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_up)
    meas_y_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_down)
    meas_y_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_up)
    meas_x_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_down)
    meas_x_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_up)
    if (len(meas_z_down) == 0 or len(meas_z_up) == 0 or len(meas_y_down) == 0 or len(meas_y_up) == 0 or len(meas_x_down) == 0 or len(meas_x_up) == 0):
        print("Error: found zero in log file!")
       print("found "+str(len(meas_z_down))+" records after read log")

    #2. low pass filter
    smooth_z_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_down)
    smooth_z_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_up)
    smooth_y_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_down)
    smooth_y_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_up)
    smooth_x_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_down)
    smooth_x_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_up)
    if(len(smooth_z_down) == 0 or len(smooth_z_up) == 0 or len(smooth_y_down) == 0 or len(smooth_y_up) == 0 or len(smooth_x_down) == 0 or len(smooth_x_up) == 0):
        print("Error: found zero after low pass filter.")
        print ("found" + str(len(smooth_z_down)) + " after low pass filter.")
        accelerometer_utils.plot_lowpass_filter(True, meas_z_up, smooth_z_up)

    #3. filter out noisy measurements by cutting the samples that have large standard deviation
    # right now we will not use it.
    #flt_meas, flt_idx = accelerometer_utils.filter_meas(measurements, noise_window, noise_threshold)
    #print("remaining " + str(len(flt_meas)) + " after low pass")
    #if len(flt_meas) == 0:
    #    print("Error: found zero IMU in log file after low pass!") #+options.sensor+"_RAW measurements for aircraft with id "+options.ac_id+" in log file after low pass!")
    #    sys.exit(1)

    #4. parameters declare
    # Parametric function: 'v' is the parameter vector, 'x' the independent varible
    fp = lambda v, x: numpy.dot(x, v)  # v[0]/(x**v[1])*sin(v[2]*x)
    # Error function
    e = lambda v, x, y: (fp(v,x)-y)
    # Initial parameter value
    v0 = [[1, 0, 0],
          [0, 1, 0],
          [0, 0, 1],
          [1, 1, 1]]
    # Optimal value of y
    y = [[0, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, -1],
         [0, 1, 0],
         [0, -1, 0],
         [1, 0, 0],
         [-1, 0, 0]]

    #normalize smooth measures
    x = []
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_z_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_z_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_y_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_y_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_x_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_x_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])

    #calculate directly
    raw_params = accelerometer_utils.cal_raw_params(x, y) # x is raw measures, y is expected measures (both are normalized)
    calibration_params = accelerometer_utils.cal_calibration_params(raw_params)
    print "misalignment matrix:"
    print calibration_params[0]
    print "scale factors:"
    print calibration_params[1]
    print "offset:"
    print calibration_params[2]
コード例 #3
def main():

    #files contain raw data
    file_z_down = "data\\acc_z_down.txt"
    file_z_up = "data\\acc_z_up.txt"
    file_y_down = "data\\acc_y_down.txt"
    file_y_up = "data\\acc_y_up.txt"
    file_x_down = "data\\acc_x_down.txt"
    file_x_up = "data\\acc_x_up.txt"

    # ------------------------1. read raw measurements from log file ------------------------
    # measurements is an array of x,y,z
    meas_z_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_down)
    meas_z_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_z_up)
    meas_y_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_down)
    meas_y_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_y_up)
    meas_x_down = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_down)
    meas_x_up = accelerometer_utils.read_log(file_x_up)
    if (len(meas_z_down) == 0 or len(meas_z_up) == 0 or len(meas_y_down) == 0 or len(meas_y_up) == 0 or len(meas_x_down) == 0 or len(meas_x_up) == 0):
        print("Error: found zero in log file!")
       print("found "+str(len(meas_z_down))+" records after read log")

    ##2. low pass filter --> RIGHT NOW WE DONT USE IT
    #smooth_z_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_down)
    #smooth_z_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_z_up)
    #smooth_y_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_down)
    #smooth_y_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_y_up)
    #smooth_x_down = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_down)
    #smooth_x_up = accelerometer_utils.lowpass_filter(meas_x_up)
    #if(len(smooth_z_down) == 0 or len(smooth_z_up) == 0 or len(smooth_y_down) == 0 or len(smooth_y_up) == 0 or len(smooth_x_down) == 0 or len(smooth_x_up) == 0):
    #    print("Error: found zero after low pass filter.")
    #    sys.exit()
    #    print ("found" + str(len(smooth_z_down)) + " after low pass filter.")
    #    accelerometer_utils.plot_lowpass_filter(True, meas_z_up, smooth_z_up)
    smooth_z_down = meas_z_down
    smooth_z_up = meas_z_up
    smooth_y_down = meas_y_down
    smooth_y_up = meas_y_up
    smooth_x_down = meas_x_down
    smooth_x_up = meas_x_up

    #3. calculate parameter matrix directly
    # Optimal value of y
    y = [[0, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, -1],
         [0, 1, 0],
         [0, -1, 0],
         [1, 0, 0],
         [-1, 0, 0]]

    #normalize smooth measures
    x = []
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_z_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_z_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_y_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_y_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_x_down)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])
    norm = accelerometer_utils.normalize_mean_meas(smooth_x_up)
    x.append([norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 1])

    #calculate directly
    raw_params = accelerometer_utils.cal_raw_params(x, y) # x is raw measures, y is expected measures (both are normalized)
    calibration_params = accelerometer_utils.cal_calibration_params(raw_params)
    print "misalignment matrix:"
    print calibration_params[0]
    print "scale factors:"
    print calibration_params[1]
    print "offset:"
    print calibration_params[2]