コード例 #1
def edit_appointment(request, appointment_id):
    Used to edit a selected appointment
    to change the time or reason etc.
    :param request: page requested by user
    :param appointment_id: id of the appointment
    :return: none
    appointment = get_object_or_404(Appointment, pk=appointment_id)

    if not appointment.accessible_by_user(request.user):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    if ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user).account_type == Doctor.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = AppointmentFormForDoctor(request.POST, instance=appointment)
            if form.is_valid():
                CreateLogEntry(request.user.username, "Appointment edited.")
                return render(request, 'reservation/appointment/edit.html',
                              {'form': form, 'message': 'All changes saved.'})
            form = AppointmentFormForDoctor(instance=appointment)
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = AppointmentFormForPatient(request.POST, instance=appointment)
            if form.is_valid():
                CreateLogEntry(request.user.username, "Appointment edited.")
                return render(request, 'reservation/appointment/edit.html',
                              {'form': form, 'message': 'All changes saved.'})
            form = AppointmentFormForPatient(instance=appointment)

    return render(request, 'reservation/appointment/edit.html', {'form': form})
コード例 #2
def create_appointment(request):
    Used to create an appointment. Sys admins/admins/nurses are
    not able to view this page
    :param request: page requested
    :return: none
    profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user)
    account_type = profile_information.account_type
    if account_type == Patient.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
        form_type = AppointmentFormForPatient
    elif account_type == Doctor.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
        # doctors have different form than patient
        form_type = AppointmentFormForDoctor
        raise PermissionDenied()

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_type(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            CreateLogEntry(request.user.username, "Appointment created.")
            return redirect(reverse('reservation:create_done'))
        form = form_type()

    return render(request, 'reservation/appointment/create.html', {'form': form})
コード例 #3
def test_user_account_type(user, account_type):
    Test whether or not the given user is the given account type.

    profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(user)
    if profile_information is not None:
        return profile_information.account_type == account_type
    return False
コード例 #4
def calendar(request, month=datetime.date.today().month, year=datetime.date.today().year):
    main calendar view. This is the monthview
    :param month: passed in month
    :param year: passed in year
    :return: monthview of the calendar
    month = int(month)
    year = int(year)

    if not is_month_valid(month) or not is_year_valid(year):
        raise Http404()

    week_list = calculate_day(str(month), str(year))

    # forward and back arrow calculations
    if month == 1:
        prev_month = 12
        prev_year = year - 1
        prev_month = month - 1
        prev_year = year

    if month == 12:
        next_month = 1
        next_year = year + 1
        next_month = month + 1
        next_year = year

    month_name = datetime.date(1900, month, 1).strftime('%B')

    context = {'year': year, 'month': month, 'month_name': month_name,
               'prev_month': prev_month, 'prev_year': prev_year, 'next_month': next_month,
               'next_year': next_year, 'week_list': week_list}

    # grab all appointments for the select user
    profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user)
    if profile_information is not None:
        account_type = profile_information.account_type
        if account_type == Patient.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
            appointments = Appointment.get_for_user_in_year_in_month(request.user.patient, year, month)
            if appointments is None:
                raise Http404()
            context['appointment_list'] = appointments
            return render(request, 'reservation/calendar.html', context)
        elif account_type == Doctor.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
            appointments = Appointment.get_for_user_in_year_in_month(request.user.doctor, year, month)
            if appointments is None:
                raise Http404()
            context['appointment_list'] = appointments
            return render(request, 'reservation/calendar.html', context)

    raise PermissionDenied()
コード例 #5
def weekview(request, day=datetime.date.today().day, month=datetime.date.today().month,
    weekview of the calendar. Displays the calendar and appointments
    for a given week instead of month
    :param request:
    :param day: start day of the week
    :param month: start month of the given week
    :param year: start year of the given week
    :return: weekview of the calendar with appointments
    doctors = []
    person = "user"
    day = int(day)
    month = int(month)
    year = int(year)

    week_starting_date = datetime.date(day=day, month=month, year=year)
    weekday = week_starting_date.isoweekday()
    if weekday != 7:
        week_starting_date -= datetime.timedelta(days=weekday)
    week_ending_date = week_starting_date + datetime.timedelta(days=6)

    # if nurse, get selected doctors to show, otherwise show your own appointments
    doctor_list = None
    profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user)
    account_type = profile_information.account_type
    if account_type == Nurse.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
        nurse = get_account_from_user(request.user)
        hospital = nurse.hospital
        person = "nurse"
        doctors = Doctor.objects.all().filter(hospital=hospital)
        if request.method == "POST":
            doctor_list = [parse_int(x) for x in request.POST.getlist("doctor_list")]
            appointments = Appointment.objects.filter(cancelled=False).filter(doctor_id__in=doctor_list)
            appointments = Appointment.objects.filter(cancelled=False).filter(doctor__hospital=hospital)
        appointments = Appointment.get_for_user_in_week_starting_at_date(request.user, week_starting_date)

    week = get_week(week_starting_date, week_ending_date)
    last_week = week_starting_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    next_week = week_ending_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    # 'start_date' and 'end_date' are `datetime.date` objects representing the dates at the start and end of the week.
    context = {'appointment_list': appointments, 'week': week, 'start_day': week_starting_date,
               'end_day': week_ending_date, 'next_week': next_week, 'last_week': last_week, 'person': person,
               'doctors': doctors, 'selected_doctor_list': doctor_list}

    return render(request, 'reservation/weekview.html', context)
コード例 #6
def index(request):
    if request.user.is_superuser:
        return redirect(reverse('index:system_administrator'))
        profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user)
        if profile_information is not None:
            account_type = profile_information.account_type

            if account_type == Patient.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
                return redirect(reverse('index:patient'))
            elif account_type == Doctor.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
                return redirect(reverse('index:doctor'))
            elif account_type == Nurse.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
                return redirect(reverse('index:nurse'))
            elif account_type == Administrator.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
                return redirect(reverse('index:administrator'))
            return render(request, 'index/index.html')
コード例 #7
def overview(request, day=None, month=None, year=None):
    main overview for a selected day.
    Tells you all the appointments for that day
    :param request: requested page
    :param day: current day that was selected
    :param month: month of the day that was selected
    :param year: year of the day that was selected
    :return: page with all the appointments for a given day
    if day is None or month is None or year is None:
        date = datetime.date.today()
            date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404()

    month_name = datetime.date(1900, date.month, 1).strftime('%B')

    context = {'month_name': month_name, 'date': date,
               'can_cancel': request.user.has_perm('reservation.cancel_appointment')}

    profile_information = ProfileInformation.from_user(request.user)
    if profile_information is not None:
        account_type = profile_information.account_type
        if account_type == Patient.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
            appointments = Appointment.get_for_user_in_date(request.user.patient, date)
            context['appointment_list'] = appointments
            return render(request, 'reservation/overview.html', context)
        elif account_type == Doctor.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
            appointments = Appointment.get_for_user_in_date(request.user.doctor, date)
            context['appointment_list'] = appointments
            return render(request, 'reservation/overview.html', context)
        elif account_type == Nurse.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
            hospital = request.user.nurse.hospital
            # filter all cancelled and appointments that are not for a given hospital for the Nurse
            appointments = Appointment.objects.filter(cancelled=False).filter(date=date).filter(doctor__hospital=hospital)
            context['appointment_list'] = appointments
            return render(request, 'reservation/overview_nurse.html', context)

    raise PermissionDenied()