コード例 #1
    def calculate_one(self, tc):

        tt2 = self.t2axis.data[tc]
        Nr1 = self.t1axis.length
        Nr3 = self.t3axis.length
        # Initialize response storage
        resp_r = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_n = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')

        # FIXME: on which axis we should be looking for it2 ???
        (it2, err) = self.t1axis.locate(tt2)
        self._vprint("t2 = " + str(tt2) + "fs (it2 = " + str(it2) + ")")
        #tc = it2

        # calcute response
        self._vprint("calculating response: ")

        t1 = time.time()

        self._vprint(" - ground state bleach")
        # GSB

        resp_Rgsb = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_Ngsb = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        nr3td.nr3_r3g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_Rgsb)
        nr3td.nr3_r4g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_Ngsb)

        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission")
        # SE

        resp_Rse = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_Nse = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        nr3td.nr3_r2g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_Rse)
        nr3td.nr3_r1g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_Nse)

        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption")
        # ESA

        resp_Resa = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_Nesa = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                       self.rmin, resp_Resa)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                       self.rmin, resp_Nesa)

        # Transfer
        Utr = self.Uee[:, :,
                       self.tc] - self.Uc0[:, :,
                                           self.tc]  #-Uc1[:,:,tc]-Uc2[:,:,tc]

        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission with transfer")
        # SE

        resp_Rsewt = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_Nsewt = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        nr3td.nr3_r2g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                            self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_Rsewt)
        nr3td.nr3_r1g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                            self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_Nsewt)

        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption with transfer")
        # ESA

        resp_Resawt = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3),
        resp_Nesawt = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3),
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                             self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_Resawt)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                             self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_Nesawt)

        t2 = time.time()
        self._vprint("... calculated in " + str(t2 - t1) + " sec")

        resp_r = resp_Rgsb + resp_Rse + resp_Resa + resp_Rsewt + resp_Resawt
        resp_n = resp_Ngsb + resp_Nse + resp_Nesa + resp_Nsewt + resp_Nesawt

        # Calculate corresponding 2D spectrum
        onetwod = TwoDResponse()

        # pad is set to 0 by default. if changed in the bootstrap,
        # responses are padded with 0s and the time axis is lengthened
        t13Pad = TimeAxis(self.t1axis.start, self.t1axis.length + self.pad,
        if self.pad > 0:
            self._vprint('padding by - ' + str(self.pad))

            t13Pad.atype = 'complete'
            t13PadFreq = t13Pad.get_FrequencyAxis()
            t13PadFreq.data += self.rwa
            t13PadFreq.start += self.rwa


            # Sloping the end of the data down to 0 to there isn't a hard cutoff at the end of the data
            from scipy import signal as sig
            window = 20
            tuc = sig.tukey(window * 2, 1, sym=False)
            for k in range(len(resp_r)):
                resp_r[len(resp_r) - window:, k] *= tuc[window:]
                resp_r[k, len(resp_r) - window:] *= tuc[window:]
                resp_n[len(resp_n) - window:, k] *= tuc[window:]
                resp_n[k, len(resp_n) - window:] *= tuc[window:]

            resp_r = numpy.hstack(
                (resp_r, numpy.zeros((resp_r.shape[0], self.pad))))
            resp_r = numpy.vstack(
                (resp_r, numpy.zeros((self.pad, resp_r.shape[1]))))
            resp_n = numpy.hstack(
                (resp_n, numpy.zeros((resp_n.shape[0], self.pad))))
            resp_n = numpy.vstack(
                (resp_n, numpy.zeros((self.pad, resp_n.shape[1]))))


        if self.keep_resp:
            resp = {
                'time': self.t1axis.data,
                'time_pad': t13Pad.data,
                'rTot': resp_r,
                'nTot': resp_n,
                'rGSB': resp_Rgsb,
                'nGSB': resp_Ngsb,
                'rSE': resp_Rse,
                'nSE': resp_Nse,
                'rESA': resp_Resa,
                'nESA': resp_Nesa,
                'rSEWT': resp_Rsewt,
                'nSEWT': resp_Nsewt,
                'rESAWT': resp_Resawt,
                'nESAWT': resp_Nesawt

        if self.write_resp:
            numpy.savez('./' + self.write_resp + '/respT' + str(int(tt2)) +

        ftresp = numpy.fft.fft(resp_r, axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp, axis=0)
        reph2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)

        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(resp_n, axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp, axis=0) * ftresp.shape[1]
        nonr2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)

        onetwod._add_data(reph2D, dtype=signal_REPH)
        onetwod._add_data(nonr2D, dtype=signal_NONR)


        return onetwod
コード例 #2
ファイル: twod2.py プロジェクト: saayeh/quantarhei
    def calculate(self, rwa=0.0, verbose=False):
        """Returns 2D spectrum
        Calculates and returns TwoDSpectrumContainer containing 2D spectrum
        based on the parameters specified in this object.
        self.verbose = verbose
            import aceto.nr3td as nr3td 
            from aceto.lab_settings import lab_settings
            from aceto.band_system import band_system            
            self._have_aceto = True
            # FIXME: There should be an optional warning and a fall back onto
            # quantarhei.implementations.aceto module
            raise Exception("Aceto not available")
            from ..implementations.aceto import nr3td
            self._have_aceto = False
        if self._have_aceto:
            # calculate 2D spectrum using aceto library

