コード例 #1
def pitch_class(pr):
    nb_class = 12
    nb_pitch = pr.shape[1]
    if not nb_pitch == 128:
        raise Exception('Pitch dimension should be equal to 128')
    pr_red = np.zeros((pr.shape[0], nb_class))
    for p in range(nb_pitch):
        c = p % nb_class
        pr_red[:, c] += pr[:, p]
    # Binary
    pr_red_bin = (pr_red > 0).astype(int)
    return pr_red_bin

def extract_pianoroll_part(pianoroll, start_time, end_time):
    new_pr = {}
    # Start and end time are given in discrete frames
    for k, v in pianoroll.items():
        new_pr[k] = v[start_time:end_time]
    return new_pr

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from acidano.data_processing.midi.read_midi import Read_midi

    song_path = 'test.mid'
    midifile = Read_midi(song_path, 8)
    pr = midifile.pianoroll
    pr_class = pitch_class(pr)