            # Create band_system from quantarhei classes
            if isinstance(self.system, Aggregate):
                raise Exception("Molecule 2D not implememted")
            agg = self.system
            # hamiltonian and transition dipole moment operators
            H = agg.get_Hamiltonian()
            D = agg.get_TransitionDipoleMoment()
            # Construct band_system object
            Nb = 3
            Ns = numpy.zeros(Nb, dtype=numpy.int)
            Ns[0] = 1
            Ns[1] = agg.nmono
            Ns[2] = Ns[1]*(Ns[1]-1)/2
            sys = band_system(Nb, Ns)
            # Set energies
            en = numpy.zeros(sys.Ne, dtype=numpy.float64)
            #if True:
            with eigenbasis_of(H):
                for i in range(sys.Ne):
                    en[i] = H.data[i,i]
                # Set transition dipole moments
                dge_wr = D.data[0:Ns[0],Ns[0]:Ns[0]+Ns[1],:]
                def_wr = D.data[Ns[0]:Ns[0]+Ns[1],
                dge = numpy.zeros((3,Ns[0],Ns[1]), dtype=numpy.float64)
                deff = numpy.zeros((3,Ns[1],Ns[2]), dtype=numpy.float64)
                for i in range(3):
                    dge[i,:,:] = dge_wr[:,:,i]
                    deff[i,:,:] = def_wr[:,:,i]
            # Relaxation rates
            KK = agg.get_RedfieldRateMatrix()
            # relaxation rate in single exciton band
            Kr = KK.data[Ns[0]:Ns[0]+Ns[1],Ns[0]:Ns[0]+Ns[1]]*10.0
            # Lineshape functions
            sbi = agg.get_SystemBathInteraction()
            cfm = sbi.CC
            # Transformation matrices
            SS = H.diagonalize()
            SS1 = SS[1:Ns[1]+1,1:Ns[1]+1]
            SS2 = SS[Ns[1]+1:,Ns[1]+1:]
            sys.set_gofts(cfm._gofts)    # line shape functions
            sys.set_sitep(cfm.cpointer)  # pointer to sites
            sys.set_transcoef(1,SS1)  # matrix of transformation coefficients  
            sys.set_transcoef(2,SS2)  # matrix of transformation coefficients  

            # Finding population evolution matrix
            prop = PopulationPropagator(self.t1axis, Kr)
            Uee, Uc0 = prop.get_PropagationMatrix(self.t2axis,

            # define lab settings
            lab = lab_settings(lab_settings.FOUR_WAVE_MIXING)
            X = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64)
            lab.set_laser_polarizations(X, X, X, X)
            # Other parameters
            #dt = self.t1axis.step
            t1s = self.t1axis.data 
            t3s = self.t3axis.data 

            Nr1 = self.t1axis.length
            Nr3 = self.t3axis.length

            atype = self.t1axis.atype
            self.t1axis.atype = 'complete'
            oa1 = self.t1axis.get_FrequencyAxis() 
            oa1.data += rwa
            oa1.start += rwa
            self.t1axis.atype = atype
            atype = self.t3axis.atype
            self.t3axis.atype = 'complete'
            oa3 = self.t3axis.get_FrequencyAxis() 
            oa3.data += rwa
            oa3.start += rwa
            self.t3axis.atype = atype
            tc = 0
            twods = []
            teetoos = self.t2axis.data
            for tt2 in teetoos:

                # Initialize response storage
                resp_r = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), 
                                     dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
                resp_n = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), 
                                     dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')

                # FIXME: which on axis we should be looking for it2 ??? 
                (it2, err) = self.t1axis.locate(tt2) 
                self._vprint("t2 = "+str(tt2)+"fs (it2 = "+str(it2)+")")
                # calcute response
                self._vprint("calculating response: ")
                rmin = 0.0001
                t1 = time.time()
                self._vprint(" - ground state bleach")
                # GSB
                nr3td.nr3_r3g(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r) 
                nr3td.nr3_r4g(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_n)
                self._vprint(" - stimulated emission")
                # SE
                nr3td.nr3_r1g(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_n)
                nr3td.nr3_r2g(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)
                self._vprint(" - excited state absorption")
                # ESA
                nr3td.nr3_r1fs(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)
                nr3td.nr3_r2fs(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_n)
                # Transfer
                self._vprint(" - stimulated emission with transfer")    
                # SE
                nr3td.nr3_r1g_trans(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_n)
                nr3td.nr3_r2g_trans(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)
                self._vprint(" - excited state absorption with transfer") 
                # ESA
                nr3td.nr3_r1fs_trans(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)
                nr3td.nr3_r2fs_trans(lab, sys, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_n)
                t2 = time.time()
                self._vprint("... calculated in "+str(t2-t1)+" sec")
                # Calculate corresponding 2D spectrum
                ftresp = numpy.fft.fft(resp_r,axis=1)
                ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp,axis=0)
                reph2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)
                ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(resp_n,axis=1)
                ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp,axis=0)*ftresp.shape[1]
                nonr2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)
                onetwod = TwoDSpectrumContainer()
                onetwod.set_data(reph2D, dtype="Reph")
                onetwod.set_data(nonr2D, dtype="Nonr")
                tc += 1    
            return twods
            # fall bakc on quantarhei's own implementation
            ret = TwoDSpectrumContainer()
        return ret
コード例 #3
    def calculate_one(self, tc):

        tt2 = self.t2axis.data[tc]        
        Nr1 = self.t1axis.length
        Nr3 = self.t3axis.length        
        # Initialize response storage
        resp_r = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), 
                             dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_n = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), 
                             dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')

        # FIXME: on which axis we should be looking for it2 ??? 
        (it2, err) = self.t1axis.locate(tt2) 
        self._vprint("t2 = "+str(tt2)+"fs (it2 = "+str(it2)+")")
        #tc = it2
        # calcute response
        self._vprint("calculating response: ")

        t1 = time.time()
        self._vprint(" - ground state bleach")
        # GSB
        nr3td.nr3_r3g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r) 
        nr3td.nr3_r4g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission")
        # SE
        nr3td.nr3_r1g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        nr3td.nr3_r2g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)
        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption")
        # ESA
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        # Transfer
        Utr = self.Uee[:,:,self.tc]-self.Uc0[:,:,self.tc] #-Uc1[:,:,tc]-Uc2[:,:,tc]
        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission with transfer")    
        # SE
        nr3td.nr3_r1g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        nr3td.nr3_r2g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)
#                # This contributes only when No > 0
#                nr3td.nr3_r2g_trN(lab, sys, No, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)
        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption with transfer") 
        # ESA
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        t2 = time.time()
        self._vprint("... calculated in "+str(t2-t1)+" sec")

        # Calculate corresponding 2D spectrum
        ftresp = numpy.fft.fft(resp_r,axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp,axis=0)
        reph2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(resp_n,axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp,axis=0)*ftresp.shape[1]
        nonr2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)

        onetwod = TwoDResponse()
        onetwod.set_data(reph2D, dtype="Reph")
        onetwod.set_data(nonr2D, dtype="Nonr")
        return onetwod
コード例 #4
ファイル: twodcalculator.py プロジェクト: dkrasa/quantarhei
    def calculate_one(self, tc):

        tt2 = self.t2axis.data[tc]
        Nr1 = self.t1axis.length
        Nr3 = self.t3axis.length
        # Initialize response storage
        resp_r = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')
        resp_n = numpy.zeros((Nr1, Nr3), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F')

        # FIXME: on which axis we should be looking for it2 ???
        (it2, err) = self.t1axis.locate(tt2)
        self._vprint("t2 = " + str(tt2) + "fs (it2 = " + str(it2) + ")")
        #tc = it2

        # calcute response
        self._vprint("calculating response: ")

        t1 = time.time()

        self._vprint(" - ground state bleach")
        # GSB
        nr3td.nr3_r3g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_r)
        nr3td.nr3_r4g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_n)

        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission")
        # SE
        nr3td.nr3_r1g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_n)
        nr3td.nr3_r2g(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                      self.rmin, resp_r)

        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption")
        # ESA
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                       self.rmin, resp_r)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s, self.rwa,
                       self.rmin, resp_n)

        # Transfer
        Utr = self.Uee[:, :,
                       self.tc] - self.Uc0[:, :,
                                           self.tc]  #-Uc1[:,:,tc]-Uc2[:,:,tc]

        self._vprint(" - stimulated emission with transfer")
        # SE
        nr3td.nr3_r1g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                            self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)
        nr3td.nr3_r2g_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                            self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)

        #                # This contributes only when No > 0
        #                nr3td.nr3_r2g_trN(lab, sys, No, it2, t1s, t3s, rwa, rmin, resp_r)

        self._vprint(" - excited state absorption with transfer")
        # ESA
        nr3td.nr3_r1fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                             self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_r)
        nr3td.nr3_r2fs_trans(self.lab, self.sys, it2, self.t1s, self.t3s,
                             self.rwa, self.rmin, resp_n)

        t2 = time.time()
        self._vprint("... calculated in " + str(t2 - t1) + " sec")

        # Calculate corresponding 2D spectrum

        ftresp = numpy.fft.fft(resp_r, axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp, axis=0)
        reph2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)

        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(resp_n, axis=1)
        ftresp = numpy.fft.ifft(ftresp, axis=0) * ftresp.shape[1]
        nonr2D = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftresp)

        onetwod = TwoDResponse()
        onetwod._add_data(reph2D, dtype=signal_REPH)
        onetwod._add_data(nonr2D, dtype=signal_NONR)
        #onetwod.set_data(reph2D, dtype="Reph")
        #onetwod.set_data(nonr2D, dtype="Nonr")


        return onetwod
コード例 #5
ファイル: twod22.py プロジェクト: tmancal74/quantarhei
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
コード例 #6
ファイル: twod22.py プロジェクト: malypav/quantarhei
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-